IMPLEMENTATION MODULE WGraph; (********************************************************) (* *) (* Graph module For GWindows. *) (* *) (* Programmer: S.P.Lontis, P. Moylan. *) (* Last edited: 21 February 1995 *) (* Status: *) (* Conversion to TS version still not complete. *) (* *) (* This started as a copy of the Lontis version, *) (* but by now I've modified it a fair bit. *) (* *) (* Have converted the formatting to my standards, *) (* but still need to work through things like *) (* the program logic, confusing names, etc. *) (* *) (* The algorithm for labelling logarithmic scales *) (* looks unsatisfactory to me. *) (* *) (********************************************************) FROM Storage1 IMPORT (* proc *) ALLOCATE, DEALLOCATE; FROM TerminationControl IMPORT (* proc *) SetTerminationProcedure; FROM TaskControl IMPORT (* type *) Lock, (* proc *) CreateLock, Obtain, Release; FROM MATHLIB IMPORT (* proc *) Log; FROM Conversions IMPORT (* proc *) LongRealToF, atoi; FROM GWindows IMPORT (* proc *) Line2, PutPixel2, GString; (************************************************************************) TYPE str = ARRAY[0..10] OF CHAR; (* string type *) (********************************************************************) (* *) (* A Graph is implemented as a pointer to a record with fields: *) (* Win the window in which the graph is written *) (* GT graph type: linear, bar, etc. *) (* xs, ys the bottom left corner of the rectangle in *) (* which the graph is written (in window-relative *) (* coordinates *) (* xe, ye the top right corner of the rectangle *) (* xscale, yscale scale factors used to convert the real user *) (* data into the screen ranges (xs..xe), ( *) (* minx, maxx the range of x values that can be plotted *) (* miny, maxy the range of y values than can be plotted *) (* lastx, lasty the last point added to the graph *) (* LT line type: dots, joined, vertical, normal *) (* MT marker type: diamond, plus, etc. *) (* NextGraph used to hold all the graphs together in a *) (* linked list. I'm not yet sure why. *) (* found set to TRUE when the first point is added to *) (* the graph *) (* *) (********************************************************************) Graph = POINTER TO GraphInstance; GraphInstance = RECORD Win: Window; GT: GraphType; xs, ys, xe, ye: CARDINAL; xscale, yscale, minx, maxx, miny, maxy: LONGREAL; lastx, lasty: INTEGER; LT: LineType; MT: MarkType; NextGraph: Graph; found: BOOLEAN; END (* RECORD *); (************************************************************************) VAR (* Lock to protect critical sections. I presume that the *) (* only critical section problem is with the linked list of graphs. *) (* The only reason for linking all graphs together is for the *) (* CloseDown procedure. *) GraphAccess: Lock; (* Reference to the head of the linked list *) TopGraph: Graph; (************************************************************************) (* MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES *) (* *) (* N.B. It's not clear why most of these should be needed. I'll have *) (* to look more carefully at how scales are labelled. *) (* *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE TenToPower(n: INTEGER): LONGREAL; (* Returns the value 10^n. *) BEGIN RETURN atoi (10.0, n); END TenToPower; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Scale (VAR (*INOUT*) mantissa: LONGREAL; VAR (*INOUT*) exponent: INTEGER; power: CARDINAL; lower, upper: LONGREAL); (* Adjusts mantissa so that lower <= mantissa < upper, while *) (* keeping the quantity (mantissa * 10^exponent) invariant. To save *) (* some calculation, the caller must ensure that upper = 10^power *) (* and lower = 10^(-power). *) BEGIN WHILE mantissa >= upper DO INC (exponent, power); mantissa := lower*mantissa; END (* WHILE *); WHILE mantissa < lower DO DEC (exponent, power); mantissa := upper*mantissa; END (* WHILE *) END Scale; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FindExponent (number: LONGREAL; VAR (*OUT*) exponent: INTEGER); (* Separates the first argument into a mantissa and exponent part, *) (* so that number = mantissa * 10^exponent. Returns the exponent. *) VAR mantissa: LONGREAL; BEGIN IF number = 0.0 THEN exponent := 1 ELSE mantissa := number; exponent := 0; Scale (mantissa, exponent, 64, 1.0E-64, 1.0E64); Scale (mantissa, exponent, 16, 1.0E-16, 1.0E16); Scale (mantissa, exponent, 4, 1.0E-4, 1.0E4); Scale (mantissa, exponent, 1, 1.0E-1, 1.0E1); END (* IF *); (* Not sure why the following modification is included. But *) (* then I'm not sure either why this procedure is needed! *) IF (exponent<0) THEN DEC(exponent, 1) END (* IF *) END FindExponent; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE RealToStr (x: LONGREAL; decplace: CARDINAL; VAR (*OUT*) string: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR (*OUT*) count: CARDINAL); (* Converts the Real value x into a string; decplace specifies *) (* the maximum number of places to allow after the decimal point. *) (* On return, count gives the number of characters used. *) BEGIN count := SIZE (string); LongRealToF (x, count, decplace, TRUE, string); END RealToStr; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PrintLogScale (G: Graph; xaxis: BOOLEAN; incr: LONGREAL; offset, Numbits: CARDINAL); (* Draws a labelled logarithmic scale. The logic of this *) (* procedure is still quite obscure to me, and I'm still in the *) (* process of changing the unhelpful variable names and trying to *) (* put in a few comments. *) (* The labelling happens only at multiples of 10. Depending on the *) (* minimum values and increment, and depending also on roundoff *) (* error, the labelling might not be done at all. This seems to me *) (* to be a fairly unsatisfactory situation, which perhaps calls for *) (* a completely different algorithm. *) VAR exponent: INTEGER; xy, xybase, count: CARDINAL; value, z, k, step, max, temp1, logmin, scale: LONGREAL; label: str; w: Window; BEGIN WITH G^ DO IF xaxis THEN value := minx; max := maxx; logmin := Log(minx); scale := xscale; xybase := xs; ELSE value := miny; max := maxy; logmin := Log(miny); scale := yscale; xybase := ys; END (*IF*); w := Win; END (*WITH*); FindExponent (value, exponent); (* Compute z := 10^exponent *) IF exponent >= 0 THEN z := TenToPower(exponent) ELSE z := 1.0 / TenToPower(-exponent) END (* IF *); (* Initially step = incr*10^exponent and k = 10.0*10^exponent. *) (* As we go around the loop step and k are updated together, so *) (* we have the invariant step = (incr/10.0) * k. *) step := incr*z; k := 10.0*z; (* Beyond this point the variable z is used only once, in a *) (* comparison. Its value is not altered. The value of k is *) (* however altered each time around the loop. *) WHILE value <= max DO temp1 := Log(value) - logmin; (* logmin is not used beyond this point. *) (* Compute xy := xybase + scale*Log(value/min) *) xy := xybase + VAL(CARDINAL, scale*temp1 + 0.5); (* Put the tick mark. *) WITH G^ DO IF xaxis THEN Line2 (w, xy, ys-offset, xy, ys-offset-2) ELSE Line2 (w, xs-offset-2, xy, xs-offset, xy) END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); (* Note k >= z always, so depending on the relationship *) (* between value and z (which is not yet clear) it is *) (* possible that the comparison below can be simplified. *) (* What is clear is that we are putting the labelling only *) (* when value is a multiple of 10. By the way, the *) (* equality comparison is somewhat untrustworthy since it *) (* is sensitive to rounding error. *) IF (value = k) OR (value = z) THEN RealToStr (value, Numbits, label, count); IF xaxis THEN GString (w, xy-4*count, G^.ys-offset-13, label); ELSE GString (w, G^.xs-8*count-6-offset, xy-4, label); END (* IF *) END (* IF *); (* Update the step each time we pass a multiple of 10. *) IF value >= k THEN step := 10.0*step; k := 10.0*k; END (* IF *); value := value + step; END (*WHILE*); END PrintLogScale; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PrintLinearScale (G: Graph; xaxis: BOOLEAN; incr: LONGREAL; offset, Numbits: CARDINAL; WriteNumbers: BOOLEAN); (* Prints a linear scale for the graph, with incr distance between *) (* the markers. Numbers are written iff WriteNumbers is TRUE. *) (* This procedure draws the tick marks and (if specified) the *) (* labelling, but not the actual axis line. *) VAR value, limit, nextmark, start, scale: LONGREAL; xy, xybase, NumOfChar: CARDINAL; text: str; BEGIN WITH G^ DO IF xaxis THEN limit := maxx; start := minx; scale := xscale; xybase := xs; ELSE limit := maxy; start := miny; scale := yscale; xybase := ys; END (* IF *); value := start; WHILE value <= limit DO (* Find the position of the next marker point on the *) (* axis i.e. nextmark := (value-start)*scale. *) nextmark := value - start; xy := xybase + VAL(CARDINAL, scale*nextmark + 0.5); IF xaxis THEN Line2 (Win, xy, ys-offset, xy, ys-offset-2) ELSE Line2 (Win, xs-offset-3, xy, xs-offset, xy) END (* IF *); IF WriteNumbers THEN (* Convert value to string *) RealToStr (value, Numbits, text, NumOfChar); (* Display the value under or beside the marker. *) IF xaxis THEN GString (Win, xy-4*NumOfChar, ys-offset-13, text); ELSE GString (Win, xs-offset-8*NumOfChar-6, xy-4, text); END (*IF*); END (* IF *); value := value + incr; END (* WHILE *) END (* WITH *) END PrintLinearScale; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE BarGraphMarkers (G: Graph; yoffset: CARDINAL); (* Draws the tick marks on the X axis of a bar graph. The axis is *) (* a distance yoffset screen points below the graph y origin. *) VAR temp: LONGREAL; xcurrent, increment: CARDINAL; BEGIN WITH G^ DO xcurrent:= xs + VAL(CARDINAL, 0.5*minx + 0.5); increment := VAL(CARDINAL, maxx + minx + 0.5); WHILE xcurrent <= xe DO Line2 (Win, xcurrent, ys-yoffset, xcurrent, ys-yoffset-3); INC (xcurrent, increment) END (* WHILE *) END (*WITH*); END BarGraphMarkers; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DrawXAxis (G: Graph; xinc: LONGREAL; yoffset, DecPlaces: CARDINAL; numbering: BOOLEAN); (* Draws the x-axis for a graph; xinc is the distance between tick *) (* marks, and yoffset gives the distance that the axis will lie *) (* below the line y=ys (ys is defined in OpenGraph). The option *) (* yoffset <> 0 allows for the case where more than one graph *) (* occupies the same window, since the graphs may have different *) (* scales. DecPlaces gives the number of decimal places that will *) (* be used. If numbering is FALSE, the axis is drawn but not *) (* labelled. *) BEGIN WITH G^ DO (* Draw x-axis line *) Line2 (Win, xs, ys-yoffset, xe, ys-yoffset); IF GT = bar THEN BarGraphMarkers (G, yoffset); ELSIF GT = linear THEN PrintLinearScale (G,TRUE,xinc,yoffset,DecPlaces,numbering) ELSIF (GT=loglog) OR (GT=loglinear) THEN PrintLogScale (G, TRUE, xinc, yoffset, DecPlaces) END (* IF *); END (* WITH *) END DrawXAxis; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DrawYAxis (G: Graph; yinc: LONGREAL; xoffset, DecPlaces: CARDINAL; numbering: BOOLEAN); (* Draws the y-axis for a graph; yinc is the space between tick *) (* marks, and xoffset gives the distance that the axis will lie to *) (* the left of the line x=xs (xs is defined in OpenGraph). *) (* DecPlaces gives the number of decimal places that will be used. *) (* If numbering is FALSE, the axis is drawn but not labelled. *) BEGIN WITH G^ DO Line2 (Win, xs-xoffset, ys, xs-xoffset, ye); IF (GT=linear) OR (GT=loglinear) OR (GT=bar) THEN PrintLinearScale (G, FALSE, yinc, xoffset, DecPlaces, numbering) ELSIF GT=loglog THEN PrintLogScale (G, FALSE, yinc, xoffset, DecPlaces) END (* IF *); END (* WITH *); END DrawYAxis; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DrawAxes (G: Graph; xinc: LONGREAL; yoffset, xdecplaces: CARDINAL; numberx: BOOLEAN; yinc: LONGREAL; xoffset, ydecplaces: CARDINAL; numbery: BOOLEAN); (* Draws both the X and Y axes. See the definitions of *) (* DrawXAxis and DrawYAxis above. *) BEGIN WITH G^ DO DrawXAxis (G, xinc, yoffset, xdecplaces, numberx); DrawYAxis (G, yinc, xoffset, ydecplaces, numbery); END (* WITH *) END DrawAxes; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE OpenGraph (VAR (*OUT*) G: Graph; w: Window; GrphType: GraphType; LnType: LineType; xst, yst, xen, yen: CARDINAL; xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax: LONGREAL; Mark: MarkType); (* Initialises a Graph, adding it to the top of the Graph stack. *) VAR num: INTEGER; BEGIN NEW(G); WITH G^ DO (* Add Graph to start of the stack *) Obtain (GraphAccess); NextGraph := TopGraph; TopGraph := G; Release (GraphAccess); Win := w; (* Set up graph variables *) GT := GrphType; LT := LnType; minx := xmin; miny := ymin; maxx := xmax; maxy := ymax; xs := xst; ys := yst; xe := xen; ye := yen; MT := Mark; found := FALSE; (* Calculate the mapping values xscale and yscale. *) IF GT <> bar THEN IF (GT<>loglinear) AND (GT<>loglog) THEN (* xscale = Float(xe-xs) / (maxx-minx) *) xscale := VAL(LONGREAL, xe - xs) / (maxx - minx); ELSE (* xscale:= (xe-xs)/(Log(maxx)-Log(minx)) *) (* Used to be xscale:= (xe-xs-5)/(Log(maxx)-Log(minx)) *) xscale := VAL(LONGREAL,xe-xs) / (Log(maxx) - Log(minx)); END (* IF *); END (* IF *); IF GT <> loglog THEN (* yscale = Float(ye-ys) / (maxy-miny) *) yscale := VAL(LONGREAL,ye - ys) / (maxy - miny); ELSE (* yscale:= (ye-ys)/(Log(maxy)-Log(miny)) *) yscale := VAL(LONGREAL,ye-ys) / (Log(maxy) - Log(miny)); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*) END OpenGraph; (*************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DrawMarker (G: Graph; x, y: INTEGER); (* Puts a marker at point (x,y). The coordinates are window-relative. *) BEGIN WITH G^ DO CASE MT OF none: IF (LT=dots) THEN PutPixel2 (Win, x, y) END (* IF *); | square: Line2 (Win, x-2, y+1, x+2, y+1); Line2 (Win, x+2, y+1, x+2, y-1); Line2 (Win, x+2, y-1, x-2, y-1); Line2 (Win, x-2, y-1, x-2, y+1); | plus: Line2 (Win, x, y+2, x, y-2); Line2 (Win, x-3, y, x+3, y); | cross: Line2 (Win, x-2, y+2, x+2, y-2); Line2 (Win, x+2, y+2, x-2, y-2); | diamond: Line2 (Win, x, y+2, x+3, y); Line2 (Win, x+3, y, x, y-2); Line2 (Win, x, y-2, x-3, y); Line2 (Win, x-3, y, x, y+2); END (* CASE *); END (* WITH *); END DrawMarker; (***********************************************************************) PROCEDURE XScaled (G: Graph; x0: LONGREAL): CARDINAL; (* Convert the number x0 in the range (xmin <= x <= xmax) to a *) (* value that is relative to the graph's screen range (xs to xe). *) (* USED ONLY BY PROCEDURE Scaled, BELOW. *) VAR temp: LONGREAL; BEGIN WITH G^ DO IF (GT=loglog) OR (GT=loglinear) THEN (* Use a log mapping. *) temp := xscale * (Log(x0) - Log(minx)); ELSE (* use a linear mapping *) temp := xscale * (x0 - minx); END (* IF *); RETURN xs + VAL(CARDINAL, temp+0.5); END (* WITH *) END XScaled; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE YScaled (G: Graph; y0: LONGREAL): CARDINAL; (* Convert the number y0 in the range (ymin <= y <= ymax) to a *) (* value that is relative to the graph's screen range (ys to ye). *) VAR temp: LONGREAL; BEGIN WITH G^ DO IF (GT=loglog) THEN (* use a Log mapping *) temp := yscale * (Log(y0) - Log(miny)); ELSE (* use a linear mapping *) temp := yscale * (y0 - miny); END (* IF *); RETURN ys + VAL(CARDINAL, temp+0.5); END (* WITH *) END YScaled; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Scaled (G: Graph; VAR (*OUT*) xscaled, yscaled: CARDINAL; x0, y0: LONGREAL); (* Scale the values of (x0,y0). See definition above of XScaled *) (* and YScaled. *) BEGIN xscaled := XScaled (G, x0); yscaled := YScaled (G, y0); END Scaled; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ClipPoint (G: Graph; VAR (*INOUT*) x, y: LONGREAL); (* Lets the values saturate to the permissible ranges for G. *) BEGIN WITH G^ DO IF x < minx THEN x := minx ELSIF x > maxx THEN x := maxx; END (* IF *); IF y < miny THEN y := miny ELSIF y > maxy THEN y := maxy END (* IF *); END (* WITH *) END ClipPoint; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE AddPoint (G: Graph; x, y: LONGREAL); VAR ix, iy: CARDINAL; BEGIN WITH G^ DO (* Clip point (x,y) if necessary. *) ClipPoint (G, x, y); (* scale the point (x,y) *) Scaled (G, ix, iy, x, y); (* Display the scaled point (ix,iy) *) CASE LT OF joined: IF found THEN Line2 (Win, lastx, lasty, ix, iy) END (* IF *); | dots: ; | vertical: Line2 (Win, ix, iy, ix, ys); END (* CASE *); DrawMarker (G, ix, iy); (* Remember the last point drawn *) found := TRUE; lastx := ix; lasty := iy; END (* WITH *) END AddPoint; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DrawLines(G: Graph; x, y: ARRAY OF LONGREAL); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH G^ DO FOR i:= 0 TO HIGH(x) DO AddPoint (G, x[i], y[i]) END (* FOR *) END (* WITH *) END DrawLines; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DrawLine (G: Graph; x0, y0, x1, y1: LONGREAL); (* Used for drawing discontinuous lines. The line is drawn between *) (* (x0,y0) and (x1,y1) relative to graph G. *) VAR xstart, ystart, xend, yend: CARDINAL; BEGIN ClipPoint (G, x0, y0); ClipPoint (G, x1, y1); Scaled (G, xstart, ystart, x0, y0); Scaled (G, xend, yend, x1, y1); Line2 (G^.Win, xstart, ystart, xend, yend); DrawMarker (G, xstart, ystart); DrawMarker (G, xend, yend) END DrawLine; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE BarGraph (G: Graph; y: ARRAY OF LONGREAL; del: CARDINAL; Bt: BarType); (* Displays a BarGraph of the vector y. Parameter del gives the *) (* number of stripes per bar, in the case of striped fill patterns. *) VAR index, BarStartPt, BarEndPt, incr, y1, barinc, i: CARDINAL; temp2, incr2, barwidth, bargap: LONGREAL; BEGIN barwidth := G^.minx+0.5; (* width of a bar *) bargap := G^.maxx; (* distance between two bars *) barinc := VAL(CARDINAL, barwidth) DIV del; (* incr := bargap + barwidth *) incr2 := bargap + barwidth; incr := VAL(CARDINAL, incr2); WITH G^ DO BarStartPt := xs; index := 0; WHILE index <= HIGH(y) DO y1 := YScaled (G, y[index]); temp2 := VAL(LONGREAL,BarStartPt) + barwidth; BarEndPt := VAL(CARDINAL, temp2); (* Draw one Bar of the Bar Graph *) Line2 (Win, BarStartPt, ys, BarStartPt, y1); Line2 (Win, BarStartPt, y1, BarEndPt, y1); Line2 (Win, BarEndPt, y1, BarEndPt, ys); (* Add pattern to the Bar Graph *) IF (Bt<>Four) THEN IF (Bt=Two) THEN Line2 (Win, BarStartPt, ys, BarEndPt, y1); Line2 (Win, BarEndPt, ys, BarStartPt, y1) ELSE IF (Bt=One)OR(Bt=Five) THEN i:= BarStartPt + barinc; WHILE (i NIL DO following := TopGraph^.NextGraph; DISPOSE (TopGraph); TopGraph := following; END (*WHILE*); Release (GraphAccess); END CloseGraphs; (***********************************************************************) BEGIN TopGraph := NIL; CreateLock (GraphAccess); SetTerminationProcedure(CloseGraphs); END WGraph.