MODULE DocRead; (********************************************************) (* *) (* Program to display documentation files *) (* *) (* Programmer: P. Moylan *) (* Last edited: 11 December 1994 *) (* Status: Just started, incomplete *) (* *) (* At present I'm just playing around with ideas; *) (* it would take a lot of work to turn this into *) (* a hypertext reader. *) (* Thought: we need to distinguish between *) (* hypertext files and "raw text" files - e.g. in *) (* the latter we should keep the existing line *) (* breaks, in the former we should treat carriage *) (* return characters like whitespace. *) (* *) (* Such details can however wait until I've done *) (* improvements to the menu system, i.e. for now *) (* this is a test program for menus. *) (* *) (********************************************************) FROM TaskControl IMPORT (* proc *) CreateTask; FROM Semaphores IMPORT (* type *) Semaphore, (* proc *) CreateSemaphore, Wait, Signal; FROM Windows IMPORT (* type *) Window, Colour, FrameType, DividerType, Rectangle, (* proc *) OpenWindow, CloseWindow, WriteString, PressAnyKey, WriteChar, WriteLn, WindowLocation; FROM NumericIO IMPORT (* proc *) WriteCard; FROM Menus IMPORT (* type *) Menu, ItemText, MenuOption, MO, OffEdgeOption, (* proc *) CreateMenu, PositionMenu, SelectFromMenu, DestroyMenu, SetOptions, OffEdge; FROM IOErrorCodes IMPORT (* type *) ErrorCode; FROM FileSys IMPORT (* type *) File, (* proc *) OpenFile, CloseFile, EOF, ReadByte, SetPosition, SavePosition; (************************************************************************) TYPE CharSet = SET OF CHAR; CONST alphanum = CharSet {"A".."Z", "a".."z", "0".."9"}; VAR done: Semaphore; (************************************************************************) (* FILE DISPLAY PROCEDURES *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE BackSpace (f: File); (* Moves backwards by one byte in file f. *) VAR dummy: ErrorCode; BEGIN dummy := SetPosition (f, SavePosition(f) - 1); END BackSpace; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE SkipBlanks (f: File); (* Skips over nonsignificant characters in file f. *) CONST BlankChars = CharSet {CHR(0), CHR(10), " "}; BEGIN WHILE CHAR(ReadByte(f)) IN BlankChars DO (* nothing *) END (*WHILE*); BackSpace (f); END SkipBlanks; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ReadWord (f: File; VAR (*OUT*) word: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR (*OUT*) terminator: CHAR): CARDINAL; (* Reads an alphanumeric string, returns the string in "word" and *) (* the trailing nonalphanumeric character in "terminator". The *) (* function result is the length of "word". *) CONST Nul = CHR(0); VAR j: CARDINAL; ch: CHAR; BEGIN SkipBlanks(f); j := 0; terminator := CHR(0); LOOP IF j > HIGH(word) THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END(*IF*); ch := ReadByte (f); IF ch IN alphanum THEN word[j] := ch; INC(j); ELSE terminator := ch; word[j] := Nul; EXIT (*LOOP*); END (*IF*); END (*LOOP*); RETURN j; END ReadWord; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DisplayFile (w: Window; f: File); (* Displays file f in window w. The file and window must already *) (* be open. *) CONST Space = " "; VAR R: Rectangle; row, col, maxrow, maxcol, length: CARDINAL; word: ARRAY [0..79] OF CHAR; terminator: CHAR; BEGIN WriteLn (w); WriteString (w, "Procedure DisplayFile not yet written."); R := WindowLocation (w); maxrow := R.bottom - + 1; maxcol := R.right - R.left + 1; row := 1; col := 0; LOOP IF EOF(f) THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END (*IF*); IF row > maxrow THEN EXIT (*LOOP*) END(*IF*); length := ReadWord (f, word, terminator); IF terminator <> Space THEN INC(length) END(*IF*); IF col+length > maxcol THEN WriteLn (w); INC (row); col := 0; END (*IF*); WriteString (w, word); IF terminator <> Space THEN WriteChar (w, terminator); END (*IF*); INC (col, length); IF (word[0] <> CHR(0)) AND (col < maxcol) THEN WriteChar (w, Space); INC(col); END (*IF*); END (*LOOP*); END DisplayFile; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DoDisplay (filename: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Displays the given file. *) VAR w: Window; f: File; status: ErrorCode; BEGIN OpenWindow (w, white, magenta, 5, 20, 0, 79, noframe, nodivider); status := OpenFile (f, filename, FALSE); WriteLn (w); WriteString (w, "Entered procedure DoDisplay"); IF status <> OK THEN WriteLn (w); WriteString (w, "Can't open file "); WriteString (w, filename); ELSE DisplayFile (w, f); END (*IF*); PressAnyKey (w); CloseFile (f); CloseWindow (w); END DoDisplay; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DisplayTask; BEGIN DoDisplay ("..\doc\status.doc"); Signal (done); END DisplayTask; (************************************************************************) (* MENU OPERATIONS *) (* At present this part of the program is just a test of Menus. *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Actions2 (option: CARDINAL); (* Implements the actions on submenu number 2. *) BEGIN END Actions2; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE MenuTask; (* Runs as a separate task, picking up menu commands. *) VAR topmenu, menu1, menu2: Menu; w: Window; topmenutext: ARRAY [0..5] OF ItemText; menu1text: ARRAY [0..1] OF ItemText; menu2text: ARRAY [0..2] OF ItemText; result: CARDINAL; BEGIN OpenWindow (w, black, white, 21, 24, 50, 79, noframe, nodivider); (* Create top-level menu. *) topmenutext[0] := "TOP MENU"; topmenutext[1] := " \File"; topmenutext[2] := " \Options"; topmenutext[3] := " dummy\3"; topmenutext[4] := " dummy\4"; topmenutext[5] := " dummy\5"; CreateMenu (topmenu, 5, topmenutext, 5); SetOptions (topmenu, MO{MNoTitle,MNoBorder,MNoClose,MNoKeyBack, MFastSelect}); OffEdge (topmenu, stick, return, wrap, wrap); PositionMenu (topmenu, 0, 0, 0, 79); (* Create subsidiary menus. *) menu1text[0] := "MENU 1"; menu1text[1] := "E\xit"; CreateMenu (menu1, 1, menu1text, 1); SetOptions (menu1, MO{MNoTitle,MFastSelect}); OffEdge (menu1, escape, wrap, stick, escape); PositionMenu (menu1, 1, 3, 0, 10); menu2text[0] := "MENU 2"; menu2text[1] := "Page \up"; menu2text[2] := "Page \down"; CreateMenu (menu2, 1, menu2text, 2); SetOptions (menu2, MO{MNoTitle,MFastSelect}); OffEdge (menu2, escape, wrap, escape, escape); PositionMenu (menu2, 1, 4, 14, 24); REPEAT result := SelectFromMenu (topmenu); WriteLn (w); WriteString (w, "Selected top menu item "); WriteCard (w, result); CASE result OF | 1: result := SelectFromMenu(menu1); result := 1 - result; | 2: Actions2 (SelectFromMenu(menu2)); END (*CASE*); UNTIL result = 0; DestroyMenu (menu1); DestroyMenu (topmenu); (* PressAnyKey (w); *) CloseWindow (w); Signal (done); END MenuTask; (************************************************************************) (* MAIN PROGRAM *) (************************************************************************) BEGIN CreateSemaphore (done, 0); (* CreateTask (DisplayTask, 2, "display task"); *) CreateTask (MenuTask, 3, "menu task"); Wait (done); (* Wait (done); *) END DocRead.