IMPLEMENTATION MODULE FastWindows; (********************************************************) (* *) (* A very crude implementation of screen windows. *) (* *) (* Programmer: P. Moylan *) (* Last edited: 11 August 1989 *) (* Status: *) (* Seems to work, but not fully tested. *) (* *) (********************************************************) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT (* proc *) ADR; FROM Storage2 IMPORT (* proc *) ALLOCATE, DEALLOCATE; FROM TerminationControl IMPORT (* proc *) SetTerminationProcedure; FROM LowLevelIO IMPORT (* proc *) OutByte; FROM Conversions IMPORT (* proc *) HighByte, LowByte; FROM BIOS IMPORT (* type *) RegisterPacket, (* proc *) BIOS; FROM MemoryModel IMPORT (* proc *) MakePointer, AddOffset, SubtractOffset; FROM FastMove IMPORT (* proc *) Moveup, Movedown; (* Remark: We use Movedown in preference to Moveup wherever *) (* possible, because it is marginally more efficient. These *) (* two procedures are equivalent in their final result, except *) (* for the case (which occurs in scrolling) where the source *) (* and destination strings overlap in memory. *) FROM Keyboard IMPORT (* proc *) InKey, PutBack; (************************************************************************) CONST VideoInt = 16; (* interrupt number for BIOS *) BytesPerChar = 2; (* # bytes/char in video buffer *) CharsPerRow = MaxColumnNumber + 1; (* characters per row *) BytesPerRow = BytesPerChar*CharsPerRow; buffersize = BytesPerRow * (MaxRowNumber+1); (* size in bytes of video buffer*) NormalVideo = 07x; ReverseVideo = 070x; (************************************************************************) TYPE buffersubscript = [0..buffersize - 1]; Window = POINTER TO WindowData; (****************************************************************) (* *) (* The row and column values stored in this record are actual *) (* screen row and column, i.e. they are not window-relative. *) (* *) (* The ScreenLocation field is a pointer into the hardware *) (* video buffer. It can be computed easily from the "row" and *) (* "column" fields, but it is more convenient to keep this *) (* technically redundant variable. *) (* *) (****************************************************************) WindowData = RECORD frame: FrameType; divider: DividerType; ScrollRegion: RECORD top, bottom: RowRange; left, right: ColumnRange; END; FirstRow, LastRow, row: RowRange; FirstColumn, LastColumn, column: ColumnRange; ScreenLocation: POINTER TO CHAR; foreground, background: Colour; CurrentAttributes: CHAR; END (*RECORD*); (************************************************************************) VAR (* BlackAndWhite is true if we have a monochrome display. *) BlackAndWhite: BOOLEAN; (* ScreenSeg is a segment selector for the hardware video buffer, *) (* and VideoPage is the page number. (In fact, I don't use *) (* VideoPage in this version, but it's here to document the way to *) (* find its value, in case I need it in a future version.) *) (* CRTCport is the port number to use when addressing the CRT *) (* controller chip. It is a variable, because the address depends *) (* on whether a colour or monochrome interface is installed. *) ScreenSeg: CARDINAL; VideoPage: CARDINAL; CRTCport: CARDINAL; (* Registers is a record of register values, to use when *) (* communicating with the BIOS. *) Registers: RegisterPacket; (* BlankRow is set up by the initialisation code as a row of space *) (* characters. Note however that the attribute codes need to be *) (* filled in before each use. *) BlankRow: ARRAY [0..BytesPerRow-1] OF CHAR; (************************************************************************) (* MISCELLANEOUS SCREEN OPERATIONS *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE SetCursorShape (startline, endline: CARDINAL); (* Sets the start and end scan lines for the cursor. This has to *) (* be done with a BIOS call, rather than by programming the CRTC *) (* registers directly, to ensure correct treatment over the variety *) (* of different video interfaces which could be present. *) VAR BIOSframe: RegisterPacket; BEGIN WITH BIOSframe DO AH := 1; CH := startline; CL := endline; END (*WITH*); BIOS (VideoInt, BIOSframe); END SetCursorShape; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CursorOff; (* Turns the cursor on by putting 01 in bits 5 and 4 of the cursor *) (* start register of the 6845 CRT controller. Remark: according to *) (* the documentation, it should be bits 6 and 5; I do not as yet *) (* have an explanation of this discrepancy. *) BEGIN SetCursorShape (16,0); END CursorOff; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CursorOn (row: RowRange; column: ColumnRange); (* Displays a blinking screen cursor at the specified position. *) VAR position: CARDINAL; BEGIN position := CharsPerRow*row + column; OutByte (CRTCport, 14); (* the "cursor position higher" register *) OutByte (CRTCport+1, HighByte(position)); OutByte (CRTCport, 15); (* the "cursor position lower" register *) OutByte (CRTCport+1, LowByte(position)); IF BlackAndWhite THEN SetCursorShape (11,12); ELSE SetCursorShape (6,7); END (*IF*); END CursorOn; (************************************************************************) (* SCREEN REFRESHING *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PutOnTop (w: Window); (* This is a dummy procedure, present only for compatibility with *) (* module Windows. The essential difference between module Windows *) (* and the present module is that we do not maintain our windows in *) (* a stack, and we do not do any screen refreshing (except as *) (* needed for things like scrolling), since we assume that the *) (* windows are in disjoint regions on the screen. *) BEGIN END PutOnTop; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Blank(startrow, endrow: RowRange; startcol, endcol: ColumnRange; attributes: CHAR); (* Blanks the given (inclusive) rectangular region on the screen. *) (* The attribute bytes are also set as specified; this will have no *) (* immediate effect, but it affects the colour and blinking status *) (* of characters which will subsequently be written into this *) (* part of the screen. *) VAR i: RowRange; offset, count: buffersubscript; BEGIN FOR offset := 1 TO BytesPerRow-1 BY BytesPerChar DO BlankRow[offset] := attributes; END (*FOR*); offset := BytesPerRow*startrow + BytesPerChar*startcol; count := BytesPerChar*(endcol - startcol + 1); FOR i := startrow TO endrow DO Movedown (ADR(BlankRow), MakePointer(ScreenSeg, offset), count); INC (offset, BytesPerRow); END (*FOR*); END Blank; (************************************************************************) (* BASIC SCREEN READ AND WRITE *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PutChar (place: buffersubscript; ch: CHAR); (* Puts character ch at screen offset "place". *) VAR p: POINTER TO CHAR; BEGIN p := MakePointer (ScreenSeg, place); p^ := ch; END PutChar; (************************************************************************) (* OPENING A WINDOW *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ChangeScrollingRegion (w: Window; firstline, lastline: RowRange); (* Changes the scrolling region of window w to the new line *) (* boundaries given, and sets its cursor to the start of the new *) (* scrolling region. The line numbers are window-relative. *) VAR horizontal, vertical, leftT, rightT: CHAR; j: ColumnRange; place: buffersubscript; BEGIN (* Although the user specifies window-relative line numbers, *) (* we use screen-relative numbers internally. Adjust the *) (* parameters to take this into account. *) INC (firstline, w^.FirstRow); INC (lastline, w^.FirstRow); (* Work out what characters to use for the frame and divider. *) horizontal := 0C4x; vertical := 0B3x; leftT := 0C3x; rightT := 0B4x; WITH w^ DO IF divider = doubledivider THEN horizontal := 0CDx; END (*IF*); IF frame = doubleframe THEN vertical := 0BAx; IF divider = doubledivider THEN leftT := 0CCx; rightT := 0B9x; ELSE leftT := 0C7x; rightT := 0B6x; END (*IF*); ELSIF divider = doubledivider THEN leftT := 0C6x; rightT := 0B5x; END (*IF*); (* Clean up the frame. *) IF frame <> noframe THEN (* Remove the left and right T belonging to the *) (* old divider bars, if necessary. *) IF - 1 > FirstRow THEN place := BytesPerRow*( - 1) + BytesPerChar*FirstColumn; PutChar (place, vertical); PutChar (place + BytesPerChar*(LastColumn - FirstColumn), vertical); END (*IF*); IF ScrollRegion.bottom + 1 < LastRow THEN place := BytesPerRow*(ScrollRegion.bottom+1) + BytesPerChar*FirstColumn; PutChar (place, vertical); PutChar (place + BytesPerChar*(LastColumn - FirstColumn), vertical); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); (* Put in the new divider bars. *) IF divider <> nodivider THEN (* Put in the top horizontal bar. *) IF firstline > FirstRow + 1 THEN place := BytesPerRow*(firstline-1) + BytesPerChar*FirstColumn; IF frame <> noframe THEN PutChar (place, leftT); INC (place, BytesPerChar); END (*IF*); FOR j := ScrollRegion.left TO ScrollRegion.right DO PutChar (place, horizontal); INC(place, BytesPerChar); END (*FOR*); IF frame <> noframe THEN PutChar (place, rightT); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); (* Put in the bottom horizontal bar. *) IF lastline < LastRow - 1 THEN place := BytesPerRow*(lastline+1) + BytesPerChar*FirstColumn; IF frame <> noframe THEN PutChar (place, leftT); INC (place, BytesPerChar); END (*IF*); FOR j := ScrollRegion.left TO ScrollRegion.right DO PutChar (place, horizontal); INC(place, BytesPerChar); END (*FOR*); IF frame <> noframe THEN PutChar (place, rightT); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); (* Finally, update the scrolling region parameters. *) WITH ScrollRegion DO top := firstline; bottom := lastline; END (*WITH*); SetCursor (w, firstline - FirstRow, ScrollRegion.left - FirstColumn); END (*WITH*); END ChangeScrollingRegion; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FillInFrame (w: Window); (* Makes the box around the window. *) VAR i: RowRange; j: ColumnRange; corner: ARRAY [1..4] OF CHAR; horizontal, vertical: CHAR; place, offset: buffersubscript; BEGIN IF w^.frame = simpleframe THEN corner[1] := 0DAx; corner[2] := 0BFx; corner[3] := 0C0x; corner[4] := 0D9x; horizontal := 0C4x; vertical := 0B3x; ELSE corner[1] := 0C9x; corner[2] := 0BBx; corner[3] := 0C8x; corner[4] := 0BCx; horizontal := 0CDx; vertical := 0BAx; END (*IF*); WITH w^ DO offset := BytesPerChar*(LastColumn - FirstColumn); place := BytesPerRow*FirstRow + BytesPerChar*FirstColumn; PutChar (place, corner[1]); PutChar (place+offset, corner[2]); INC (place, BytesPerRow); FOR i := FirstRow + 1 TO LastRow - 1 DO PutChar (place, vertical); PutChar (place+offset, vertical); INC (place, BytesPerRow); END (*FOR*); PutChar (place, corner[3]); PutChar (place+offset, corner[4]); offset := BytesPerRow*(LastRow - FirstRow); FOR j := FirstColumn + 1 TO LastColumn - 1 DO INC (place, BytesPerChar); PutChar (place-offset, horizontal); PutChar (place, horizontal); END (*FOR*); END (*WITH*); END FillInFrame; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE MakeMonochrome (VAR (*INOUT*) foreground, background: Colour); (* Changes the two given colours to a suitable B/W combination. *) BEGIN IF (foreground = black) OR (foreground = darkgrey) THEN background := white ELSE IF foreground > white THEN foreground := intensewhite ELSE foreground := white; END (*IF*); background := black; END (*IF*); END MakeMonochrome; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE OpenWindow (VAR (*OUT*) w: Window; ForegroundColour, BackgroundColour: Colour; firstline, lastline: RowRange; firstcol, lastcol: ColumnRange; FrameDesired: FrameType; DividerDesired: DividerType); (* Creates a new window, filled initially with space characters. *) VAR i: RowRange; k: buffersubscript; BEGIN (* Create the new window, and fill in all its fields. *) NEW (w); WITH w^ DO foreground := ForegroundColour; background := BackgroundColour; IF BlackAndWhite THEN MakeMonochrome (foreground, background); END (*IF*); CurrentAttributes := CHR(16*ORD(background) + ORD(foreground)); frame := FrameDesired; divider := DividerDesired; FirstRow := firstline; LastRow := lastline; FirstColumn := firstcol; LastColumn := lastcol; (* Set the window contents to all space characters. *) Blank (firstline, lastline, firstcol, lastcol, CurrentAttributes); (* Set up a default scrolling region. *) WITH ScrollRegion DO top := FirstRow; bottom := LastRow; left := FirstColumn; right := LastColumn; END (*WITH*); (* Make the frame. *) IF frame <> noframe THEN FillInFrame(w); WITH ScrollRegion DO INC (top); INC (left); DEC (bottom); DEC (right); END (*WITH*); END (*IF*); row :=; column := ScrollRegion.left; ScreenLocation := MakePointer (ScreenSeg, BytesPerRow*row + BytesPerChar*column); END (*WITH*); END OpenWindow; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE OpenSimpleWindow (VAR (*OUT*) w: Window; firstline, lastline: RowRange; firstcol, lastcol: ColumnRange); (* Identical to OpenWindow, except that you don't get any choice *) (* about the colours or frame. The window is white-on-black with *) (* a simple frame and no dividers for the scrolling region. This *) (* version of OpenWindow is useful for those with monochrome *) (* displays who don't want to be bothered with importing the types *) (* Colour, FrameType, and DividerType. *) BEGIN OpenWindow (w, white, black, firstline, lastline, firstcol, lastcol, simpleframe, nodivider); END OpenSimpleWindow; (************************************************************************) (* CLOSING A WINDOW *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CloseWindow (w: Window); (* Reclaims the space used for this window, and blanks the part of *) (* the screen which it occupied. *) VAR p: Window; BEGIN WITH w^ DO Blank (FirstRow, LastRow, FirstColumn, LastColumn, NormalVideo); END (*WITH*); DISPOSE (w); END CloseWindow; (************************************************************************) (* OPERATIONS ON CHARACTER ATTRIBUTES *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ChangeAttributes (w: Window; r: RowRange; c: ColumnRange; nchar: CARDINAL; newattribute: CHAR); (* POSSIBLY OBSOLETE - CHECK THIS LATER. *) (* Changes nchar characters, starting at location (r,c), to be *) (* displayed with the given new attribute code. The row and column *) (* numbers are window-relative, not absolute screen coordinates. *) VAR k, start: buffersubscript; BEGIN WITH w^ DO start := BytesPerRow*(r+FirstRow) + BytesPerChar*(c+FirstColumn) + 1; FOR k := start TO start+BytesPerChar*(nchar-1) BY BytesPerChar DO PutChar (k, newattribute); END (*FOR*); END (*WITH*); END ChangeAttributes; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ColourSwap (w: Window; r: RowRange; c: ColumnRange; nchar: CARDINAL); (* Switches the foreground and background colours for nchar *) (* characters, starting at location (r,c). The row and column *) (* numbers are window-relative, not absolute screen coordinates. *) (* This is our colour equivalent of the "reverse video" operation. *) (* NOTE: This procedure will not wrap around to a new row. *) VAR k, oldattribute: CARDINAL; p: POINTER TO CHAR; BEGIN WITH w^ DO p := MakePointer (ScreenSeg, BytesPerRow*(r+FirstRow) + BytesPerChar*(c+FirstColumn) + 1); FOR k := 0 TO nchar-1 DO oldattribute := ORD (p^); p^ := CHR (16*(oldattribute MOD 16) + (oldattribute DIV 16)); p := AddOffset (p, BytesPerChar); END (*FOR*); END (*WITH*); END ColourSwap; (************************************************************************) (* CURSOR OPERATIONS *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE SetCursor (w: Window; r: RowRange; c: ColumnRange); (* Sets the cursor for window w to relative row r, column c. *) BEGIN WITH w^ DO row := r + FirstRow; column := c + FirstColumn; ScreenLocation := MakePointer (ScreenSeg, BytesPerRow*row + BytesPerChar*column); END (*WITH*); END SetCursor; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE SaveCursor (w: Window; VAR (*out*) r: RowRange; VAR (*out*) c: ColumnRange); (* Returns the current cursor position of window w. *) BEGIN WITH w^ DO r := row - FirstRow; c := column - FirstColumn; END (*WITH*); END SaveCursor; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CursorLeft (w: Window); (* Moves the window cursor one position left. If it falls off the *) (* left edge of the window, move to the right edge in the same row. *) BEGIN WITH w^ DO IF column = FirstColumn THEN column := LastColumn; ScreenLocation := MakePointer (ScreenSeg, BytesPerRow*row + BytesPerChar*column); ELSE DEC (column); ScreenLocation := SubtractOffset (ScreenLocation, BytesPerChar); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END CursorLeft; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CursorRight (w: Window); (* Moves the window cursor one position right. If it falls off the *) (* right edge of the window, move to the left edge in the same row. *) BEGIN WITH w^ DO IF column = LastColumn THEN column := FirstColumn; ScreenLocation := MakePointer (ScreenSeg, BytesPerRow*row + BytesPerChar*column); ELSE INC (column); ScreenLocation := AddOffset (ScreenLocation, BytesPerChar); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END CursorRight; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CursorUp (w: Window); (* Moves the window cursor one position up. If it falls off the *) (* top edge of the window, it moves to the bottom edge in the same *) (* column. *) BEGIN WITH w^ DO IF row = FirstRow THEN row := LastRow; ScreenLocation := MakePointer (ScreenSeg, BytesPerRow*row + BytesPerChar*column); ELSE DEC (row); ScreenLocation := SubtractOffset (ScreenLocation, BytesPerRow); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END CursorUp; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CursorDown (w: Window); (* Moves the window cursor one position down. If it falls off the *) (* bottom edge of the window, it moves to the top edge in the same *) (* column. *) BEGIN WITH w^ DO IF row = LastRow THEN row := FirstRow; ScreenLocation := MakePointer (ScreenSeg, BytesPerRow*row + BytesPerChar*column); ELSE INC (row); ScreenLocation := AddOffset (ScreenLocation,BytesPerRow); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END CursorDown; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ScrollUp (w: Window); (* Scrolls window w up by one line, and space fills the last row. *) VAR line: RowRange; current, below: POINTER TO CHAR; count: CARDINAL; BEGIN WITH w^ DO FOR count := 1 TO BytesPerRow-1 BY BytesPerChar DO BlankRow[count] := CurrentAttributes; END (*FOR*); WITH ScrollRegion DO current := MakePointer (ScreenSeg, BytesPerRow*top + BytesPerChar*left); count := BytesPerChar*(right-left+1); FOR line := top TO bottom-1 DO below := AddOffset (current, BytesPerRow); Movedown (below, current, count); current := below; END (*FOR*); Movedown (ADR(BlankRow), current, count); END (*WITH*); END (*WITH*); END ScrollUp; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ScrollDown (w: Window); (* Scrolls window w down by one line. The first row is filled with *) (* spaces. *) VAR line: RowRange; current, above: POINTER TO CHAR; count: CARDINAL; BEGIN WITH w^ DO FOR count := 1 TO BytesPerRow-1 BY BytesPerChar DO BlankRow[count] := CurrentAttributes; END (*FOR*); WITH ScrollRegion DO current := MakePointer (ScreenSeg, BytesPerRow*bottom + BytesPerChar*left); count := BytesPerChar*(right-left+1); FOR line := bottom TO top+1 BY -1 DO above := SubtractOffset (current, BytesPerRow); Moveup (above, current, count); current := above; END (*FOR*); Movedown (ADR(BlankRow), current, count); END (*WITH*); END (*WITH*); END ScrollDown; (************************************************************************) (* MAIN OUTPUT ROUTINES *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE WriteChar (w: Window; ch: CHAR); (* Writes one character to window w, and updates the cursor for *) (* this window. Characters which fall of the right edge of the *) (* window are displayed in the rightmost position of the row, *) (* overwriting what was already there. This procedure does not *) (* recognise the concept of a control character. Every possible *) (* value of ch produces something readable on the screen. *) BEGIN WITH w^ DO ScreenLocation^ := ch; IF column < ScrollRegion.right THEN INC (column); ScreenLocation := AddOffset(ScreenLocation,BytesPerChar); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END WriteChar; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE WriteLn (w: Window); (* Moves the cursor of window w to the start of the next row. If *) (* we are already at the last row, the window scrolls up. *) BEGIN WITH w^ DO column := ScrollRegion.left; IF row = ScrollRegion.bottom THEN ScrollUp (w); ELSE INC (row); END (*IF*); ScreenLocation := MakePointer (ScreenSeg, BytesPerRow*row + BytesPerChar*column); END (*WITH*); END WriteLn; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE WriteString (w: Window; text: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Writes a sequence of characters, terminated either by NUL or by *) (* the end of the array. *) VAR j: CARDINAL; BEGIN j := 0; LOOP IF ORD (text[j]) = 0 THEN EXIT (*LOOP*) END (*IF*); WriteChar (w, text[j]); INC (j); IF j > HIGH (text) THEN EXIT (*LOOP*) END (*IF*); END (*LOOP*); END WriteString; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Write (w: Window; ch: CHAR); (* A version of procedure WriteChar which looks after some of the *) (* control characters. *) BEGIN IF ch >= " " THEN WriteChar (w, ch) ELSIF ORD(ch) = 8 THEN CursorLeft(w) ELSIF ORD(ch) = 13 THEN WriteLn(w) ELSE WriteChar (w, "^"); WriteChar (w, CHR(ORD(ch)+64)) END (*IF*); END Write; (************************************************************************) (* INPUT *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ReadCharWithoutEcho (w: Window; VAR (*OUT*) ch: CHAR); (* Read one character, displaying a blinking cursor until the *) (* character has been typed. *) BEGIN CursorOn (w^.row, w^.column); ch := InKey(); CursorOff; END ReadCharWithoutEcho; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ReadChar (w: Window; VAR (*OUT*) ch: CHAR); (* Like ReadCharWithoutEcho, but the input character is echoed. *) BEGIN ReadCharWithoutEcho (w, ch); Write (w, ch); END ReadChar; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE UnreadChar (w: Window; ch: CHAR); (* Returns ch back to the keyboard queue, and deletes it from the *) (* the screen. It is assumed that the last operation on window w *) (* was a ReadChar, and that ch was the character returned. If this *) (* assumption is violated, there is no guarantee that the behaviour *) (* of this procedure will be consistent from version to version. *) BEGIN PutBack (ch); IF ORD(ch) = 8 THEN CursorRight (w); ELSE CursorLeft (w); IF ORD(ch) = 13 THEN CursorUp(w) ELSE WriteChar (w, " "); CursorLeft(w); IF ch < " " THEN CursorLeft (w); WriteChar (w, " "); CursorLeft (w); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); END UnreadChar; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ReadString (w: Window; VAR (*out*) result: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Reads a character string, terminated by carriage return. *) VAR j: CARDINAL; ch: CHAR; BEGIN FOR j := 0 TO HIGH(result) DO result[j] := " "; END (*FOR*); j := 0; LOOP ReadChar (w, ch); IF ORD(ch) = 13 THEN result[j] := CHR(0); EXIT(*LOOP*) ELSIF ORD(ch) = 8 THEN (* backspace *) IF j > 0 THEN CursorLeft(w); WriteChar(w, " "); CursorLeft(w); DEC (j); END (*IF*); ELSE result[j] := ch; IF j = HIGH(result) THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END(*IF*); INC (j); END(*IF*); END (*LOOP*); END ReadString; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE EditString (w: Window; VAR (*INOUT*) result: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Reads a character string, where a default result is supplied by *) (* the caller. The final result is the state of the string at the *) (* time where the keyboard user types a carriage return. If the *) (* user types Esc at any time, then we return with result[0] = Esc. *) CONST Esc = 01Bx; VAR j, k: CARDINAL; ch: CHAR; limit: ColumnRange; startrow: RowRange; startcolumn: ColumnRange; BEGIN limit := HIGH(result); SaveCursor (w, startrow, startcolumn); WITH w^ DO IF limit > ScrollRegion.right - FirstColumn - startcolumn THEN limit := ScrollRegion.right - FirstColumn - startcolumn END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); (* Preprocessing: for a Nul-terminated string, remove the Nul *) (* and pad out the string with spaces at the right. Otherwise *) (* we get problems if, for example, the Nul is deleted. *) j := 0; LOOP IF result[j] = CHR(0) THEN FOR k := j TO limit DO result[k] := " "; END (*FOR*); EXIT (*LOOP*); END (*IF*); IF j = limit THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END(*IF*); INC (j); END (*LOOP*); FOR k := limit+1 TO HIGH(result) DO result[k] := " "; END (*FOR*); (* Write the string, using reverse video. *) WriteString (w, result); ColourSwap (w, startrow, startcolumn, limit+1); SetCursor (w, startrow, startcolumn); (* Now the main editing loop. *) j := 0; LOOP ReadCharWithoutEcho (w, ch); IF ORD(ch) = 0 THEN ReadCharWithoutEcho (w, ch); IF ch = "K" THEN (* cursor left *) IF j > 0 THEN CursorLeft(w); DEC (j); END (*IF*); ELSIF ch = "M" THEN (* cursor right *) IF j <= limit THEN CursorRight(w); INC (j); END (*IF*); ELSIF ch = "G" THEN (* home *) j := 0; SetCursor (w, startrow, startcolumn); ELSIF ch = "O" THEN (* end *) j := limit; SetCursor (w, startrow, startcolumn+j); ELSIF ch = "R" THEN (* insert *) FOR k := limit TO j+1 BY -1 DO result[k] := result[k-1]; END (*FOR*); result[j] := " "; SetCursor (w, startrow, startcolumn); WriteString (w, result); SetCursor (w, startrow, startcolumn+j); ELSIF ch = "S" THEN (* delete *) FOR k := j TO limit-1 DO result[k] := result[k+1]; END (*FOR*); result[limit] := " "; SetCursor (w, startrow, startcolumn); WriteString (w, result); SetCursor (w, startrow, startcolumn+j); END (*IF*); ELSIF ch = Esc THEN result[0] := Esc; EXIT(*LOOP*); ELSIF ORD(ch) = 13 THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) ELSIF ORD(ch) = 8 THEN (* backspace *) IF j > 0 THEN CursorLeft(w); DEC (j); END (*IF*); ELSIF j <= limit THEN result[j] := ch; WriteChar (w, ch); INC (j); END(*IF*); END (*LOOP*); (* Restore the original colours. *) ColourSwap (w, startrow, startcolumn, limit+1); END EditString; (************************************************************************) (* MISCELLANEOUS CONTROL OPERATIONS *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE EraseLine (w: Window; option: CARDINAL); (* Replaces some or all of the current line, except for the border, *) (* with space characters. The window cursor is not moved. *) (* The options are: *) (* 0 the whole of the line, except for the border *) (* 1 from the current cursor position onwards *) (* 2 from the start to just before the cursor *) VAR first, last: ColumnRange; k, firstk, lastk: buffersubscript; BEGIN WITH w^ DO first := FirstColumn; last := LastColumn; IF frame <> noframe THEN INC (first); DEC (last); END (*IF*); IF option = 1 THEN first := column ELSIF option = 2 THEN last := column - 1 END (*IF*); firstk := BytesPerRow*row + BytesPerChar*first; lastk := BytesPerRow*row + BytesPerChar*last; FOR k := firstk TO lastk BY BytesPerChar DO PutChar (k, " "); END (*FOR*); END (*WITH*); END EraseLine; (************************************************************************) (* TERMINATION *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CleanUp; (* Called at program termination. Turns on the blinking cursor. *) BEGIN CursorOn(0,0); END CleanUp; (************************************************************************) (* INITIALISATION *) (************************************************************************) VAR j: buffersubscript; BEGIN (* The BIOS video call 0FH returns the current video state. From *) (* this we can work out whether to use colour or mono. *) (* WARNING: There is an assumption here that the processor is in *) (* real address mode. At some stage I should fix up the setting of *) (* ScreenSeg (via a call to MemoryModel) so that this module will *) (* work equally well in protected mode. *) ScreenSeg := 0B000H; (* assume mono initially *) BlackAndWhite := TRUE; WITH Registers DO AH := 0FH; BIOS (VideoInt, Registers); VideoPage := BH; IF AL <> 7 THEN (* must be colour *) ScreenSeg := 0B800H; BlackAndWhite := FALSE; (* Set the screen to 25*80 colour. *) AH := 0; AL := 3; BIOS (VideoInt, Registers); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); IF BlackAndWhite THEN CRTCport := 03B4H; ELSE CRTCport := 03D4H; END (*IF*); SetTerminationProcedure (CleanUp); FOR j := 0 TO HIGH(BlankRow) DO BlankRow[j] := " "; END (*FOR*); (* Blank the screen, to erase otherwise annoying background stuff *) (* left by other programs. *) CursorOff; Blank (0,MaxRowNumber,0,MaxColumnNumber, NormalVideo); END FastWindows.