MODULE DiskPatch; (********************************************************) (* *) (* Low-level disk utility. *) (* *) (* Programmer: P. Moylan *) (* Last edited: 5 March 1995 *) (* Status: Working *) (* *) (* Ultimately, this could become a utility for *) (* checking and patching the contents of floppy *) (* OR hard disks. For now, it is just a test *) (* of the device drivers. *) (* *) (* Getting inconsistent results towards the end *) (* of the hard disk: sector sometimes found, and *) (* sometimes not. However, this is in an area *) (* which is officially beyond the disk capacity. *) (* *) (********************************************************) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT (* type *) BYTE, (* proc *) ADR; FROM Trace IMPORT (* proc *) TraceOn, NYI, Pause, InTrace, OutTrace; FROM Keyboard IMPORT (* proc *) InKey, PutBack; FROM Windows IMPORT (* type *) Window, Colour, FrameType, DividerType, (* proc *) OpenWindow, ChangeScrollingRegion, CloseWindow, WriteString, WriteChar, WriteLn, ScrollUp, ScrollDown, ColourSwap, SetCursor, EditString; FROM NumericIO IMPORT (* proc *) ReadCard, WriteCard, WriteHexByte, WriteHexWord, WriteHexLongword, EditHexLongword; FROM Devices IMPORT (* type *) Device, BlockNumberType, (* proc *) IdentifyDevice, ReadPhysicalBlock; FROM IOErrorCodes IMPORT (* type *) ErrorCode, (* proc *) TranslateErrorCode; (*IMPORT HardDisk;*) IMPORT Floppy; (************************************************************************) CONST Esc = CHR(27); CONST (* MaxRow is the ending row number of the data area of the screen *) (* window. *) MaxRow = 18; TYPE BufferSubscript = [0..511]; (************************************************************************) (* *) (* Essentially the whole of this module consists of procedures to *) (* manipulate the data in a single block buffer, and to display it in *) (* a fixed screen window. Therefore, we might as well make this *) (* information global to the module. *) (* *) (************************************************************************) VAR (* The fields in Display are: *) (* window: the screen window. *) (* row, column: the current screen coordinates. *) (* ExtraAtTop: the number of rows which have scrolled off *) (* the top of the screen. *) (* ExtraAtBottom: the number of rows which failed to fit *) (* at the bottom of the screen. *) Display: RECORD window: Window; row: [0..MaxRow]; column: [0..15]; ExtraAtTop, ExtraAtBottom: CARDINAL; END (*RECORD*); (* The record called "CurrentBlock" has fields: *) (* ByteNumber: the number of the byte within the block *) (* data: actual data for the disk block on which we are *) (* currently operating. *) CurrentBlock: RECORD ByteNumber: BufferSubscript; data: ARRAY BufferSubscript OF BYTE; END (*RECORD*); (************************************************************************) (* BASIC DISPLAY OPERATIONS *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Highlight; (* Highlights the currently selected byte on the display. *) BEGIN InTrace ("Highlight"); WITH Display DO ColourSwap (window, row+3, 3*column+8, 2); ColourSwap (window, row+3, column+60, 1); SetCursor (window, 1, 37); WriteHexWord (window, CurrentBlock.ByteNumber); END (*WITH*); OutTrace ("Highlight"); END Highlight; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Unhighlight; (* Removes the highlighting of the currently selected byte. *) BEGIN InTrace ("Unhighlight"); Highlight; OutTrace ("Unhighlight"); END Unhighlight; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DisplayRow (j: CARDINAL); (* Displays row j of the Buffer. (One row is 16 bytes). *) VAR k: [0..15]; Base: CARDINAL; BEGIN SetCursor (Display.window, j+3, 1); Base := 16*(j+Display.ExtraAtTop); (* Write the address of the first byte in the row. *) WriteHexWord (Display.window, Base); WriteString (Display.window, ": "); (* Write 16 bytes in hexadecimal. *) FOR k := 0 TO 15 DO WriteHexByte (Display.window,[Base+k]); WriteChar (Display.window, " "); END (*FOR*); WriteString (Display.window, " "); (* Now the same information in character form. *) FOR k := 0 TO 15 DO WriteChar (Display.window, CHR ([Base+k])); END (*FOR*); END DisplayRow; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE InitialDisplay; (* Displays the beginning of the buffer (a display of the whole *) (* buffer would not fit onto the screen. *) VAR j: [0..MaxRow-2]; BEGIN InTrace ("InitialDisplay"); WITH Display DO row := 0; column := 0; ExtraAtTop := 0; ExtraAtBottom := MAX(BufferSubscript) DIV 16 - MaxRow + 2; END (*WITH*); CurrentBlock.ByteNumber := 0; FOR j := 0 TO MaxRow-2 DO DisplayRow (j); END (*FOR*); Highlight; OutTrace ("InitialDisplay"); END InitialDisplay; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ShiftDisplayUp; (* Moves the display up one row, adding a new row at the bottom. *) (* Exception: nothing happens if there is no new row to add. *) VAR MaxRowMinusTwo: CARDINAL; BEGIN InTrace ("ShiftDisplayUp"); WITH Display DO IF ExtraAtBottom > 0 THEN ScrollUp (window); INC (ExtraAtTop); DEC (ExtraAtBottom); INC (CurrentBlock.ByteNumber, 16); (* The following seemingly indirect way of proceeding *) (* is to compensate for an unexplained intermittent *) (* crash of the compiler. It is very hard to pin down *) (* the exact circumstances of the crash, because it is *) (* not always repeatable, but it seems to be related to *) (* using a constant as an actual procedure parameter. *) MaxRowMinusTwo := MaxRow - 2; DisplayRow (MaxRowMinusTwo); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); OutTrace ("ShiftDisplayUp"); END ShiftDisplayUp; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ShiftDisplayDown; (* Moves the display down one row, adding a new row at the top. *) (* Exception: nothing happens if there is no new row to add. *) BEGIN InTrace ("ShiftDisplayDown"); WITH Display DO IF ExtraAtTop > 0 THEN ScrollDown (window); DEC (ExtraAtTop); INC (ExtraAtBottom); DEC (CurrentBlock.ByteNumber, 16); DisplayRow (0); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); OutTrace ("ShiftDisplayDown"); END ShiftDisplayDown; (************************************************************************) (* CURSOR MOVEMENTS *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CursorUp (lines: CARDINAL); (* Moves the cursor up by the given number of rows. *) VAR j: CARDINAL; BEGIN WITH Display DO FOR j := 1 TO lines DO IF row = 0 THEN ShiftDisplayDown ELSE DEC (row); DEC (CurrentBlock.ByteNumber, 16); END (*IF*); END (*FOR*); END (*WITH*); END CursorUp; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CursorDown (lines: CARDINAL); (* Moves the cursor down by the given number of rows. *) VAR j: CARDINAL; BEGIN WITH Display DO FOR j := 1 TO lines DO IF row = MaxRow-2 THEN ShiftDisplayUp ELSE INC (row); INC (CurrentBlock.ByteNumber, 16); END (*IF*); END (*FOR*); END (*WITH*); END CursorDown; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CursorLeft; (* Moves the cursor one byte left. *) BEGIN WITH Display DO IF column = 0 THEN IF CurrentBlock.ByteNumber > 0 THEN column := 15; INC (CurrentBlock.ByteNumber, 15); CursorUp(1); END (*IF*); ELSE DEC (column); DEC (CurrentBlock.ByteNumber); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END CursorLeft; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CursorRight; (* Moves the cursor one byte right. *) BEGIN WITH Display DO IF column = 15 THEN IF CurrentBlock.ByteNumber < MAX(BufferSubscript) THEN column := 0; DEC (CurrentBlock.ByteNumber, 15); CursorDown(1); END (*IF*); ELSE INC (column); INC (CurrentBlock.ByteNumber); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END CursorRight; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Home; (* Moves the cursor to the beginning of the row. *) BEGIN WITH Display DO DEC (CurrentBlock.ByteNumber, column); column := 0; END (*WITH*); END Home; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE GoToEnd; (* Moves the cursor to the end of the row. *) BEGIN WITH Display DO INC (CurrentBlock.ByteNumber, 15-column); column := 15; END (*WITH*); END GoToEnd; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CursorMovements (VAR (*INOUT*) nextchar: CHAR); (* Moves the cursor around the data buffer as directed by keyboard *) (* input. On entry, nextchar holds the first keyboard character. *) (* On exit, nextchar holds the first input character which this *) (* procedure does not recognise. *) CONST Nul = CHR(0); pagejump = 10; BEGIN InTrace ("CursorMovements"); LOOP IF nextchar = Nul THEN nextchar := InKey(); Unhighlight; IF nextchar = "K" THEN (* cursor left *) CursorLeft; ELSIF nextchar = "M" THEN (* cursor right *) CursorRight; ELSIF nextchar = "H" THEN (* cursor up *) CursorUp (1); ELSIF nextchar = "P" THEN (* cursor down *) CursorDown (1); ELSIF nextchar = "I" THEN (* page up *) CursorUp (pagejump); ELSIF nextchar = "Q" THEN (* page down *) CursorDown (pagejump); ELSIF nextchar = "G" THEN (* home *) Home; ELSIF nextchar = "O" THEN (* end *) GoToEnd; ELSE Highlight; EXIT (*LOOP*); END (*IF*); Highlight; nextchar := InKey(); ELSE EXIT (*LOOP*); END (*IF*); END (*LOOP*); OutTrace ("CursorMovements"); END CursorMovements; (************************************************************************) (* THE MAIN BLOCK OPERATIONS *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE OperateOn (drive: CHAR; BlockNumber: BlockNumberType); VAR nextchar: CHAR; status: ErrorCode; device: Device; unit: CARDINAL; string: ARRAY [0..31] OF CHAR; BEGIN IdentifyDevice (drive, device, unit); status := ReadPhysicalBlock (device, unit, BlockNumber, ADR(; OpenWindow (Display.window,green,black,0,MaxRow+2,0,79, simpleframe,doubledivider); WriteString (Display.window, "Drive "); WriteChar (Display.window, drive); WriteString (Display.window, " Block "); WriteHexLongword (Display.window, BlockNumber); WriteString (Display.window, " Byte"); WriteString (Display.window, " status = "); TranslateErrorCode (status, string); WriteString (Display.window, string); ChangeScrollingRegion (Display.window, 3, MaxRow+1); InitialDisplay; nextchar := InKey(); REPEAT CursorMovements (nextchar); IF nextchar <> Esc THEN nextchar := InKey(); END (*IF*); UNTIL nextchar = Esc; (*Pause;*) CloseWindow (Display.window); END OperateOn; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE MainMenu; CONST CR = CHR(13); VAR w: Window; drivename: ARRAY [0..0] OF CHAR; drive, ch: CHAR; BlockNumber: BlockNumberType; BEGIN OpenWindow (w,white,red,0,4,0,35,simpleframe,nodivider); WriteString (w, "Test of hard disk read operations"); BlockNumber := 0; drive := "C"; SetCursor (w, 2, 1); WriteString (w, "Drive: C Block number: 00000000"); LOOP SetCursor (w, 2, 8); drivename[0] := drive; EditString (w, drivename, 1); ch := InKey(); IF ch = Esc THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) ELSIF ch <> CR THEN PutBack(ch); END (*IF*); drive := CAP(drivename[0]); IF (drive < "A") OR (drive > "D") THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END(*IF*); SetCursor (w, 2, 26); EditHexLongword (w, BlockNumber); IF BlockNumber = 0FFFFFFFFH THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END(*IF*); ch := InKey(); IF ch = Esc THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) ELSIF ch <> CR THEN PutBack(ch); END (*IF*); OperateOn (drive, BlockNumber); SetCursor (w, 3, 1); WriteString (w, "Finished with block "); WriteHexLongword (w, BlockNumber); END (*LOOP*); CloseWindow (w); END MainMenu; (************************************************************************) (* MAIN PROGRAM *) (************************************************************************) BEGIN (* TraceOn (15,24,0,79,1); *) MainMenu; END DiskPatch.