MODULE GWTest; (********************************************************) (* *) (* Very elementary test of GWindows: opens some *) (* graphics windows, and then closes them. The *) (* purpose is to check the tiling algorithms. *) (* *) (* (If you run this program "as is", all you'll *) (* see is a brief flash on the screen.) *) (* *) (* Programmer: P. Moylan *) (* Last edited: 5 March 1995 *) (* Status: OK *) (* *) (********************************************************) FROM GWindows IMPORT (* type *) Window, BorderType, (* proc *) OpenWindow, WriteString, CloseWindow; FROM Graphics IMPORT (* proc *) SetMode, GraphicsOff; FROM Keyboard IMPORT (* proc *) InKey; (************************************************************************) (* "PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Pause; VAR dummy: CHAR; w: Window; BEGIN OpenWindow(w,280,30,510,45,0,3,single); WriteString (w, " Press any key to continue"); dummy := InKey(); CloseWindow (w); END Pause; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DebugPause (message: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR dummy: CHAR; BEGIN (* GlassTTY.SetCursor (24, 0); GlassTTY.WriteString (message); dummy := InKey(); *) END DebugPause; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE RunTheTest; VAR w1, w2, w3, w4: Window; BEGIN DebugPause ("About to open first window"); OpenWindow(w1,300,100,600,260,4,7,single); OpenWindow(w2,20,20,400,180,0,2,single); OpenWindow(w3,50,120,500,140,0,3,double); OpenWindow(w4,350,10,370,300,0,5,single); CloseWindow (w1); CloseWindow (w2); CloseWindow (w3); CloseWindow (w4); END RunTheTest; (************************************************************************) BEGIN (* SetMode(3,TRUE); *) (* GraphicsOff (TRUE); *) RunTheTest; END GWTest.