MODULE CountWords; (* * input a file of characters and break the file into a single list * of sorted words to be output to another file * * and keep track of the number of times that each one occurs * * words have no punctuation, and case is ignored * * questions ? should words be broken at underscores * ? should punctuation become separate words * *) (* V1.0, J.Andrea, June 1985 *) (* This code may be freely used and distributed, it may not be sold *) FROM InOut IMPORT OpenInput, OpenOutput, CloseInput, CloseOutput, Read, ReadString, ReadLn, ReadCard, Write, WriteString, WriteLn, WriteCard, EOL, Done, in, out; FROM FileSystem IMPORT Eof; FROM Storage IMPORT ALLOCATE, DEALLOCATE; CONST null = 0C; TYPE String = ARRAY [0..132] OF CHAR; TriePtr = POINTER TO Trie; Trie = RECORD key : CHAR; first_child : TriePtr; sibling : TriePtr; CASE bottom : BOOLEAN OF TRUE : word_count : CARDINAL; END; (* case *) END; (* record *) VAR input_word_count, output_word_count : CARDINAL; alpha : TriePtr; (* the very top of the tree*) max_count, min_count : CARDINAL; (* ----------------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Initialize; BEGIN (* Initalize *) input_word_count := 0; output_word_count := 0; NEW(alpha); (* define the very top of the tree *) alpha^.key := '@'; (* it has no value *) alpha^.first_child := NIL; (* no children YET *) alpha^.sibling := NIL; (* and cannot have any sisters *) END Initialize; (* ----------------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE InputWords; (* * use ReadString to input each word (separated by blanks) and put * each word into a trie-tree character by char *) VAR word : String; len : CARDINAL; (* -------------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE AddWordToTree; (* put this word into the tree *) VAR p, parent, save : TriePtr; i : CARDINAL; c : CHAR; new_word : BOOLEAN; BEGIN (* AddWordToTree *) p := alpha; new_word := FALSE; FOR i := 0 TO LEN(word) DO c := word[i]; (* make the words case-independent. uppercase them *) IF ( c >= 'a' ) & ( c <= 'z' ) THEN c := CAP(c); END; parent := p; p := parent^.first_child; (* does this parent have any children *) IF p = NIL THEN (* no children, this is the first child, so add it *) new_word := TRUE; NEW(p); parent^.first_child := p; p^.key := c; p^.first_child := NIL; p^.sibling := NIL; ELSE (* check all the children for this character *) (* keep it sorted *) save := p; WHILE ( p # NIL ) & ( p^.key < c ) DO save := p; p := p^.sibling; END; (* while *) (* was it found *) IF p = NIL THEN (* no, add the new char at the end of the list *) new_word := TRUE; NEW(p); save^.sibling := p; p^.key := c; p^.first_child := NIL; p^.sibling := NIL; ELSE IF p^.key # c THEN (* no, insert the char between two existing ones *) IF p = parent^.first_child THEN (* the current char must go before the first *) new_word := TRUE; NEW(p); p^.sibling := parent^.first_child; parent^.first_child := p; p^.key := c; p^.first_child := NIL; ELSE new_word := TRUE; NEW(p); p^.sibling := save^.sibling; (* switch points *) save^.sibling := p; p^.key := c; p^.first_child := NIL; END; (* if *) ELSE END; (* if *) END; (* if *) END; (* if *) END; (* for *) (* at bottom of list *) IF new_word THEN p^.bottom := TRUE; p^.word_count := 1; ELSE p^.word_count := p^.word_count + 1; END; (* if *) END AddWordToTree; (* ------------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE ReadProperWord; (* * words are delemited by control-chars, spaces and punctuation *) VAR c : CHAR; i : CARDINAL; (* ------------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE AlphaNumeric( c : CHAR ) : BOOLEAN; VAR cap : CHAR; BEGIN (* AlphaNumeric *) cap := CAP(c); RETURN ( ( cap >= 'A' ) & ( cap <= 'Z' ) ) OR ( ( c >= '0' ) & ( c <= '9' ) ) END AlphaNumeric; BEGIN (* ReadProperWord *) (* skip special chars *) Read(c); WHILE ( NOT Eof(in) ) & ( NOT AlphaNumeric(c) ) DO Read(c); END; (* while *) i := 0; WHILE ( NOT Eof(in) ) & ( AlphaNumeric(c) ) DO word[i] := c; i := i + 1; Read(c); END; (* while *) word[i] := null; END ReadProperWord; BEGIN (* InputWords *) ReadProperWord; WHILE NOT Eof(in) DO input_word_count := input_word_count + 1; len := LEN(word); IF len > 0 THEN AddWordToTree; END; (* if *) ReadProperWord; END; (* while *) END InputWords; (* ----------------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE OutputWords; (* * do char by char output of the tree into a new file to show * each unique word *) VAR output_word : String; i : CARDINAL; save : TriePtr; (* ------------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE PrintTree( parent : TriePtr ; level : CARDINAL ); (* output the contents of the tree *) BEGIN (* PrintTree *) (* is there a character at this node *) IF parent = NIL THEN IF ( save^.word_count >= min_count ) & ( save^.word_count <= max_count ) THEN (* this must be the bottom of a word *) output_word[level] := null; output_word_count := output_word_count + 1; WriteCard( save^.word_count, 6 ); WriteString( ' ' ); WriteString( output_word ); WriteLn; END; (* if *) ELSE (* do all the children at this same level *) WHILE parent # NIL DO output_word[level] := parent^.key; save := parent; (* go down another level *) PrintTree( parent^.first_child , level+1 ); (* back at this same level *) parent := parent^.sibling; END; (* while *) END; (* if *) END PrintTree; BEGIN (* OutputWords *) PrintTree(alpha^.first_child,0); END OutputWords; BEGIN (* CountWords *) Initialize; WriteLn; WriteString('For the text of words'); OpenInput('.TXT'); InputWords; CloseInput; WriteLn; WriteString(' There are '); WriteCard(input_word_count,6); WriteString(' words in the input file.'); WriteLn; max_count := 0; min_count := 0; WriteLn; WriteString('What is the minimum limit for word count ? '); ReadCard(min_count); ReadLn; WriteLn; WriteString('What is the maximum limit for word count ? '); ReadCard(max_count); ReadLn; IF max_count = 0 THEN max_count := 65000 END; WriteLn; WriteString('For the single list of words'); OpenOutput('.OUT'); OutputWords; CloseOutput; WriteLn; WriteString(' And '); WriteCard(output_word_count,6); WriteString(' unique words in the output file.'); WriteLn; WriteLn; END CountWords.