MODULE Defect; (* Cellular Automata Defects *) (* See A.K. Dewdney, Scientific American, Aug.89 "Computer Recreations *) (* V4.0, jaa, Jun.22/93 -dynamic matricies *) (* V3.2, jaa, Jun.13/93 -only 4 neighbours *) (* V3.0, jaa, May.2/92 - eat neighbours *) (* This code may be freely used and distributed, it may not be sold *) FROM Break IMPORT EnableBreak; FROM Graphics IMPORT gph16CHiRes, ScreenMode, GetScreenMode, Circle; FROM Terminal IMPORT Read, KeyPressed; FROM Random IMPORT RandomCard; FROM InOut IMPORT WriteString, WriteInt, ReadInt, WriteLn; FROM PackMatrix IMPORT Matrix, Build, Get, Put, Duplicate, Destroy; CONST size = 220; min_states = 8; max_states = 15; (* number useful that is, 0-15 is range *) radius = 1; offset = 40; diameter = 2 * radius; old = 1; new = 2; TYPE StateType = CARDINAL; StateRange = [0..max_states]; VAR space :ARRAY [] OF Matrix; neighbour :ARRAY [1..4] OF RECORD row, col :INTEGER; END; state_wrap :ARRAY StateRange OF StateType; s, s_to_eat :StateType; n_states :INTEGER; i, j, k, l, m :INTEGER; screen_mode :INTEGER; c :CHAR; row, col :INTEGER; changes :BOOLEAN; BEGIN EnableBreak; WriteString( 'how many states (' ); WriteInt( min_states, 0 ); WriteString( ' to ' ); WriteInt( max_states, 0 ); WriteString( ') ? ' ); ReadInt( n_states ); WriteLn; IF n_states < min_states THEN n_states := min_states END; IF n_states > max_states THEN n_states := max_states END; WriteInt( n_states, 0 ); WriteString( ' states,' ); WriteLn; WriteString( 'in a space of ' ); WriteInt( size, 0 ); WriteString( ' by ' ); WriteInt( size, 0 ); WriteLn; (* build the matricies *) Build( space[old], 0, max_states, size, size ); (* define the offsets of the neighbours *); (* N *) neighbour[1].row := -1; neighbour[1].col := +0; (* E *) neighbour[2].row := +0; neighbour[2].col := +1; (* S *) neighbour[3].row := +1; neighbour[3].col := +0; (* W *) neighbour[4].row := +0; neighbour[4].col := -1; (* and define the wrap of states from one end to another *) FOR i := 1 TO n_states DO state_wrap[i] := i - 1; END; state_wrap[0] := n_states; state_wrap[n_states] := 0; (* randomize the first space *) FOR i := 1 TO size DO FOR j := 1 TO size DO Put( space[old], i, j, RandomCard( n_states ) ); END; END; Duplicate( space[old], space[new] ); WriteLn; WriteString( 'hit any key to start, then any key to quit' ); WriteLn; Read( c ); GetScreenMode( screen_mode ); ScreenMode( gph16CHiRes ); (* draw the initial state *) row := radius + offset; FOR i := 1 TO size DO col := radius; FOR j := 1 TO size DO Circle( row, col, row, col+radius, Get( space[old], i, j ), TRUE ); col := col + diameter; END; row := row + diameter; END; (* now run the rest *) WHILE NOT KeyPressed() DO FOR i := 1 TO size DO FOR j := 1 TO size DO s_to_eat := state_wrap[ Get( space[old], i, j ) ]; m := 1; WHILE m <= 4 DO k := i + neighbour[m].row; l := j + neighbour[m].col; IF k = 0 THEN k := size ELSE IF k > size THEN k := 1 END; END; IF l = 0 THEN l := size ELSE IF l > size THEN l := 1 END; END; IF Get( space[old], k, l ) = s_to_eat THEN Put( space[new], i, j, s_to_eat ); m := 5; (* exit loop *) ELSE m := m + 1; END; END; END; END; (* display the new cells *) changes := FALSE; row := radius + offset; FOR i := 1 TO size DO col := radius; FOR j := 1 TO size DO s := Get( space[new], i, j ); IF s # Get( space[old], i, j ) THEN (* there has been a change, so show it, and save it *) Circle( row, col, row, col+radius, s, TRUE ); Put( space[old], i, j, s ); changes := TRUE; END; col := col + diameter; END; row := row + diameter; END; (* put up a marker to say 'no changes' *) IF NOT changes THEN Circle( 10, 200, 10, 200+10, 15, TRUE ); END; END; Destroy( space[old] ); Destroy( space[new] ); Read( c ); ScreenMode( screen_mode ); END Defect.