MODULE TestRegis; (* test the RegisGraphics module and show how its used *) (* J. Andrea, June 1991 *) (* This code may be freely used and distributed, it may not be sold. *) FROM REGISGraphics IMPORT BeginRegis, EndRegis, GetDimensions, EraseScreen, Move, VectorLine; VAR max_row, max_col :CARDINAL; mid_row, mid_col :CARDINAL; BEGIN BeginRegis( 'SYS$OUTPUT' ); EraseScreen; GetDimensions( max_col, max_row ); mid_row := max_row DIV 2; mid_col := max_col DIV 2; Move( mid_col, mid_row ); VectorLine( 100, 0. ); Move( mid_col, mid_row ); VectorLine( 100, 20. ); Move( mid_col, mid_row ); VectorLine( 100, 45. ); Move( mid_col, mid_row ); VectorLine( 100, 80. ); Move( mid_col, mid_row ); VectorLine( 100, 90. ); Move( mid_col, mid_row ); VectorLine( 100, 100. ); Move( mid_col, mid_row ); VectorLine( 100, 135. ); Move( mid_col, mid_row ); VectorLine( 100, 180. ); Move( mid_col, mid_row ); VectorLine( 100, 225. ); Move( mid_col, mid_row ); VectorLine( 100, 270. ); Move( mid_col, mid_row ); VectorLine( 100, 315. ); Move( mid_col, mid_row ); VectorLine( 100, 360. ); EndRegis; END TestRegis.