MODULE WaTor; (* John Andrea, reserected, July 1991 - but no population logging to file *) (* John Andrea, Dec 1984 *) (* this third version uses 4 or 8 directions for the neighbourhood *) (* original idea from Scientific American Mathematical Games 1984 sometime *) (* This code may be freely used and distributed, it may not be sold. *) (* * Gotta shake your tail to make a wave * fish * Gotta shake your tail to make a wave * shark * Gotta shake your tail to make a wave * fish * Gotta shake your tail to make a wave * shark * Get hot , red hot * Everybody create , create your fate * Everybody create , before its too late * Live life like a diamond ring * * - The Only Star In Heaven * Frankie Goes To Hollywood *) FROM Conversions IMPORT CardToString; FROM VeryScreen IMPORT Home, EraseScreen, PutString, PutCursor, CursorOn; FROM InOut IMPORT WriteString, WriteLn, WriteCard, Done, ReadString, ReadLn, ReadCard, ReadInt, OpenOutput, CloseOutput, out; FROM Randomly IMPORT Choose_0_To_N_Minus_1, Choose_0_To_N, Choose_1_To_N; FROM FileSystem IMPORT Name; CONST screen_row_min = 2; (* the coordinates of the playing field *) screen_row_max = 23; screen_col_min = 2; screen_col_max = 50; title_row = 4; (* the title *) title_col = 55; label_1_row = 8; (* fish population *) label_1_col = 55; label_2_row = 10; (* shark population *) label_2_col = 55; label_4_row = 12; (* the generation # *) label_4_col = 55; label_3_row = 15; (* parameters *) label_3_col = 55; label_5_row = 21; (* logging ? *) label_5_col = 55; row_min = 1; (* the size of the planet - related to the screen *) row_max = screen_row_max - screen_row_min + 1; col_min = 1; col_max = screen_col_max - screen_col_min + 1; max_spots = (row_max - row_min + 1) * (col_max - col_min + 1); max_neighbours = 8; TYPE String = ARRAY [0..80] OF CHAR; Species = ( empty, fish, shark ); Position = RECORD row, col :CARDINAL; END; Chronon = CARDINAL; Directions= ( north, south, east, west, north_east, north_west, south_east, south_west ); WaTorSpot = RECORD next :ARRAY [north..south_west] OF Position; life_form :Species; time_to_breed , time_to_starve :Chronon; END; PlanetSurface = ARRAY [row_min..row_max] OF ARRAY [col_min..col_max] OF WaTorSpot; ScreenMap = ARRAY [row_min..row_max] OF ARRAY [col_min..col_max] OF CHAR; NeighbourList = ARRAY [1..max_neighbours] OF Position; VAR dead_planet, old, new :PlanetSurface; max_direction :Directions; n_fish, n_sharks, default_n_fish, default_n_sharks :CARDINAL; fish_breed, shark_breed, shark_starve, default_fish_breed, default_shark_breed, default_shark_starve :Chronon; fish_population, shark_population, population :CARDINAL; screen :ScreenMap; picture :ARRAY [empty..shark] OF CHAR; row, col :CARDINAL; (* ---------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE SpawnFish( row, col :CARDINAL); BEGIN (* SpawnFish *) new[row,col].life_form := fish; new[row,col].time_to_breed := Choose_0_To_N(fish_breed); new[row,col].time_to_starve := 0; fish_population := fish_population + 1; END SpawnFish; (* ---------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE SpawnSharks( row, col :CARDINAL); BEGIN (* SpawnSharks *) new[row,col].life_form := shark; new[row,col].time_to_breed := Choose_0_To_N(shark_breed); new[row,col].time_to_starve := Choose_0_To_N(shark_starve); shark_population := shark_population + 1; END SpawnSharks; (* ---------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Initialize; (* set up all the parameters for the game, and seed the planet *) VAR n :CARDINAL; answer :CHAR; i, j :CARDINAL; (* ----------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Spawn( animal :Species ); VAR row, col :CARDINAL; BEGIN (* Spawn *) row := Choose_0_To_N(row_max-row_min) + row_min; col := Choose_0_To_N(col_max-col_min) + col_min; IF new[row,col].life_form = empty THEN IF animal = fish THEN SpawnFish( row, col); ELSE SpawnSharks( row, col); END; (* if *) END; (* if *) END Spawn; (* ----------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE DrawScreen; VAR number :String; BEGIN (* DrawScreen *) (* initialize the screen *) Home; EraseScreen; (* draw up a box around the playing field *) FOR col := screen_col_min -1 TO screen_col_max +1 DO PutString('-',screen_row_min-1,col); PutString('-',screen_row_max+1,col); END; (* for *) FOR row := screen_row_min -1 TO screen_row_max +1 DO PutString('|',row,screen_col_min-1); PutString('|',row,screen_col_max+1); END; (* for *) PutString('Wa Tor',title_row,title_col); IF max_direction = west THEN PutString('(4 neighbours)',title_row,title_col+8) ELSE PutString('(8 neighbours)',title_row,title_col+8) END; (* if *) PutString('fish population:',label_1_row,label_1_col); PutString('shark population:',label_2_row,label_2_col); PutString('generation:',label_4_row,label_4_col); PutString('n_fish: ',label_3_row,label_3_col); PutString('n_sharks: ',label_3_row+1,label_3_col); PutString('fish breed: ',label_3_row+2,label_3_col); PutString('shark breed: ',label_3_row+3,label_3_col); PutString('shark starve: ',label_3_row+4,label_3_col); CardToString(n_fish,5,number); PutString(number,label_3_row,label_3_col+15); CardToString(n_sharks,5,number); PutString(number,label_3_row+1,label_3_col+15); CardToString(fish_breed,5,number); PutString(number,label_3_row+2,label_3_col+15); CardToString(shark_breed,5,number); PutString(number,label_3_row+3,label_3_col+15); CardToString(shark_starve,5,number); PutString(number,label_3_row+4,label_3_col+15); END DrawScreen; BEGIN (* Initialize *) population := 0; shark_population := 0; fish_population := 0; WriteLn; WriteString('You must control Y to stop the game'); WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteString('How many neighbours ( 4 or 8 ) ? '); ReadCard(n); ReadLn; IF (n # 4) & (n # 8) THEN n := 8; END; IF n = 4 THEN max_direction := west; ELSE max_direction := south_west; END; (* if *) WriteLn; WriteString('How many fish ?'); ReadCard(n_fish); IF n_fish = 0 THEN n_fish := default_n_fish; END; (* if *) ReadLn; WriteLn; WriteString('How many sharks ?'); ReadCard(n_sharks); IF n_sharks = 0 THEN n_sharks := default_n_sharks; END; (* if *) ReadLn; WriteLn; WriteString('What is the fish breeding time ?'); ReadCard(fish_breed); IF fish_breed = 0 THEN fish_breed := default_fish_breed; END; (* if *) ReadLn; WriteLn; WriteString('What is the shark breeding time ?'); ReadCard(shark_breed); IF shark_breed = 0 THEN shark_breed := default_shark_breed; END; (* if *) ReadLn; WriteLn; WriteString('What is the shark starving time ?'); ReadCard(shark_starve); IF shark_starve = 0 THEN shark_starve := default_shark_starve; END; (* if *) ReadLn; (* now allocate all the fishies *) IF n_fish > max_spots THEN n_fish := max_spots END; FOR n := 1 TO n_fish DO Spawn(fish); END; (* for *) IF n_sharks > max_spots THEN n_sharks := max_spots END; FOR n := 1 TO n_sharks DO Spawn(shark); END; (* for *) population := fish_population + shark_population; DrawScreen; END Initialize; (* ---------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Play; VAR number :String; n_neighbours :CARDINAL; move_row, move_col :CARDINAL; n_changes, generation :CARDINAL; (* ----------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE ShowChanges; VAR row, col :CARDINAL; c :CHAR; BEGIN (* ShowChanges *) n_changes := 0; FOR row := row_min TO row_max DO FOR col := col_min TO col_max DO c := picture[old[row,col].life_form]; IF c # screen[row,col] THEN n_changes := n_changes + 1; screen[row,col] := c; PutString(c, screen_row_min+(row-row_min), screen_col_min+(col-col_min)); END; (* if *) END; (* for *) (* col *) END; (* for *) (* row *) END ShowChanges; (* --------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Kill( row, col :CARDINAL; VAR nuke :PlanetSurface); (* make a spot empty *) BEGIN (* Kill *) nuke[row,col].life_form := empty; nuke[row,col].time_to_breed := 0; nuke[row,col].time_to_starve := 0; END Kill; (* --------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Swim(row,col :CARDINAL; spot :WaTorSpot) :BOOLEAN; (* here's a function with side effects *) (* if the thing can move, then do it and return true *) VAR neighbours :NeighbourList; new_position :Position; (* --------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE SearchBoth( catch :Species ) :BOOLEAN; (* another function with side-effects *) (* look around the neighbourhood for 'catch', and gather them up *) VAR close :Directions; close_row, close_col :CARDINAL; BEGIN (* SearchBoth *) n_neighbours := 0; FOR close := north TO max_direction DO close_row :=[close].row; close_col :=[close].col; (* look in both the old and the new neighbourhoods *) IF (old[close_row,close_col].life_form = catch) & (new[close_row,close_col].life_form = catch) THEN n_neighbours := n_neighbours + 1; neighbours[n_neighbours] :=[close]; END; (* if *) END; (* for *) RETURN (n_neighbours > 0 ); END SearchBoth; BEGIN (* Swim *) IF SearchBoth( empty ) THEN (* it can be moved *) new_position := neighbours[Choose_1_To_N(n_neighbours)]; move_row := new_position.row; move_col := new_position.col; (* turn off the old position *) Kill(row,col,old); (* and move this one *) new[move_row,move_col].life_form := spot.life_form; new[move_row,move_col].time_to_breed := spot.time_to_breed; new[move_row,move_col].time_to_starve := spot.time_to_starve; RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; (* if *) END Swim; (* --------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE FishAction; VAR this_fish :WaTorSpot; row, col :CARDINAL; BEGIN (* FishAction *) (* scan the whole planet *) FOR row := row_min TO row_max DO FOR col := col_min TO col_max DO this_fish := old[row,col]; IF this_fish.life_form = fish THEN (* this spot is a fish so do it *) IF this_fish.time_to_breed # 0 THEN this_fish.time_to_breed := this_fish.time_to_breed - 1; END; (* if *) IF Swim(row,col,this_fish) THEN (* is it time for this guy to breed too *) IF this_fish.time_to_breed = 0 THEN (* yes, time to breed *) SpawnFish(row,col); (* and the older one must wait again *) new[move_row,move_col].time_to_breed := fish_breed; END; (* if *) ELSE (* can't be moved, just reset it *) new[row,col].life_form := fish; new[row,col].time_to_breed := this_fish.time_to_breed; new[row,col].time_to_starve := 0; END; (* if *) END; (* if *) END; (* for *) (* col *) END; (* for *) (* row *) END FishAction; (* --------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE SharkAction; VAR this_shark :WaTorSpot; row, col :CARDINAL; moved :BOOLEAN; (* --------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Eat( row, col :CARDINAL; spot :WaTorSpot ) :BOOLEAN; (* still another function with side-effects *) VAR neighbours :NeighbourList; n_neighbours :CARDINAL; new_position :Position; (* --------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Search( catch :Species ) :BOOLEAN; (* another function with side-effects *) (* look around the neighbourhood for 'catch', and gather them up *) VAR close :Directions; close_row, close_col :CARDINAL; BEGIN (* Search *) n_neighbours := 0; FOR close := north TO max_direction DO close_row :=[close].row; close_col :=[close].col; (* look only in the new neighbourhood *) IF new[close_row,close_col].life_form = catch THEN n_neighbours := n_neighbours + 1; neighbours[n_neighbours] :=[close]; END; (* if *) END; (* for *) RETURN (n_neighbours > 0 ); END Search; BEGIN (* Eat *) IF Search(fish) THEN (* it found a victim *) new_position := neighbours[Choose_1_To_N(n_neighbours)]; move_row := new_position.row; move_col := new_position.col; (* turn off the victim *) Kill(move_row,move_col,new); Kill(move_row,move_col,old); fish_population := fish_population - 1; (* and move this one *) new[move_row,move_col].life_form := shark; new[move_row,move_col].time_to_breed := this_shark.time_to_breed; new[move_row,move_col].time_to_starve := shark_starve; RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; (* if *) END Eat; BEGIN (* SharkAction *) (* scan the whole planet *) FOR row := row_min TO row_max DO FOR col := col_min TO col_max DO this_shark := old[row,col]; IF this_shark.life_form = shark THEN (* this spot is a shark so do it *) moved := FALSE; IF this_shark.time_to_breed # 0 THEN this_shark.time_to_breed := this_shark.time_to_breed - 1; END; (* if *) IF Eat(row,col,this_shark) THEN moved := TRUE; ELSE (* found no victims, try to move it *) IF this_shark.time_to_starve # 0 THEN this_shark.time_to_starve := this_shark.time_to_starve-1; END; (* if *) (* unless its time to starve *) IF this_shark.time_to_starve = 0 THEN Kill(row,col,new); shark_population := shark_population - 1; ELSE IF Swim(row,col,this_shark) THEN moved := TRUE; ELSE (* can't be moved, just reset it *) new[row,col].life_form := shark; new[row,col].time_to_breed := this_shark.time_to_breed; new[row,col].time_to_starve := this_shark.time_to_starve; END; (* if *) END; (* if *) (* starved *) END; (* if *) IF moved THEN (* is it time for this guy to breed too *) IF this_shark.time_to_breed = 0 THEN (* yes, time to breed *) SpawnSharks(row,col); (* and the older one must wait again *) new[move_row,move_col].time_to_breed := shark_breed; END; (* if *) END; (* if *) END; (* if *) END; (* for *) (* col *) END; (* for *) (* row *) END SharkAction; BEGIN (* Play *) generation := 1; WHILE (fish_population > 0) & (shark_population > 0 ) DO FOR row := row_min TO row_max DO FOR col := col_min TO col_max DO new[row,col] := dead_planet[row,col]; END; (* col *) END; (* row *) ShowChanges; (* population numbers *) CardToString(fish_population,5,number); PutString(number,label_1_row,label_1_col+18); CardToString(shark_population,5,number); PutString(number,label_2_row,label_2_col+18); CardToString(generation,5,number); PutString(number,label_4_row,label_4_col+18); FishAction; SharkAction; population := fish_population + shark_population; generation := generation + 1; FOR row := row_min TO row_max DO FOR col := col_min TO col_max DO old[row,col] := new[row,col]; END; (* col *) END; (* row *) END; (* while *) (* finish up *) IF fish_population = 0 THEN PutString('Fish extinct',screen_row_max,1); ELSE PutString('Sharks extinct',screen_row_max,1); END; PutCursor(screen_row_max,1); WriteLn; END Play; (* ------------------------------------------------------ *) PROCEDURE SetNeighbours; (* now define the neighbour spots for every spot on the surface *) (* remember that the planet is a torus *) TYPE map_parts = RECORD row, col :INTEGER; END; VAR wrap_map :ARRAY [north..south_west] OF map_parts; compass :Directions; integer_row_min, integer_row_max, integer_col_min, integer_col_max :INTEGER; (* --------------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE SetWrapMap; (* these are the values to be added to the given row,col to find * the torus'ly wrapped position on a square grid *) BEGIN (* SetWrapMap *) wrap_map[north].row := -1; wrap_map[north].col := 0; wrap_map[south].row := 1; wrap_map[south].col := 0; wrap_map[east].row := 0; wrap_map[east].col := 1; wrap_map[west].row := 0; wrap_map[west].col := -1; wrap_map[north_east].row := -1; wrap_map[north_east].col := 1; wrap_map[north_west].row := -1; wrap_map[north_west].col := -1; wrap_map[south_east].row := 1; wrap_map[south_east].col := 1; wrap_map[south_west].row := 1; wrap_map[south_west].col := -1; (* and define the corresponding integer values *) integer_row_min := INTEGER(row_min); integer_row_max := INTEGER(row_max); integer_col_min := INTEGER(col_min); integer_col_max := INTEGER(col_max); END SetWrapMap; (* ---------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE NewRow( row :CARDINAL; direction :Directions ) :CARDINAL; (* define the position of the wrapped row, if it needs to wrap *) VAR new_row :INTEGER; BEGIN (* NewRow *) new_row := INTEGER(row) + wrap_map[direction].row; IF new_row < integer_row_min THEN new_row := integer_row_max; ELSIF new_row > integer_row_max THEN new_row := integer_row_min; END; (* if *) RETURN CARDINAL(new_row); END NewRow; (* ---------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE NewCol( col :CARDINAL; direction :Directions ) :CARDINAL; (* define the position of the wrapped column, if it needs to wrap *) VAR new_col :INTEGER; BEGIN (* NewCol *) new_col := INTEGER(col) + wrap_map[direction].col; IF new_col < integer_col_min THEN new_col := integer_col_max; ELSIF new_col > integer_col_max THEN new_col := integer_col_min; END; (* if *) RETURN CARDINAL(new_col); END NewCol; BEGIN (* SetNeighbours *) (* this algorithm only works if the minimum row or column is not zero, * i.e. the array bounds for the planet cannot start at zero * thats why the following check is included *) IF (row_min < 1) OR (col_min < 1) THEN (* somebody screwed up when they set up the constants *) WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteString(' Implementation ERROR '); WriteLn; WriteString(' detected in the procedure SetNeighbours'); WriteLn; IF row_min < 1 THEN WriteString(' the value of row_min cannot be zero'); WriteLn; END; (* if *) IF col_min < 1 THEN WriteString(' the value of col_min cannot be zero'); WriteLn; END; (* if *) WriteString(' reset the CONST value'); WriteLn; WriteLn; HALT; END; (* if *) SetWrapMap; (* set up the pseudo-pointers for all the neighbours in the matrix *) FOR row := row_min TO row_max DO FOR col := col_min TO col_max DO (* empty out the arrays too *) screen[row,col] := picture[empty]; dead_planet[row,col].life_form := empty; dead_planet[row,col].time_to_breed := 0; dead_planet[row,col].time_to_starve := 0; FOR compass := north TO south_west DO dead_planet[row,col].next[compass].row := NewRow(row,compass); dead_planet[row,col].next[compass].col := NewCol(col,compass); END; (* for *) (* compass *) END; (* for *) (* col *) END; (* for *) (* row *) END SetNeighbours; BEGIN (* WaTor *) (* what the fish look like *) picture[empty] := ' '; picture[fish] := '.'; picture[shark] := 'o'; (* set the defaults *) default_n_fish := 200; default_n_sharks := 20; default_fish_breed := 3; default_shark_breed := 10; default_shark_starve := 3; SetNeighbours; FOR row := row_min TO row_max DO FOR col := col_min TO col_max DO new[row,col] := dead_planet[row,col]; END; (* for *) (* col *) END; (* for *) (* row *) Initialize; FOR row := row_min TO row_max DO FOR col := col_min TO col_max DO old[row,col] := new[row,col]; END; (* for *) (* col *) END; (* for *) (* row *) Play; END WaTor.