DEFINITION MODULE BlockIO; (* This module is for doing block i/o to/from files. This method of i/o is faster than standard record i/o and also allows for the reading of any file type no matter what format or record size. Typically one block of data (512 bytes) is read/written at a time, however less or more data may be moved, but the data is always started at a block boundary and users must always specify which block number in the file to read/write from/to. If reading/writing more than one block at a time you should skip by n = ( size + 511 ) / 512 blocks. Any data structure can be read/written from/to a file since the data is passed as an array of bytes (meaning unknown structure). Files created using the OpenOut procedure are created with fixed length records of 512 bytes and no record format (this format is similar to .EXE files) The file type used here may not be compatible with the file type from FileSystem. *) (* J. Andrea, June.4/91, taken from FileSystem from ETH V3.1 *) (* This code may be freely used and distributed, it may not be sold. *) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT BYTE; EXPORT QUALIFIED BlockFile, OpenIn, OpenOut, Close, Read, Write, Done, Status, ShowStatus; TYPE BlockFile; (* hidden *) PROCEDURE Done() :BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE OpenIn( VAR f :BlockFile; filename :ARRAY OF CHAR ); (* opens an existing file for readonly block i/o *) PROCEDURE OpenOut( VAR f :BlockFile; filename :ARRAY OF CHAR ); (* opens a new file for writeonly block i/o *) (* these files are created with 512 byte fixed length records, and no record structures *) PROCEDURE Close( VAR f :BlockFile ); (* closes file, modifications become permanent *) PROCEDURE Read( VAR f :BlockFile; count :CARDINAL; VAR block :ARRAY OF BYTE; VAR size :CARDINAL ); (* read the count'th block, starting at 1 *) (* the number of bytes read is returned in 'size', often the last block of a file is not filled *) PROCEDURE Write( VAR f :BlockFile; count :CARDINAL; block :ARRAY OF BYTE; size :CARDINAL ); (* write the count'th block, starting at 1 *) (* if size=0 then the whole structure is output otherwise only the given number of bytes are written *) PROCEDURE Status(): CARDINAL; (* returns the VAX/VMS status code of the last RMS operation *) PROCEDURE ShowStatus; (* should be called if not Done() to display the corresponding error message on the terminal *) END BlockIO.