DEFINITION MODULE REGISGraphics; (* simple REGIS Graphics routines *) (* J. Andrea, Apr.30/91 *) (* This code may be freely used and distributed, it may not be sold. *) (* This type of graphics is available on VT240, VT241, VT330, and VT430 terminals, which includes DECWindows DECTerm windows as well. These modules differ slightly from standard REGIS calls in that the standard is to have row values increasing from top to bottom, this set of routines is more geared to X-Y graphics and so: X direction is across columns, increasing from left to right, and Y direction is along rows, increasing from top to bottom. There is one known bug in these routines, if SYS$OUTPUT is the output file for interactive graphics then the output may not be flushed after every command so some segments may be missing. A way around this is to close/open the output file after each screen is complete. *) EXPORT QUALIFIED BeginRegis, EndRegis, EraseScreen, GetDimensions, GetPosition, Border, Move, Dot, Line, Circle, Rectangle, VectorMove, VectorLine, Text, Command; PROCEDURE BeginRegis( filename :ARRAY OF CHAR ); (* define the output file to hold the graphics commands, if interactive graphics then define filename as SYS$OUTPUT *) PROCEDURE EndRegis; (* close the current output file *) PROCEDURE EraseScreen; (* erase the whole display *) PROCEDURE GetDimensions( VAR x, y :CARDINAL ); (* return the maximum possible dimensions of the display *) PROCEDURE GetPosition( VAR x, y :CARDINAL ); (* return the current location of the cursor *) PROCEDURE Border; (* draw a border around the largest dimensions *) PROCEDURE Move( x, y :CARDINAL ); (* move to the new location, make it the current point *) PROCEDURE Dot; (* draw a dot at the current location *) PROCEDURE Line( x, y :CARDINAL ); (* draw a line from the current point to the new point, and the new point will become the current point *) PROCEDURE Circle( radius :CARDINAL; filled :BOOLEAN ); (* draw a circle of the given radius from the current point *) PROCEDURE Rectangle( width, height :CARDINAL; filled :BOOLEAN ); (* draw a rectangle, one corner at current point, opposite corner at current+width,current+height *) PROCEDURE VectorMove( length :CARDINAL; angle :REAL ); (* move from the current location given a length and angle *) PROCEDURE VectorLine( length :CARDINAL; angle :REAL ); (* draw a line from the current location given a length and angle, and the new point will become the current point *) PROCEDURE Text( string :ARRAY OF CHAR; size :CARDINAL ); (* put some text at the current location *) PROCEDURE Command( string :ARRAY OF CHAR ); (* put some other REGIS command into the output stream *) END REGISGraphics.