DEFINITION MODULE SimpleScreen; (* Screen procedures with simple syntax The procedure ErasePage must be called first to set up the display, and afterwords the procedure ScreenFinished should be called to exit screen mode and use ordinary IO again. *) (* J. Andrea Dec 1985, using VMS V4 screen manipulation *) (* This code may be freely used and distributed, it may not be sold. *) EXPORT QUALIFIED ErasePage, EraseLine, PutScreen, SetCursor, ReDrawScreen, ScreenFinished; PROCEDURE ErasePage( row, col :CARDINAL ); (* move the cursor to the given row and column on the screen *) PROCEDURE EraseLine( row, col :CARDINAL ); (* erase the line from the given coordinates to the end of the screen *) PROCEDURE PutScreen( text :ARRAY OF CHAR; row, col :CARDINAL); (* put output on the screen, no special features *) PROCEDURE SetCursor( row, col :CARDINAL); (* move the cursor to the given row and column on the screen *) PROCEDURE ReDrawScreen; PROCEDURE ScreenFinished; END SimpleScreen.