DEFINITION MODULE MoreMath; (* John Andrea, Mar.27/92 *) (* This code may NOT be sold, it may be freely used and distributed *) PROCEDURE MinCard( a, b :CARDINAL ) :CARDINAL; (* return the smaller of 'a' and 'b' *) PROCEDURE MaxCard( a, b :CARDINAL ) :CARDINAL; (* return the larger of 'a' and 'b' *) PROCEDURE MinInt( a, b :INTEGER ) :INTEGER; (* return the smaller of 'a' and 'b' *) PROCEDURE MaxInt( a, b :INTEGER ) :INTEGER; (* return the larger of 'a' and 'b' *) PROCEDURE SizeCard( a :CARDINAL ) :CARDINAL; (* return the number of digits in the number *) PROCEDURE SizeInt( a :INTEGER ) :CARDINAL; (* return the number of digits in the number *) END MoreMath.