IMPLEMENTATION MODULE LargeNumbers; (* based on ExNumLib in "Modula-2 Library Modules: A Programmers Reference" by Robert D. Walker, Tab Books Inc, 1988 *) (* V3.0, J.Andrea, Nov.14/92 - character operations working *) (* V2.1, J.Andrea, Nov.13/92 - use lookup table for character operations *) (* V2.0, J.Andrea, Nov.13/92 - store mantissa as characters not integers *) (* V1.0, J.Andrea, Nov.13/92 - add tests for non-initialized numbers *) (* V0.0, implemented and some fixes by J.Andrea, Nov.12/92 *) FROM StringOperations IMPORT Length, Append; FROM Conversions IMPORT IntToString; CONST exp_max_len = 7; (* how many digits could an exponent hold *) max_real_digits = 7; (* precision of a REAL type floating point number *) an_value = 12321; (* an unlikely value in garbage memory space *) VAR max_digits :INTEGER; i :INTEGER; c, d :CHAR; digit_to_int :ARRAY [0C..11C] OF INTEGER; (* range chr(0) to chr(9) *) int_to_digit :ARRAY [0..9] OF CHAR; char_to_digit :ARRAY ['0'..'9'] OF CHAR; digit_to_char :ARRAY [0C..11C] OF CHAR; char_to_int :ARRAY ['0'..'9'] OF INTEGER; mul_digits :ARRAY [0C..11C] OF ARRAY [0C..11C] OF INTEGER; (* ----------------- *) PROCEDURE IsAN( a :NumType ) :BOOLEAN; (* is the large number A Number, has it been initialized ? *) BEGIN RETURN = an_value; END IsAN; (* ----------------- *) PROCEDURE xtoi( x :REAL; k :INTEGER ) :REAL; (* raise a real number to an integer power *) VAR y :REAL; i :INTEGER; BEGIN y := 1.0; (* initialize, and default for k=0 *) IF k > 0 THEN FOR i := 1 TO k DO y := y * x; END; ELSE IF k < 0 THEN FOR i := 1 TO k DO y := y / x; END; END; END; RETURN y; END xtoi; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE SetDigits( d :INTEGER ); BEGIN IF d < 2 THEN max_digits := 2; status := too_few_digits; ELSIF d > max_precision THEN max_digits := max_precision; status := too_many_digits; ELSE max_digits := d; status := ok; END; END SetDigits; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Add( a, b :NumType; VAR c :NumType ); BEGIN IF IsAN( a ) & IsAN( b ) THEN IF a.sign = b.sign THEN AddUtility( a, b, c ); IF a.sign = negative THEN ChangeSign( c ); END; ELSE IF a.sign = positive THEN SubtractUtility( a, b, c ); ELSE SubtractUtility( b, a, c ); END; END; ELSE c := zero; status := nan; END; END Add; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Subtract( a, b :NumType; VAR c :NumType ); BEGIN IF IsAN( a ) & IsAN( b ) THEN IF a.sign = b.sign THEN IF a.sign = positive THEN SubtractUtility( a, b, c ); ELSE SubtractUtility( b, a, c ); END; ELSE AddUtility( a, b, c ); IF a.sign = negative THEN ChangeSign( c ); END; END; ELSE c := zero; status := nan; END; END Subtract; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Multiply( a, b :NumType; VAR c :NumType ); VAR i, j, product, carry :INTEGER; ex1 :NumType; BEGIN IF IsAN( a ) & IsAN( b ) THEN IF ( Compare( a, zero ) = 0 ) OR ( Compare( b, zero ) = 0 ) THEN (* multiplication by zero *) c := zero; status := ok; ELSIF Compare( a, one ) = 0 THEN (* multiplication by one *) c := b; status := ok; ELSIF Compare( b, one ) = 0 THEN (* multiplication by one *) c := a; status := ok; ELSE (* regular multiplication *) status := ok; c := zero; FOR i := max_digits - 1 TO 0 BY -1 DO ex1 := zero; ex1.exp := a.exp + b.exp - i; carry := 0; FOR j := max_digits - 1 TO 0 BY -1 DO product := mul_digits[[j],[i]] + carry;[j] := int_to_digit[product MOD 10]; carry := product DIV 10; END; (* check for a final carry *) IF carry > 0 THEN ShiftRight( ex1 );[0] := int_to_digit[carry]; Times10( ex1 ); END; (* add up what we've got so far *) AddUtility( c, ex1, c ); END; (* adjust product sign *) IF a.sign # b.sign THEN ChangeSign( c ); END; END; ELSE c := zero; status := nan; END; END Multiply; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Divide( a, b :NumType; VAR c :NumType ); VAR i, quotient :INTEGER; ex1, ex2 :NumType; BEGIN IF IsAN( a ) & IsAN( b ) THEN status := ok; IF Compare( b, zero ) = 0 THEN status := divide_by_zero; ELSIF Compare( a, zero ) = 0 THEN (* dividend is zero *) c := zero; ELSIF Compare( b, one ) = 0 THEN (* divide by one *) c := a; ELSE (* regular division *) c := zero; c.exp := a.exp - b.exp; ex1 := a; (* let ex1 = ABS( a ) / magnitude( a ) *) Abs( ex1 ); ex1.exp := 0; ex2 := b; (* let ex2 = ABS( b ) / magnitude( b ) *) Abs( ex2 ); ex2.exp := 0; FOR i := 0 TO max_digits-1 DO quotient := 0; WHILE Compare( ex1, ex2 ) = 1 DO (* while ex1 > ex2 *) quotient := quotient + 1; SubtractUtility( ex1, ex2, ex1 ); END;[i] := int_to_digit[quotient]; Divide10( ex2 ); END; (* normalize quotient *) Norm( c ); (* adjust quotient sign *) IF a.sign # b.sign THEN ChangeSign( c ); END; END; ELSE c := zero; status := nan; END; END Divide; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Abs( VAR a :NumType ); BEGIN a.sign := positive; END Abs; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE ChangeSign( VAR a :NumType ); BEGIN IF a.sign = positive THEN a.sign := negative; ELSE a.sign := positive; END; END ChangeSign; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Times10( VAR a :NumType ); BEGIN IF IsAN( a ) THEN a.exp := a.exp + 1; IF a.exp > max_exp THEN status := overflow; ELSE status := ok; END; ELSE a := zero; status := nan; END; END Times10; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Divide10( VAR a :NumType ); BEGIN IF IsAN( a ) THEN a.exp := a.exp - 1; IF a.exp < min_exp THEN status := underflow; ELSE status := ok; END; ELSE a := zero; status := nan; END; END Divide10; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Compare( a, b :NumType ) :INTEGER; VAR done :BOOLEAN; i :INTEGER; BEGIN IF IsAN( a ) & IsAN( b ) THEN IF a.sign # b.sign THEN IF a.sign = positive THEN RETURN 1; (* a is +, b is -, so a > b *) ELSE RETURN -1; (* a is -, b is +, so a < b *) END; ELSE (* a and b have the same sign *) IF a.exp # b.exp THEN IF a.exp > b.exp THEN IF a.sign = positive THEN RETURN 1; (* a > b *) ELSE RETURN -1; (* a < b *) END; ELSE (* a and b have same sign, and a exponent <= b exponent *) IF a.sign = positive THEN RETURN -1; ELSE RETURN 1; END; END; ELSE (* a and b have the same sign, and the same exponent *) done := FALSE; i := 0; (* compare each digit till a difference is found, or the end *) WHILE ( i <= max_digits - 1 ) & NOT done DO IF[i] #[i] THEN done := TRUE; ELSE i := i + 1; END; END; IF i > max_digits - 1 THEN (* end reached, so all digits match *) RETURN 0; ELSE (* compare those last digits which are different *) IF[i] <[i] THEN IF a.sign = positive THEN RETURN -1; (* ab *) END; ELSE IF a.sign = positive THEN RETURN 1; (* a>b *) ELSE RETURN -1; END; END; END; END; END; ELSE RETURN -1; (* this is questionable *) END; END Compare; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Norm( VAR a :NumType ); VAR value_zero :BOOLEAN; i :INTEGER; BEGIN IF IsAN( a ) THEN (* check for a zero *) i := 0; value_zero := TRUE; WHILE ( i <= max_digits - 1 ) & value_zero DO IF[i] # int_to_digit[0] THEN value_zero := FALSE; END; i := i + 1; END; IF value_zero THEN (* normalize zero *) a.sign := positive; a.exp := 0; ELSE (* shift mantissa to left until most signifigant digit is non-zero, increment exponent with each shift *) WHILE[0] = int_to_digit[0] DO ShiftLeft( a ); Divide10( a ) END; END; ELSE a := zero; status := nan; END; END Norm; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE StringToNum( s :ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR a :NumType ); VAR done, neg_exp :BOOLEAN; i, len :CARDINAL; j, exponent :INTEGER; second_digit :BOOLEAN; (* ---------------- *) PROCEDURE Numeral( c :CHAR ) :BOOLEAN; (* is the character a number *) BEGIN RETURN ( c >= '0' ) & ( c <= '9' ); END Numeral; BEGIN status := ok; done := TRUE; a := zero; exponent := 0; neg_exp := FALSE; len := Length( s ); IF len > 0 THEN i := 0; (* chek for a negative mantissa *) IF s[i] = '-' THEN a.sign := negative; i := i + 1; END; (* skip leading zeros *) WHILE ( i < len ) & ( s[i] = '0' ) DO i := i + 1; END; IF i < len THEN (* more than just zeros in this string *) j := 0; second_digit := FALSE; (* handle digits to the left of the decimal point *) WHILE ( i < len ) & done DO IF Numeral( s[i] ) THEN[j] := char_to_digit[s[i]]; IF second_digit THEN Times10( a ); ELSE second_digit := TRUE; END; j := j + 1; i := i + 1; ELSE done := FALSE; END; END; IF NOT done THEN (* non-numeric was found, could it be something that we want *) IF ( s[i] = '.' ) OR ( CAP(s[i]) = 'E' ) THEN IF s[i] = '.' THEN i := i + 1; done := TRUE; (* get all the digits to the right of the decimal point *) WHILE ( i < len ) & done DO IF Numeral( s[i] ) THEN[j] := char_to_digit[s[i]]; j := j + 1; i := i + 1; ELSE done := FALSE; END; END; END; IF NOT done THEN IF CAP( s[i] ) = 'E' THEN i := i + 1; neg_exp := s[i] = '-'; IF ( s[i] = '+' ) OR neg_exp THEN i := i + 1; (* skip the sign *) END; (* handle the exponent *) exponent := 0; done := TRUE; WHILE ( i < len ) & done DO IF Numeral( s[i] ) THEN exponent := exponent * 10 + char_to_int[s[i]]; ELSE done := FALSE; END; END; IF NOT done THEN status := invalid_digit; ELSE IF neg_exp THEN a.exp := a.exp - exponent; ELSE a.exp := a.exp + exponent; END; END; ELSE status := invalid_digit; END; END; ELSE status := invalid_digit; END; END; END; END; END StringToNum; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE NumToString( a :NumType; VAR s :ARRAY OF CHAR ); VAR i, last :INTEGER; s_exp :ARRAY [0..exp_max_len] OF CHAR; BEGIN (* create a null string *) s[0] := 0C; IF IsAN( a ) THEN (* the sign *) IF a.sign = negative THEN Append( '-', s ); END; Append( digit_to_char[[0]], s ); Append( '.', s ); (* find the last non-zero digit *) last := max_digits - 1; WHILE ( last >= 1 ) & ([last] = 0C ) DO last := last - 1; END; FOR i := 1 TO last DO Append( digit_to_char[[i]], s ); END; (* the exponent *) Append( 'E', s ); IntToString( a.exp, 0, s_exp ); Append( s_exp, s ); ELSE Append( '0', s ); status := nan; END; END NumToString; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE AddUtility( a, b :NumType; VAR c :NumType ); VAR i, j, carry, digit, result :INTEGER; ex1, ex2 :NumType; BEGIN IF a.exp > b.exp THEN ex1 := a; ex2 := b; ELSE ex1 := b; ex2 := a; END; c := zero; c.exp := ex1.exp; carry := 0; FOR i := max_digits-1 TO 0 BY -1 DO j := i + ex2.exp - ex1.exp; (* j = index to ex2 *) (* check that j falls within bounds *) IF ( j >= 0 ) & ( j <= max_digits -1 ) THEN digit := digit_to_int[[j]]; (* get digit from ex2 *) ELSE digit := 0; (* j is outside, use zero *); END; (* perform addition with carry *) result := digit_to_int[[i]] + digit + carry; (* check for next carry *) IF result >= 10 THEN result := result MOD 10; carry := 1; ELSE carry := 0; END;[i] := int_to_digit[result]; END; (* handle final carry *) IF carry > 0 THEN ShiftRight( c ); (* shift mantissa to right *)[0] := 1C; (* make first digit = 1 *) Times10( c ); (* update exponent *) END; (* set status *) IF c.exp > max_exp THEN status := overflow; ELSE status := ok; END; END AddUtility; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE SubtractUtility( a, b:NumType; VAR c :NumType ); VAR i, j, borrow, digit, result :INTEGER; ex1, ex2 :NumType; positive_result :BOOLEAN; BEGIN Abs( a ); Abs( b ); IF a.exp > b.exp THEN ex1 := a; ex2 := b; ELSE ex1 := b; ex2 := a; END; positive_result := Compare( ex1, ex2 ) = 1; c := zero; c.exp := ex1.exp; borrow := 0; FOR i := max_digits-1 TO 0 BY -1 DO j := i + ex2.exp - ex1.exp; (* j is index into ex2 *) (* check that j falls within bounds *) IF ( j >= 0 ) & ( j <= max_digits -1 ) THEN digit := digit_to_int[[j]]; (* get digit from ex2 *) ELSE digit := 0; (* j outside array, user zero *) END; (* perform subtraction with borrowing *) result := digit_to_int[[i]]; IF positive_result THEN result := result - digit; ELSE result := digit - result; END; result := result - borrow; (* check for borrow *) IF result < 0 THEN result := result + 10; borrow := 1; ELSE borrow := 0; END;[i] := int_to_digit[result]; END; (* normalize *) Norm( c ); (* adjust sign *) IF Compare( a, b ) = -1 THEN ChangeSign( c ); END; END SubtractUtility; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE ShiftRight( VAR a :NumType ); VAR i :INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := max_digits TO 1 BY -1 DO[i] :=[i-1]; END;[0] := int_to_digit[0]; (* put zero in most signifigant position *) END ShiftRight; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE ShiftLeft( VAR a :NumType ); VAR i :INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := -1 TO max_digits - 2 DO[i] :=[i+1]; END;[max_digits-1] := int_to_digit[0]; (* put zero in least signifigant position *) END ShiftLeft; BEGIN (* precompute conversions *) FOR i := 0 TO 9 DO digit_to_int[ CHR(i) ] := i; int_to_digit[ i ] := CHR(i); END; i := 0; FOR c := '0' TO '9' DO char_to_digit[ c ] := CHR( i ); digit_to_char[ CHR(i) ] := c; char_to_int[ c ] := i; i := i + 1; END; (* precompute tables of adding and multiplying together character digits *) FOR c := 0C TO 11C DO FOR d := 0C TO 11C DO mul_digits[c,d] := digit_to_int[c] * digit_to_int[d]; END; END; (* set default for number size *) SetDigits( max_precision ); zero.sign := positive; zero.exp := 0; FOR i := -1 TO max_precision DO[i] := int_to_digit[0]; END; := an_value; one := zero;[0] := int_to_digit[1]; END LargeNumbers.