DEFINITION MODULE MoreIO; (* misc. extra i/o functions *) (* J. Andrea, Feb.18/92 *) (* This code may be freely used and distributed, it may not be sold. *) EXPORT QUALIFIED ReadLine, WriteLeftString, WriteRightString; PROCEDURE ReadLine( VAR line :ARRAY OF CHAR ); (* Read a line from standard input into the given string. *) PROCEDURE WriteLeftString( string :ARRAY OF CHAR; width :CARDINAL ); (* Write a string to standard output, left justified into a fixed width field, if the string is longer then the specified width then truncate the string, if the string is shorter then the width, append spaces to fill the width. *) PROCEDURE WriteRightString( string :ARRAY OF CHAR; width :CARDINAL ); (* Write a string to standard output, right justified into a fixed width field, if the string is longer then the specified width then truncate the string, if the string is shorter then the width, prepend spaces to fill the width. *) END MoreIO.