DEFINITION MODULE SayNumbers; (* Make a cardinal number into a phrase of words of numbers *) (* V1.0, J. Andrea, Oct.11/92 *) (* This code may be freely used and distributed, it may not be sold *) (* The output string should be long enough to hold the output, the following table lists the lognest output from zero up to: 10 is 3 at 5 chars, "three" 100 is 73 at 13 chars, "seventy three" 1,000 is 373 at 27 chars, "three hundred seventy three" 10,000 is 3373 at 42 chars, "three thousand three hundred seventy three" 65535 is 23373 at 49 chars, "twenty three thousand three hundred seventy three" 100,000 is 73373 at 50 chars, "seventy three thousand three hundred seventy three"" 1,000,000 is 373373 at 64 chars, "three hundred seventy three thousand three hundred seventy three" 10,000,000 is 3373373 at 78 chars, "three million three hundred seventy three thousand three hundred seventy three" *) EXPORT QUALIFIED SayCard, SayInt; PROCEDURE SayCard( x :CARDINAL; VAR word :ARRAY OF CHAR ); PROCEDURE SayInt( x :INTEGER; VAR word :ARRAY OF CHAR ); END SayNumbers.