DEFINITION MODULE ScreenIO; (* Do screen io, row/column locations, and color on DOS *) (* V1.0, J. Andrea, Jun.3/93 *) EXPORT QUALIFIED screen_rows, screen_cols, PutString, Clear, ClearEOL, Goto, GotoRelative, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, White, Normal, Bold, Bell, ReadKey; CONST screen_rows = 25; screen_cols = 80; PROCEDURE PutString( string :ARRAY OF CHAR; row, col :CARDINAL ); PROCEDURE Clear; (* clear the whole screen *) PROCEDURE ClearEOL; (* clear the remainder of the line *) PROCEDURE Goto( row, col :CARDINAL ); (* set the cursor position *) PROCEDURE GotoRelative( direction :CHAR ); (* move one of '<', '>', '^', 'v' *) PROCEDURE Red; (* set the current color to red, and stays till turned off *) PROCEDURE Green; PROCEDURE Blue; PROCEDURE Yellow; PROCEDURE Magenta; PROCEDURE Cyan; PROCEDURE White; PROCEDURE Normal; (* return color to normal *) PROCEDURE Bold; PROCEDURE Bell; (* ring the bell *) PROCEDURE ReadKey( VAR ch :CHAR; VAR shift, control, alt, function, arrow, special :BOOLEAN ); (* Return several items about the key that was just pressed. An ordinary lower case letter, number, or ascii char is returned with 'ch' set to the required value, and all the booleans as false. A shifted ascii char, such as "R" is returned with 'shift' as true, and 'ch' as "r". And the same for control and alt keys. Since even functions keys can have multiple functions (i.e. ALT F1) then the booleans can be returned true in any combination. The arrow keys are retuned with 'arrow' as true, and 'ch' as one of ">", "<", "^" or "v" as depictions of the directions. The special keys may be returned as "i" for insert, "h" for home, "^" for page up, "v" for page down, "d" for delete, "e" for end and "5" for keypad 5. And one note about the function keys. Since the 10..12 characters of f10..f12 can't be displayed with one character, then the ascii characters following "9" are used. F10 = ":", F11 = ";", F12 = "<". *) END ScreenIO.