// Type for a collection of files (monoidal) typedef file = @{ lines = int, files = int } // Type for the parsed command-line arguments. typedef command_line = @{ version = bool , help = bool , table = bool , excludes = [ m : nat ] list(string, m) , includes = [ m : nat ] list(string, m) } // Program state, tracking *all* supported file types in an unboxed structure. typedef source_contents = @{ rust = file , haskell = file , ats = file , python = file , vimscript = file , elm = file , idris = file , madlang = file , tex = file , markdown = file , yaml = file , toml = file , cabal = file , happy = file , alex = file , go = file , html = file , css = file , verilog = file , vhdl = file , c = file , purescript = file , futhark = file , brainfuck = file , ruby = file , julia = file , perl = file , ocaml = file , agda = file , cobol = file , tcl = file , r = file , lua = file , cpp = file , lalrpop = file , header = file , sixten = file , dhall = file , ipkg = file , makefile = file , justfile = file , ion = file , bash = file , hamlet = file , cassius = file , lucius = file , julius = file , mercury = file , yacc = file , lex = file , coq = file , jupyter = file , java = file , scala = file , erlang = file , elixir = file , pony = file , clojure = file , cabal_project = file , assembly = file , nix = file , php = file , javascript = file , kotlin = file , fsharp = file , fortran = file , swift = file , csharp = file , nim = file , cpp_header = file , elisp = file , plaintext = file , rakefile = file , llvm = file , autoconf = file , batch = file , powershell = file , m4 = file , objective_c = file , automake = file } // Reference to source_contents; used to update the structure. vtypedef source_contents_r = ref(source_contents) // Sum type representing all supported data types. datavtype pl_type = | unknown | rust of int | haskell of int | perl of int | verilog of int | vhdl of int | agda of int | futhark of int | ats of int | idris of int | python of int | elm of int | purescript of int | vimscript of int | ocaml of int | madlang of int | tex of int | markdown of int | yaml of int | toml of int | cabal of int | happy of int | alex of int | go of int | html of int | css of int | c of int | brainfuck of int | ruby of int | julia of int | cobol of int | tcl of int | r of int | lua of int | cpp of int | lalrpop of int | header of int | sixten of int | dhall of int | ipkg of int | makefile of int | justfile of int | ion of int | bash of int | hamlet of int | cassius of int | lucius of int | julius of int | mercury of int | yacc of int | lex of int | coq of int | jupyter of int | java of int | scala of int | erlang of int | elixir of int | pony of int | clojure of int | cabal_project of int | assembly of int | nix of int | php of int | javascript of int | kotlin of int | fsharp of int | fortran of int | swift of int | csharp of int | nim of int | cpp_header of int | elisp of int | rakefile of int | plaintext of int | llvm of int | autoconf of int | batch of int | powershell of int | m4 of int | objective_c of int | automake of int