#include "share/atspre_staload.hats" staload "libats/ML/SATS/string.sats" staload "libats/ML/DATS/string.dats" datavtype flag_result = | present of bool | one of Strptr1 | many of List_vt(Strptr1) vtypedef flag = @{ short = charNZ , long = Strptr1 , metavar = Option_vt(Strptr1) , help = Strptr1 , return = flag_result } vtypedef parser(a : vt@ype+) = @{ modify = Strptr1 - (a, Strptr1) } fn run_parser{a:vt@ype+}(p: parser(a), s: Strptr1) : a = let val (x, _) = p.modify(s) in x end // Type for the parsed command-line arguments. vtypedef command_line = @{ version = bool , help = bool , no_table = bool , no_parallel = bool , excludes = [m:nat] list(string, m) , includes = [m:nat] list(string, m) } fun version() : void = println!("polygot version 0.3.31\nCopyright (c) 2018 Vanessa McHale") fun help() : void = print("polyglot - Count lines of code quickly. \33[36mUSAGE:\33[0m poly [DIRECTORY] ... [OPTION] ... \33[36mFLAGS:\33[0m -V, --version show version information -h, --help display this help and exit -e, --exclude exclude a directory -p, --no-parallel do not execute in parallel -t, --no-table display results in alternate format When no directory is provided poly will execute in the current directory. Bug reports and updates: github.com/vmchale/polyglot\n") fun is_flag(s : string) : bool = string_is_prefix("-", s) fn bad_exclude(s : string) : void = (println!("\33[31mError:\33[0m flag " + s + " must be followed by an argument"); exit(0); ()) fun process_short { s : int | s > 0 } (s : string(s), acc : command_line) : command_line = let var str = string_make_substring(s, i2sz(0), i2sz(1)) var acc_r = ref(acc) val () = case+ str of | "h" => acc_r->help := true | "p" => acc_r->no_parallel := true | "t" => acc_r->no_table := true | "e" => bad_exclude(s) | "V" => acc_r->version := true | "-" => () | _ => (println!("\33[31mError:\33[0m flag '" + s + "' not recognized") ; exit(0) ; ()) fn witness(s : string) : [ n : nat | n > 0 ] string(n) = $UN.cast(s) val inter = !acc_r in if length(s) > 1 then process_short(witness(string_make_substring(s, i2sz(1), length(s))), inter) else inter end fun process(s : string, acc : command_line, is_first : bool) : command_line = let var acc_r = ref(acc) val () = if is_flag(s) then case+ s of | "--help" => acc_r->help := true | "-h" => acc_r->help := true | "--no-table" => if not(acc.no_table) then acc_r->no_table := true else (println!("\33[31mError:\33[0m flag " + s + " cannot appear twice") ; exit(0) ; ()) | "-t" => if not(acc.no_table) then acc_r->no_table := true else (println!("\33[31mError:\33[0m flag " + s + " cannot appear twice") ; exit(0) ; ()) | "--no-parallel" => acc_r->no_parallel := true | "-p" => acc_r->no_parallel := true | "--version" => acc_r->version := true | "-V" => acc_r->version := true | "-e" => bad_exclude(s) | "--exclude" => bad_exclude(s) | _ => (println!("\33[31mError:\33[0m flag '" + s + "' not recognized") ; exit(0) ; ()) else if not(is_first) then acc_r->includes := list_cons(s, acc.includes) else () in !acc_r end fun process_excludes(s : string, acc : command_line) : command_line = let var acc_r = ref(acc) val () = if is_flag(s) then (println!("Error: flag " + s + " found where a directory name was expected") ; exit(0) ; ()) else acc_r->excludes := list_cons(s, acc.excludes) in !acc_r end fnx get_cli { n : int | n >= 1 }{ m : nat | m < n } .. ( argc : int(n) , argv : !argv(n) , current : int(m) , prev_is_exclude : bool , acc : command_line ) : command_line = let var arg = argv[current] in if current < argc - 1 then if arg != "--exclude" && arg != "-e" then let val c = get_cli(argc, argv, current + 1, false, acc) in if prev_is_exclude && current != 0 then process_excludes(arg, c) else if current != 0 then process(arg, c, current = 0) else c end else let val c = get_cli(argc, argv, current + 1, true, acc) in c end else if prev_is_exclude then process_excludes(arg, acc) else process(arg, acc, current = 0) end