absprop FUNCTOR_PROP (A : prop, n : int) absprop BASE_FUNCTOR_PROP (A : prop, B : prop) dataprop LIST_PROP(A: prop, int) = | LIST_PROP_NIL(A, 0) of () | { n : nat | n > 0 } LIST_PROP_CONS(A, n) of (A, LIST_PROP(A, n - 1)) dataprop LISTF_PROP(A: prop, B: prop) = | LISTF_PROP_NIL(A, B) of () | LISTF_PROP_CONS(A, B) of (A, B) extern prfun MAP {A:prop}{B:prop}{C:prop} ( F : B - C , X : BASE_FUNCTOR_PROP(A, B) ) : BASE_FUNCTOR_PROP(A, C) propdef ALGEBRA (A : prop, B : prop) = BASE_FUNCTOR_PROP(A, B) - B extern prfun {A:prop} PROJECT {n:nat} (FUNCTOR_PROP(A,n)) : BASE_FUNCTOR_PROP(A, FUNCTOR_PROP(A,n-1)) extern prfn {A:prop}{B:prop} EMPTY_FUNCTOR {n:nat} : BASE_FUNCTOR_PROP(A, FUNCTOR_PROP(A,n)) assume FUNCTOR_PROP(A, n) = LIST_PROP(A, n) assume BASE_FUNCTOR_PROP(A, B) = LISTF_PROP(A, B) prfun {A:prop}{B:prop} CATA {n:nat} .. ( F : ALGEBRA(A, B) , A : FUNCTOR_PROP(A, n) ) : B = sif n == 0 then F(LISTF_PROP_NIL) else F(MAP(lam A0 = CATA(F,A0),PROJECT(A))) primplmnt MAP (F, XS) = case+ XS of | LISTF_PROP_NIL() => LISTF_PROP_NIL() | LISTF_PROP_CONS (Y, YS) => LISTF_PROP_CONS(Y,F(YS)) primplmnt {A} PROJECT (A) = case+ A of | LIST_PROP_NIL() => LISTF_PROP_NIL() | LIST_PROP_CONS (B, BS) => LISTF_PROP_CONS(B,BS)