Name: language-c-inline Version: Cabal-version: >= 1.9.2 Tested-with: GHC == 7.6.3, GHC == 7.8.2 Build-type: Simple Synopsis: Inline C & Objective-C code in Haskell for language interoperability Description: This library provides inline C & Objective-C code using GHC's support for quasi-quotation. In particular, it enables the use of foreign libraries without a dedicated bridge or binding. Here is a tiny example: . > nslog :: String -> IO () > nslog msg = $(objc ['msg :> ''String] (void [cexp| NSLog(@"Here is a message from Haskell: %@", msg) |])) . For more information, see . . Known bugs: . * New in 0.7.6: (1) Record marshalling; (2) foreign pointer-class marshalling; (3) custom type marshallers. Generated _objc.m files now always include "HsFFI.h" (as the tool can generate type names declared in that header). Marshals 'Bool' as 'BOOL'. Marshal 'Int' and 'Word' to 'NSInteger' and 'NSUInteger', respectively. . * New in 0.6.0: Introduction of explicit marshalling hints (for more flexibility and support of GHC 7.8's untyped Template Haskell quotations) . * New in 0.5.0: Marshalling of numeric types . * New in 0.4.0: Maybe types are marshalled as pointers that may be nil & bug fixes. . * New in 0.3.0: Boxed Haskell types without a dedicated type mapping are marshalled using stable pointers. . * New in 0.2.0: Support for multiple free variables in one inline expression as well as for inline code returning 'void'. . * New in 0.1.0: We are just getting started! This is just a ROUGH AND HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL PROTOTYPE. License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Manuel M T Chakravarty Maintainer: Manuel M T Chakravarty Homepage: Bug-reports: Category: Language, Foreign Stability: Experimental Extra-source-files: tests/objc/app/App.hs tests/objc/app/AppDelegate.hs tests/objc/app/Interpreter.hs tests/objc/app/Main.hs tests/objc/app/Makefile tests/objc/app/ tests/objc/app/ tests/objc/app/ tests/objc/app/ tests/objc/app/ tests/objc/app/ tests/objc/concept/Makefile tests/objc/minimal/Makefile tests/objc/minimal/Main.hs tests/objc/record/Makefile tests/objc/record/Main.hs tests/objc/record/Particle.hs Source-repository head Type: git Location: git:// Flag ManualTests Description: Enables tests that require manual intervention. Default: False Library Build-depends: array, base >= 4.0 && < 5, containers >= 0.4, filepath >= 1.2, language-c-quote >= 0.8, mainland-pretty >= 0.2.5, template-haskell Exposed-modules: Language.C.Inline.ObjC Other-modules: Language.C.Inline.Error Language.C.Inline.Hint Language.C.Inline.State Language.C.Inline.TH Language.C.Inline.ObjC.Hint Language.C.Inline.ObjC.Marshal Extensions: TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes -- Doesn't work!!! Use the Makefile in the tests/ instead. (How can we get cabal to compile & link the generated ObjC files?) Test-Suite concept if flag(ManualTests) Buildable: True else Buildable: False Build-depends: base >= 4.0 && < 5, language-c-quote, language-c-inline Frameworks: Foundation Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Hs-source-dirs: tests/objc/concept Main-is: MainInlineObjC.hs Other-modules: TestInlineObjC