{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} module Language.Docker.EDSLSpec where import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.List (sort) import Language.Docker.EDSL import Language.Docker.PrettyPrint import qualified Language.Docker.Syntax as Syntax import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.FilePath.Glob import Test.Hspec spec :: Spec spec = do describe "toDockerfile s" $ it "allows us to write haskell code that represents Dockerfiles" $ do let r = map Syntax.instruction $ toDockerfile (do from "node" cmdArgs ["node", "-e", "'console.log(\'hey\')'"]) r `shouldBe` [ Syntax.From $ (Syntax.UntaggedImage "node") Nothing , Syntax.Cmd ["node", "-e", "'console.log(\'hey\')'"] ] describe "prettyPrint $ toDockerfile s" $ do it "allows us to write haskell code that represents Dockerfiles" $ do let r = prettyPrint $ toDockerfile (do from "node" shell ["cmd", "/S"] cmdArgs ["node", "-e", "'console.log(\'hey\')'"] healthcheck $ check "curl -f http://localhost/ || exit 1" `interval` 300) r `shouldBe` unlines [ "FROM node" , "SHELL [\"cmd\" , \"/S\"]" , "CMD node -e 'console.log(\'hey\')'" , "HEALTHCHECK --interval=300s CMD curl -f http://localhost/ || exit 1" ] it "print expose instructions correctly" $ do let r = prettyPrint $ toDockerfile (do from "scratch" expose $ ports [variablePort "PORT", tcpPort 80, udpPort 51] expose $ ports [portRange 90 100]) r `shouldBe` unlines [ "FROM scratch" , "EXPOSE $PORT 80/tcp 51/udp" , "EXPOSE 90-100" ] it "onBuild let's us nest statements" $ do let r = prettyPrint $ toDockerfile $ do from "node" cmdArgs ["node", "-e", "'console.log(\'hey\')'"] onBuild $ do run "echo \"hello world\"" run "echo \"hello world2\"" r `shouldBe` unlines [ "FROM node" , "CMD node -e 'console.log(\'hey\')'" , "ONBUILD RUN echo \"hello world\"" , "ONBUILD RUN echo \"hello world2\"" ] it "parses and prints from aliases correctly" $ do let r = prettyPrint $ toDockerfile $ do from ("node" `tagged` "10.1" `aliased` "node-build") run "echo foo" r `shouldBe` unlines [ "FROM node:10.1 AS node-build" , "RUN echo foo" ] describe "toDockerfileStrIO" $ it "let's us run in the IO monad" $ do -- TODO - "glob" is a really useful combinator str <- toDockerfileStrIO $ do fs <- liftIO $ do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory fs <- glob "./test/Language/Docker/*.hs" return (map (makeRelative cwd) (sort fs)) from "ubuntu" mapM_ (\f -> add [Syntax.SourcePath f] (Syntax.TargetPath $ "/app/" ++ takeFileName f)) fs str `shouldBe` unlines [ "FROM ubuntu" , "ADD ./test/Language/Docker/EDSLSpec.hs /app/EDSLSpec.hs" , "ADD ./test/Language/Docker/ExamplesSpec.hs /app/ExamplesSpec.hs" , "ADD ./test/Language/Docker/ParserSpec.hs /app/ParserSpec.hs" ]