
The following provides a string → string preprocessor for Fortran
programs that deals with label-delimited @do@-@continue@ blocks of
FORTRAN 77 era. With a traditional LR(1) parser, these are not easily
(or not at all) parsable. Consider the valid FORTRAN 77 code:

>     do j = 1,5
>       do 17 i=1,10
>         print *,i
>       17 continue
>     end do

Here the \'continue\' acts as an \'end do\' (not as a usual
\'continue\' statement) because it is labelled with the same label
\'17\' as the \'do\' statement which starts the block. Parsing this
requires arbitrary look-ahead (e.g., LR(infinity)) which is provided
by the following parsec parser, but not by the \'happy\' parser

This pre processor is currently quite heavy handed. It replaces
\'continue\' in the above program with \'end do\'. E.g., the above
program is transformed to:

>     do j = 1,5
>       do 17 i=1,10
>         print *,i
>       17 end do
>     end do
module Language.Fortran.PreProcess (
  , pre_process_fixed_form
  , parseExpr
  ) where

import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (spaces)
import System.Environment

import Debug.Trace

num = many1 digit
small = lower <|> char '_'
idchar = small <|> upper <|> digit 
ident  =  do{ c <- small <|> upper ; cs <- many idchar; return (c:cs) }
spaces = many space

manyTillEnd p end =
    scan where scan  = (try end) <|> do { x <- p; xs <- scan; return (x:xs) }
pre_parser labels = manyTillEnd anyChar 
                      (try $ if null labels then try (end_or_start_do labels) <|> (eof >> return "")
                                            else  end_or_start_do labels)

end_or_start_do labels = (try $ doBlock labels) <|> (end_do labels)

doBlock labels = 
          do doStr <- string "do" <|> string "DO"
             updateState (+1)
             sp    <- spaces
             label <- (try numberedBlock) <|> (do { loop <- loop_control; return (Nothing, loop) })
             p     <- pre_parser $ (fst label) : labels
             return $ doStr ++ sp ++ snd label ++ p 

end_do labels = do label' <- optionMaybe (do {space; n <- num; space; return n})
                   sp     <- spaces
                   lookAhead (end_do_marker <|> continue)
                   ender <- 
                     case (labels, label') of 
                      ([], _)               -> do { ender <- end_do_marker; return $ sp ++ ender }
                      (Nothing:_, _)        -> do { ender <- end_do_marker; return $ sp ++ ender }
                      ((Just n):_, Nothing) -> do { ender <- end_do_marker; return $ sp ++ ender }
                      ((Just n):_, Just m)  -> if (n==m) then do ender <- end_do_marker <|> continue
                                                                 return $ " " ++ m ++ " " ++ sp ++ ender

                                                         else -- Labels don't match!
                                                              -- If the label doesn't appear anywhere in the label stack, 
                                                              --   then this is allowed (e.g. extra 'continue' points)
                                                              if Just m `notElem` labels then
                                                                  do ender <- end_do_marker <|> continue_non_replace
                                                                     return $ " " ++ m ++ " " ++ sp ++ ender
                                                              -- otherwise, we consider the do loops to be not properly bracketted
                                                               error $ "Ill formed do blocks, labels do not match: " ++ n ++ " and " ++ m ++ 
                                                                         " - with label stack " ++ (show labels)
                   level <- getState
                   updateState (\x -> x-1) -- "Level " ++ show level) `trace` (
                   p <- pre_parser (if labels == [] then [] else tail labels)
                   return $ ender ++ p

continue_non_replace = string "continue" <|> string "CONTINUE"

continue = do string "continue" <|> string "CONTINUE"
              return "end do  " -- replaces continue with 'end do', this is the goal!
end_do_marker = do endStr <- string "end" <|> string "END"
                   sp <- spaces
                   doStr <- string "do" <|> string "DO"
                   return $ endStr ++ sp ++ doStr

numberedBlock = do label <- num
                   sp1   <- spaces
                   comma <- optionMaybe (string ",")
                   sp2   <- spaces
                   loop  <- loop_control
                   return $ (Just label, label ++ " " ++ sp1 ++ (maybe "" id comma) ++ sp2 ++ loop)

newline' = 
    (try $ do { c <- char '\r'; 
                n <- newline;
                return [c,n] })
       <|> do { n <- newline; 
                return [n] }

loop_control = do var   <- ident
                  sp1   <- spaces
                  char '='
                  sp2   <- spaces
                  lower <- num <|> ident
                  sp3   <- spaces
                  char ','
                  sp4   <- spaces
                  upper <- num <|> ident
                  rest  <- manyTillEnd anyChar (try newline')
                  return $ var ++ sp1 ++ "=" ++ sp2 ++ lower ++ sp3 ++ "," ++ sp4 ++ upper ++ rest 
parseExpr :: String -> String -> String
parseExpr file input =
    case (runParser p (0::Int) "" input) of
      Left err  -> fail $ show err
      Right x   -> x
    p = do  pos <- getPosition
            setPosition $ (flip setSourceName) file $
                          (flip setSourceLine) 1 $
                          (flip setSourceColumn) 1 $ pos
            pre_parser []

 - Change Fortran77 style C, c, and * comments to ! comments.
processComments :: String -> String
processComments source = unlines $ map changeComment $ lines source

changeComment :: String -> String
changeComment "" = ""
changeComment original@(x:xs)
    | isComment original      = '!':xs
    | otherwise     = original

isComment :: String -> Bool
isComment "" = False
isComment (f:_)
    | f == 'c' = True
    | f == 'C' = True
    | f == '*' = True
    | otherwise = False

 - Old continuation used in fixed form Fortran are specified in column 6
 - and are in effect whenever the characeter is not ' ' or '0'. This processing
 - stage connects those lines to the line before.
 - If the continuation line has something else such as a label in its first
 - 6 columns then an error is thrown.
processOldContLines :: String -> String
processOldContLines source = unlines (eliminateContLines (lines source) 2)

eliminateContLines :: [String] -> Integer -> [String]
eliminateContLines [] _ = []
eliminateContLines [x] _ = [x]
eliminateContLines (l1:l2:rest) lineNumb
    | length l2 <= 6 = l1:eliminateContLines (l2:rest) (lineNumb + 1)
    | isContLine == False = l1:eliminateContLines (l2:rest) (lineNumb + 1)
    | isComment l2 = l1:eliminateContLines (l2:rest) (lineNumb + 1)
    | isContLine && isFirst5ColsEmpty =
        eliminateContLines ((removeTrailingWhitespace l1 ++ (statement l2)):rest)
                           (lineNumb + 1)
    | otherwise = error $ "Cannot preprocess continuation at line " ++
                          show lineNumb
        statement = (\s -> drop 6 s)
        newLineNumb = lineNumb + 1
        first5Cols = take 5 l2
        col6 = l2 !! 5
        isContLine = col6 /= ' ' && col6 /= '0'
        isFirst5ColsEmpty = first5Cols == "     "

removeTrailingWhitespace :: String -> String
removeTrailingWhitespace line =
    reverse $ dropWhile  (==' ') $ reverse line

pre_process :: String -> String
pre_process input = parseExpr "" input

pre_process_fixed_form input =
    parseExpr ""
    $ processComments
    $ processOldContLines input

go filename = do args <- getArgs
                 srcfile <- readFile filename
                 return $ parseExpr filename srcfile