{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, OverloadedStrings #-} -- | This module exports the instances of the 'Pretty' type class necessary for printing of an Oberon abstract syntax -- tree. Note that the AST cannot be ambiguous to be pretty-printed, so it must be resolved after parsing. module Language.Oberon.Pretty () where import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..)) import Data.List (intersperse) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)), fromList, toList) import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc import Numeric (showHex) import Language.Oberon.AST instance Pretty (Module Identity) where pretty (Module name imports declarations body name') = vsep $ intersperse mempty $ ["MODULE" <+> pretty name <> semi, if null imports then mempty else "IMPORT" <+> align (fillSep (punctuate comma $ prettyImport <$> imports)) <> semi] <> (pretty <$> declarations) <> [vsep (foldMap (\statements-> ["BEGIN" <#> prettyBlock statements]) body <> ["END" <+> pretty name' <> "." <> line])] where prettyImport (Nothing, mod) = pretty mod prettyImport (Just inner, mod) = pretty inner <> ":=" <+> pretty mod instance Pretty (Declaration Identity) where pretty (ConstantDeclaration ident (Identity expr)) = "CONST" <+> pretty ident <+> "=" <+> pretty expr <> semi pretty (TypeDeclaration ident typeDef) = "TYPE" <+> pretty ident <+> "=" <+> pretty typeDef <> semi pretty (VariableDeclaration idents varType) = "VAR" <+> hsep (punctuate comma $ pretty <$> toList idents) <+> colon <+> pretty varType <> semi pretty (ProcedureDeclaration heading body name) = vsep [pretty heading <> semi, pretty body, "END" <+> pretty name <> semi] pretty (ForwardDeclaration ident parameters) = "PROCEDURE" <+> "^" <+> pretty ident <+> pretty parameters <> semi instance Pretty IdentDef where pretty (IdentDef name Exported) = pretty name <> "*" pretty (IdentDef name ReadOnly) = pretty name <> "-" pretty (IdentDef name PrivateOnly) = pretty name instance Pretty (Expression Identity) where pretty = prettyPrec 0 where prettyPrec 0 (Relation op left right) = prettyPrec 1 left <+> pretty op <+> prettyPrec 1 right prettyPrec p (Positive e) | p < 2 = "+" <> prettyPrec 2 e prettyPrec p (Negative e) | p < 2 = "-" <> prettyPrec 2 e prettyPrec p (Add left right) | p < 3 = prettyPrec 3 left <> "+" <> prettyPrec 3 right prettyPrec p (Subtract left right) | p < 3 = prettyPrec 3 left <> "-" <> prettyPrec 3 right prettyPrec p (Or left right) | p < 3 = prettyPrec 3 left <+> "OR" <+> prettyPrec 3 right prettyPrec p (Multiply left right) | p < 4 = prettyPrec 4 left <> "*" <> prettyPrec 4 right prettyPrec p (Divide left right) | p < 4 = prettyPrec 4 left <> "/" <> prettyPrec 4 right prettyPrec p (IntegerDivide left right) | p < 4 = prettyPrec 4 left <+> "DIV" <+> prettyPrec 4 right prettyPrec p (Modulo left right) | p < 4 = prettyPrec 4 left <+> "MOD" <+> prettyPrec 4 right prettyPrec p (And left right) | p < 4 = prettyPrec 4 left <+> "&" <+> prettyPrec 4 right prettyPrec _ (Integer n) = pretty n prettyPrec _ (Real r) = pretty r prettyPrec _ (CharConstant c) = dquotes (pretty c) prettyPrec _ (CharCode c) = "0" <> pretty (showHex c "") <> "X" prettyPrec _ (String s) = dquotes (pretty s) prettyPrec _ Nil = "NIL" prettyPrec _ (Set elements) = braces (hsep $ punctuate comma $ pretty <$> elements) prettyPrec _ (Read (Identity var)) = pretty var prettyPrec _ (FunctionCall (Identity fun) parameters) = pretty fun <> parens (hsep $ punctuate comma $ pretty <$> parameters) prettyPrec p (Not e) | p < 5 = "~" <> prettyPrec 5 e prettyPrec p e = parens (prettyPrec 0 e) instance Pretty RelOp where pretty Equal = "=" pretty Unequal = "#" pretty Less = "<" pretty LessOrEqual = "<=" pretty Greater = ">" pretty GreaterOrEqual = ">=" pretty In = "IN" pretty Is = "IS" instance Pretty (Element Identity) where pretty (Element e) = pretty e pretty (Range from to) = pretty from <+> ".." <+> pretty to instance Pretty (Designator Identity) where pretty (Variable q) = pretty q pretty (Field record name) = pretty record <> dot <> pretty name pretty (Index array indexes) = pretty array <> brackets (hsep $ punctuate comma $ pretty <$> toList indexes) pretty (TypeGuard scrutinee typeName) = pretty scrutinee <> parens (pretty typeName) pretty (Dereference pointer) = pretty pointer <> "^" instance Pretty (Type Identity) where pretty (TypeReference q) = pretty q pretty (ArrayType dimensions itemType) = "ARRAY" <+> hsep (punctuate comma $ pretty . runIdentity <$> dimensions) <+> "OF" <+> pretty itemType pretty (RecordType baseType fields) = vsep ["RECORD" <+> foldMap (parens . pretty) baseType, indent 3 (vsep $ punctuate semi $ pretty <$> toList fields), "END"] pretty (PointerType pointed) = "POINTER" <+> "TO" <+> pretty pointed pretty (ProcedureType parameters) = "PROCEDURE" <+> pretty parameters instance Pretty QualIdent where pretty (QualIdent moduleName memberName) = pretty moduleName <> "." <> pretty memberName pretty (NonQualIdent localName) = pretty localName instance Pretty (FieldList Identity) where pretty (FieldList names t) = hsep (punctuate comma $ pretty <$> toList names) <+> ":" <+> pretty t pretty EmptyFieldList = mempty instance Pretty (ProcedureHeading Identity) where pretty (ProcedureHeading receiver indirect ident parameters) = "PROCEDURE" <> (if indirect then "* " else space) <> foldMap prettyReceiver receiver <> pretty ident <> pretty parameters where prettyReceiver (var, name, t) = parens ((if var then "VAR " else mempty) <> pretty name <> colon <+> pretty t) <> space instance Pretty (FormalParameters Identity) where pretty (FormalParameters sections result) = prettyList sections <> foldMap (colon <+>) (pretty <$> result) instance Pretty (FPSection Identity) where prettyList sections = lparen <> hsep (punctuate semi $ pretty <$> sections) <> rparen pretty (FPSection var names t) = (if var then ("VAR" <+>) else id) $ hsep (punctuate comma $ pretty <$> toList names) <+> colon <+> pretty t instance Pretty (ProcedureBody Identity) where pretty (ProcedureBody declarations body) = vsep ((indent 3 . pretty <$> declarations) ++ foldMap (\statements-> ["BEGIN", prettyBlock statements]) body) instance Pretty (Statement Identity) where prettyList l = vsep (dropEmptyTail $ punctuate semi $ pretty <$> l) where dropEmptyTail | not (null l), EmptyStatement <- last l = init | otherwise = id pretty EmptyStatement = mempty pretty (Assignment (Identity destination) expression) = pretty destination <+> ":=" <+> pretty expression pretty (ProcedureCall (Identity procedure) parameters) = pretty procedure <> foldMap (parens . hsep . punctuate comma . (pretty <$>)) parameters pretty (If (ifThen :| elsifs) fallback) = vsep (branch "IF" ifThen : (branch "ELSIF" <$> elsifs) ++ foldMap (\x-> ["ELSE", prettyBlock x]) fallback ++ ["END"]) where branch kwd (condition, body) = vsep [kwd <+> pretty condition <+> "THEN", prettyBlock body] pretty (CaseStatement scrutinee cases fallback) = vsep ["CASE" <+> pretty scrutinee <+> "OF", pretty cases, foldMap ("ELSE" <#>) (prettyBlock <$> fallback), "END"] pretty (While condition body) = vsep ["WHILE" <+> pretty condition <+> "DO", prettyBlock body, "END"] pretty (Repeat body condition) = vsep ["REPEAT", prettyBlock body, "UNTIL" <+> pretty condition] pretty (For index from to by body) = vsep ["FOR" <+> pretty index <+> ":=" <+> pretty from <+> "TO" <+> pretty to <+> foldMap ("BY" <+>) (pretty <$> by) <+> "DO", prettyBlock body, "END"] pretty (Loop body) = vsep ["LOOP", prettyBlock body, "END"] pretty (With alternatives fallback) = "WITH" <+> vsep (punctuate pipe (pretty <$> toList alternatives) ++ foldMap (\x-> ["ELSE", prettyBlock x]) fallback ++ ["END"]) pretty Exit = "EXIT" pretty (Return result) = "RETURN" <+> foldMap pretty result instance Pretty (Case Identity) where pretty (Case labels body) = vsep ["|" <+> pretty labels <+> colon, prettyBlock body] pretty EmptyCase = mempty instance Pretty (WithAlternative Identity) where pretty (WithAlternative name t body) = vsep [pretty name <+> colon <+> pretty t <+> "DO", prettyBlock body] instance Pretty (CaseLabels Identity) where pretty (SingleLabel expression) = pretty expression pretty (LabelRange from to) = pretty from <+> ".." <+> pretty to prettyBlock statements = indent 3 (pretty $ runIdentity <$> statements) a <#> b = vsep [a, b]