(* https://web.archive.org/web/20041103105402/http://www.oberon.ethz.ch:80/ethoberon/defs/Display3.Def.html *) DEFINITION Display3; (* portable *) (* jm 17.1.95 / tk 7.12.95*) (*Module Display3 implements the clipped graphic primitives used by the Gadget system. It has a twin module called Printer3 that implements the same primitives for the printer. *) IMPORT Display, Fonts, Pictures; CONST replace = Display.replace; paint = Display.paint; invert = Display.invert; (* Standard display modes. *) (* Display styles *) filled = 1; (* Filled *) TYPE Mask = POINTER TO MaskDesc; (* Clipping Mask. *) (* Informs a frame of a new mask. This message is always sent directly. *) OverlapMsg = RECORD ( Display.FrameMsg ) M: Mask; (* Use NIL to indicate to a frame that its current mask is invalid. *) END; (* Message broadcast by a frame (identified by the F field) to indicate that it has an invalid mask and now requires its parent, to calculate a new mask for it and to inform it through the OverlapMsg. *) UpdateMaskMsg = RECORD ( Display.FrameMsg ) END; MaskDesc = RECORD (* Clipping mask descriptor. *) x, y: INTEGER; (* Relative mask origin or offset. *) X, Y, W, H: INTEGER; (* Current clipping port in absolute coordinates. *) END; (* Enumerate the set of rectangles in a mask. The clipping port is not enumerated. *) EnumProc = PROCEDURE (X, Y, W, H: INTEGER); VAR selectpat: Display.Pattern; (* Pattern used to draw gadgets when in a selected state. *) (* Colors *) FG, BG: INTEGER; (* Foreground (black) and background (white) color indexes. *) red, green, blue: INTEGER; (* Primary color indexes. *) black, white: INTEGER; (* True black and white. *) topC: INTEGER; (* Top shadow color. *) bottomC: INTEGER; (* Bottom shadow color. *) upC: INTEGER; (* Color of a button. *) downC: INTEGER; (* Color of the pushed button *) groupC: INTEGER; (* Color of containers, i.e. gadgets that have a grouping function like panels. *) invertC: INTEGER; (* Best color for doing inverts.. *) textC: INTEGER; (* Default text color. *) textbackC: INTEGER; (* Default text background. *) textmode: INTEGER; (* Best CopyPattern mode for this display card. *) (* Initialize the Mask to the empty region, i.e. everything will be clipped away. *) PROCEDURE Open (M: Mask); (* Enumerate all the visible areas of a mask. The clipping port is not enumerated. The mask translation vector is taken into account.*) PROCEDURE Enum (M: Mask; enum: EnumProc); (* Enumerate all the invisible areas of a mask. The clipping port is not enumerated. Note that you might obtain coordinates outside of the normal screen area, bounded by approximately -/+ 8192. The mask translation vector is taken into account.*) PROCEDURE EnumInvert (M: Mask; enum: EnumProc); (* Enumerate all the visible areas in the given rectangular region. The clipping port is not taken into account. *) PROCEDURE EnumRect (M: Mask; X, Y, W, H: INTEGER; enum: EnumProc); (* Make a copy of a mask. *) PROCEDURE Copy (from: Mask; VAR to: Mask); (* Add the rectangle X, Y, W, H as a visible/drawable area to the mask. *) PROCEDURE Add (M: Mask; X, Y, W, H: INTEGER); (* Clip the current clipping port of the mask to the rectangle X, Y, W, H. The result is an updated clipping port. *) PROCEDURE AdjustMask (M: Mask; X, Y, W, H: INTEGER); (* Remove area X, Y, W, H from the mask i.e. make area undrawable. *) PROCEDURE Subtract (M: Mask; X, Y, W, H: INTEGER); (* Interset the mask with the rectangle X, Y, W, H. The visible areas are restricted to this rectangle. *) PROCEDURE Intersect (M: Mask; X, Y, W, H: INTEGER); (* Intersect the masks A and B resulting in R. *) PROCEDURE IntersectMasks (A, B: Mask; VAR R: Mask); (* R is an out parameter only *) (* Subtracts the visible areas of B from A to give mask R. *) PROCEDURE SubtractMasks (A, B: Mask; VAR R: Mask); (* Translate the mask so that the resulting origin/offset is 0, 0. This is done by "adding in" the translation vector. *) PROCEDURE Shift (M: Mask); (* Returns TRUE if the visible areas of the mask form a single rectangle. The result, when TRUE, is returned. The clipping port is not taken into account. *) PROCEDURE Rectangular (M: Mask; VAR X, Y, W, H: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; (* Using Display.CopyBlock, copy the area M to position X, Y. The point M.x, M.y is copied to screen coordinates X, Y. *) PROCEDURE CopyMask (M: Mask; X, Y: INTEGER; mode: INTEGER); (* Display.ReplConst through a mask. *) PROCEDURE ReplConst (M: Mask; col: Display.Color; X, Y, W, H, mode: INTEGER); (* Is this rectangle completely visible? The clipping port is taken into acount. *) PROCEDURE Visible (M: Mask; X, Y, W, H: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; (* Display.Dot through a clipping mask. *) PROCEDURE Dot (M: Mask; col: Display.Color; X, Y, mode: INTEGER); (* Display.FillPattern through a clipping mask. pX, pY is the pattern pin-point. *) PROCEDURE FillPattern (M: Mask; col: Display.Color; pat: Display.Pattern; pX, pY, X, Y, W, H, mode: INTEGER); (* Same as Display.CopyPattern, but through a clipping mask. *) PROCEDURE CopyPattern (M: Mask; col: Display.Color; pat: Display.Pattern; X, Y, mode: INTEGER); (* Draw rectangle outline in the specified size, line width and pattern. *) PROCEDURE Rect (M: Mask; col: Display.Color; pat: Display.Pattern; X, Y, W, H, width, mode: INTEGER); (* Draw rectangle outline in width using top and bottom shadow (3D effects ).*) PROCEDURE Rect3D (M: Mask; topcol, botcol: Display.Color; X, Y, W, H, width, mode: INTEGER); (* Fill rectangle with 3D shadow effects. incol specifies the "inside" color. *) PROCEDURE FilledRect3D (M: Mask; topcol, botcol, incol: Display.Color; X, Y, W, H, width, mode: INTEGER); (* Draw a line in the specified pattern and width. Round brushes are used to draw thick lines. *) PROCEDURE Line (M: Mask; col: Display.Color; pat: Display.Pattern; X, Y, X1, Y1, width, mode: INTEGER); (* Draw a polygon in pattern pat. n specifies the number of vertices listed in the arrays X and Y. Style may be {filled}. *) PROCEDURE Poly (M: Mask; col: Display.Color; pat: Display.Pattern; VAR X, Y: ARRAY OF INTEGER; n, width: INTEGER; style: SET; mode: INTEGER); (* Draw an ellipse. Implementation restriction: cannot fill an ellipse or draw an ellipse with line width > 1 *) PROCEDURE Ellipse (M: Mask; col: Display.Color; pat: Display.Pattern; X, Y, a, b, width: INTEGER; style: SET; mode: INTEGER); (* Draw a circle in radius r using pattern pat at position X, Y. Thick line widths are allowed. *) PROCEDURE Circle (M: Mask; col: Display.Color; pat: Display.Pattern; X, Y, r, width: INTEGER; style: SET; mode: INTEGER); (* Draw string s in font fnt and color col at position X, Y. *) PROCEDURE String (M: Mask; col: Display.Color; X, Y: INTEGER; fnt: Fonts.Font; s: ARRAY OF CHAR; mode: INTEGER); (* Draw a string s in font fnt centered in the rectangle X, Y, W, H. Line breaks will be inserted as needed. *) PROCEDURE CenterString (M: Mask; col: Display.Color; X, Y, W, H: INTEGER; fnt: Fonts.Font; s: ARRAY OF CHAR; mode: INTEGER); (* Return the size of a string in width w and height h. dsr returns the baseline offset as a positive value. *) PROCEDURE StringSize (s: ARRAY OF CHAR; fnt: Fonts.Font; VAR w, h, dsr: INTEGER); (* Draw the area X, Y, W, H of picture P at position DX, DY on the display. *) PROCEDURE Pict (M: Mask; P: Pictures.Picture; X, Y, W, H, DX, DY, mode: INTEGER); (* Replicate a picture filling area X, Y, W, H on the display. px, py is the picture pin-point. *) PROCEDURE ReplPict (M: Mask; P: Pictures.Picture; px, py, X, Y, W, H, mode: INTEGER); END Display3. (* Remarks: 1. Clipping Masks Built on top of the Display module, the Display3 module is the basis of the gadgets imaging model. It extends the Display module with more advanced clipped drawing primitives like lines, polygonal lines, ellipses, circles etc. A clipping mask indicates which areas on the display can be drawn in. You can imagine the mask to be a sheet of paper, possibly full of holes, and a display primitive being a spray can. The holes are all rectangular, and may overlap (i.e. only rectangular holes can be cut out of the paper). Just as you can move the piece of paper to spray an image at a new location, the mask can be translated by a translation vector (also refered to as the mask origin). By default, the holes of a mask are always defined relative to the origin (0, 0). The origin can be translated, efficiently moving the mask to a different position. In the MaskDesc, the fields x, y specify the mask origin/translation vector. It can be changed directly as needed. Internally masks are sets of non-overlapping rectangles, where each rectangle has a flag to indicate if drawing is allowed in that area or not. After each operation that changes the mask, the mask is checked to see if it might be optimal, i.e. if it is a single rectangular visible area. The latter case is handled separately, allowing more efficient drawing and masking operations. The construction of a mask is more heavyweight in comparison to drawing through a mask, mainly due to the latter checks. Masks should be generated once, and then left unchanged for as long as possible. 2. Clipping Ports Clipping ports are used to optimize masks operations. A clipping port is an absolutely positioned rectangular area through which all display operations are clipped (a clipping rectangle). The mask and clipping port form together the clipped region, where drawing primitives are first clipped to the mask, and then to the clipping port. This is an implementation of the following idea. Each gadget on the display can be overlapped by other visual objects, and potentially need to clip itself when displayed. Each gadget is thus allocated a static clipping mask. In some cases however, only parts of a gadget need to be redisplayed, for example when a gadget lying partially in front is removed. Rather than creating a new clipping mask just for this simple case, the clipping port can manipulated to indicate which "sub-area" of a gadget must be drawn. The key idea is thus to restrict the clipping mask of a gadget without actually changing the mask (a potentially expensive operation). The clipping port is set by the rectangle X, Y, W, H in the MaskDesc. These are absolute display coordinates. Programmers are allowed to manipulate the clipping port directly or use Display3.AdjustMask. 3. OverlapMsg and UpdateMaskMsg Each gadget has a (cached) display mask associated with it, even if it is completely visible. This mask is used when a gadget wants to draw on the display. Each parent visual gadget (container) has to manage the display masks of its children. The Display3 module provides messages for requesting a mask and for setting a mask. The OverlapMsg informs a gadget of its display mask. It is sent directly to a visual gadget by its parent. After some editing operations it may happen that a gadgets' mask has become invalid, in which case it is set to nothing (NIL). Should the gadget notice that it has no mask when it wants to draw itself, it may broadcast an UpdateMaskMsg to indicate that the parent must create a mask for it (the gadget itself is identified by the F field in the frame message). The latter should then calculate the mask, and inform the gadget using the OverlapMsg. In some cases, a parent can indicate to a child that its mask is not valid any more, by sending an OverlapMsg with no mask (M.M = NIL). *)