{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} module Test.Divide ( testsVar, testsVarAny, SquareMatrix(SquareMatrix), determinant, solve, solveIdentity, inverse, approxRelMatrix, approxRelArray, ) where import qualified Test.Generator as Gen import qualified Test.Utility as Util import Test.Generator ((<#\#>), (<#/#>)) import Test.Utility (Tagged, approxMatrix) import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Linear.LowerUpper as LU import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Square as Square import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Extent as Extent import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Array as ArrMatrix import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Special as Special import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Shape as MatrixShape import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix as Matrix import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Vector as Vector import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Scalar as Scalar import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Array (Quadratic, ArrayMatrix) import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix (ShapeInt, (##/#), (##*#), (#*##), (#\##)) import Numeric.LAPACK.Scalar (RealOf) import qualified Numeric.Netlib.Class as Class import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Shape as Shape import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Data.Tuple.HT (mapSnd) import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC determinant :: (MatrixShape.Packing pack, MatrixShape.Property property, MatrixShape.Strip lower, MatrixShape.Strip upper, Class.Floating a, RealOf a ~ ar, Class.Real ar) => Quadratic pack property lower upper ShapeInt a -> Bool determinant a = let d = Square.determinant $ Matrix.toSquare a in Util.approx (max (Scalar.selectReal 1 1e-2) (Scalar.selectReal 1e-3 1e-5 * Scalar.absolute d)) d (Matrix.determinant a) approxRelMatrix, approxRelArray :: (MatrixShape.PowerStrip lower, MatrixShape.PowerStrip upper) => (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz) => (Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Eq height, Eq width) => (Class.Floating a, RealOf a ~ ar, Class.Real ar) => ArrayMatrix pack property lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> ArrayMatrix pack property lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> Bool approxRelMatrix a b = approxMatrix (Scalar.selectReal 0.5 1e-4 * (max 1 $ Vector.normInf $ ArrMatrix.unwrap a)) a b approxRelArray a b = Util.approxArrayTol (max (Scalar.selectReal 1e-1 1e-4) (Scalar.selectReal 1e-1 1e-5 * Vector.normInf (ArrMatrix.unwrap a))) a b multiplySolveTrans :: (Shape.C size, Eq size, Class.Floating a, RealOf a ~ ar, Class.Real ar) => LU.Transposition -> (SquareMatrix size a, Matrix.General size ShapeInt a) -> Bool multiplySolveTrans trans (SquareMatrix a, b) = approxRelMatrix b $ Matrix.multiplySquare trans a $ Matrix.solve trans a b multiplySolveRight :: (Shape.C size, Eq size, Class.Floating a, RealOf a ~ ar, Class.Real ar) => (SquareMatrix size a, Matrix.General size ShapeInt a) -> Bool multiplySolveRight (SquareMatrix a, b) = approxRelMatrix b (a #*## (a #\## b)) multiplySolveLeft :: (Shape.C size, Eq size, Class.Floating a, RealOf a ~ ar, Class.Real ar) => (Matrix.General ShapeInt size a, SquareMatrix size a) -> Bool multiplySolveLeft (b, SquareMatrix a) = approxRelMatrix b ((b ##/# a) ##*# a) multiplyInverseRight :: (Shape.C size, Eq size, Class.Floating a, RealOf a ~ ar, Class.Real ar) => (SquareMatrix size a, Matrix.General size ShapeInt a) -> Bool multiplyInverseRight (SquareMatrix a, b) = let aInv = Special.inverse a in case aInv of Special.Inverse _ -> approxRelMatrix b (a #*## (aInv #*## b)) multiplyInverseLeft :: (Shape.C size, Eq size, Class.Floating a, RealOf a ~ ar, Class.Real ar) => (Matrix.General ShapeInt size a, SquareMatrix size a) -> Bool multiplyInverseLeft (b, SquareMatrix a) = let aInv = Special.inverse a in case aInv of Special.Inverse _ -> approxRelMatrix b ((b ##*# aInv) ##*# a) solve :: (MatrixShape.Packing pack, MatrixShape.Property property, MatrixShape.Strip lower, MatrixShape.Strip upper) => (Class.Floating a, RealOf a ~ ar, Class.Real ar) => (Quadratic pack property upper lower ShapeInt a, Matrix.General ShapeInt ShapeInt a) -> Bool solve (a, b) = approxRelArray (Square.solve (Matrix.toSquare a) b) (Matrix.solveRight a b) solveIdentity :: (MatrixShape.Packing pack, MatrixShape.Property property, MatrixShape.Strip lower, MatrixShape.Strip upper) => (Class.Floating a, RealOf a ~ ar, Class.Real ar) => (Quadratic pack property upper lower ShapeInt a, Matrix.General ShapeInt ShapeInt a) -> Bool solveIdentity (eye, a) = approxMatrix (Scalar.selectReal 1e-3 1e-5) a (Matrix.solveRight eye a) inverse :: (MatrixShape.Packing pack, MatrixShape.Property property, MatrixShape.PowerStrip lower, MatrixShape.PowerStrip upper) => (Class.Floating a, RealOf a ~ ar, Class.Real ar) => Quadratic pack property upper lower ShapeInt a -> Bool inverse a = approxRelArray (Square.inverse $ Matrix.toSquare a) (Matrix.toSquare $ Matrix.inverse a) checkForAll :: (Show a, QC.Testable test) => Gen.T dim tag a -> (a -> test) -> Tagged tag QC.Property checkForAll gen = Util.checkForAll (Gen.run gen 3 5) data SquareMatrix size a = forall typ xl xu lower upper matrix. (Matrix.Solve typ xl xu, Matrix.MultiplySquare typ xl xu, Matrix.ToQuadratic typ, MatrixShape.Strip lower, MatrixShape.Strip upper, Matrix.Quadratic typ xl xu lower upper size a ~ matrix, Show matrix) => SquareMatrix (Matrix.Quadratic typ xl xu lower upper size a) instance Show (SquareMatrix size a) where show (SquareMatrix m) = show m testsVarAny :: (Show a, Class.Floating a, Eq a, RealOf a ~ ar, Class.Real ar) => [(String, Gen.MatrixInt a (SquareMatrix ShapeInt a) -> Tagged a QC.Property)] testsVarAny = ("multiplySolveTrans", \gen -> Gen.withExtra checkForAll QC.arbitraryBoundedEnum ((,) <$> gen <#\#> Gen.matrix) multiplySolveTrans) : ("multiplySolveRight", \gen -> checkForAll ((,) <$> gen <#\#> Gen.matrix) multiplySolveRight) : ("multiplySolveLeft", \gen -> checkForAll ((,) <$> Gen.matrix <#/#> gen) multiplySolveLeft) : ("multiplyInverseRight", \gen -> checkForAll ((,) <$> gen <#\#> Gen.matrix) multiplyInverseRight) : ("multiplyInverseLeft", \gen -> checkForAll ((,) <$> Gen.matrix <#/#> gen) multiplyInverseLeft) : [] testsVar :: (Matrix.Solve typ xl xu, Matrix.MultiplySquare typ xl xu, Matrix.ToQuadratic typ, MatrixShape.Strip lower, MatrixShape.Strip upper, Matrix.Quadratic typ xl xu lower upper ShapeInt a ~ matrix, Show matrix, Show a, Class.Floating a, Eq a, RealOf a ~ ar, Class.Real ar) => Gen.MatrixInt a (Matrix.Quadratic typ xl xu lower upper ShapeInt a) -> [(String, Tagged a QC.Property)] testsVar gen = map (mapSnd ($ (SquareMatrix <$> gen))) testsVarAny