{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-top-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=Data.Record.Plugin #-} module Test.Record.Sanity.Derive (tests) where import Control.Newtype import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.Kind import GHC.Records.Compat import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class of kind @Type -> Constraint@. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} class C1 (a :: Type) where c1 :: a -> String c1 _ = "x" -- Type of kind @Type@ {-# ANN type LA1 largeRecord #-} data LA1 = MkLA1 { la1_f1 :: Int } deriving anyclass C1 -- Type of kind @Type -> Type@ (regular and large example) data RA2 a = MkRA1 { ra2_f1 :: a } deriving anyclass C1 {-# ANN type LA2 largeRecord #-} data LA2 a = MkLA2 { la2_f1 :: a } deriving anyclass C1 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class of kind @Type -> Type -> Constraint@, partially instantiated. (Purely from a kind point of view, this is no different to the previous section, of course.) To make transpilation easier, the PureScript to Haskell transpiler makes all records as being a "newtype of themselves" (in PureScript, something like > newtype T = MkT { a :: Int, b :: Bool } really is a newtype around a record). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} {-# ANN type LB largeRecord #-} data LB = MkLB { lb1 :: Int, lb2 :: Int } deriving anyclass (Newtype LB) f :: LB -> LB f r = flip (setField @"lb1") (getField @"lb2" r) . flip (setField @"lb2") (getField @"lb1" r) $ r {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class of kind @(Type -> Type) -> Constraint@ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} class C3 (f :: Type -> Type) where c3 :: f Bool -> String c3 _ = "x" -- Regular (non-large) example data RC a = MkRC { rc1 :: a, rc2 :: Int } deriving anyclass C3 {-# ANN type LC largeRecord #-} data LC (a :: Type) = MkLC { lc1 :: a, lc2 :: Int } deriving anyclass C3 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class of kind @((Type -> Type) -> Type) -> Constraint@ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} class C4 (f :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) where c4 :: f Identity -> String c4 _ = "x" -- Regular (non-large) example data RD f = MkRD { rd1 :: f Int, rd2 :: Int } deriving anyclass C4 {-# ANN type LD largeRecord #-} data LD (f :: Type -> Type) = MkLD { ld1 :: f Int, ld2 :: Int } deriving anyclass C4 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class with a constraint -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} class Show a => C5 (a :: Type) where c5 :: a -> String c5 = show -- Regular (non-large) example data RE = MkRE { re1 :: Int, re2 :: Bool } deriving stock Show deriving anyclass C5 {-# ANN type LE largeRecord #-} data LE = MkLE { le1 :: Int, le2 :: Bool } deriving stock Show deriving anyclass C5 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tests proper -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Test.Record.Sanity.Derive" [ testCase "kind 'Type -> Constraint'" test_c1 , testCase "kind 'Type -> Type -> Constraint', partially applied" test_newtype , testCase "kind '(Type -> Type) -> Constraint'" test_c3 , testCase "kind '((Type -> Type) -> Type) -> Constraint'" test_c4 , testCase "kind 'Type -> Constraint', superclass constraint" test_c5 ] test_c1 :: Assertion test_c1 = do assertEqual "type of kind 'Type'" (c1 la1) "x" assertEqual "type of kind 'Type -> Type'" (c1 la2) "x" where la1 :: LA1 la1 = MkLA1 { la1_f1 = 1 } la2 :: LA2 Int la2 = MkLA2 { la2_f1 = 1 } test_newtype :: Assertion test_newtype = assertEqual "" (getField @"lb1" r') 2 where r :: LB r = MkLB { lb1 = 1, lb2 = 2 } r' :: LB r' = f r test_c3 :: Assertion test_c3 = assertEqual "" (c3 r) "x" where r :: LC Bool r = MkLC { lc1 = True, lc2 = 2 } test_c4 :: Assertion test_c4 = assertEqual "" (c4 r) "x" where r :: LD Identity r = MkLD { ld1 = Identity 1, ld2 = 2 } test_c5 :: Assertion test_c5 = assertEqual "" (c5 r) "MkLE {le1 = 1, le2 = True}" where r :: LE r = MkLE { le1 = 1, le2 = True }