lawless-concurrent-machines-0.3.1: Concurrent networked stream transducers

Safe HaskellNone



Routing for splitting and merging processing pipelines.



scatter :: MonadBaseControl IO m => [MachineT m k o] -> MachineT m k o Source #

Produces values from whichever source MachineT yields first. This operation may also be viewed as a gather operation in that all values produced by the given machines are interleaved when fed downstream. Note that inputs are not shared. The composite machine will await an input when any constituent machine awaits an input. That input will be supplied to the awaiting constituent and no other.

Some examples of more specific useful types scatter may be used at,

scatter :: [ProcessT m a b] -> ProcessT m a b
scatter :: [SourceT m a] -> SourceT m a

The former may be used to stream data through a collection of worker Processes, the latter may be used to intersperse values from a collection of sources.

mergeSum :: forall m a b r. MonadBaseControl IO m => ProcessT m a r -> ProcessT m b r -> ProcessT m (Either a b) r Source #

Similar to |||: split the input between two processes and merge their outputs.

Connect two processes to the downstream tails of a Machine that produces Eithers. The two downstream consumers are run concurrently when possible. When one downstream consumer stops, the other is allowed to run until it stops or the upstream source yields a value the remaining consumer can not handle.

mergeSum sinkL sinkR produces a topology like this,

                               /      \
                             a          \
                            /            \
   source -- Either a b -->                -- r -->
                            \            /
                             b          /
                              \       /

splitSum :: forall m a b c d. MonadBaseControl IO m => ProcessT m a b -> ProcessT m c d -> ProcessT m (Either a c) (Either b d) Source #

Similar to +++: split the input between two processes, retagging and merging their outputs.

The two processes are run concurrently whenever possible.

splitProd :: forall m a b r. MonadBaseControl IO m => ProcessT m a r -> ProcessT m b r -> ProcessT m (a, b) r Source #

Connect two processes to the downstream tails of a Machine that produces tuples. The two downstream consumers are run concurrently. When one downstream consumer stops, the entire pipeline is stopped.

splitProd sink1 sink2 produces a topology like this,

                          /      \
                        a          \
                       /            \
   source -- (a,b) -->               -- r -->
                       \            /
                        b         /
                          \     /