Name: layout-bootstrap Version: 0.2.2 Cabal-Version: >= 1.6 Build-Type: Simple Synopsis: Template and widgets for Bootstrap2 to use with Text.Blaze.Html5 Description: Template and widgets for Bootstrap2 to use with Text.Blaze.Html5. Package provides some shortcuts to hide classes and structure required for correct styling of elements and focus on a structure. Since Blaze.Html is used mostly with HappStack package provides some basic form processing (and dependencies). Category: Text License: MIT License-File: LICENSE Author: dp_wiz Maintainer: dp_wiz Homepage: Stability: alpha Source-Repository head Type: mercurial Location: Library Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5, text, blaze-html, containers Exposed-modules: Layout.Bootstrap.Starter, Layout.Bootstrap.Widgets, Layout.Bootstrap.Forms