0.4 [2021.02.17] ---------------- * `lca` now always exports `null` and `length` functions that are always specialized to `Path`, i.e., ```haskell length :: Path a -> Int null :: Path a -> Bool ``` Previously, these specialized versions of `null` and `length` were only exported with GHC 7.8 or older, and for more recent GHCs, the `Data.Foldable` versions were exported instead. The exported API is now uniform across all supported versions of GHC. * The build-type has been changed from `Custom` to `Simple`. To achieve this, the `doctests` test suite has been removed in favor of using [`cabal-docspec`](https://github.com/phadej/cabal-extras/tree/master/cabal-docspec) to run the doctests. 0.3.1 [2018.02.06] ------------------ * Fix the build with GHC 8.4. * Use `cabal-doctest` for the test suite. 0.3 --- * Updated to build without warnings in the wake of GHC 7.10. * Use (and re-export) the new overloaded `null` and `length` from Prelude on GHC 7.10+ * Modified `mkeep`, `mdrop` and `mlca` to parameterize them by monoid homomorphisms. This permits cheaper summaries to be calculated over the dropped path, when only a portion of the information in the path is required. 0.2.4 ----- * Fixed a bug in path reconstruction 0.2.3 ----- * Improved documentation to also note that this package also provides an improvement in the online version of the [level ancestor problem](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Level_ancestor_problem). 0.2.2 ----- * Added README * Better haddock coverage * Added links to documentation