Introduction to property-based testing (with LeanCheck) ======================================================= This document introduces property-based testing. The reader only needs to be familiar with Haskell. No previous knowledge of property-based testing is assumed. This document focuses on LeanCheck, but skills are transferable to [other property-based testing tools](#other-property-based-testing-tools-for-haskell). (If you are already familiar with property-based testing and just want to learn how to use LeanCheck, you might be best served by reading [LeanCheck's README file](../ The learning outcomes of each section are: * [What is property-based testing?](#what-is-property-based-testing) --- what is property-based testing; * [Example 1: testing `sort`](#example-1-testing-a-sort-implementation) --- how to use a property-based testing library (LeanCheck); * [Example 2: testing `insert`](#example-2-testing-conditional-properties) --- how to test conditional properties * [Example 3: testing `Stack`](#example-3-testing-user-defined-datatypes) --- how to apply property-based testing to functions over user-defined datatypes by declaring [`Listable`] typeclass instances; What is property-based testing? ------------------------------- In property-based testing, properties are defined as Haskell functions returning a boolean value which should be `True` for all possible choices of argument values. These properties are applied enumerated or random argument values in search for a counterexample. This is perhaps better illustrated in an example (see Example 1). ### Terminology Property-based testing might be known with other names: * property testing; * [parameterized unit tests]: in the context of C# ([NUnit]) or Java ([JUnit]), properties are viewed with unit tests with arguments. Example 1: testing a sort implementation ---------------------------------------- Lets imagine that we want to test an implementation of a (not-so-quick) `sort` function: sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] sort [] = [] sort (x:xs) = sort lesser ++ [x] ++ sort greater where lesser = filter (< x) xs greater = filter (> x) xs ### In contrast --- unit testing We can *unit test* the above implementation: testsPass :: Bool testsPass = and [ [] == sort ([]::[Int]) , [1] == sort [1] , [1,2,3] == sort [1,2,3] , [1,2,3] == sort [3,2,1] , [1..100] == sort [100,99..1] ] If we evaluate `testsPass` on ghci, we will get `True` --- our implementation of `sort` passes all our unit tests. ### Declaring properties Alternatively, we use *property-based testing* to test the above implementation. We first declare a few properties: prop_elem :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> Bool prop_elem x xs = elem x (sort xs) == elem x xs prop_ordered :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool prop_ordered xs = ordered (sort xs) where ordered (x:y:xs) = x <= y && ordered (y:xs) ordered _ = True prop_length :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool prop_length xs = length (sort xs) == length xs Those properties are similar to unit tests, but are parameterized. Instead of defining the behavior of sort for specific values, each property defines the behavior of `sort` for a range of values. ### Testing properties By binding those properties to specific types and passing those properties as arguments to the [`check`] function, we get: $ ghci > import Test.Check > check (prop_elem :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool) +++ OK, passed 200 tests. > check (prop_ordered :: [Int] -> Bool) +++ OK, passed 200 tests. Internally, the function [`check`] enumerates arguments to those functions and test whether properties hold. ### Finding and fixing bugs But what happens when the function does not follow the properties? > check (prop_length :: [Int] -> Bool) *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 3 tests): [0,0] The `check` function reports a failing counterexample. We get a `False` value when evaluating `prop_length [0,0]`. We can investigate on GHCi: > prop_length [0,0] False > length (sort [0,0]) == length [0,0] False > length (sort [0,0]) 1 > sort [0,0] [0] If we look back at our definition of `sort`, we can see that we forgot to account for repeated elements. We should change `>` to `>=`: greater = filter (>= x) xs After fixing that bug, `prop_length` will pass: > check (prop_length :: [Int] -> Bool) +++ OK, passed 200 tests. Example 2: testing conditional properties ----------------------------------------- The boolean operator [`==>`] can be used to construct conditional properties. The function [`insert`] defined in [`Data.List`] inserts an element into a list at the first position where it is less than or equal to the next element. *If the list is already ordered, the resulting list will still be ordered:* prop_insertOrd x xs = ordered xs ==> ordered (insert x xs) Example 3: testing user-defined datatypes ----------------------------------------- Consider the following implementation of a `Stack`: data Stack a = Stack a (Stack a) | Empty deriving (Show,Eq) push :: a -> Stack a -> Stack a push x s = Stack x s pop :: Stack a -> (a, Stack a) pop (Stack x s) = (x,s) We might want to test the following property: prop_popush :: a -> Stack a -> Bool prop_popush x s = pop (push x s) == (x,s) However, if we provide this property on ghci, we get an error: > check (prop_popush :: Int -> Stack Int -> Bool) :x:1: No instance for (Listable (Stack Int)) Our `Stack` type should be made an instance of the [`Listable`] typeclass. This way LeanCheck will have a way to know how to list values to be tested by the property. See [`Listable`] documentation for more. In this case, the instance is: instance Listable a => Listable (Stack a) where tiers = cons2 Stack \/ cons0 Empty Now: > check (prop_popush :: Int -> Stack Int -> Bool) +++ OK, passed 200 tests. LeanCheck also provides the function [`deriveListable`] to automatically derive [`Listable`] instances for types that do not follow a data invariant (precondition). Advantages of property-based testing ------------------------------------ Property-based testing has a few advantages over unit-testing: * (+) scalability: after making a small change to a program, we might [`checkFor`] `50` tests; before making a major release, we may [`checkFor`] `1000` tests. A continuous integration system can be configured to run more test than what is usual on developers machines. * (+) documentation: properties serve as a clear documentation of behaviour; * (+) tool support: in Haskell there are several different property-based testing tools to choose from. The disadvantage is: * (-) Properties are comparatively harder to write than simple input and output test cases. (+) However, it might be easier to define good properties than a good selection of unit test cases. See "[Ranking programs using Black-Box testing (2010)]". If you are unsure, you can always use *both* PBT and UT. Other property-based testing tools for Haskell ---------------------------------------------- * [QuickCheck] : randomized * [SmallCheck] : enumerative, depth-bounded * [Lazy SmallCheck] : enumerative, depth-bounded, lazy, demand-driven * [Feat] : enumerative, size-bounded * [LeanCheck] : enumerative, size-bounded Further reading --------------- * [Using LeanCheck on functions over types with a data invariant]( * [Testing and tracing using QuickCheck and Hat]( * [QuickCheck's seminal paper (2000)]( * [SmallCheck's paper (2008)]( [`Listable`]: [`check`]: [`checkFor`]: [`==>`]: [`deriveListable`]: [QuickCheck]: [SmallCheck]: [Lazy SmallCheck]: [Feat]: [LeanCheck]: [parameterized unit tests]: [NUnit]: [JUnit]: [`insert`]: [`Data.List`]: [Ranking programs using Black-Box testing (2010)]: