{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- Module      :  IDE.Statusbar
-- Copyright   :  2007-2011 Juergen Nicklisch-Franken, Hamish Mackenzie
-- License     :  GPL
-- Maintainer  :  maintainer@leksah.org
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :
-- | Builds and updates the Statusbar, To update the bar triiger the Statusbar changed event.

module IDE.Statusbar (
,   buildStatusbar
) where
import IDE.Core.State
       (postAsyncIDE, getMainWindow, widgetGet, PaneMonad(..),
        IDEAction(..), StatusbarCompartment(..))
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.UI.Frame.Panes (IDEPane(..), paneName)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T (pack, lines, unpack)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

changeStatusbar :: [StatusbarCompartment] -> IDEAction
changeStatusbar = postAsyncIDE . mapM_ changeStatusbar'
    changeStatusbar' (CompartmentCommand accStr) =  do
        sb <- getSBSpecialKeys
        liftIO $statusbarPop sb 1
        liftIO $statusbarPush sb 1 accStr
        return ()
    changeStatusbar' (CompartmentPane (Just (PaneC pane))) =  do
        sb <- getSBActivePane
        liftIO $ statusbarPop sb 1
        liftIO $ statusbarPush sb 1 (paneName pane)
        return ()
    changeStatusbar' (CompartmentPane Nothing) =  do
        sb <- getSBActivePane
        liftIO $ statusbarPop sb 1
        liftIO $ statusbarPush sb 1 ("" :: Text)
        return ()
    changeStatusbar' (CompartmentState string) =  do
        let realStr = if '\n' `elem` T.unpack string then head (T.lines string) <> " ..." else string
        sb <- getSBErrors
        liftIO $ statusbarPop sb 1
        liftIO $ statusbarPush sb 1 realStr
        return ()
    changeStatusbar' (CompartmentPackage string) =  do
        sb <- getSBActivePackage
        window <- getMainWindow
        liftIO $ statusbarPop sb 1
        liftIO $ statusbarPush sb 1 string
        liftIO $ set window [ windowTitle := "Leksah: " <> string ]
        return ()
    changeStatusbar' (CompartmentBufferPos (line,col)) =  do
        sb <- getStatusbarLC
        liftIO $ statusbarPop sb 1
        liftIO $ statusbarPush sb 1 (T.pack $ printf "Ln %4d, Col %3d" (line + 1) (col + 1))
        return ()
    changeStatusbar' (CompartmentOverlay modi) =  do
        sb <- getStatusbarIO
        liftIO $ statusbarPop sb 1
        liftIO $ statusbarPush sb 1 $ if modi then "OVR" else ("INS" :: Text)
        return ()
    changeStatusbar' (CompartmentBuild bool) =  do
        im <- getImBuild
        liftIO $ imageSetFromStock im (if bool then "ide_build" else "ide_empty") IconSizeMenu
        return ()
    changeStatusbar' (CompartmentCollect bool) =  do
        im <- getImCollect
        liftIO $ imageSetFromStock im (if bool then "ide_rebuild_meta" else "ide_empty") IconSizeMenu
        return ()

buildStatusbar :: IO HBox
buildStatusbar = do
    sblk <- statusbarNew
    widgetSetName sblk ("statusBarSpecialKeys" :: Text)
    widgetSetSizeRequest sblk 150 (-1)

    sbap <- statusbarNew
    widgetSetName sbap ("statusBarActivePane" :: Text)
    widgetSetSizeRequest sbap 150 (-1)

    sbapr <- statusbarNew
    widgetSetName sbapr ("statusBarActiveProject" :: Text)
    widgetSetSizeRequest sbapr 150 (-1)

    sbe <- statusbarNew
    widgetSetName sbe ("statusBarErrors" :: Text)
    widgetSetSizeRequest sbe 150 (-1)

    sblc <- statusbarNew
    widgetSetName sblc ("statusBarLineColumn" :: Text)
    widgetSetSizeRequest sblc 150 (-1)

    sbio <- statusbarNew
    widgetSetName sbio ("statusBarInsertOverwrite" :: Text)
    widgetSetSizeRequest sbio 60 (-1)

    buildImage <- imageNewFromStock "ide_empty" IconSizeMenu
    widgetSetName buildImage ("buildImage" :: Text)
    imageSetPixelSize buildImage 16

    collectImage <- imageNewFromStock "ide_empty" IconSizeMenu
    widgetSetName collectImage ("collectImage" :: Text)
    imageSetPixelSize collectImage 16

    hb <- hBoxNew False 1
    widgetSetName hb ("statusBox" :: Text)
    boxPackStart hb sblk PackGrow 0
    boxPackStart hb sbap PackGrow 0
    boxPackStart hb sbapr PackGrow 0
    --boxPackStart hb dummy PackGrow 0
    boxPackEnd hb sblc PackNatural 0
    boxPackEnd hb sbio PackNatural 0
    boxPackEnd hb collectImage PackNatural 0
    boxPackEnd hb buildImage PackNatural 0
    boxPackEnd hb sbe PackNatural 0

    return hb

getSBSpecialKeys :: PaneMonad alpha => alpha Statusbar
getSBSpecialKeys   = widgetGet ["Leksah Main Window", "topBox","statusBox","statusBarSpecialKeys"] castToStatusbar

getSBActivePane :: PaneMonad alpha => alpha Statusbar
getSBActivePane    = widgetGet ["Leksah Main Window", "topBox","statusBox","statusBarActivePane"] castToStatusbar

getSBActivePackage :: PaneMonad alpha => alpha Statusbar
getSBActivePackage = widgetGet ["Leksah Main Window", "topBox","statusBox","statusBarActiveProject"] castToStatusbar

getSBErrors :: PaneMonad alpha => alpha Statusbar
getSBErrors        = widgetGet ["Leksah Main Window", "topBox","statusBox","statusBarErrors"] castToStatusbar

getStatusbarIO :: PaneMonad alpha => alpha Statusbar
getStatusbarIO     =  widgetGet ["Leksah Main Window", "topBox","statusBox","statusBarInsertOverwrite"] castToStatusbar

getStatusbarLC :: PaneMonad alpha => alpha Statusbar
getStatusbarLC     = widgetGet ["Leksah Main Window", "topBox","statusBox","statusBarLineColumn"] castToStatusbar

getImBuild :: PaneMonad alpha => alpha Image
getImBuild        = widgetGet ["Leksah Main Window", "topBox","statusBox","buildImage"] castToImage

getImCollect :: PaneMonad alpha => alpha Image
getImCollect        = widgetGet ["Leksah Main Window", "topBox","statusBox","collectImage"] castToImage