{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, TypeSynonymInstances,
             MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, CPP,
             DeriveDataTypeable, OverloadedStrings #-}
-- Module      :  IDE.Core.State
-- Copyright   :  (c) Juergen Nicklisch-Franken, Hamish Mackenzie
-- License     :  GNU-GPL
-- Maintainer  :  <maintainer at leksah.org>
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- | The core state of ide. This module is imported from every other module,
-- | and all data structures of the state are declared here, to avoid circular
-- | module dependencies.

module IDE.Core.State (
,   errorRefs
,   breakpointRefs
,   contextRefs
,   currentError
,   currentBreak
,   currentContext
,   setCurrentError
,   setCurrentBreak
,   setCurrentContext
,   isInterpreting

,   isStartingOrClosing

,   triggerEventIDE
,   triggerEventIDE_

,   deactivatePane

-- * Convenience methods for accesing the IDE State
,   readIDE
,   modifyIDE
,   modifyIDE_
,   withIDE
,   getIDE
,   throwIDE

,   reifyIDE
,   reflectIDE
,   reflectIDEI
,   catchIDE
,   postSyncIDE
,   postAsyncIDE
,   onIDE
,   forkIDE

,   sysMessage
,   MessageLevel(..)
,   ideMessage
,   logMessage

,   withoutRecordingDo
--,   deactivatePane
--,   deactivatePaneIfActive
--,   closePane
,   changePackage

,   liftYiControl
,   liftYi

,   leksahSubDir
,   leksahOrPackageDir
,   getDataDir
,   P.version

,   module Reexported

) where

import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (get)
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.SourceView.SourceView ()

import Data.IORef
import Control.Exception
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import IDE.Core.Types as Reexported
import Graphics.UI.Frame.Panes as Reexported
import Graphics.UI.Frame.ViewFrame as Reexported --hiding (notebookInsertOrdered)
import Control.Event
import System.IO
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import System.FilePath
       (dropFileName, takeDirectory, (</>), takeFileName)
import IDE.Core.CTypes as Reexported
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import IDE.Utils.Utils as Reexported
import qualified Data.Map as Map (empty, lookup)
import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
import qualified IDE.YiConfig as Yi
import Data.Conduit (($$))
import qualified Data.Conduit as C
       (transPipe, Sink, awaitForever, yield, leftover, ($$))
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import Control.Monad (void, liftM, when)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ask, ReaderT(..))
import qualified Paths_leksah as P
import System.Environment.Executable (getExecutablePath)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T (unpack)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

instance PaneMonad IDEM where
    getFrameState   =   readIDE frameState
    setFrameState v =   modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{frameState = v})
    runInIO f       =   reifyIDE (\ideRef -> return (\v -> reflectIDE (f v) ideRef))
    panePathForGroup id =   do
        prefs  <- readIDE prefs
        case id `lookup` categoryForPane prefs of
            Just group -> case group `lookup` pathForCategory prefs of
                            Nothing -> return (defaultPath prefs)
                            Just p  -> return p
            Nothing    -> return (defaultPath prefs)
    getThisPane = getPanePrim
    -- getThisPane     ::  forall alpha beta . RecoverablePane alpha beta delta => Maybe PanePath -> delta alpha
    getOrBuildThisPane ePpoPid = do
        mbPane <- getPanePrim
        case mbPane of
            Nothing -> do
                pp          <-  case ePpoPid of
                                    Right pId  -> getBestPathForId pId
                                    Left ppp -> do
                                        layout      <- getLayout
                                        return (getBestPanePath ppp layout)
                nb          <-  getNotebook pp
                buildPane pp nb builder
            Just pane ->   return (Just pane)

    -- displayThisPane ::  Bool -> delta alpha
    displayThisPane pane shallGrabFocus = do
        liftIO $ bringPaneToFront pane
        when shallGrabFocus $ liftIO $ widgetGrabFocus $ getTopWidget pane
    -- buildThisPane   ::  forall alpha beta . RecoverablePane alpha beta delta => PanePath ->
    --                    Notebook ->
    --                    (PanePath -> Notebook -> Window -> delta (alpha,Connections)) ->
    --                    delta alpha
    buildThisPane panePath notebook builder = do
        windows       <-  getWindows

        (mbBuf,cids)  <-  builder panePath notebook (head windows)
        case mbBuf of
            Nothing -> return Nothing
            Just buf -> do
                panes'          <-  getPanesSt
                paneMap'        <-  getPaneMapSt
                let b1 = case Map.lookup (paneName buf) paneMap' of
                            Nothing -> True
                            Just it -> False
                let b2 = case Map.lookup (paneName buf) panes' of
                            Nothing -> True
                            Just it -> False
                if b1 && b2
                    then do
                        notebookInsertOrdered notebook (getTopWidget buf) (paneName buf) Nothing False
                        addPaneAdmin buf cids panePath
                        liftIO $ do
                            widgetSetName (getTopWidget buf) (paneName buf)
                            widgetShowAll (getTopWidget buf)
                            widgetGrabFocus (getTopWidget buf)
                            bringPaneToFront buf
                        return (Just buf)
                    else return Nothing
    --activateThisPane :: forall alpha beta . RecoverablePane alpha beta delta => alpha -> Connections -> delta ()
    activateThisPane pane conn = do
        mbAP <- getActivePane
        case mbAP of
            Just (pn,_) | pn == paneName pane -> return ()
            _  -> do
                triggerEventIDE (StatusbarChanged [CompartmentPane (Just (PaneC pane))])
                liftIO $ bringPaneToFront pane
                setActivePane (Just (paneName pane,conn))
                trigger (Just (paneName pane))
                    (case mbAP of
                        Nothing -> Nothing
                        Just (pn,_) -> Just pn)
                modifyIDE_ updateRecent
                return ()
            updateRecent (ide@IDE{currentState = IsFlipping _}) = ide
            updateRecent ide = ide{recentPanes = paneName pane : filter (/= paneName pane) (recentPanes ide)}
            trigger :: Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> IDEAction
            trigger s1 s2 = do
                triggerEventIDE (RecordHistory (PaneSelected s1, PaneSelected s2))
                triggerEventIDE (Sensitivity [(SensitivityEditor, False)])
                return ()
    --closeThisPane   ::  forall alpha beta . RecoverablePane alpha beta delta => alpha -> delta Bool
    closeThisPane pane = do
        (panePath,_)    <-  guiPropertiesFromName (paneName pane)
        nb              <-  getNotebook panePath
        mbI             <-  liftIO $notebookPageNum nb (getTopWidget pane)
        case mbI of
            Nothing ->  liftIO $ do
                error ("notebook page not found: unexpected " ++ T.unpack (paneName pane) ++ " " ++ show panePath)
                return False
            Just i  ->  do
                deactivatePaneIfActive pane
                liftIO $ do
                    notebookRemovePage nb i
                    widgetDestroy (getTopWidget pane)
                removePaneAdmin pane
                modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{recentPanes = filter (/= paneName pane) (recentPanes ide)})
                return True

data MessageLevel = Silent | Normal | High
    deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

-- Shall be replaced
sysMessage :: MonadIO m =>  MessageLevel -> Text -> m ()
sysMessage ml str = liftIO $ do
    putStrLn $ T.unpack str
    hFlush stdout

ideMessage :: MonadIDE m => MessageLevel -> Text -> m ()
ideMessage level str = do
    liftIO $ sysMessage level str
    triggerEventIDE (LogMessage (str <> "\n") LogTag)
    return ()

logMessage :: MonadIDE m => Text -> LogTag -> m ()
logMessage str tag = do
    triggerEventIDE (LogMessage (str <> "\n") tag)
    return ()
-- with hslogger

---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
---- Exception handling

data IDEException = IDEException Text
    deriving Typeable

instance Show IDEException where
  show (IDEException str) = T.unpack str

instance Exception IDEException

throwIDE str = throw (IDEException str)

-- Main window is always the first one in the list
window = head . windows

errorRefs :: IDE -> [LogRef]
errorRefs = filter ((`elem` [ErrorRef, WarningRef, LintRef, TestFailureRef]) . logRefType) .

breakpointRefs :: IDE -> [LogRef]
breakpointRefs = filter ((== BreakpointRef) . logRefType) . allLogRefs

contextRefs :: IDE -> [LogRef]
contextRefs = filter ((== ContextRef) . logRefType) . allLogRefs

currentError     = (\(e,_,_)-> e) . currentEBC
currentBreak     = (\(_,b,_)-> b) . currentEBC
currentContext   = (\(_,_,c)-> c) . currentEBC

setCurrentError e = do
    modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{currentEBC = (e, currentBreak ide, currentContext ide)})
    triggerEventIDE_ (CurrentErrorChanged e)
setCurrentBreak b = do
    modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{currentEBC = (currentError ide, b, currentContext ide)})
    triggerEventIDE_ (CurrentBreakChanged b)
setCurrentContext c = modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{currentEBC = (currentError ide, currentBreak ide, c)})

isStartingOrClosing ::  IDEState -> Bool
isStartingOrClosing IsStartingUp    = True
isStartingOrClosing IsShuttingDown  = True
isStartingOrClosing _               = False

isInterpreting :: MonadIDE m => m Bool
isInterpreting =
    readIDE debugState >>= \mb -> return (isJust mb)

triggerEventIDE :: MonadIDE m => IDEEvent -> m IDEEvent
triggerEventIDE e = liftIDE $ ask >>= \ideR -> triggerEvent ideR e

triggerEventIDE_ :: MonadIDE m => IDEEvent -> m ()
triggerEventIDE_ = void . triggerEventIDE

-- | A reader monad for a mutable reference to the IDE state

reifyIDE :: MonadIDE m => (IDERef -> IO a) -> m a
reifyIDE = liftIDE . ReaderT

reflectIDE :: IDEM a -> IDERef -> IO a
reflectIDE = runReaderT

reflectIDEI :: C.Sink a IDEM () -> IDERef -> C.Sink a IO ()
reflectIDEI c ideR = C.transPipe (`reflectIDE` ideR) c

liftYiControl :: Yi.ControlM a -> IDEM a
liftYiControl f = do
    control <- readIDE yiControl
    liftIO $ Yi.runControl f control

liftYi :: Yi.YiM a -> IDEM a
liftYi = liftYiControl . Yi.liftYi

catchIDE :: Exception e => IDEM a -> (e -> IO a) -> IDEM a
catchIDE block handler = reifyIDE (\ideR -> catch (reflectIDE block ideR) handler)

forkIDE :: IDEAction  -> IDEAction
forkIDE block  = reifyIDE (void . forkIO . reflectIDE block)

postSyncIDE :: IDEM a -> IDEM a
postSyncIDE f = reifyIDE (postGUISync . reflectIDE f)

postAsyncIDE :: IDEM () -> IDEM ()
postAsyncIDE f = reifyIDE (postGUIAsync . reflectIDE f)

onIDE obj signal callback = do
    ideRef <- ask
    liftIO (obj `on` signal $ runReaderT callback ideRef)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Convenience methods for accesing the IDE State

-- | Read an attribute of the contents
readIDE :: MonadIDE m => (IDE -> beta) -> m beta
readIDE f = do
    e <- liftIDE ask
    liftIO $ liftM f (readIORef e)

-- | Modify the contents, without returning a value
modifyIDE_ :: MonadIDE m => (IDE -> IDE) -> m ()
modifyIDE_ f = let f' a  = (f a,()) in do
    e <- liftIDE ask
    liftIO (atomicModifyIORef e f')

-- | Variation on modifyIDE_ that lets you return a value
modifyIDE :: MonadIDE m => (IDE -> (IDE,beta)) -> m beta
modifyIDE f = do
    e <- liftIDE ask
    liftIO (atomicModifyIORef e f)

withIDE :: MonadIDE m => (IDE -> IO alpha) -> m alpha
withIDE f = do
    e <- liftIDE ask
    liftIO $ f =<< readIORef e

getIDE :: MonadIDE m => m IDE
getIDE = liftIDE ask >>= (liftIO . readIORef)

withoutRecordingDo :: IDEAction -> IDEAction
withoutRecordingDo act = do
    (b,l,n) <- readIDE guiHistory
    if not b then do
        modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{guiHistory = (True,l,n)})
        (b,l,n) <- readIDE guiHistory
        modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{guiHistory = (False,l,n)})
        else act

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Activating and deactivating Panes.
-- This is here and not in Views because it needs some dependencies
-- (e.g. Events for history)

deactivatePane :: IDEAction
deactivatePane = do
    mbAP    <-  getActivePane
    case mbAP of
        Nothing      -> return ()
        Just (pn, _) -> do
            triggerEventIDE (RecordHistory (PaneSelected Nothing,
                PaneSelected (Just pn)))
            triggerEventIDE (Sensitivity [(SensitivityEditor, False)])
            return ()

deactivatePaneWithout :: IDEAction
deactivatePaneWithout = do
    triggerEventIDE (StatusbarChanged [CompartmentPane Nothing])
    mbAP    <-  getActivePane
    case mbAP of
        Just (_,signals) -> liftIO $do
            signalDisconnectAll signals
        Nothing -> return ()
    setActivePane Nothing

deactivatePaneIfActive :: RecoverablePane alpha beta IDEM => alpha -> IDEAction
deactivatePaneIfActive pane = do
    mbActive <- getActivePane
    case mbActive of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just (n,_) -> when (n == paneName pane) deactivatePane

changePackage :: IDEPackage -> IDEAction
changePackage ideP = do
    oldWorkspace <- readIDE workspace
    case oldWorkspace of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just ws -> do
            let ps = map exchange (wsPackages ws)
            modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{workspace = Just ws {wsPackages = ps},
                                    bufferProjCache = Map.empty})
    mbActivePack <- readIDE activePack
    case mbActivePack of
        Just activePack | key ideP == key activePack ->
            modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{activePack = Just ideP})
        _ -> return ()
        key = ipdBuildDir
        idePKey = key ideP
        exchange p | key p == idePKey = ideP
                   | otherwise        = p

-- | Find a directory relative to the leksah install directory
leksahSubDir :: FilePath    -- ^ Sub directory to look for
             -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
leksahSubDir subDir = do
    exePath <- getExecutablePath
    if takeFileName exePath == "leksah.exe"
        then do
            let dataDir = takeDirectory (takeDirectory exePath) </> subDir
            exists <- doesDirectoryExist dataDir
            return (if exists then Just dataDir else Nothing)
        else return Nothing

-- | Get the leksah data dir based on the executable name or if that fails
-- use the directroy for the package.  This is allows us to make binary packages
-- where the data directory id relative to the leksah executable.
-- This is important for Wind32 where setting environment variables for the
-- locations in a launch script causes problems (you can't pin the exe).
leksahOrPackageDir :: FilePath    -- ^ Sub directory to look for
                   -> IO FilePath -- ^ Used to get the package dir if we can't find the leksah one
                   -> IO FilePath
leksahOrPackageDir subDir getPackageDir = do
    mbResult <- leksahSubDir subDir
    case mbResult of
        Just result -> return result
        Nothing     -> getPackageDir

getDataDir :: IO FilePath
getDataDir = leksahOrPackageDir "leksah" P.getDataDir