{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}
-- Module      :  IDE.Leksah
-- Copyright   :  (c) Juergen Nicklisch-Franken, Hamish Mackenzie
-- License     :  GNU-GPL
-- Maintainer  :  <maintainer at leksah.org>
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
--  Main function of Leksah, an Haskell IDE written in Haskell

module IDE.Leksah (
) where

import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment
import Data.Version
import Prelude hiding(catch)

import qualified IDE.OSX as OSX
import qualified IDE.YiConfig as Yi

import System.Directory (getAppUserDataDirectory)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Config.Dyre as Dyre

import IDE.Session
import IDE.Core.State
import Control.Event
import IDE.SourceCandy
import IDE.Utils.FileUtils
import Graphics.UI.Editor.MakeEditor
import Graphics.UI.Editor.Parameters
import IDE.Command
import IDE.Pane.Preferences
import IDE.Keymap
import IDE.Pane.SourceBuffer
import IDE.Find
import Graphics.UI.Editor.Composite (filesEditor, maybeEditor)
import Graphics.UI.Editor.Simple
       (stringEditor, enumEditor, textEditor)
import IDE.Metainfo.Provider (initInfo)
import IDE.Workspaces
       (workspaceAddPackage', workspaceTryQuiet, workspaceNewHere,
        workspaceOpenThis, backgroundMake)
import IDE.Utils.GUIUtils
import Network (withSocketsDo)
import Control.Exception
import System.Exit(exitFailure)
import qualified IDE.StrippedPrefs as SP
import IDE.Utils.Tool (runTool, toolline, waitForProcess)
import System.Log
import System.Log.Logger
       (getLevel, getRootLogger, debugM, updateGlobalLogger,
        rootLoggerName, setLevel)
import Data.List (stripPrefix)
import System.Directory
       (doesDirectoryExist, copyFile, createDirectoryIfMissing,
        getHomeDirectory, doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath (dropExtension, splitExtension, (</>))
import qualified Data.Conduit as C
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import Data.Conduit (($$))
import Control.Monad (void, when, unless, liftM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Data.Text as T (pack, unpack, stripPrefix, unlines)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.CssProvider
       (cssProviderLoadFromString, cssProviderNew)
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.StyleContext
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq (empty)

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Command line options

data Flag =  VersionF | SessionN Text | EmptySession | DefaultSession | Help | Verbosity Text
       deriving (Show,Eq)

options :: [OptDescr Flag]
options =   [Option "e" ["emptySession"] (NoArg EmptySession)
                "Start with empty session"
         ,   Option "d" ["defaultSession"] (NoArg DefaultSession)
                "Start with default session (can be used together with a source file)"
         ,   Option "l" ["loadSession"] (ReqArg (SessionN . T.pack) "NAME")
                "Load session"

         ,   Option "h" ["help"] (NoArg Help)
                "Display command line options"
         ,   Option "v" ["version"] (NoArg VersionF)
                "Show the version number of ide"

         ,   Option "e" ["verbosity"] (ReqArg (Verbosity . T.pack) "Verbosity")

header = "Usage: leksah [OPTION...] [file(.lkshs|.lkshw|.hs|.lhs)]"

ideOpts :: [Text] -> IO ([Flag], [Text])
ideOpts argv =
    case getOpt Permute options $ map T.unpack argv of
          (o,n,[]  ) -> return (o,map T.pack n)
          (_,_,errs) -> ioError $ userError $ concat errs ++ usageInfo header options

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Main function

leksahDriver = Dyre.wrapMain Dyre.defaultParams
    { Dyre.projectName  = "yi"
    , Dyre.realMain     = \(config, mbError) -> do
        case mbError of
            Just error -> putStrLn $ "Error in yi configuration file : " ++ error
            Nothing    -> return ()
        realMain config
    , Dyre.showError    = \(config, _) error -> (config, Just error)
    , Dyre.configDir    = Just . getAppUserDataDirectory $ "yi"
    , Dyre.cacheDir     = Just $ ((</> "leksah") <$> (getAppUserDataDirectory "cache"))
    , Dyre.hidePackages = ["mtl"]
    , Dyre.ghcOpts = ["-DLEKSAH"]

leksah yiConfig = leksahDriver (yiConfig, Nothing)
leksah = realMain

realMain yiConfig =
  withSocketsDo $ handleExceptions $ do
    dataDir         <- getDataDir
    args            <-  getArgs

    (o,files)       <-  ideOpts $ map T.pack args
    isFirstStart    <-  liftM not $ hasSavedConfigFile standardPreferencesFilename
    let sessions      =   mapMaybe (\case
                                        SessionN s -> Just s
                                        _          -> Nothing) o

    let sessionFPs    =   filter (\f -> snd (splitExtension f) == leksahSessionFileExtension) $ map T.unpack files
    let workspaceFPs  =   filter (\f -> snd (splitExtension f) == leksahWorkspaceFileExtension) $ map T.unpack files
    let sourceFPs     =   filter (\f -> let (_,s) = splitExtension f
                                        in s == ".hs" ||  s == ".lhs" || s == ".chs") $ map T.unpack files
    let mbWorkspaceFP'=  case workspaceFPs of
                                [] ->  Nothing
                                w:_ -> Just w
    (mbWSessionFP, mbWorkspaceFP) <-
        case mbWorkspaceFP' of
            Nothing ->  return (Nothing,Nothing)
            Just fp ->  let spath =  dropExtension fp ++ leksahSessionFileExtension
                        in do
                            exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist spath
                            if exists
                                then return (Just spath,Nothing)
                                else return (Nothing,Just fp)
    let ssession =  case sessions of
                        (s:_) -> T.unpack s <> leksahSessionFileExtension
                        _     -> if null sourceFPs
                                        then standardSessionFilename
                                        else emptySessionFilename

    sessionFP    <-  if  EmptySession `elem` o
                                then getConfigFilePathForLoad
                                                        emptySessionFilename Nothing dataDir
                                else if DefaultSession `elem` o
                                        then getConfigFilePathForLoad
                                                        standardSessionFilename Nothing dataDir
                                        else case mbWSessionFP of
                                                Just fp -> return fp
                                                Nothing -> getConfigFilePathForLoad
                                                                    ssession Nothing dataDir
    let verbosity'      =  mapMaybe (\case
                                        Verbosity s -> Just s
                                        _           -> Nothing) o
    let verbosity       =  case verbosity' of
                               [] -> INFO
                               h:_ -> read $ T.unpack h
    updateGlobalLogger rootLoggerName (setLevel verbosity)
    when (VersionF `elem` o)
        (sysMessage Normal $ "Leksah the Haskell IDE, version " <> T.pack (showVersion version))
    when (Help `elem` o)
        (sysMessage Normal $ "Leksah the Haskell IDE " <> T.pack (usageInfo header options))

    prefsPath       <- getConfigFilePathForLoad standardPreferencesFilename Nothing dataDir
    prefs           <- readPrefs prefsPath
    when (notElem VersionF o && notElem Help o)
        (startGUI yiConfig sessionFP mbWorkspaceFP sourceFPs  prefs isFirstStart)

handleExceptions inner =
  catch inner (\(exception :: SomeException) -> do
    sysMessage Normal ("leksah: internal IDE error: " <> T.pack (show exception))

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Start the GUI

startGUI :: Yi.Config -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> [FilePath] -> Prefs -> Bool -> IO ()
startGUI yiConfig sessionFP mbWorkspaceFP sourceFPs iprefs isFirstStart =
  Yi.start yiConfig $ \yiControl -> do
    st       <- unsafeInitGUIForThreadedRTS
    timeout  <- if rtsSupportsBoundThreads
                    then do
                        setNumCapabilities 2
                        sysMessage Normal "Linked with -threaded"
                        return Nothing
                    else Just <$> timeoutAddFull (yield >> return True) priorityLow 10
    mbScreen <- screenGetDefault
    case mbScreen of
        Just screen -> do
            provider <- cssProviderNew
            cssProviderLoadFromString provider $
                T.unlines [ ".window-frame,"
                          , ".window-frame:backdrop {"
                          , "  box-shadow: none;"
                          , "  margin: 0;}"
                          , "#errorLabel {"
                          , "  padding: 10px;"
                          , "  background: #F2DEDE;"
                          , "  color: #A94442;"
                          , "  border: 1px solid #EBCCD1;"
                          , "  border-radius: 5px;}"
            styleContextAddProviderForScreen screen provider 600
        Nothing -> debugM "leksah" "Unable to add style provider for screen"
    mapM_ (sysMessage Normal . T.pack) st
    dataDir       <- getDataDir
    mbStartupPrefs <- if not isFirstStart
                                then return $ Just iprefs
                                else do
                                    firstStartOK <- firstStart iprefs
                                    if not firstStartOK
                                        then return Nothing
                                        else do
                                            prefsPath  <- getConfigFilePathForLoad standardPreferencesFilename Nothing dataDir
                                            prefs <- readPrefs prefsPath
                                            return $ Just prefs
    maybe (return ()) timeoutRemove timeout
    postGUIAsync $
        case mbStartupPrefs of
            Nothing           -> return ()
            Just startupPrefs -> startMainWindow yiControl sessionFP mbWorkspaceFP sourceFPs
                                    startupPrefs isFirstStart
    debugM "leksah" "starting mainGUI"
    debugM "leksah" "finished mainGUI"

mainLoop :: IO () -> IO ()
mainLoop = if rtsSupportsBoundThreads then mainLoopThreaded else mainLoopSingleThread

mainLoopThreaded :: IO () -> IO ()
mainLoopThreaded onIdle = loop
        loop = do
            quit <- loopTillIdle
            unless quit $ do
                    active <- newEmptyMVar
                    mvarSentIdleMessage <- newEmptyMVar
                    idleThread <- forkIO $ do
                        threadDelay 200000
                        isActive <- isJust <$> tryTakeMVar active
                        unless isActive $ do
                            putMVar mvarSentIdleMessage ()
                            postGUIAsync onIdle
                    quit <- mainIteration
                    putMVar active ()
                    unless quit $ do
                            -- If an idle message was sent then wait again
                            sentIdleMessage <- isJust <$> tryTakeMVar mvarSentIdleMessage
                            quit <- if sentIdleMessage
                                then mainIteration
                                else return False
                            unless quit loop
        loopTillIdle = do
            pending <- eventsPending
            if pending == 0
                then return False
                else do
                    quit <- loopn (pending + 2)
                    if quit
                        then return True
                        else loopTillIdle

mainLoopSingleThread :: IO () -> IO ()
mainLoopSingleThread onIdle = eventsPending >>= loop False 50
    loop :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
    loop False delay 0 | delay > 2000 = onIdle >> loop True delay 0
    loop isIdle delay n = do
        quit <- if n > 0
                    then do
                        timeout <- timeoutAddFull (yield >> return True) priorityLow 10
                        quit <- loopn (n+2)
                        timeoutRemove timeout
                        return quit
                        loopn (n+2)
        unless quit $ do
                pending <- eventsPending
                if pending > 0
                    then loop False 50 pending
                    else do
                        threadDelay delay
                        eventsPending >>= loop isIdle (if n > 0
                                                            then 50
                                                            else min (delay+delay) 50000)

loopn :: Int -> IO Bool
loopn 0 = return False
loopn n = do
    quit <- mainIterationDo False
    if quit
        then return True
        else loopn (n - 1)

startMainWindow :: Yi.Control -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> [FilePath] ->
                        Prefs -> Bool -> IO ()
startMainWindow yiControl sessionFP mbWorkspaceFP sourceFPs startupPrefs isFirstStart = do
    timeout  <- if rtsSupportsBoundThreads
                    then return Nothing
                    else Just <$> timeoutAddFull (yield >> return True) priorityLow 10
    debugM "leksah" "startMainWindow"
    osxApp <- OSX.applicationNew
    uiManager   <-  uiManagerNew
    dataDir       <- getDataDir
    candyPath   <-  getConfigFilePathForLoad
                        (case sourceCandy startupPrefs of
                            (_,name)   ->   T.unpack name <> leksahCandyFileExtension) Nothing dataDir
    candySt     <-  parseCandy candyPath
    -- keystrokes
    keysPath    <-  getConfigFilePathForLoad (T.unpack (keymapName startupPrefs) <> leksahKeymapFileExtension) Nothing dataDir
    keyMap      <-  parseKeymap keysPath
    let accelActions = setKeymap (keyMap :: KeymapI) mkActions
    specialKeys <-  buildSpecialKeys keyMap accelActions

    win         <-  windowNew
    widgetSetName win ("Leksah Main Window"::Text)
    let fs = FrameState
            {   windows       =   [win]
            ,   uiManager     =   uiManager
            ,   panes         =   Map.empty
            ,   activePane    =   Nothing
            ,   paneMap       =   Map.empty
            ,   layout        =   TerminalP Map.empty Nothing (-1) Nothing Nothing
            ,   panePathFromNB =  Map.empty

    let ide = IDE
          {   frameState        =   fs
          ,   recentPanes       =   []
          ,   specialKeys       =   specialKeys
          ,   specialKey        =   Nothing
          ,   candy             =   candySt
          ,   prefs             =   startupPrefs
          ,   workspace         =   Nothing
          ,   activePack        =   Nothing
          ,   activeExe         =   Nothing
          ,   bufferProjCache   =   Map.empty
          ,   allLogRefs        =   Seq.empty
          ,   currentHist       =   0
          ,   currentEBC        =   (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
          ,   systemInfo        =   Nothing
          ,   packageInfo       =   Nothing
          ,   workspaceInfo     =   Nothing
          ,   workspInfoCache   =   Map.empty
          ,   handlers          =   Map.empty
          ,   currentState      =   IsStartingUp
          ,   guiHistory        =   (False,[],-1)
          ,   findbar           =   (False,Nothing)
          ,   toolbar           =   (True,Nothing)
          ,   recentFiles       =   []
          ,   recentWorkspaces  =   []
          ,   runningTool       =   Nothing
          ,   debugState        =   Nothing
          ,   completion        =   ((750,400),Nothing)
          ,   yiControl         =   yiControl
          ,   serverQueue       =   Nothing
          ,   server            =   Nothing
          ,   hlintQueue        =   Nothing
          ,   vcsData           =   (Map.empty, Nothing)
          ,   logLaunches       =   Map.empty
          ,   autoCommand       =   return ()
          ,   autoURI           =   Nothing
    ideR             <-  newIORef ide
    menuDescription' <- menuDescription
    reflectIDE (makeMenu uiManager accelActions menuDescription') ideR
    nb               <-  reflectIDE (newNotebook []) ideR
    after nb switchPage (\i -> reflectIDE (handleNotebookSwitch nb i) ideR)
    widgetSetName nb ("root"::Text)
    on win deleteEvent . liftIO $ reflectIDE quit ideR >> return True
    reflectIDE (instrumentWindow win startupPrefs (castToWidget nb)) ideR
    reflectIDE (do
        setCandyState (fst (sourceCandy startupPrefs))
        setBackgroundBuildToggled (backgroundBuild startupPrefs)
        setRunUnitTests (runUnitTests startupPrefs)
        setMakeModeToggled (makeMode startupPrefs)) ideR
    let (x,y)   =   defaultSize startupPrefs
    windowSetDefaultSize win x y
    (tbv,fbv)   <- reflectIDE (do
        pair <- recoverSession sessionFP
        workspaceOpenThis False  mbWorkspaceFP
        mapM_ fileOpenThis sourceFPs
        wins <- getWindows
        mapM_ instrumentSecWindow (tail wins)
        return pair
        ) ideR

    on win realize $ widgetGetWindow win >>= maybe (return ()) OSX.allowFullscreen

    debugM "leksah" "Show main window"
    widgetShowAll win

    reflectIDE (do
        triggerEventIDE UpdateRecent
        if tbv
            then showToolbar
            else hideToolbar
        if fbv
            then showFindbar
            else hideFindbar
        OSX.updateMenu osxApp uiManager) ideR

    OSX.applicationReady osxApp

    configDir <- getConfigDir
    let welcomePath  = configDir</>"leksah-welcome"
    welcomeExists <- doesDirectoryExist welcomePath
    unless welcomeExists $ do
        let welcomeSource = dataDir</>"data"</>"leksah-welcome"
            welcomeCabal = welcomePath</>"leksah-welcome.cabal"
            welcomeMain  = welcomePath</>"src"</>"Main.hs"
        createDirectoryIfMissing True $ welcomePath</>"src"
        createDirectoryIfMissing True $ welcomePath</>"test"
        copyFile (welcomeSource</>"Setup.lhs")            (welcomePath</>"Setup.lhs")
        copyFile (welcomeSource</>"leksah-welcome.cabal") welcomeCabal
        copyFile (welcomeSource</>"LICENSE")              (welcomePath</>"LICENSE")
        copyFile (welcomeSource</>"src"</>"Main.hs")      welcomeMain
        copyFile (welcomeSource</>"test"</>"Main.hs")     (welcomePath</>"test"</>"Main.hs")
        defaultWorkspace <- liftIO $ (</> "leksah.lkshw") <$> getHomeDirectory
        defaultExists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist defaultWorkspace
        reflectIDE (do
            if defaultExists
                then workspaceOpenThis False (Just defaultWorkspace)
                else workspaceNewHere defaultWorkspace
            workspaceTryQuiet $ void (workspaceAddPackage' welcomeCabal)
            fileOpenThis welcomeMain) ideR
    reflectIDE (initInfo (modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{currentState = IsRunning}))) ideR
    maybe (return ()) timeoutRemove timeout
    postGUIAsync . mainLoop $
        reflectIDE (do
            currentPrefs <- readIDE prefs
            when (backgroundBuild currentPrefs) backgroundMake) ideR
--    timeoutAddFull (do
--        reflectIDE (do
--            currentPrefs <- readIDE prefs
--            when (backgroundBuild currentPrefs) $ backgroundMake) ideR
--        return True) priorityDefaultIdle 1000
    reflectIDE (triggerEvent ideR (Sensitivity [(SensitivityInterpreting, False)])) ideR
    return ()
--    mainGUI

fDescription :: FilePath -> FieldDescription Prefs
fDescription configPath = VFD emptyParams [
            (paraName <<<- ParaName "Paths under which haskell sources for packages may be found"
                $ paraDirection  <<<- ParaDirection Vertical
                    $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1, 150)
                        $ emptyParams)
            (\b a -> a{sourceDirectories = b})
            (filesEditor Nothing FileChooserActionSelectFolder "Select folders")
    ,   mkField
            (paraName <<<- ParaName "Unpack source for cabal packages to" $ emptyParams)
            (\b a -> a{unpackDirectory = b})
            (maybeEditor (stringEditor (const True) True,emptyParams) True "")
    ,   mkField
            (paraName <<<- ParaName "URL from which to download prebuilt metadata" $ emptyParams)
            (\b a -> a{retrieveURL = b})
            (textEditor (const True) True)
    ,   mkField
            (paraName <<<- ParaName "Strategy for downloading prebuilt metadata" $ emptyParams)
            (\b a -> a{retrieveStrategy = b})
            (enumEditor ["Try to download and then build locally if that fails","Try to build locally and then download if that fails","Never download (just try to build locally)"])]

-- | Called when leksah is first called (the .leksah-xx directory does not exist)
firstStart :: Prefs -> IO Bool
firstStart prefs = do
    dataDir     <- getDataDir
    prefsPath   <- getConfigFilePathForLoad standardPreferencesFilename Nothing dataDir
    prefs       <- readPrefs prefsPath
    configDir   <- getConfigDir
    dialog      <- dialogNew
    setLeksahIcon dialog
    set dialog [
        windowTitle := ("Welcome to Leksah, the Haskell IDE"::Text),
        windowWindowPosition := WinPosCenter]
    dialogAddButton dialog ("gtk-ok"::Text) ResponseOk
    dialogAddButton dialog ("gtk-cancel"::Text) ResponseCancel
    vb          <- dialogGetContentArea dialog
    label       <- labelNew (Just (
        "Before you start using Leksah it will collect and download metadata about your installed Haskell packages.\n" <>
        "You can add folders under which you have sources for Haskell packages not available from Hackage."::Text))
    (widget, setInj, getExt,notifier) <- buildEditor (fDescription configDir) prefs
    boxPackStart (castToBox vb) label PackNatural 7
    sw <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing
    scrolledWindowAddWithViewport sw widget
    scrolledWindowSetPolicy sw PolicyNever PolicyAutomatic
    boxPackStart (castToBox vb) sw PackGrow 7
    windowSetDefaultSize dialog 800 630
    widgetShowAll dialog
    response <- dialogRun dialog
    widgetHide dialog
    case response of
        ResponseOk -> do
            mbNewPrefs <- extract prefs [getExt]
            widgetDestroy dialog
            case mbNewPrefs of
                Nothing -> do
                    sysMessage Normal "No dialog results"
                    return False
                Just newPrefs -> do
                    fp <- getConfigFilePathForSave standardPreferencesFilename
                    writePrefs fp newPrefs
                    fp2  <-  getConfigFilePathForSave strippedPreferencesFilename
                    SP.writeStrippedPrefs fp2
                            SP.Prefs {SP.sourceDirectories = sourceDirectories newPrefs,
                                       SP.unpackDirectory   = unpackDirectory newPrefs,
                                       SP.retrieveURL       = retrieveURL newPrefs,
                                       SP.retrieveStrategy  = retrieveStrategy newPrefs,
                                       SP.serverPort        = serverPort newPrefs,
                                       SP.endWithLastConn   = endWithLastConn newPrefs}
                    firstBuild newPrefs
                    return True
        _ -> do
            widgetDestroy dialog
            return False

setLeksahIcon :: (WindowClass self) => self -> IO ()
setLeksahIcon window = do
    dataDir <- getDataDir
    let iconPath = dataDir </> "pics" </> "leksah.png"
    iconExists  <-  doesFileExist iconPath
    when iconExists $
        windowSetIconFromFile window iconPath

firstBuild newPrefs = do
    dialog      <- dialogNew
    setLeksahIcon dialog
    set dialog [
        windowTitle := ("Leksah: Updating Metadata"::Text),
        windowWindowPosition := WinPosCenter,
        windowDeletable := False]
    vb          <- dialogGetContentArea dialog
    progressBar <- progressBarNew
    progressBarSetText progressBar ("Please wait while Leksah collects information about Haskell packages on your system"::Text)
    progressBarSetFraction progressBar 0.0
    boxPackStart (castToBox vb) progressBar PackGrow 7
    forkIO $ do
            logger <- getRootLogger
            let verbosity = case getLevel logger of
                                Just level -> ["--verbosity=" <> T.pack (show level)]
                                Nothing    -> []
            (output, pid) <- runTool "leksah-server" (["-sbo", "+RTS", "-N2", "-RTS"] ++ verbosity) Nothing
            output $$ CL.mapM_ (update progressBar)
            waitForProcess pid
            postGUIAsync (dialogResponse dialog ResponseOk)
    widgetShowAll dialog
    dialogRun dialog
    widgetHide dialog
    widgetDestroy dialog
    return ()
        update pb to = do
            let str = toolline to
            case T.stripPrefix "update_toolbar " str of
                Just rest -> postGUIAsync $ progressBarSetFraction pb (read $ T.unpack rest)
                Nothing   -> liftIO $ debugM "leksah" $ T.unpack str