{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- Module      :  IDE.Pane.Breakpoints
-- Copyright   :  2007-2011 Juergen Nicklisch-Franken, Hamish Mackenzie
-- License     :  GPL
-- Maintainer  :  maintainer@leksah.org
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :
-- |

module IDE.Pane.Breakpoints (
,   BreakpointsState
,   showBreakpoints
,   fillBreakpointList
,   selectBreak
) where

import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Data.Typeable (Typeable(..))
import IDE.Core.State
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Events (Event(..))
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.Enums
    (Click(..), MouseButton(..))
import IDE.Debug
import IDE.LogRef (showSourceSpan)
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import IDE.Utils.GUIUtils (treeViewContextMenu, __)
import qualified Data.Text as T (words, unpack)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F (toList)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq (elemIndexL)

-- | A breakpoints pane description
data IDEBreakpoints    =   IDEBreakpoints {
    scrolledView    ::   ScrolledWindow
,   treeView        ::   TreeView
,   breakpoints     ::   TreeStore LogRef
} deriving Typeable

data BreakpointsState  =   BreakpointsState {
}   deriving(Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable)

instance Pane IDEBreakpoints IDEM
    primPaneName _  =   __ "Breakpoints"
    getAddedIndex _ =   0
    getTopWidget    =   castToWidget . scrolledView
    paneId b        =   "*Breakpoints"

instance RecoverablePane IDEBreakpoints BreakpointsState IDEM where
    saveState p     =   return (Just BreakpointsState)
    recoverState pp BreakpointsState =   do
        nb      <-  getNotebook pp
        buildPane pp nb builder
    builder pp nb windows = reifyIDE $ \ ideR -> do
        breakpoints <-  treeStoreNew []
        treeView    <-  treeViewNew
        treeViewSetModel treeView breakpoints

        rendererA    <- cellRendererTextNew
        colA         <- treeViewColumnNew
        treeViewColumnSetTitle colA (__ "Location")
        treeViewColumnSetSizing colA TreeViewColumnAutosize
        treeViewColumnSetResizable colA True
        treeViewColumnSetReorderable colA True
        treeViewAppendColumn treeView colA
        cellLayoutPackStart colA rendererA False
        cellLayoutSetAttributes colA rendererA breakpoints
            $ \row -> [cellText := showSourceSpan row]

        rendererB    <- cellRendererTextNew
        colB         <- treeViewColumnNew
        treeViewColumnSetTitle colB (__ "Breakpoints")
        treeViewColumnSetSizing colB TreeViewColumnAutosize
        treeViewColumnSetResizable colB True
        treeViewColumnSetReorderable colB True
        treeViewAppendColumn treeView colB
        cellLayoutPackStart colB rendererB False
        cellLayoutSetAttributes colB rendererB breakpoints
            $ \row -> [ cellText := refDescription row]

        treeViewSetHeadersVisible treeView True
        selB <- treeViewGetSelection treeView
        treeSelectionSetMode selB SelectionSingle
        scrolledView <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing
        scrolledWindowSetShadowType scrolledView ShadowIn
        containerAdd scrolledView treeView
        scrolledWindowSetPolicy scrolledView PolicyAutomatic PolicyAutomatic
        let pane = IDEBreakpoints scrolledView treeView breakpoints
        cid1 <- after treeView focusInEvent $ do
            liftIO $ reflectIDE (makeActive pane) ideR
            return True
        (cid2, cid3) <- treeViewContextMenu treeView $ breakpointsContextMenu ideR breakpoints treeView
        cid4 <- treeView `on` rowActivated $ breakpointsSelect ideR breakpoints
        return (Just pane, map ConnectC [cid1, cid2, cid3, cid4])

getBreakpoints :: IDEM IDEBreakpoints
getBreakpoints = forceGetPane (Right "*Breakpoints")

showBreakpoints :: IDEAction
showBreakpoints = do
    pane <- getBreakpoints
    displayPane pane False

fillBreakpointList :: IDEAction
fillBreakpointList = do
    mbBreakpoints <- getPane
    case mbBreakpoints of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just b  -> do
            refs <- readIDE breakpointRefs
            liftIO $ do
                treeStoreClear (breakpoints b)
                mapM_ (\ (lr,index) -> treeStoreInsert (breakpoints b) [] index lr)
                    (zip (F.toList refs) [0..])

getSelectedBreakpoint ::  TreeView
    -> TreeStore LogRef
    -> IO (Maybe LogRef)
getSelectedBreakpoint treeView treeStore = do
    treeSelection   <-  treeViewGetSelection treeView
    paths           <-  treeSelectionGetSelectedRows treeSelection
    case paths of
        a:r ->  do
            val     <-  treeStoreGetValue treeStore a
            return (Just val)
        _  ->  return Nothing

selectBreak :: Maybe LogRef -> IDEAction
selectBreak mbLogRef = do
    breakRefs' <- readIDE breakpointRefs
    breaks     <- forceGetPane (Right "*Breakpoints")
    liftIO $ do
        selection <- treeViewGetSelection (treeView breaks)
        case mbLogRef of
            Nothing -> treeSelectionUnselectAll selection
            Just lr -> case lr `Seq.elemIndexL` breakRefs' of
                        Nothing  -> return ()
                        Just ind -> treeSelectionSelectPath selection [ind]

breakpointsContextMenu :: IDERef
                       -> TreeStore LogRef
                       -> TreeView
                       -> Menu
                       -> IO ()
breakpointsContextMenu ideR store treeView theMenu = do
    item1           <-  menuItemNewWithLabel (__ "Remove breakpoint")
    item1 `on` menuItemActivate $ do
        sel         <-  getSelectedBreakpoint treeView store
        case sel of
            Just ref  -> reflectIDE (deleteBreakpoint ref) ideR
            otherwise -> sysMessage Normal (__ "Debugger>> breakpointViewPopup: no selection2")
    sep1 <- separatorMenuItemNew
    item2           <-  menuItemNewWithLabel (__ "Remove all breakpoints")
    item2 `on` menuItemActivate $ reflectIDE debugDeleteAllBreakpoints ideR
    item3           <-  menuItemNewWithLabel (__ "Update")
    item3 `on` menuItemActivate $ reflectIDE debugShowBreakpoints ideR
    mapM_ (menuShellAppend theMenu) [castToMenuItem item1, castToMenuItem sep1,
        castToMenuItem item2, castToMenuItem item3]

breakpointsSelect :: IDERef
                  -> TreeStore LogRef
                  -> TreePath
                  -> TreeViewColumn
                  -> IO ()
breakpointsSelect ideR store path _ = do
    ref <- treeStoreGetValue store path
    reflectIDE (setCurrentBreak (Just ref)) ideR

deleteBreakpoint :: LogRef -> IDEAction
deleteBreakpoint logRef =
    case logRefType logRef of
        BreakpointRef -> debugDeleteBreakpoint (T.words (refDescription logRef) !! 1) logRef
        _   -> sysMessage Normal (__ "Debugger>>deleteBreakpoint: Not a breakpoint")