name: leksah version: cabal-version: >=1.18 build-type: Simple license: GPL license-file: LICENSE copyright: 2007-2016 Juergen Nicklisch-Franken, Hamish Mackenzie, Jacco Krijnen, JP Moresmau maintainer: stability: provisional homepage: package-url: bug-reports: synopsis: Haskell IDE written in Haskell description: An Integrated Development Environment for Haskell written in Haskell. category: Development, IDE, Editor author: Juergen Nicklisch-Franken, Hamish Mackenzie, Jacco Krijnen, JP Moresmau tested-with: GHC == 8.2.1, GHC == 8.0.2 data-files: LICENSE data/current.lkshs data/candy.lkshc data/candy-hasklig.lkshc data/keymap.lkshk data/ data/ data/ data/prefs.lkshp data/prefscoll.lkshp data/emacs.lkshk data/LICENSE data/main.lksht data/testmain.lksht data/module.lksht data/welcome.txt data/leksah-welcome/cabal.project data/leksah-welcome/Setup.lhs data/leksah-welcome/leksah-welcome.cabal data/leksah-welcome/LICENSE data/leksah-welcome/src/Main.hs data/leksah-welcome/test/Main.hs data/empty.lkshs data/.gtkrc-2.0 data/styles/leksah.xml data/styles/leksah-dark.xml language-specs/cabal.lang language-specs/haskell.lang language-specs/haskell-literate.lang language-specs/hamlet.lang language-specs/cassius.lang language-specs/lucius.lang language-specs/julius.lang language-specs/jmacro.lang pics/ide_folder.png pics/ide_source_folder.png pics/ide_component.png pics/ide_source_dependency.png pics/ide_package.png pics/ide_cabal_file.png pics/ide_class.png pics/ide_configure.png pics/ide_data.png pics/ide_error_next.png pics/ide_error_prev.png pics/ide_function.png pics/ide_git.png pics/ide_instance.png pics/ide_konstructor.png pics/ide_make.png pics/ide_method.png pics/ide_newtype.png pics/ide_other.png pics/ide_reexported.png pics/ide_rule.png pics/ide_run.png pics/ide_slot.png pics/ide_source.png pics/ide_source_local.png pics/ide_type.png pics/leksah.png pics/ide_step.png pics/ide_local.png pics/ide_module.png pics/ide_continue.png pics/ide_debug.png pics/ide_clean.png pics/ide_build.png pics/ide_link.png pics/ide_rebuild_meta.png pics/ide_empty.png pics/ide_js.png pics/ide_error.png pics/ide_warning.png pics/ide_suggestion.png pics/ide_doc_build.png pics/ide_bench_build.png pics/ide_test_build.png scripts/ scripts/ osx/ osx/ osx/ osx/Info.plist osx/ osx/leksah.bundle osx/leksah.icns osx/ osx/ osx/osxkeymap.lkshk osx/settings.ini win32/ win32/gtkrc win32/leksah.bat win32/leksah.ico win32/leksah.nsi win32/leksah-rebuild-metadata.bat win32/leksah-server.bat win32/ win32/ win32/ linux/applications/leksah.desktop linux/applications/leksah.xml linux/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/leksah_48x48.png linux/specfiles/fedora/12/ghc-binary-shared.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/12/ghc-deepseq.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/12/ghc-hslogger.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/12/ghc-ltk.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/12/ghc-process-leksah.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/12/ghc-regex-base.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/12/ghc-regex-tdfa.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/12/leksah_server.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/12/leksah.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/13/ghc-binary-shared.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/13/ghc-hslogger.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/13/ghc-ltk.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/13/ghc-process-leksah.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/13/ghc-regex-tdfa.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/13/haddock.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/13/leksah-server.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/13/leksah.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/14/ghc-binary-shared.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/14/ghc-haddock.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/14/ghc-ltk.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/14/ghc-process-leksah.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/14/ghc-regex-tdfa.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/14/leksah-server.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/14/leksah.spec linux/specfiles/fedora/14/leksah.spec-darcs-backup0 linux/specfiles/fedora/14/leksah.spec-darcs-backup1 extra-source-files: Setup.lhs SetupLocale.lhs po/*.pot po/*.po x-gettext-po-files: po/*.po x-gettext-domain-name: leksah source-repository head type: git location: flag webkit2 description: Use WebKit 2 version of WebKitGTK+ default: True flag yi description: Experimental Yi support default: False flag codemirror description: Experimental codemirror editor default: False flag dyre description: Experimental Yi support flag threaded description: Build with support for multithreaded execution flag loc description: Experimental localization support default: False flag network-uri description: Get Network.URI from the network-uri package flag gtk-318 description: GTK+ is 3.18 or later flag gtk-320 description: GTK+ is 3.20 or later library if os(windows) build-depends: Win32 >= && <2.4 extra-libraries: kernel32 else build-depends: unix >= && <2.8 if os(osx) build-depends: gi-gtkosxapplication >=2.0.2 && <2.1 if flag(webkit2) && !os(windows) build-depends: gi-webkit2 >=4.0.6 && <4.1 else build-depends: gi-webkit >=3.0.6 && <3.1 if flag(yi) build-depends: yi >=0.12.4 && <0.13, yi-language >=0.2.0 && <0.3, yi-rope >= && <0.8 cpp-options: -DLEKSAH_WITH_YI if (flag(yi) && flag(dyre)) build-depends: dyre >=0.8.3 && <0.9 cpp-options: -DLEKSAH_WITH_YI_DYRE if (flag(codemirror)) build-depends: jsaddle >= && <0.5, lens -any cpp-options: -DLEKSAH_WITH_CODE_MIRROR if (flag(loc) && os(linux)) build-depends: hgettext -any, setlocale -any cpp-options: -DLOCALIZATION if flag(network-uri) build-depends: network-uri >=2.6 && <2.7, network >=2.6 && <2.7 else build-depends: network >=2.2 && <2.6 if impl(ghc >=7.2) build-depends: binary-shared >=0.8.2 if flag(gtk-318) cpp-options: -DMIN_VERSION_GTK_3_18 pkgconfig-depends: gtk+-3.0 >=3.18 if flag(gtk-320) cpp-options: -DMIN_VERSION_GTK_3_20 pkgconfig-depends: gtk+-3.0 >=3.20 if !impl(ghcjs) build-depends: ghc >=6.10.1 && <8.3, haskell-src-exts >=1.13.5 && <1.19, leksah-server >= && <0.17 exposed-modules: IDE.HLint IDE.Leksah IDE.Completion IDE.ImportTool IDE.Find IDE.Session IDE.Command IDE.Keymap IDE.Utils.CabalUtils IDE.Utils.DirectoryUtils IDE.Utils.GUIUtils IDE.SymbolNavigation IDE.Package IDE.TextEditor.Yi.Config IDE.OSX IDE.GUIHistory IDE.SourceCandy IDE.NotebookFlipper IDE.Core.Types IDE.Core.State IDE.Metainfo.Provider IDE.Pane.PackageEditor IDE.Pane.HLint IDE.Pane.Info IDE.Pane.Log IDE.Pane.SourceBuffer IDE.Pane.Modules IDE.Pane.Search IDE.Pane.PackageFlags IDE.LogRef IDE.Debug IDE.Pane.Grep IDE.Pane.Files IDE.Pane.Breakpoints IDE.Pane.Trace IDE.Pane.Variables IDE.Pane.Errors IDE.Preferences IDE.TextEditor IDE.Workspaces IDE.Workspaces.Writer IDE.Statusbar IDE.Pane.Workspace IDE.PaneGroups IDE.Utils.ServerConnection IDE.BufferMode IDE.Build IDE.Command.VCS IDE.Command.VCS.Common IDE.Command.VCS.SVN IDE.Command.VCS.GIT IDE.Command.VCS.Mercurial IDE.Command.VCS.Common.Workspaces IDE.Command.VCS.Common.GUI IDE.Command.VCS.Common.Helper IDE.Command.VCS.Types IDE.Command.Print IDE.Pane.WebKit.Documentation IDE.Pane.WebKit.Inspect IDE.Pane.WebKit.Output IDE.TextEditor.Class IDE.TextEditor.CodeMirror IDE.TextEditor.Yi IDE.TextEditor.GtkSourceView IDE.Utils.ExternalTool IDE.LPaste build-depends: base-compat >=0.9.0 && <0.10, haskell-gi-base >=0.18 && <0.21, gi-glib >=2.0.6 && <2.1, gi-gobject >=2.0.6 && <2.1, gi-gio >=2.0.6 && <2.1, gi-cairo >=1.0.6 && <1.1, gi-gdk >=3.0.6 && <3.1, gi-gdkpixbuf >=2.0.6 && <2.1, gi-gtk >=3.0.13 && <3.1, gi-pango >=1.0.6 && <1.1, gi-gtksource >=3.0.6 && <3.1, gi-gtk-hs >= && <0.4, ghcjs-codemirror -any, blaze-html -any, pretty-show >=1.6.3 && <1.7, Cabal >= && <2.1, base >= && <4.11, binary >= && <0.9, bytestring >= && <0.11, containers >= && <0.6, directory >= && <1.4, filepath >= && <1.5, mtl >= && <2.3, old-time >= && <1.2, parsec >= && <3.2, pretty >= && <1.2, regex-tdfa >=1.1 && <1.3, regex-tdfa-text -any, regex-base ==0.93.*, utf8-string >= && <1.1, array >= && <0.6, time >=0.1 && <1.9, ltk >= && <0.17, binary-shared >=0.8 && <0.9, deepseq >= && <1.5, hslogger >=1.0.7 && <1.3, strict >=0.3.2 && <0.4, conduit >=1.0.8 && <1.3, text >= && <1.3, transformers >= && <0.6, executable-path >=0.0.3 && <0.1, vcsgui >=0.2.0 && <0.3, vcswrapper >=0.1.0 && <0.2, QuickCheck >=2.4.2 && <2.10, hlint >=1.9.21 && <2.1, vado >=0.0.1 && <0.1, shakespeare >= && <2.1, cpphs >=1.19 && <1.21, stm >=2.4.4 && <2.5, split >=, HTTP >= 4000.3.3, fsnotify >=0.2.1 && <0.3, haskell-gi-overloading ==0.0.* default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: ViewPatterns hs-source-dirs: src other-modules: Paths_leksah ghc-options: -fwarn-missing-fields -fwarn-incomplete-patterns -ferror-spans executable leksah if os(windows) build-depends: Win32 >= && <2.4 extra-libraries: kernel32 if flag(yi) cpp-options: -DLEKSAH_WITH_YI if (flag(yi) && flag(dyre)) cpp-options: -DLEKSAH_WITH_DYRE if flag(threaded) ghc-options: -threaded if (os(linux) && flag(loc)) build-depends: hgettext -any, setlocale -any cpp-options: -DLOCALIZATION if os(osx) ghc-options: -optl-headerpad_max_install_names if !impl(ghcjs) build-depends: leksah-server -any main-is: Main.hs build-depends: leksah, base >= && <4.11, gi-gtk-hs >= && <0.4, stm >=2.4.4 && <2.5 default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: main ghc-options: -rtsopts -fwarn-missing-fields -fwarn-incomplete-patterns -ferror-spans --executable bewleksah -- main-is: Main.hs -- build-depends: -- leksah, -- base >= && <4.11, -- jsaddle -any, -- ghcjs-dom >= && <0.5, -- gi-gtk-hs >= && <0.4, -- gi-gtksource >=3.0.2 && <3.1, -- gi-webkit2 >=4.0.6 && <4.1, -- webkitgtk3-javascriptcore -any, -- stm >=2.4.4 && <2.5 -- default-language: Haskell2010 -- hs-source-dirs: bew --test-suite tests -- -- if flag(yi) -- build-depends: -- yi -any -- type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 -- main-is: Tests.hs -- build-depends: -- base >= && <4.11, -- Cabal >= && <2.1, -- QuickCheck >=2.4.2 && <2.10, -- leksah, -- containers -any, -- ltk -any, -- leksah-server -any, -- hslogger -any, -- transformers -any, -- monad-loops -any, -- text -any, -- gi-glib >=2.0.2 && <2.1, -- gi-gtk >=3.0.2 && <3.1, -- gi-gtksource >=3.0.2 && <3.1, -- gi-gtk-hs >= && <0.4, -- stm >=2.4.4 && <2.5 -- default-language: Haskell2010 -- hs-source-dirs: tests -- other-modules: -- IDE.TextEditor.Tests -- ghc-options: -threaded