{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Module : IDE.Pane.PackageEditor -- Copyright : (c) Juergen Nicklisch-Franken, Hamish Mackenzie -- License : GNU-GPL -- -- Maintainer : Juergen Nicklisch-Franken -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- | Module for editing of cabal packages and build infos -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module IDE.Pane.PackageEditor ( packageNew' , packageClone , packageEdit , projectEditText , packageEditText , choosePackageDir , choosePackageFile , hasConfigs , standardSetup ) where import Control.Applicative (Applicative, (<*>), (<$>)) import Distribution.Package import Distribution.PackageDescription import Distribution.Verbosity import System.FilePath import Data.Maybe import System.Directory import IDE.Core.State import IDE.Utils.FileUtils import IDE.Utils.CabalUtils (writeGenericPackageDescription') import Graphics.UI.Editor.MakeEditor import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (readPackageDescription) import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration (flattenPackageDescription) import Distribution.ModuleName(ModuleName) import Data.Typeable (Typeable(..)) import Graphics.UI.Editor.Composite (versionEditor, versionRangeEditor, dependenciesEditor, textsEditor, filesEditor, tupel3Editor, eitherOrEditor, maybeEditor, pairEditor, ColumnDescr(..), multisetEditor) import Distribution.Text (simpleParse, display) import Graphics.UI.Editor.Parameters (paraMargin, paraVAlign, paraHAlign, boxPackEnd', dialogSetDefaultResponse', dialogRun', Packing(..), boxPackStart', dialogAddButton', Parameter(..), paraPack, paraOrientation, paraMinSize, paraShadow, paraSynopsis, (<<<-), emptyParams, paraName, getParameterPrim) import Graphics.UI.Editor.Simple (enumEditor, stringEditor, comboEntryEditor, staticListMultiEditor, intEditor, boolEditor, fileEditor, comboSelectionEditor, multilineStringEditor, textEditor) import Graphics.UI.Editor.Basics (Notifier, Editor(..), GUIEventSelector(..), GUIEvent(..)) import Distribution.Compiler (CompilerFlavor(..)) import Distribution.Simple (knownExtensions, Extension(..), VersionRange, anyVersion) import Default (Default(..)) import IDE.Utils.GUIUtils import IDE.Pane.SourceBuffer (fileOpenThis) import Control.Event (EventSource(..)) import Data.List (isPrefixOf, sort, nub, sortBy) import Data.List.Split (splitOn) import Data.Text (Text) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ask) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad (void, when) #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) import Distribution.Version (versionNumbers, Version(..), mkVersion, orLaterVersion) import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName (UnqualComponentName(..), mkUnqualComponentName, unUnqualComponentName) import Distribution.Types.ExecutableScope (ExecutableScope(..)) import Distribution.Types.ForeignLib (ForeignLib(..)) #else import Distribution.Version (Version(..), orLaterVersion) #endif import IDE.Utils.Tool (ToolOutput(..)) import System.Exit (ExitCode(..)) import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL (fold) import qualified Data.Conduit as C (Sink, ZipSink(..), getZipSink) import IDE.Utils.ExternalTool (runExternalTool') import qualified System.IO.Strict as S (readFile) import Data.Char (isDigit, isAlphaNum, toLower) import qualified Data.Text as T (replace, span, splitAt, isPrefixOf, length, toLower, lines, unlines, pack, unpack, null) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Data.Text.IO as T (writeFile, readFile) import qualified Text.Printf as S (printf) import Text.Printf (PrintfType) import MyMissing (forceJust) import Language.Haskell.Extension (Language(..)) import Distribution.License (License(..)) import Control.Exception (SomeException(..)) import IDE.Metainfo.Provider (getAllPackageIds) import GI.Gtk.Objects.Window (windowSetTransientFor, setWindowWindowPosition, setWindowTitle, setWindowTransientFor, Window(..)) import GI.Gtk.Objects.FileChooserDialog (FileChooserDialog(..)) import GI.Gtk.Enums (Align(..), ShadowType(..), WindowPosition(..), ButtonsType(..), MessageType(..), ResponseType(..), FileChooserAction(..), Orientation(..)) import GI.Gtk.Objects.Dialog (Dialog(..), constructDialogUseHeaderBar, dialogGetActionArea, dialogGetContentArea) import Data.GI.Base (on, unsafeCastTo, set, new') import GI.Gtk.Objects.Box (boxNew, boxPackEnd, Box(..)) import GI.Gtk.Objects.Widget (widgetSetSensitive, toWidget, widgetDestroy, widgetShowAll, widgetGrabDefault, setWidgetCanDefault) import GI.Gtk.Objects.MessageDialog (setMessageDialogText, constructMessageDialogButtons, setMessageDialogMessageType, MessageDialog(..)) import GI.Gtk.Objects.Notebook (Notebook(..)) import GI.Gtk.Objects.ButtonBox (buttonBoxNew) import GI.Gtk.Objects.Button (onButtonClicked, buttonNewWithLabel) import GI.Gtk.Objects.Label (labelSetMarkup, labelNew) import GI.Gtk.Objects.CellRendererText (setCellRendererTextText) #if !MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) versionNumbers :: Version -> [Int] versionNumbers = versionBranch mkPackageName :: String -> PackageName mkPackageName = PackageName mkVersion :: [Int] -> Version mkVersion = (`Version` []) mkUnqualComponentName :: String -> String mkUnqualComponentName = id #endif printf :: PrintfType r => Text -> r printf = S.printf . T.unpack -- | Get the last item sinkLast = CL.fold (\_ a -> Just a) Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handling of Generic Package Descriptions toGenericPackageDescription :: PackageDescription -> GenericPackageDescription toGenericPackageDescription pd = GenericPackageDescription { packageDescription = pd{ library = Nothing, executables = [], testSuites = [], benchmarks = [], buildDepends = []} , genPackageFlags = [] , condLibrary = case library pd of Nothing -> Nothing Just lib -> Just (buildCondTreeLibrary lib) , condExecutables = map buildCondTreeExe (executables pd) , condTestSuites = map buildCondTreeTest (testSuites pd) , condBenchmarks = map buildCondTreeBenchmark (benchmarks pd) #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) , condForeignLibs = map buildCondTreeForeignLib (foreignLibs pd) , condSubLibraries = concatMap buildCondTreeSubLibraries (subLibraries pd) #endif } where buildCondTreeLibrary lib = CondNode { condTreeData = lib { libBuildInfo = (libBuildInfo lib) { targetBuildDepends = buildDepends pd } }, condTreeConstraints = buildDepends pd, condTreeComponents = []} buildCondTreeExe exe = (exeName exe, CondNode { condTreeData = exe { buildInfo = (buildInfo exe) { targetBuildDepends = buildDepends pd } }, condTreeConstraints = buildDepends pd, condTreeComponents = []}) buildCondTreeTest test = (testName test, CondNode { condTreeData = test { testBuildInfo = (testBuildInfo test) { targetBuildDepends = buildDepends pd } }, condTreeConstraints = buildDepends pd, condTreeComponents = []}) buildCondTreeBenchmark bm = (benchmarkName bm, CondNode { condTreeData = bm { benchmarkBuildInfo = (benchmarkBuildInfo bm) { targetBuildDepends = buildDepends pd } }, condTreeConstraints = buildDepends pd, condTreeComponents = []}) #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) buildCondTreeForeignLib fl = (foreignLibName fl, CondNode { condTreeData = fl { foreignLibBuildInfo = (foreignLibBuildInfo fl) { targetBuildDepends = buildDepends pd } }, condTreeConstraints = buildDepends pd, condTreeComponents = []}) buildCondTreeSubLibraries sl@Library{libName = Nothing} = [] buildCondTreeSubLibraries sl@Library{libName = Just ln} = [ (ln, CondNode { condTreeData = sl { libBuildInfo = (libBuildInfo sl) { targetBuildDepends = buildDepends pd } }, condTreeConstraints = buildDepends pd, condTreeComponents = []})] #endif -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The exported stuff goes here -- choosePackageDir :: Window -> Maybe FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) choosePackageDir window = chooseDir window (__ "Select root folder for package") choosePackageFile :: Window -> Maybe FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) choosePackageFile window mbfp = chooseFile window (__ "Select cabal package file (.cabal)") mbfp [("Cabal Package Files", ["*.cabal"])] packageEdit :: PackageAction packageEdit = do idePackage <- ask let dirName = ipdPackageDir idePackage modules <- liftIO $ allModules dirName package <- liftIO $ readPackageDescription normal (ipdCabalFile idePackage) if hasConfigs package then do liftIDE $ ideMessage High (__ "Cabal file with configurations can't be edited with the current version of the editor") liftIDE $ fileOpenThis $ ipdCabalFile idePackage return () else do let flat = flattenPackageDescription package if hasUnknownTestTypes flat || hasUnknownBenchmarkTypes flat then do liftIDE $ ideMessage High (__ "Cabal file with tests or benchmarks of this type can't be edited with the current version of the editor") liftIDE $ fileOpenThis $ ipdCabalFile idePackage return () else do liftIDE $ editPackage flat dirName modules (\ _ -> return ()) return () projectEditText :: ProjectAction projectEditText = do project <- ask liftIDE $ fileOpenThis $ pjFile project return () packageEditText :: PackageAction packageEditText = do idePackage <- ask liftIDE $ fileOpenThis $ ipdCabalFile idePackage return () hasConfigs :: GenericPackageDescription -> Bool hasConfigs gpd = let libConds = case condLibrary gpd of Nothing -> False Just condTree -> not (null (condTreeComponents condTree)) exeConds = foldr (\ (_,condTree) hasConfigs -> (hasConfigs || not (null (condTreeComponents condTree)))) False (condExecutables gpd) testConds = foldr (\ (_,condTree) hasConfigs -> (hasConfigs || not (null (condTreeComponents condTree)))) False (condTestSuites gpd) in libConds || exeConds || testConds hasUnknownTestTypes :: PackageDescription -> Bool hasUnknownTestTypes pd = any unknown $ testSuites pd where unknown TestSuite {testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10 _ _} = False unknown _ = True hasUnknownBenchmarkTypes :: PackageDescription -> Bool hasUnknownBenchmarkTypes pd = any unknown $ benchmarks pd where unknown Benchmark {benchmarkInterface = BenchmarkExeV10 _ _} = False unknown _ = True data NewPackage = NewPackage { newPackageName :: Text, newPackageParentDir :: FilePath, templatePackage :: Maybe Text, newPackageProject :: Maybe FilePath } packageFields :: FilePath -> [Project] -> FieldDescription NewPackage packageFields workspaceDir projects = VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "New package name") $ emptyParams) newPackageName (\ a b -> b{newPackageName = a}) (textEditor (const True) True), mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Parent directory") $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1, 120) $ emptyParams) newPackageParentDir (\ a b -> b{newPackageParentDir = a}) (fileEditor (Just workspaceDir) FileChooserActionSelectFolder "Select"), mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Copy existing package") $ emptyParams) templatePackage (\ a b -> b{templatePackage = a}) (maybeEditor (comboEntryEditor examplePackages, emptyParams) True ""), mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Add to existing project") $ emptyParams) (fmap T.pack . newPackageProject) (\ a b -> b{newPackageProject = T.unpack <$> a}) (maybeEditor (comboEntryEditor (map (T.pack . pjFile) projects), emptyParams) True "")] examplePackages = [ "hello" , "gtk2hs-hello" , "ghcjs-dom-hello" , "jsaddle-hello"] newPackageDialog :: (Applicative m, MonadIO m) => Window -> FilePath -> [Project] -> m (Maybe NewPackage) newPackageDialog parent workspaceDir projects = do let defaultParentDir = fromMaybe workspaceDir (dropFileName . pjFile <$> listToMaybe projects) dia <- new' Dialog [constructDialogUseHeaderBar 1] setWindowTransientFor dia parent setWindowTitle dia $ __ "Create New Package" upper <- dialogGetContentArea dia >>= liftIO . unsafeCastTo Box (widget,inj,ext,_) <- liftIO $ buildEditor (packageFields defaultParentDir projects) (NewPackage "" defaultParentDir Nothing (pjFile <$> listToMaybe projects)) okButton <- dialogAddButton' dia (__"Create Package") ResponseTypeOk dialogSetDefaultResponse' dia ResponseTypeOk dialogAddButton' dia (__"Cancel") ResponseTypeCancel boxPackStart' upper widget PackGrow 7 setWidgetCanDefault okButton True widgetGrabDefault okButton widgetShowAll dia resp <- dialogRun' dia value <- liftIO $ ext (NewPackage "" defaultParentDir Nothing (pjFile <$> listToMaybe projects)) widgetDestroy dia --find case (resp, value) of (ResponseTypeOk, Just p) | validPackageName . T.unpack $ newPackageName p -> return value | otherwise -> do liftIO $ showErrorDialog (Just parent) "Invalid package name." newPackageDialog parent defaultParentDir projects _ -> return Nothing validPackageName :: String -> Bool validPackageName = all valid . splitOn "-" where valid "" = False valid w = all isAlphaNum w && not (all isDigit w) packageNew' :: FilePath -> [Project] -> C.Sink ToolOutput IDEM () -> (Bool -> Maybe Project -> FilePath -> IDEAction) -> IDEAction packageNew' workspaceDir projects log activateAction = do windows <- getWindows mbNewPackage <- newPackageDialog (head windows) workspaceDir projects case mbNewPackage of Nothing -> return () Just NewPackage{..} | isNothing templatePackage -> do let dirName = newPackageParentDir T.unpack newPackageName mbProject = listToMaybe $ filter ((== newPackageProject) . Just . pjFile) projects mbCabalFile <- liftIO $ cabalFileName dirName window <- getMainWindow case mbCabalFile of Just cfn -> do md <- new' MessageDialog [ constructDialogUseHeaderBar 0, constructMessageDialogButtons ButtonsTypeCancel] setMessageDialogMessageType md MessageTypeQuestion setMessageDialogText md $ T.pack (printf (__ "There is already file %s in this directory. Would you like to add this package to the project?") (takeFileName cfn)) windowSetTransientFor md (Just window) dialogAddButton' md (__ "_Add Package") (AnotherResponseType 1) dialogSetDefaultResponse' md (AnotherResponseType 1) setWindowWindowPosition md WindowPositionCenterOnParent rid <- dialogRun' md widgetDestroy md when (rid == AnotherResponseType 1) $ activateAction False mbProject cfn Nothing -> do liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True dirName isEmptyDir <- liftIO $ isEmptyDirectory dirName make <- if isEmptyDir then return True else do md <- new' MessageDialog [ constructDialogUseHeaderBar 0, constructMessageDialogButtons ButtonsTypeCancel] setMessageDialogMessageType md MessageTypeQuestion setMessageDialogText md . T.pack $ printf (__ "The path you have choosen %s is not an empty directory. Are you sure you want to make a new package here?") dirName windowSetTransientFor md (Just window) dialogAddButton' md (__ "_Make Package Here") (AnotherResponseType 1) dialogSetDefaultResponse' md (AnotherResponseType 1) setWindowWindowPosition md WindowPositionCenterOnParent rid <- dialogRun' md widgetDestroy md return $ rid == AnotherResponseType 1 when make $ do modules <- liftIO $ allModules dirName let Just initialVersion = simpleParse "0.0.1" editPackage emptyPackageDescription { package = PackageIdentifier (mkPackageName $ T.unpack newPackageName) initialVersion , buildType = Just Simple , specVersionRaw = Right (orLaterVersion (mkVersion [1,12])) , license = AllRightsReserved , buildDepends = [ Dependency (mkPackageName "base") anyVersion , Dependency (mkPackageName "QuickCheck") anyVersion , Dependency (mkPackageName "doctest") anyVersion] , executables = [emptyExecutable { exeName = mkUnqualComponentName $ T.unpack newPackageName , modulePath = "Main.hs" , buildInfo = emptyBuildInfo { hsSourceDirs = ["src"] , targetBuildDepends = [Dependency (mkPackageName "base") anyVersion] , options = [(GHC, ["-ferror-spans"])] , defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010}}] , testSuites = [emptyTestSuite { testName = mkUnqualComponentName $ "test-" ++ T.unpack newPackageName , testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10 (mkVersion [1,0]) "Main.hs" , testBuildInfo = emptyBuildInfo { hsSourceDirs = ["test"] , targetBuildDepends = [ Dependency (mkPackageName "base") anyVersion , Dependency (mkPackageName "QuickCheck") anyVersion , Dependency (mkPackageName "doctest") anyVersion] , options = [(GHC, ["-ferror-spans"])] , defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010}}] , benchmarks = [] } dirName modules (activateAction True mbProject) return () Just NewPackage{..} -> do let mbProject = listToMaybe $ filter ((== newPackageProject) . Just . pjFile) projects cabalUnpack newPackageParentDir (fromJust templatePackage) False (Just newPackageName) log (activateAction False mbProject) standardSetup :: Text standardSetup = "#!/usr/bin/runhaskell \n" <> "> module Main where\n" <> "> import Distribution.Simple\n" <> "> main :: IO ()\n" <> "> main = defaultMain\n\n" data ClonePackageSourceRepo = ClonePackageSourceRepo { packageToClone :: Text, cloneParentDir :: FilePath} cloneFields :: [PackageId] -> FilePath -> FieldDescription ClonePackageSourceRepo cloneFields packages workspaceDir = VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Existing package to copy source repository") $ emptyParams) packageToClone (\ a b -> b{packageToClone = a}) (comboEntryEditor ((sort . nub) (map (T.pack . display . pkgName) packages))), mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Parent directory") $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1, 120) $ emptyParams) cloneParentDir (\ a b -> b{cloneParentDir = a}) (fileEditor (Just workspaceDir) FileChooserActionSelectFolder "Select")] clonePackageSourceDialog :: Window -> FilePath -> IDEM (Maybe ClonePackageSourceRepo) clonePackageSourceDialog parent workspaceDir = do packages <- getAllPackageIds dia <- new' Dialog [constructDialogUseHeaderBar 1] setWindowTransientFor dia parent setWindowTitle dia $ __ "Copy Installed Package" upper <- dialogGetContentArea dia >>= liftIO . unsafeCastTo Box (widget,inj,ext,_) <- liftIO $ buildEditor (cloneFields packages workspaceDir) (ClonePackageSourceRepo "" workspaceDir) okButton <- dialogAddButton' dia (__"Copy Package") ResponseTypeOk dialogSetDefaultResponse' dia ResponseTypeOk dialogAddButton' dia (__"Cancel") ResponseTypeCancel boxPackStart' upper widget PackGrow 7 setWidgetCanDefault okButton True widgetGrabDefault okButton widgetShowAll dia resp <- dialogRun' dia value <- liftIO $ ext (ClonePackageSourceRepo "" workspaceDir) widgetDestroy dia --find case resp of ResponseTypeOk -> return value _ -> return Nothing packageClone :: FilePath -> C.Sink ToolOutput IDEM () -> (FilePath -> IDEAction) -> IDEAction packageClone workspaceDir log activateAction = flip catchIDE (\(e :: SomeException) -> print e) $ do windows <- getWindows mbResult <- clonePackageSourceDialog (head windows) workspaceDir case mbResult of Nothing -> return () Just ClonePackageSourceRepo{..} -> cabalUnpack cloneParentDir packageToClone True Nothing log activateAction cabalUnpack :: FilePath -> Text -> Bool -> Maybe Text -> C.Sink ToolOutput IDEM () -> (FilePath -> IDEAction) -> IDEAction cabalUnpack parentDir packageToUnpack sourceRepo mbNewName log activateAction = do let tempDir = parentDir (T.unpack packageToUnpack ++ ".leksah.temp") liftIO $ do oldDirExists <- doesDirectoryExist tempDir when oldDirExists $ removeDirectoryRecursive tempDir createDirectory tempDir runExternalTool' (__ "Unpacking") "cabal" (["unpack"] ++ ["--source-repository" | sourceRepo] ++ ["--destdir=" <> T.pack tempDir, packageToUnpack]) tempDir Nothing $ do mbLastOutput <- C.getZipSink $ const <$> C.ZipSink sinkLast <*> C.ZipSink log case mbLastOutput of Just (ToolExit ExitSuccess) -> do contents <- liftIO $ getDirectoryContents tempDir case filter (not . isPrefixOf ".") contents of [] -> do liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive tempDir lift $ ideMessage High $ "Nothing found in " <> T.pack tempDir <> " after doing a cabal unpack." [repoName] -> do let destDir = parentDir fromMaybe repoName (T.unpack <$> mbNewName) exists <- liftIO $ (||) <$> doesDirectoryExist destDir <*> doesFileExist destDir if exists then lift $ ideMessage High $ T.pack destDir <> " already exists" else do liftIO $ renameDirectory (tempDir repoName) destDir mbCabalFile <- liftIO $ cabalFileName destDir window <- lift getMainWindow lift $ case (mbCabalFile, mbNewName) of (Just cfn, Just newName) -> do let newCfn = takeDirectory cfn T.unpack newName ++ ".cabal" when (cfn /= newCfn) . liftIO $ do s <- T.readFile cfn T.writeFile newCfn $ renameCabalFile (T.pack $ takeBaseName cfn) newName s removeFile cfn activateAction newCfn (Just cfn, _) -> activateAction cfn _ -> ideMessage High $ "Unpacked source reposity to " <> T.pack destDir <> " but it does not contain a .cabal file in the root directory." liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive tempDir _ -> do liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive tempDir lift $ ideMessage High $ "More than one subdirectory found in " <> T.pack tempDir <> " after doing a cabal unpack." _ -> do liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive tempDir lift $ ideMessage High $ "Failed to unpack source reposity to " <> T.pack tempDir renameCabalFile :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text renameCabalFile oldName newName = T.unlines . map renameLine . T.lines where prefixes = ["name:", "executable ", "test-suite "] prefixesWithLength :: [(Text, Int)] prefixesWithLength = zip prefixes $ map T.length prefixes renameLine :: Text -> Text renameLine line = case mapMaybe (rename (line, T.toLower line)) prefixesWithLength of l:_ -> l [] -> line rename :: (Text, Text) -> (Text, Int) -> Maybe Text rename (line, lcLine) (lcPrefix, pLen) | lcPrefix `T.isPrefixOf` lcLine = let (prefix, rest) = T.splitAt pLen line (spaces, value) = T.span (==' ') rest in Just $ prefix <> spaces <> T.replace oldName newName value rename _ _ = Nothing -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | We do some twist for handling build infos seperately to edit them in one editor together -- with the other stuff. This type show what we really edit here -- data PackageDescriptionEd = PDE { pd :: PackageDescription, exes :: [Executable'], tests :: [Test'], bms :: [Benchmark'], mbLib :: Maybe Library', bis :: [BuildInfo]} deriving Eq fromEditor :: PackageDescriptionEd -> PackageDescription fromEditor (PDE pd exes' tests' benchmarks' mbLib' buildInfos) = #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) let exes = map (\ (Executable' s fb scope bii) -> if bii + 1 > length buildInfos then Executable (mkUnqualComponentName $ T.unpack s) fb scope (buildInfos !! (length buildInfos - 1)) else Executable (mkUnqualComponentName $ T.unpack s) fb scope (buildInfos !! bii)) exes' tests = map (\ (Test' s fb bii) -> if bii + 1 > length buildInfos then TestSuite (mkUnqualComponentName $ T.unpack s) fb (buildInfos !! (length buildInfos - 1)) else TestSuite (mkUnqualComponentName $ T.unpack s) fb (buildInfos !! bii)) tests' bms = map (\ (Benchmark' s fb bii) -> if bii + 1 > length buildInfos then Benchmark (mkUnqualComponentName $ T.unpack s) fb (buildInfos !! (length buildInfos - 1)) else Benchmark (mkUnqualComponentName $ T.unpack s) fb (buildInfos !! bii)) benchmarks' #else let exes = map (\ (Executable' s fb bii) -> if bii + 1 > length buildInfos then Executable (T.unpack s) fb (buildInfos !! (length buildInfos - 1)) else Executable (T.unpack s) fb (buildInfos !! bii)) exes' tests = map (\ (Test' s fb bii) -> if bii + 1 > length buildInfos then TestSuite (T.unpack s) fb (buildInfos !! (length buildInfos - 1)) False else TestSuite (T.unpack s) fb (buildInfos !! bii) False) tests' bms = map (\ (Benchmark' s fb bii) -> if bii + 1 > length buildInfos then Benchmark (T.unpack s) fb (buildInfos !! (length buildInfos - 1)) False else Benchmark (T.unpack s) fb (buildInfos !! bii) False) benchmarks' #endif mbLib = case mbLib' of Nothing -> Nothing #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) Just (Library' ln mn rmn s b bii) -> if bii + 1 > length buildInfos then Just (Library (mkUnqualComponentName . T.unpack <$> ln) mn rmn s b (buildInfos !! (length buildInfos - 1))) else Just (Library (mkUnqualComponentName . T.unpack <$> ln) mn rmn s b (buildInfos !! bii)) #elif MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,22,0) Just (Library' mn rmn rs es b bii) -> if bii + 1 > length buildInfos then Just (Library mn rmn rs es b (buildInfos !! (length buildInfos - 1))) else Just (Library mn rmn rs es b (buildInfos !! bii)) #else Just (Library' mn b bii) -> if bii + 1 > length buildInfos then Just (Library mn b (buildInfos !! (length buildInfos - 1))) else Just (Library mn b (buildInfos !! bii)) #endif in pd { library = mbLib , executables = exes , testSuites = tests , benchmarks = bms } toEditor :: PackageDescription -> PackageDescriptionEd toEditor pd = #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) let (exes,exeBis) = unzip $ map (\(Executable s fb scope bi, i) -> (Executable' (T.pack $ unUnqualComponentName s) fb scope i, bi)) (zip (executables pd) [0..]) (tests,testBis) = unzip $ map (\(TestSuite s fb bi, i) -> (Test' (T.pack $ unUnqualComponentName s) fb i, bi)) (zip (testSuites pd) [length exeBis..]) (bms,benchmarkBis) = unzip $ map (\(Benchmark s fb bi, i) -> (Benchmark' (T.pack $ unUnqualComponentName s) fb i, bi)) (zip (benchmarks pd) [length testBis..]) #else let (exes,exeBis) = unzip $ map (\(Executable s fb bi, i) -> (Executable' (T.pack s) fb i, bi)) (zip (executables pd) [0..]) (tests,testBis) = unzip $ map (\(TestSuite s fb bi _, i) -> (Test' (T.pack s) fb i, bi)) (zip (testSuites pd) [length exeBis..]) (bms,benchmarkBis) = unzip $ map (\(Benchmark s fb bi _, i) -> (Benchmark' (T.pack s) fb i, bi)) (zip (benchmarks pd) [length testBis..]) #endif bis = exeBis ++ testBis ++ benchmarkBis (mbLib,bis2) = case library pd of Nothing -> (Nothing,bis) #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) Just (Library ln mn rmn s b bi) -> (Just (Library' (T.pack . unUnqualComponentName <$> ln) (sort mn) rmn s b (length bis)), bis ++ [bi]) #elif MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,22,0) Just (Library mn rmn rs es b bi) -> (Just (Library' (sort mn) rmn rs es b (length bis)), bis ++ [bi]) #else Just (Library mn b bi) -> (Just (Library' (sort mn) b (length bis)), bis ++ [bi]) #endif bis3 = if null bis2 then [emptyBuildInfo] else bis2 in PDE (pd {library = Nothing , executables = []}) exes tests bms mbLib bis3 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The pane stuff -- data PackagePane = PackagePane { packageBox :: Box, packageNotifer :: Notifier } deriving Typeable data PackageState = PackageState deriving (Read, Show, Typeable) instance Pane PackagePane IDEM where primPaneName _ = __ "Package" getAddedIndex _ = 0 getTopWidget = liftIO . toWidget . packageBox paneId b = "*Package" instance RecoverablePane PackagePane PackageState IDEM where saveState p = return Nothing recoverState pp st = return Nothing buildPane panePath notebook builder = return Nothing builder pp nb w = return (Nothing,[]) editPackage :: PackageDescription -> FilePath -> [ModuleName] -> (FilePath -> IDEAction) -> IDEAction editPackage packageD packagePath modules afterSaveAction = do mbPane :: Maybe PackagePane <- getPane case mbPane of Nothing -> do pp <- getBestPathForId "*Package" nb <- getNotebook pp packageInfos <- getAllPackageIds let packageEd = toEditor packageD initPackage packagePath packageEd (packageDD packageInfos (takeDirectory packagePath) modules (length (bis packageEd)) (concatMap (buildInfoD (Just (takeDirectory packagePath)) modules) [0..length (bis packageEd) - 1])) pp nb modules afterSaveAction packageEd Just p -> bringPaneToFront p initPackage :: FilePath -> PackageDescriptionEd -> FieldDescription PackageDescriptionEd -> PanePath -> Notebook -> [ModuleName] -> (FilePath -> IDEAction) -> PackageDescriptionEd -> IDEM () initPackage packageDir packageD packageDescr panePath nb modules afterSaveAction origPackageD = do let fields = flattenFieldDescription packageDescr let initialPackagePath = packageDir (display . pkgName . package . pd) packageD ++ ".cabal" packageInfos <- getAllPackageIds mbP <- buildThisPane panePath nb (builder' packageDir packageD packageDescr afterSaveAction initialPackagePath modules packageInfos fields origPackageD) case mbP of Nothing -> return () Just (PackagePane{packageNotifer = pn}) -> do liftIO $ triggerEvent pn GUIEvent{selector = MayHaveChanged, eventText = "", gtkReturn = True} return () builder' :: FilePath -> PackageDescriptionEd -> FieldDescription PackageDescriptionEd -> (FilePath -> IDEAction) -> FilePath -> [ModuleName] -> [PackageId] -> [FieldDescription PackageDescriptionEd] -> PackageDescriptionEd -> PanePath -> Notebook -> Window -> IDEM (Maybe PackagePane,Connections) builder' packageDir packageD packageDescr afterSaveAction initialPackagePath modules packageInfos fields origPackageD panePath nb window = reifyIDE $ \ ideR -> do vb <- boxNew OrientationVertical 0 bb <- buttonBoxNew OrientationHorizontal save <- buttonNewWithLabel "Save" widgetSetSensitive save False closeB <- buttonNewWithLabel "Close" addB <- buttonNewWithLabel (__ "Add Build Info") removeB <- buttonNewWithLabel (__ "Remove Build Info") label <- labelNew (Nothing :: Maybe Text) boxPackStart' bb addB PackNatural 0 boxPackStart' bb removeB PackNatural 0 boxPackEnd' bb closeB PackNatural 0 boxPackEnd' bb save PackNatural 0 (widget, setInj, getExt, notifier) <- buildEditor packageDescr packageD let packagePane = PackagePane vb notifier boxPackStart' vb widget PackGrow 7 boxPackStart' vb label PackNatural 0 boxPackEnd' vb bb PackNatural 7 let fieldNames = map (fromMaybe (__ "Unnamed") . getParameterPrim paraName . parameters) fields onButtonClicked addB $ do mbNewPackage' <- extract packageD [getExt] case mbNewPackage' of Nothing -> sysMessage Normal (__ "Content doesn't validate") Just pde -> reflectIDE (do closePane packagePane initPackage packageDir pde {bis = bis pde ++ [head (bis pde)]} (packageDD packageInfos packageDir modules (length (bis pde) + 1) (concatMap (buildInfoD (Just packageDir) modules) [0..length (bis pde)])) panePath nb modules afterSaveAction origPackageD) ideR onButtonClicked removeB $ do mbNewPackage' <- extract packageD [getExt] case mbNewPackage' of Nothing -> sysMessage Normal (__ "Content doesn't validate") Just pde | length (bis pde) == 1 -> sysMessage Normal (__ "Just one Build Info") | otherwise -> reflectIDE (do closePane packagePane initPackage packageDir pde{bis = take (length (bis pde) - 1) (bis pde)} (packageDD packageInfos packageDir modules (length (bis pde) - 1) (concatMap (buildInfoD (Just packageDir) modules) [0..length (bis pde) - 2])) panePath nb modules afterSaveAction origPackageD) ideR onButtonClicked closeB $ do mbP <- extract packageD [getExt] let hasChanged = case mbP of Nothing -> False Just p -> p /= origPackageD if not hasChanged then reflectIDE (void (closePane packagePane)) ideR else do md <- new' MessageDialog [ constructDialogUseHeaderBar 0, constructMessageDialogButtons ButtonsTypeYesNo] setMessageDialogMessageType md MessageTypeQuestion setMessageDialogText md $ __ "Unsaved changes. Close anyway?" windowSetTransientFor md (Just window) setWindowWindowPosition md WindowPositionCenterOnParent resp <- dialogRun' md widgetDestroy md case resp of ResponseTypeYes -> reflectIDE (void (closePane packagePane)) ideR _ -> return () onButtonClicked save $ do mbNewPackage' <- extract packageD [getExt] case mbNewPackage' of Nothing -> return () Just newPackage' -> let newPackage = fromEditor newPackage' in do let packagePath = packageDir (display . pkgName . package . pd) newPackage' ++ ".cabal" writeGenericPackageDescription' packagePath (toGenericPackageDescription newPackage) reflectIDE (do afterSaveAction packagePath closePane packagePane return ()) ideR registerEvent notifier MayHaveChanged (\ e -> do mbP <- extract packageD [getExt] let hasChanged = case mbP of Nothing -> False Just p -> p /= origPackageD when (isJust mbP) $ labelSetMarkup label "" w <- reflectIDE (getTopWidget packagePane) ideR markLabel nb w hasChanged widgetSetSensitive save hasChanged return (e{gtkReturn=False})) registerEvent notifier ValidationError (\e -> do labelSetMarkup label $ "The following fields have invalid values: " <> eventText e <> "" return e) return (Just packagePane,[]) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The description with some tricks -- packageDD :: [PackageIdentifier] -> FilePath -> [ModuleName] -> Int -> [(Text, FieldDescription PackageDescriptionEd)] -> FieldDescription PackageDescriptionEd packageDD packages fp modules numBuildInfos extras = NFD ([ (__ "Package", VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Synopsis") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "A one-line summary of this package") $ emptyParams) (synopsis . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){synopsis = a}}) (stringEditor (const True) True) , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Package Identifier") $ emptyParams) (package . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){package = a}}) packageEditor , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Description") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "A more verbose description of this package") $ paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeOut $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,210) $ emptyParams) (T.pack . description . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){description = T.unpack $ if T.null a then " " else a}}) multilineStringEditor , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Homepage") $ emptyParams) (homepage . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){homepage = a}}) (stringEditor (const True) True) , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Package URL") $ emptyParams) (pkgUrl . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){pkgUrl = a}}) (stringEditor (const True) True) , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Category") $ emptyParams) (category . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){category = a}}) (stringEditor (const True) True) ]), (__ "Description", VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Stability") $ emptyParams) (stability . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){stability = a}}) (stringEditor (const True) True) -- TODO Fix this up to work with current Cabal -- , mkField -- (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "License") $ emptyParams) -- (license . pd) -- (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){license = a}}) -- (comboSelectionEditor [GPL, LGPL, BSD3, BSD4, PublicDomain, AllRightsReserved, OtherLicense] show) , mkField #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,22,0) (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "License Files") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "A list of license files.") $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,250) $ emptyParams) (licenseFiles . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){licenseFiles = a}}) (filesEditor (Just fp) FileChooserActionOpen (__ "Select File")) #else (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "License File") $ emptyParams) (licenseFile . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){licenseFile = a}}) (fileEditor (Just fp) FileChooserActionOpen (__ "Select file")) #endif , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Copyright") $ emptyParams) (copyright . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){copyright = a}}) (stringEditor (const True) True) , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Author") $ emptyParams) (author . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){author = a}}) (stringEditor (const True) True) , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Maintainer") $ emptyParams) (maintainer . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){maintainer = a}}) (stringEditor (const True) True) , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Bug Reports") $ emptyParams) (bugReports . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){bugReports = a}}) (stringEditor (const True) True) ]), -- ("Repositories", VFD emptyParams [ -- mkField -- (paraName <<<- ParaName "Source Repositories" $ emptyParams) -- (sourceRepos . pd) -- (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){sourceRepos = a}}) -- reposEditor]), (__ "Dependencies ", VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Build Dependencies") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "Does this package depends on other packages?") $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,250) $ emptyParams) (nub . buildDepends . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){buildDepends = a}}) (dependenciesEditor packages) ]), (__ "Meta Dep.", VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Cabal version") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "Does this package depends on a specific version of Cabal?") $ paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeIn $ emptyParams) (specVersion . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){specVersionRaw = Left a}}) versionEditor , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Tested with compiler") $ paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeIn $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,150) $ emptyParams) (\a -> case (testedWith . pd) a of [] -> []--(GHC,anyVersion)] l -> l) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){testedWith = a}}) testedWithEditor ]), (__ "Data Files", VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Data Files") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "A list of files to be installed for run-time use by the package.") $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,250) $ emptyParams) (dataFiles . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){dataFiles = a}}) (filesEditor (Just fp) FileChooserActionOpen (__ "Select File")) , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Data directory") $ emptyParams) (dataDir . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){dataDir = a}}) (fileEditor (Just fp) FileChooserActionSelectFolder (__ "Select file")) ]), (__ "Extra Files", VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Extra Source Files") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "A list of additional files to be included in source distributions.") $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,120) $ emptyParams) (extraSrcFiles . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){extraSrcFiles = a}}) (filesEditor (Just fp) FileChooserActionOpen (__ "Select File")) , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Extra Tmp Files") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "A list of additional files or directories to be removed by setup clean.") $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,120) $ emptyParams) (extraTmpFiles . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){extraTmpFiles = a}}) (filesEditor (Just fp) FileChooserActionOpen (__ "Select File")) ]), (__ "Other",VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Build Type") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "Describe executable programs contained in the package") $ paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeIn $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) (buildType . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){buildType = a}}) (maybeEditor (buildTypeEditor, emptyParams) True (__ "Specify?")) , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Custom Fields") $ paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeIn $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,150) $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) (customFieldsPD . pd) (\ a b -> b{pd = (pd b){customFieldsPD = a}}) (multisetEditor (ColumnDescr True [(__ "Name",\cell (n,_) -> setCellRendererTextText cell $ T.pack n) ,(__ "Value",\cell (_,v) -> setCellRendererTextText cell $ T.pack v)]) (pairEditor (stringxEditor (const True), emptyParams) (stringEditor (const True) True, emptyParams), emptyParams) Nothing Nothing) ]), (__ "Executables",VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Executables") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "Describe executable programs contained in the package") $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) exes (\ a b -> b{exes = a}) (executablesEditor (Just fp) modules numBuildInfos) ]), (__ "Tests",VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Tests") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "Describe tests contained in the package") $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) tests (\ a b -> b{tests = a}) (testsEditor (Just fp) modules numBuildInfos) ]), (__ "Benchmarks",VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Benchmarks") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "Describe tests contained in the package") $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) bms (\ a b -> b{bms = a}) (benchmarksEditor (Just fp) modules numBuildInfos) ]), (__ "Library", VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Library") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "If the package contains a library, specify the exported modules here") $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeIn $ emptyParams) mbLib (\ a b -> b{mbLib = a}) (maybeEditor (libraryEditor (Just fp) modules numBuildInfos, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Specify exported modules") $ emptyParams) True (__ "Does this package contain a library?")) ]) ] ++ extras) update :: [BuildInfo] -> Int -> (BuildInfo -> BuildInfo) -> [BuildInfo] update bis index func = map (\(bi,ind) -> if ind == index then func bi else bi) (zip bis [0..length bis - 1]) buildInfoD :: Maybe FilePath -> [ModuleName] -> Int -> [(Text,FieldDescription PackageDescriptionEd)] buildInfoD fp modules i = [ (T.pack $ printf (__ "%s Build Info") (show (i + 1)), VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Component is buildable here") $ emptyParams) (buildable . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{buildable = a})}) boolEditor , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Where to look for the source hierarchy") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "Root directories for the source hierarchy.") $ paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeIn $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,150) $ emptyParams) (hsSourceDirs . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{hsSourceDirs = a})}) (filesEditor fp FileChooserActionSelectFolder (__ "Select folder")) , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Non-exposed or non-main modules") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "A list of modules used by the component but not exposed to users.") $ paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeIn $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,300) $ paraPack <<<- ParaPack PackGrow $ emptyParams) (map (T.pack . display) . otherModules . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{otherModules = map (\i -> forceJust (simpleParse $ T.unpack i) " PackageEditor >> buildInfoD: no parse for moduile name" ) a})}) (modulesEditor modules) ]), (T.pack $ printf (__ "%s Compiler ") (show (i + 1)), VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Options for haskell compilers") $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeIn $ paraPack <<<- ParaPack PackGrow $ emptyParams) (options . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{options = a})}) (multisetEditor (ColumnDescr True [( __ "Compiler Flavor",\cell (cv,_) -> setCellRendererTextText cell . T.pack $ show cv) ,(__ "Options",\cell (_,op) -> setCellRendererTextText cell . T.pack $ concatMap (\s -> ' ' : s) op)]) (pairEditor (compilerFlavorEditor,emptyParams) (optsEditor,emptyParams), paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeIn $ emptyParams) Nothing Nothing) #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,22,0) , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Additional options for GHC when built with profiling") $ emptyParams) (profOptions . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{profOptions = a})}) compilerOptsEditor , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Additional options for GHC when the package is built as shared library") $ emptyParams) (sharedOptions . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{sharedOptions = a})}) compilerOptsEditor #else , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Additional options for GHC when built with profiling") $ emptyParams) (ghcProfOptions . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{ghcProfOptions = a})}) optsEditor , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Additional options for GHC when the package is built as shared library") $ emptyParams) (ghcSharedOptions . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{ghcSharedOptions = a})}) optsEditor #endif ]), (T.pack $ printf (__ "%s Extensions ") (show (i + 1)), VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Extensions") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "A list of Haskell extensions used by every module.") $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,400) $ paraPack <<<- ParaPack PackGrow $ emptyParams) (oldExtensions . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{oldExtensions = a})}) extensionsEditor ]), -- (T.pack $ printf (__ "%s Build Tools ") (show (i + 1)), VFD emptyParams [ -- mkField -- (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Tools needed for a build") -- $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical -- $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,120) -- $ emptyParams) -- (map Dependency buildTools . (!! i) . bis) -- (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{buildTools = a})}) -- (dependenciesEditor []) -- ]), -- (T.pack $ printf (__ "%s Pkg Config ") (show (i + 1)), VFD emptyParams [ -- mkField -- (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "A list of pkg-config packages, needed to build this package") -- $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical -- $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,120) -- $ emptyParams) -- (pkgconfigDepends . (!! i) . bis) -- (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{pkgconfigDepends = a})}) -- (dependenciesEditor []) -- ]), (T.pack $ printf (__ "%s Opts C -1-") (show (i + 1)), VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Options for C compiler") $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) (ccOptions . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{ccOptions = a})}) optsEditor , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Options for linker") $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) (ldOptions . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{ldOptions = a})}) optsEditor , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "A list of header files to use when compiling") $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) (map T.pack . includes . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{includes = map T.unpack a})}) (textsEditor (const True) True) , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "A list of header files to install") $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,150) $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) (installIncludes . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{installIncludes = a})}) (filesEditor fp FileChooserActionOpen (__ "Select File")) ]), (T.pack $ printf (__ "%s Opts C -2-") (show (i + 1)), VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "A list of directories to search for header files") $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,150) $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) (includeDirs . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{includeDirs = a})}) (filesEditor fp FileChooserActionSelectFolder (__ "Select Folder")) , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "A list of C source files to be compiled,linked with the Haskell files.") $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,150) $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) (cSources . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{cSources = a})}) (filesEditor fp FileChooserActionOpen (__ "Select file")) ]), (T.pack $ printf (__ "%s Opts Libs ") (show (i + 1)), VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "A list of extra libraries to link with") $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,150) $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) (map T.pack . extraLibs . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{extraLibs = map T.unpack a})}) (textsEditor (const True) True) , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "A list of directories to search for libraries.") $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,150) $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) (extraLibDirs . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{extraLibDirs = a})}) (filesEditor fp FileChooserActionSelectFolder (__ "Select Folder")) ]), (T.pack $ printf (__ "%s Other") (show (i + 1)), VFD emptyParams [ mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Options for C preprocessor") $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) (cppOptions . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{cppOptions = a})}) optsEditor , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Support frameworks for Mac OS X") $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,150) $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) (map T.pack . frameworks . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{frameworks = map T.unpack a})}) (textsEditor (const True) True) , mkField (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Custom fields build info") $ paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeIn $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,150) $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) (customFieldsBI . (!! i) . bis) (\ a b -> b{bis = update (bis b) i (\bi -> bi{customFieldsBI = a})}) (multisetEditor (ColumnDescr True [(__ "Name",\cell (n,_) -> setCellRendererTextText cell $ T.pack n) ,(__ "Value",\cell (_,v) -> setCellRendererTextText cell $ T.pack v)]) (pairEditor (stringxEditor (const True),emptyParams) (stringEditor (const True) True,emptyParams),emptyParams) Nothing Nothing) ])] stringxEditor :: (String -> Bool) -> Editor String stringxEditor val para noti = do (wid,inj,ext) <- stringEditor val True para noti let xinj ("") = inj "" xinj ('x':'-':rest) = inj rest xinj _ = throwIDE "PackageEditor>>stringxEditor: field without leading x-" xext = do res <- ext case res of Nothing -> return Nothing Just str -> return (Just ("x-" ++ str)) return (wid,xinj,xext) optsEditor :: Editor [String] optsEditor para noti = do (wid,inj,ext) <- stringEditor (const True) True para noti let oinj = inj . unwords oext = do res <- ext case res of Nothing -> return Nothing Just str -> return (Just (words str)) return (wid,oinj,oext) compilerOptRecordEditor :: Editor (CompilerFlavor, [String]) compilerOptRecordEditor para = pairEditor (compilerFlavorEditor , paraName <<<- ParaName "Compiler" $ emptyParams) (optsEditor,paraName <<<- ParaName "Options" $ emptyParams) (paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ para) compilerOptsEditor :: Editor [(CompilerFlavor, [String])] compilerOptsEditor p = multisetEditor (ColumnDescr True [("Compiler",\cell (compiler, _) -> setCellRendererTextText cell . T.pack $ show compiler) ,("Options",\cell (_, opts ) -> setCellRendererTextText cell . T.pack $ unwords opts)]) (compilerOptRecordEditor, paraHAlign <<<- ParaHAlign AlignFill $ paraVAlign <<<- ParaVAlign AlignCenter $ emptyParams) (Just (sortBy (\ (f1, _) (f2, _) -> compare f1 f2))) (Just (\ (f1, _) (f2, _) -> f1 == f2)) (paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeIn $ paraHAlign <<<- ParaHAlign AlignFill $ paraVAlign <<<- ParaVAlign AlignCenter $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ paraPack <<<- ParaPack PackGrow $ p) packageEditor :: Editor PackageIdentifier packageEditor para noti = do (wid,inj,ext) <- pairEditor (stringEditor (not . null) True, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Name") $ emptyParams) (versionEditor, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Version") $ emptyParams) (paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationHorizontal $ paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeIn $ para) noti let pinj (PackageIdentifier n v) = inj (unPackageName n,v) let pext = do mbp <- ext case mbp of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (n,v) -> return $ if null n then Nothing else Just $ PackageIdentifier (mkPackageName n) v return (wid,pinj,pext) testedWithEditor :: Editor [(CompilerFlavor, VersionRange)] testedWithEditor = multisetEditor (ColumnDescr True [(__ "Compiler Flavor",\cell (cv,_) -> setCellRendererTextText cell . T.pack $ show cv) ,(__ "Version Range",\cell (_,vr) -> setCellRendererTextText cell . T.pack $ display vr)]) (pairEditor (compilerFlavorEditor, paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeNone $ emptyParams) (versionRangeEditor, paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeNone $ emptyParams), paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) Nothing (Just (==)) compilerFlavorEditor :: Editor CompilerFlavor compilerFlavorEditor para noti = do (wid,inj,ext) <- eitherOrEditor (comboSelectionEditor flavors (T.pack . show), paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Select compiler") $ emptyParams) (textEditor (not . T.null) True, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Specify compiler") $ emptyParams) (__ "Other") (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Select") $ para) noti let cfinj comp = case comp of (OtherCompiler str) -> inj (Right $ T.pack str) other -> inj (Left other) let cfext = do mbp <- ext case mbp of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (Right s) -> return (Just . OtherCompiler $ T.unpack s) Just (Left other) -> return (Just other) return (wid,cfinj,cfext) where flavors = [GHC, NHC, Hugs, HBC, Helium, JHC] buildTypeEditor :: Editor BuildType buildTypeEditor para noti = do (wid,inj,ext) <- eitherOrEditor (comboSelectionEditor flavors (T.pack . show), paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Select") $ emptyParams) (textEditor (const True) True, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Unknown") $ emptyParams) (__ "Unknown") (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Select") $ para) noti let cfinj comp = case comp of (UnknownBuildType str) -> inj (Right $ T.pack str) other -> inj (Left other) let cfext = do mbp <- ext case mbp of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (Right s) -> return (Just . UnknownBuildType $ T.unpack s) Just (Left other) -> return (Just other) return (wid,cfinj,cfext) where flavors = [Simple, Configure, Make, Custom] extensionsEditor :: Editor [Extension] extensionsEditor = staticListMultiEditor extensionsL (T.pack . show) extensionsL :: [Extension] extensionsL = map EnableExtension [minBound..maxBound] {-- reposEditor :: Editor [SourceRepo] reposEditor p noti = multisetEditor (ColumnDescr False [("",\cell repo -> setCellRendererTextText cell display repo)]) (repoEditor, paraOuterAlignment <<<- ParaInnerAlignment (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0) $ paraInnerAlignment <<<- ParaOuterAlignment (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0) $ emptyParams) Nothing Nothing (paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeIn $ paraOuterAlignment <<<- ParaInnerAlignment (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0) $ paraInnerAlignment <<<- ParaOuterAlignment (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0) $ paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ paraPack <<<- ParaPack PackGrow $ p) noti instance Text SourceRepo where disp (SourceRepo repoKind repoType repoLocation repoModule repoBranch repoTag repoSubdir) = disp repoKind <+> case repoType of Nothing -> empty Just repoT -> disp repoT <+> case repoLocation of Nothing -> empty Just repoL -> text repoL repoEditor :: Editor SourceRepo repoEditor paras noti = do (widg,inj,ext) <- tupel7Editor (repoKindEditor,noBorder) (maybeEditor (repoTypeEditor,noBorder) True "Specify a type", emptyParams) (maybeEditor (textEditor (const True) True,noBorder) True "Specify a location", emptyParams) (maybeEditor (textEditor (const True) True,noBorder) True "Specify a module", emptyParams) (maybeEditor (textEditor (const True) True,noBorder) True "Specify a branch", emptyParams) (maybeEditor (textEditor (const True) True,noBorder) True "Specify a tag", emptyParams) (maybeEditor (textEditor (const True) True,noBorder) True "Specify a subdir", emptyParams) (paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ noBorder) noti return (widg, (\ r -> inj (repoKind r,repoType r,repoLocation r,repoModule r,repoBranch r,repoTag r,repoSubdir r)), (do mb <- ext case mb of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) -> return (Just (SourceRepo a b c d e f g)))) where noBorder = paraOuterAlignment <<<- ParaOuterAlignment (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) $ paraOuterPadding <<<- ParaOuterPadding (0, 0, 0, 0) $ paraInnerAlignment <<<- ParaInnerAlignment (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) $ paraInnerPadding <<<- ParaInnerPadding (0, 0, 0, 0) $ emptyParams repoKindEditor :: Editor RepoKind repoKindEditor paras noti = do (widg,inj,ext) <- pairEditor (comboSelectionEditor selectionList show, emptyParams) (textEditor (const True) True,emptyParams) paras noti return (widg, (\kind -> case kind of RepoKindUnknown str -> inj (RepoKindUnknown "",str) other -> inj (other,"")), (do mbRes <- ext case mbRes of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (RepoKindUnknown "",str) -> return (Just (RepoKindUnknown str)) Just (other,_) -> return (Just other))) where selectionList = [RepoHead, RepoThis, RepoKindUnknown ""] repoTypeEditor :: Editor RepoType repoTypeEditor paras noti = do (widg,inj,ext) <- pairEditor (comboSelectionEditor selectionList show, emptyParams) (textEditor (const True) True,emptyParams) paras noti return (widg, (\kind -> case kind of OtherRepoType str -> inj (OtherRepoType "",str) other -> inj (other,"")), (do mbRes <- ext case mbRes of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (OtherRepoType "",str) -> return (Just (OtherRepoType str)) Just (other,_) -> return (Just other))) where selectionList = [Darcs, Git, SVN, CVS, Mercurial, GnuArch, Bazaar, Monotone, OtherRepoType ""] --} -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * BuildInfos -- ------------------------------------------------------------ data Library' = Library'{ #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) libName' :: Maybe Text, #endif exposedModules' :: [ModuleName] #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,22,0) , reexportedModules' :: [ModuleReexport] #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) , signatures' :: [ModuleName] #else , requiredSignatures':: [ModuleName] , exposedSignatures' :: [ModuleName] #endif #endif , libExposed' :: Bool , libBuildInfoIdx :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq) data Executable' = Executable'{ exeName' :: Text , modulePath' :: FilePath #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) , exeScope' :: ExecutableScope #endif , exeBuildInfoIdx :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq) data Test' = Test'{ testName' :: Text , testInterface' :: TestSuiteInterface , testBuildInfoIdx :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq) data Benchmark' = Benchmark'{ benchmarkName' :: Text , benchmarkInterface' :: BenchmarkInterface , benchmarkBuildInfoIdx :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq) instance Default Library' #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) where getDefault = Library' Nothing [] [] [] getDefault getDefault #elif MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,22,0) where getDefault = Library' [] [] [] [] getDefault getDefault #else where getDefault = Library' [] getDefault getDefault #endif instance Default Executable' #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) where getDefault = Executable' getDefault getDefault ExecutableScopeUnknown getDefault #else where getDefault = Executable' getDefault getDefault getDefault #endif instance Default Test' where getDefault = Test' getDefault (TestSuiteExeV10 (mkVersion [1,0]) getDefault) getDefault instance Default Benchmark' where getDefault = Benchmark' getDefault (BenchmarkExeV10 (mkVersion [1,0]) getDefault) getDefault #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) libraryEditor :: Maybe FilePath -> [ModuleName] -> Int -> Editor Library' libraryEditor fp modules numBuildInfos para noti = do (wid,inj,ext) <- pairEditor (tupel3Editor (boolEditor, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Exposed") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "Is the lib to be exposed by default?") $ emptyParams) (maybeEditor (textEditor (const True) True, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Name") $ emptyParams) True "Named?", paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "Is this a namesd library?") $ emptyParams) (modulesEditor (sort modules), paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Exposed Modules") $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,300) $ para), paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) (tupel3Editor (buildInfoEditorP numBuildInfos, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Build Info") $ paraPack <<<- ParaPack PackNatural $ para) (modulesEditor (sort modules), paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Reexported Modules") $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,300) $ para) (modulesEditor (sort modules), paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Signatures Needing Implementations") $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,300) $ para), paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) (paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) noti let pinj (Library' ln em rmn s exp bi) = inj ( (exp, ln, map (T.pack . display) em) , (bi, map (T.pack . display) rmn, map (T.pack . display) s) ) parseModuleNames = map (\s -> forceJust (simpleParse $ T.unpack s) "SpecialEditor >> libraryEditor: no parse for moduile name") parseRexportedModules = map (\s -> forceJust (simpleParse $ T.unpack s) "SpecialEditor >> libraryEditor: no parse for moduile name") pext = do mbp <- ext case mbp of Nothing -> return Nothing Just ((exp,ln,em), (bi, rmn, s)) -> return (Just $ Library' ln (parseModuleNames em) (parseRexportedModules rmn) (parseModuleNames s) exp bi) return (wid,pinj,pext) #elif MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,22,0) libraryEditor :: Maybe FilePath -> [ModuleName] -> Int -> Editor Library' libraryEditor fp modules numBuildInfos para noti = do (wid,inj,ext) <- pairEditor (tupel3Editor (boolEditor, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Exposed") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "Is the lib to be exposed by default?") $ emptyParams) (modulesEditor (sort modules), paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Exposed Modules") $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,300) $ para) (buildInfoEditorP numBuildInfos, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Build Info") $ paraPack <<<- ParaPack PackNatural $ para), paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) (tupel3Editor (modulesEditor (sort modules), paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Reexported Modules") $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,300) $ para) (modulesEditor (sort modules), paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Required Signatures") $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,300) $ para) (modulesEditor (sort modules), paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Exposed Signatures") $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,300) $ para), paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) (paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) noti let pinj (Library' em rmn rs es exp bi) = inj ((exp, map (T.pack . display) em,bi), (map (T.pack . display) rmn, map (T.pack . display) rs, map (T.pack . display) es)) parseModuleNames = map (\s -> forceJust (simpleParse $ T.unpack s) "SpecialEditor >> libraryEditor: no parse for moduile name") parseRexportedModules = map (\s -> forceJust (simpleParse $ T.unpack s) "SpecialEditor >> libraryEditor: no parse for moduile name") pext = do mbp <- ext case mbp of Nothing -> return Nothing Just ((exp,em,bi), (rmn, rs, es)) -> return (Just $ Library' (parseModuleNames em) (parseRexportedModules rmn) (parseModuleNames rs) (parseModuleNames es) exp bi) return (wid,pinj,pext) #else libraryEditor :: Maybe FilePath -> [ModuleName] -> Int -> Editor Library' libraryEditor fp modules numBuildInfos para noti = do (wid,inj,ext) <- tupel3Editor (boolEditor, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Exposed") $ paraSynopsis <<<- ParaSynopsis (__ "Is the lib to be exposed by default?") $ emptyParams) (modulesEditor (sort modules), paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Exposed Modules") $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,300) $ para) (buildInfoEditorP numBuildInfos, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Build Info") $ paraPack <<<- ParaPack PackNatural $ para) (paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) noti let pinj (Library' em exp bi) = inj (exp, map (T.pack . display) em,bi) let pext = do mbp <- ext case mbp of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (exp,em,bi) -> return (Just $ Library' (map (\s -> forceJust (simpleParse $ T.unpack s) "SpecialEditor >> libraryEditor: no parse for moduile name") em) exp bi) return (wid,pinj,pext) #endif modulesEditor :: [ModuleName] -> Editor [Text] modulesEditor modules = staticListMultiEditor (map (T.pack . display) modules) id executablesEditor :: Maybe FilePath -> [ModuleName] -> Int -> Editor [Executable'] executablesEditor fp modules countBuildInfo p = multisetEditor (ColumnDescr True [(__ "Executable Name",\cell Executable' {exeName' = exeName} -> setCellRendererTextText cell exeName) ,(__ "Module Path",\cell Executable' {modulePath' = mp} -> setCellRendererTextText cell $ T.pack mp) ,(__ "Build info index",\cell Executable' {exeBuildInfoIdx = bii} -> setCellRendererTextText cell . T.pack $ show (bii + 1))]) (executableEditor fp modules countBuildInfo,emptyParams) Nothing Nothing (paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeIn $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,200) $ p) #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) executableEditor :: Maybe FilePath -> [ModuleName] -> Int -> Editor Executable' executableEditor fp modules countBuildInfo para noti = do (wid,inj,ext) <- pairEditor ( tupel3Editor (textEditor (not . T.null) True, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Executable Name") $ emptyParams) (stringEditor (not . null) True, paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "File with main function") $ emptyParams) (buildInfoEditorP countBuildInfo, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Build Info") $ paraHAlign <<<- ParaHAlign AlignStart $ paraVAlign <<<- ParaVAlign AlignStart $ paraMargin <<<- ParaMargin (0, 0, 0, 0) $ emptyParams) , paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ emptyParams) (comboSelectionEditor [ExecutableScopeUnknown, ExecutablePublic, ExecutablePrivate] (\case ExecutableScopeUnknown -> "Scope Unknown" ExecutablePublic -> "Public" ExecutablePrivate -> "Private"), paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Executable Name") $ emptyParams) (paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ para) noti let pinj (Executable' s f scope bi) = inj ((s,f,bi), scope) let pext = do mbp <- ext case mbp of Nothing -> return Nothing Just ((s,f,bi), scope) -> return (Just $Executable' s f scope bi) return (wid,pinj,pext) #else executableEditor :: Maybe FilePath -> [ModuleName] -> Int -> Editor Executable' executableEditor fp modules countBuildInfo para noti = do (wid,inj,ext) <- tupel3Editor (textEditor (not . T.null) True, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Executable Name") $ emptyParams) (stringEditor (not . null) True, paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "File with main function") $ emptyParams) (buildInfoEditorP countBuildInfo, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Build Info") $ paraHAlign <<<- ParaHAlign AlignStart $ paraVAlign <<<- ParaVAlign AlignStart $ paraMargin <<<- ParaMargin (0, 0, 0, 0) $ emptyParams) (paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ para) noti let pinj (Executable' s f bi) = inj (s,f,bi) let pext = do mbp <- ext case mbp of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (s,f,bi) -> return (Just $Executable' s f bi) return (wid,pinj,pext) #endif testsEditor :: Maybe FilePath -> [ModuleName] -> Int -> Editor [Test'] testsEditor fp modules countBuildInfo p = multisetEditor (ColumnDescr True [(__ "Test Name",\cell (Test' testName _ _) -> setCellRendererTextText cell testName) ,(__ "Interface",\cell (Test' _ i _) -> setCellRendererTextText cell . T.pack $ interfaceName i) ,(__ "Build info index",\cell (Test' _ _ bii) -> setCellRendererTextText cell . T.pack $ show (bii + 1))]) (testEditor fp modules countBuildInfo,emptyParams) Nothing Nothing (paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeIn $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,200) $ p) where interfaceName (TestSuiteExeV10 _ f) = f interfaceName i = show i testEditor :: Maybe FilePath -> [ModuleName] -> Int -> Editor Test' testEditor fp modules countBuildInfo para noti = do (wid,inj,ext) <- tupel3Editor (textEditor (not . T.null) True, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Test Name") $ emptyParams) (stringEditor (not . null) True, paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "File with main function") $ emptyParams) (buildInfoEditorP countBuildInfo, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Build Info") $ paraHAlign <<<- ParaHAlign AlignStart $ paraVAlign <<<- ParaVAlign AlignStart $ paraMargin <<<- ParaMargin (0, 0, 0, 0) $ emptyParams) (paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ para) noti let pinj (Test' s (TestSuiteExeV10 v f) bi) | versionNumbers v == [1,0] = inj (s,f,bi) pinj _ = error "Unexpected Test Interface" let pext = do mbp <- ext case mbp of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (s,f,bi) -> return (Just $Test' s (TestSuiteExeV10 (mkVersion [1,0]) f) bi) return (wid,pinj,pext) benchmarksEditor :: Maybe FilePath -> [ModuleName] -> Int -> Editor [Benchmark'] benchmarksEditor fp modules countBuildInfo p = multisetEditor (ColumnDescr True [(__ "Benchmark Name",\cell (Benchmark' benchmarkName _ _) -> setCellRendererTextText cell benchmarkName) ,(__ "Interface",\cell (Benchmark' _ i _) -> setCellRendererTextText cell . T.pack $ interfaceName i) ,(__ "Build info index",\cell (Benchmark' _ _ bii) -> setCellRendererTextText cell . T.pack $ show (bii + 1))]) (benchmarkEditor fp modules countBuildInfo,emptyParams) Nothing Nothing (paraShadow <<<- ParaShadow ShadowTypeIn $ paraMinSize <<<- ParaMinSize (-1,200) $ p) where interfaceName (BenchmarkExeV10 _ f) = f interfaceName i = show i benchmarkEditor :: Maybe FilePath -> [ModuleName] -> Int -> Editor Benchmark' benchmarkEditor fp modules countBuildInfo para noti = do (wid,inj,ext) <- tupel3Editor (textEditor (not . T.null) True, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Benchmark Name") $ emptyParams) (stringEditor (not . null) True, paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "File with main function") $ emptyParams) (buildInfoEditorP countBuildInfo, paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Build Info") $ paraHAlign <<<- ParaHAlign AlignStart $ paraVAlign <<<- ParaVAlign AlignStart $ paraMargin <<<- ParaMargin (0, 0, 0, 0) $ emptyParams) (paraOrientation <<<- ParaOrientation OrientationVertical $ para) noti let pinj (Benchmark' s (BenchmarkExeV10 v f) bi) | versionNumbers v == [1,0] = inj (s,f,bi) pinj _ = error "Unexpected Benchmark Interface" let pext = do mbp <- ext case mbp of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (s,f,bi) -> return (Just $Benchmark' s (BenchmarkExeV10 (mkVersion [1,0]) f) bi) return (wid,pinj,pext) buildInfoEditorP :: Int -> Editor Int buildInfoEditorP numberOfBuildInfos para noti = do (wid,inj,ext) <- intEditor (1.0,fromIntegral numberOfBuildInfos,1.0) (paraName <<<- ParaName (__ "Build Info") $para) noti let pinj i = inj (i + 1) let pext = do mbV <- ext case mbV of Nothing -> return Nothing Just i -> return (Just (i - 1)) return (wid,pinj,pext) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * (Boring) default values -- ------------------------------------------------------------ instance Default CompilerFlavor where getDefault = GHC instance Default BuildInfo where getDefault = emptyBuildInfo instance Default Library #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) where getDefault = Library Nothing [] [] [] getDefault getDefault #elif MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,22,0) where getDefault = Library [] [] [] [] getDefault getDefault #else where getDefault = Library [] getDefault getDefault #endif #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) instance Default ExecutableScope where getDefault = ExecutableScopeUnknown instance Default UnqualComponentName where getDefault = mkUnqualComponentName "" #endif instance Default Executable #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) where getDefault = Executable getDefault getDefault getDefault getDefault #else where getDefault = Executable getDefault getDefault getDefault #endif instance Default RepoType where getDefault = Darcs instance Default RepoKind where getDefault = RepoThis instance Default SourceRepo where getDefault = SourceRepo getDefault getDefault getDefault getDefault getDefault getDefault getDefault instance Default BuildType where getDefault = Simple