name: leksah-server version: cabal-version: >= 1.2 build-type: Simple license: GPL license-file: LICENSE copyright: 2007-2009 Juergen Nicklisch-Franken, Hamish Mackenzie maintainer: stability: provisional homepage: package-url: bug-reports: synopsis: Metadata collection for leksah description: The interface to GHC-API for leksah category: IDE author: Juergen "jutaro" Nicklisch-Franken, Hamish Mackenzie data-dir: "" tested-with: GHC ==6.10 || ==6.12 data-files: data/prefscoll.lkshp library build-depends: Cabal >=, base >= && <= 5, binary >=, binary-shared >=0.8, bytestring >=, containers >=, directory >=, filepath >=, ghc >=6.10.1, ltk >=0.8 && <= 0.9, mtl >=, parsec >=, pretty >=, process >=, time >= 1.1, deepseq >= 1.1, hslogger >= 1.0.7, network >= 2.2 && <= 3.0 if (impl(ghc >= 6.12)) build-depends: haddock >= 2.7.2 else build-depends: haddock-leksah == 2.5.0 if os(windows) build-depends: Win32 >= extra-libraries: kernel32 else build-depends: unix >= exposed-modules: IDE.Utils.GHCUtils IDE.Utils.Utils IDE.Utils.Tool IDE.Utils.FileUtils IDE.Core.CTypes IDE.Core.Serializable IDE.StrippedPrefs IDE.Utils.Server exposed: True buildable: True extensions: CPP hs-source-dirs: src other-modules: IDE.Metainfo.WorkspaceCollector IDE.Metainfo.InterfaceCollector IDE.Metainfo.SourceCollectorH IDE.Metainfo.SourceDB Paths_leksah_server if (impl(ghc >= 6.12)) ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -ferror-spans -O2 else ghc-options: -Wall -ferror-spans -O2 ghc-prof-options: -auto-all -prof executable leksah-server build-depends: Cabal >=, base >= && <= 5, binary >=, binary-shared >=0.8, bytestring >=, containers >=, directory >=, filepath >=, ghc >=6.10.1, ltk >=0.8 && <= 0.9, mtl >=, parsec >=, pretty >=, process >=, deepseq >= 1.1, network >= 2.2 && <= 3.0 if (impl(ghc >= 6.12)) build-depends: haddock >= 2.7.2 else build-depends: haddock-leksah == 2.5.0 if os(windows) build-depends: Win32 >= extra-libraries: kernel32 else build-depends: unix >= main-is: IDE/Metainfo/Collector.hs buildable: True extensions: CPP hs-source-dirs: src other-modules: IDE.StrippedPrefs IDE.Utils.GHCUtils IDE.Utils.Utils IDE.Core.CTypes IDE.Core.Serializable IDE.Metainfo.WorkspaceCollector IDE.Metainfo.InterfaceCollector IDE.Metainfo.SourceCollectorH IDE.Metainfo.SourceDB IDE.Utils.Tool IDE.HeaderParser if (impl(ghc >= 6.12)) ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -ferror-spans -threaded -O2 else ghc-options: -Wall -ferror-spans -threaded -O2 ghc-prof-options: -auto-all -prof executable leksahecho main-is: LeksahEcho.hs buildable: True extensions: CPP hs-source-dirs: src ghc-prof-options: -auto-all -prof ghc-shared-options: -auto-all -prof if (impl(ghc >= 6.12)) ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -ferror-spans -threaded -O2 else ghc-options: -Wall -ferror-spans -threaded -O2