{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LiberalTypeSynonyms #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Control.Lens.Traversal
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2012 Edward Kmett
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  Rank2Types
-- A @'Traversal' a b c d@ is a generalization of 'traverse' from
-- 'Traversable'. It allows you to traverse over a structure and change out
-- its contents with monadic or applicative side-effects. Starting from
-- @'traverse' :: ('Traversable' t, 'Applicative' f) => (c -> f d) -> t c -> f (t d)@,
-- we monomorphize the contents and result to obtain
--  > type Traversal a b c d = forall f. Applicative f => (c -> f d) -> a -> f b
-- While a 'Traversal' isn't quite a 'Fold', it _can_ be used for 'Getting'
-- like a 'Fold', because given a 'Monoid' @m@, we have an 'Applicative'
-- for @('Const' m)@. Everything you know how to do with a 'Traversable'
-- container, you can with with a 'Traversal', and here we provide
-- combinators that generalize the usual 'Traversable' operations.
module Control.Lens.Traversal
  -- * Lenses

  -- ** Lensing Traversals
  , element
  , elementOf

  -- * Traversing and Lensing
  , traverseOf, forOf, sequenceAOf
  , mapMOf, forMOf, sequenceOf
  , transposeOf
  , mapAccumLOf, mapAccumROf
  , scanr1Of, scanl1Of

  -- * Common Traversals
  , Traversable(traverse)
  , traverseNothing

  -- * Simple
  , SimpleTraversal
  ) where

import Control.Applicative              as Applicative
import Control.Applicative.Backwards
import Control.Lens.Fold
import Control.Lens.Internal
import Control.Lens.Type
import Control.Monad.State.Class        as State
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy   as Lazy
import Data.Traversable

-- Traversals

-- | A 'Traversal' can be used directly as a 'Setter' or a 'Fold' (but not as a 'Lens') and provides
-- the ability to both read and update multiple fields, subject to some relatively weak 'Traversal' laws.
-- These have also been known as multilenses, but they have the signature and spirit of
-- > traverse :: Traversable f => Traversal (f a) (f b) a b
-- and the more evocative name suggests their application.
-- Most of the time the 'Traversal' you will want to use is just 'traverse', but you can also pass any
-- 'Lens' or 'Iso' as a Traversal, and composition of a 'Traversal' (or 'Lens' or 'Iso') with a 'Traversal' (or 'Lens' or 'Iso')
-- using (.) forms a valid 'Traversal'.
-- The laws for a Traversal @t@ follow from the laws for Traversable as stated in \"The Essence of the Iterator Pattern\".
-- 1) Idiomatic naturality:
-- > t pure = pure
-- 2) Sequential composition:
-- > fmap (t f) . t g = getCompose . t (Compose . fmap f . g)
-- One consequence of this requirement is that a traversal needs to leave the same number of elements as a candidate for 
-- subsequent traversal as it started with.
-- 3) No duplication of elements (as defined in \"The Essence of the Iterator Pattern\" section 5.5), which states
-- that you should incur no effect caused by visiting the same element of the container twice.
type Traversal a b c d = forall f. Applicative f => (c -> f d) -> a -> f b

-- | > type SimpleTraversal = Simple Traversal
type SimpleTraversal a b = Traversal a a b b

-- Traversal Combinators

-- |
-- Map each element of a structure targeted by a Lens or Traversal,
-- evaluate these actions from left to right, and collect the results.
-- > traverseOf = id
-- > traverse = traverseOf traverse
-- > traverseOf :: Iso a b c d       -> (c -> f d) -> a -> f b
-- > traverseOf :: Lens a b c d      -> (c -> f d) -> a -> f b
-- > traverseOf :: Traversal a b c d -> (c -> f d) -> a -> f b
traverseOf :: LensLike f a b c d -> (c -> f d) -> a -> f b
traverseOf = id
{-# INLINE traverseOf #-}

-- |
-- > forOf l = flip (traverseOf l)
-- > for = forOf traverse
-- > forOf = morphism flip flip
-- > forOf :: Lens a b c d -> a -> (c -> f d) -> f b
forOf :: LensLike f a b c d -> a -> (c -> f d) -> f b
forOf = flip
{-# INLINE forOf #-}

-- |
-- Evaluate each action in the structure from left to right, and collect
-- the results.
-- > sequenceA = sequenceAOf traverse
-- > sequenceAOf l = traverseOf l id
-- > sequenceAOf l = l id
-- > sequenceAOf ::                  Iso a b (f c) c       -> a -> f b
-- > sequenceAOf ::                  Lens a b (f c) c      -> a -> f b
-- > sequenceAOf :: Applicative f => Traversal a b (f c) c -> a -> f b
sequenceAOf :: LensLike f a b (f c) c -> a -> f b
sequenceAOf l = l id
{-# INLINE sequenceAOf #-}

-- | Map each element of a structure targeted by a lens to a monadic action,
-- evaluate these actions from left to right, and collect the results.
-- > mapM = mapMOf traverse
-- > mapMOf ::            Iso a b c d       -> (c -> m d) -> a -> m b
-- > mapMOf ::            Lens a b c d      -> (c -> m d) -> a -> m b
-- > mapMOf :: Monad m => Traversal a b c d -> (c -> m d) -> a -> m b
mapMOf :: LensLike (WrappedMonad m) a b c d -> (c -> m d) -> a -> m b
mapMOf l cmd = unwrapMonad . l (WrapMonad . cmd)
{-# INLINE mapMOf #-}

-- |
-- > forM = forMOf traverse
-- > forMOf l = flip (mapMOf l)
-- > forMOf ::            Iso a b c d       -> a -> (c -> m d) -> m b
-- > forMOf ::            Lens a b c d      -> a -> (c -> m d) -> m b
-- > forMOf :: Monad m => Traversal a b c d -> a -> (c -> m d) -> m b
forMOf :: LensLike (WrappedMonad m) a b c d -> a -> (c -> m d) -> m b
forMOf l a cmd = unwrapMonad (l (WrapMonad . cmd) a)
{-# INLINE forMOf #-}

-- |
-- > sequence = sequenceOf traverse
-- > sequenceOf l = mapMOf l id
-- > sequenceOf l = unwrapMonad . l WrapMonad
-- > sequenceOf ::            Iso a b (m c) c       -> a -> m b
-- > sequenceOf ::            Lens a b (m c) c      -> a -> m b
-- > sequenceOf :: Monad m => Traversal a b (m c) c -> a -> m b
sequenceOf :: LensLike (WrappedMonad m) a b (m c) c -> a -> m b
sequenceOf l = unwrapMonad . l WrapMonad
{-# INLINE sequenceOf #-}

-- | This generalizes 'Data.List.transpose' to an arbitrary 'Traversal'.
-- > transpose = transposeOf traverse
-- > ghci> transposeOf traverse [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
-- > [[1,4],[2,5],[3,6]]
-- Since every 'Lens' is a Traversal, we can use this as a form of
-- monadic strength.
-- > transposeOf _2 :: (b, [a]) -> [(b, a)]
transposeOf :: LensLike ZipList a b [c] c -> a -> [b]
transposeOf l = getZipList . l ZipList
{-# INLINE transposeOf #-}

-- | Generalizes 'Data.Traversable.mapAccumR' to an arbitrary 'Traversal'.
-- > mapAccumR = mapAccumROf traverse
-- 'mapAccumROf' accumulates state from right to left.
-- > mapAccumROf :: Iso a b c d       -> (s -> c -> (s, d)) -> s -> a -> (s, b)
-- > mapAccumROf :: Lens a b c d      -> (s -> c -> (s, d)) -> s -> a -> (s, b)
-- > mapAccumROf :: Traversal a b c d -> (s -> c -> (s, d)) -> s -> a -> (s, b)
mapAccumROf :: LensLike (Lazy.State s) a b c d -> (s -> c -> (s, d)) -> s -> a -> (s, b)
mapAccumROf l f s0 a = swap (Lazy.runState (l (\c -> State.state (\s -> swap (f s c))) a) s0)
{-# INLINE mapAccumROf #-}

-- | Generalized 'Data.Traversable.mapAccumL' to an arbitrary 'Traversal'.
-- > mapAccumL = mapAccumLOf traverse
-- 'mapAccumLOf' accumulates state from left to right.
-- > mapAccumLOf :: Iso a b c d       -> (s -> c -> (s, d)) -> s -> a -> (s, b)
-- > mapAccumLOf :: Lens a b c d      -> (s -> c -> (s, d)) -> s -> a -> (s, b)
-- > mapAccumLOf :: Traversal a b c d -> (s -> c -> (s, d)) -> s -> a -> (s, b)
mapAccumLOf :: LensLike (Backwards (Lazy.State s)) a b c d -> (s -> c -> (s, d)) -> s -> a -> (s, b)
mapAccumLOf = mapAccumROf . backwards
{-# INLINE mapAccumLOf #-}

swap :: (a,b) -> (b,a)
swap (a,b) = (b,a)
{-# INLINE swap #-}

-- | Permit the use of 'scanr1' over an arbitrary 'Traversal' or 'Lens'.
-- > scanr1 = scanr1Of traverse
-- > scanr1Of :: Iso a b c c       -> (c -> c -> c) -> a -> b
-- > scanr1Of :: Lens a b c c      -> (c -> c -> c) -> a -> b
-- > scanr1Of :: Traversal a b c c -> (c -> c -> c) -> a -> b
scanr1Of :: LensLike (Lazy.State (Maybe c)) a b c c -> (c -> c -> c) -> a -> b
scanr1Of l f = snd . mapAccumROf l step Nothing where
  step Nothing c  = (Just c, c)
  step (Just s) c = (Just r, r) where r = f c s
{-# INLINE scanr1Of #-}

-- | Permit the use of 'scanl1' over an arbitrary 'Traversal' or 'Lens'.
-- > scanl1 = scanl1Of traverse
-- > scanr1Of :: Iso a b c c       -> (c -> c -> c) -> a -> b
-- > scanr1Of :: Lens a b c c      -> (c -> c -> c) -> a -> b
-- > scanr1Of :: Traversal a b c c -> (c -> c -> c) -> a -> b
scanl1Of :: LensLike (Backwards (Lazy.State (Maybe c))) a b c c -> (c -> c -> c) -> a -> b
scanl1Of l f = snd . mapAccumLOf l step Nothing where
  step Nothing c  = (Just c, c)
  step (Just s) c = (Just r, r) where r = f s c
{-# INLINE scanl1Of #-}

-- Common Lenses

-- | A 'Lens' to view/edit the nth element 'elementOf' a 'Traversal', 'Lens' or 'Iso'.
-- Attempts to access beyond the range of the 'Traversal' will cause an error.
-- > ghci> [[1],[3,4]]^.elementOf (traverse.traverse) 1
-- > 3
elementOf :: Functor f => LensLike (ElementOf f) a b c c -> Int -> LensLike f a b c c
elementOf l i f a = case getElementOf (l go a) 0 of
    Found _ fb    -> fb
    Searching _ _ -> error "elementOf: index out of range"
    NotFound e    -> error $ "elementOf: " ++ e
    go c = ElementOf $ \j -> if i == j then Found (j + 1) (f c) else Searching (j + 1) c

-- | Access the nth element of a 'Traversable' container.
-- Attempts to access beyond the range of the 'Traversal' will cause an error.
-- > element = elementOf traverse
element :: Traversable t => Int -> Simple Lens (t a) a
element = elementOf traverse

-- Traversals

-- | This is the traversal that just doesn't return anything
-- > traverseNothing :: Applicative f => (c -> f d) -> a -> f a
traverseNothing :: Traversal a a c d
traverseNothing = const pure
{-# INLINE traverseNothing #-}