2.6 --- * Added build option `-f-inlining` to facilitate building with the various TH 2.8 versions used by GHC 7.6 and HEAD. * Added build option `-f-template-haskell` for testing without template haskell. (Users should be able to assume TH is enabled; use this only for testing!) * Added support for generating a `Traversal` rather than a `Lens` when multiple fields map to the same name or some constructors are missing a field. * Removed `_` from the lens names in `System.FilePath.Lens`. * Added `iwhere`, `withIndices`, `withIndicesOf`, `indices` and `indicesOf` to ease work with indexed traversals * Added `assign` as an alias for `(.=)` in `Control.Lens.Setter`. * Added `~:`, `=:`, `<~:` and `<=:` to `Data.List.Lens` 2.5 --- * Added `Control.Lens.Plated`, a port of Neil Mitchell's `uniplate` that can be used on any `Traversal`. * Added `Data.Data.Lens` with smart traversals that know how to avoid traversing parts of a structure that can't contain a given type. * Added `Data.Typeable.Lens` with `_cast` and `_gcast` like `traverseData` * Renamed `IndexedStore` to `Context` now that it is used in user-visible locations, and since I also use it as `uniplate`'s notion of a context. * Renamed `Kleene` to `Bazaar` -- "a bazaar contains a bunch of stores." * Added `Comonad` instances for `Context` and `Bazaar`, so we can use stores directly as the notion of an editable context in uniplate * Compatibility with both sets of template haskell quirks for GHC 7.6.1-rc1 and the GHC 7.6.1 development head. * Renamed `children` to `branches` in `Data.Tree.Lens`. * Added `At` and `Contains` to `Control.Lens.IndexedLens`. * Added `FunctorWithIndex`, `FoldableWithIndex`, and `TraversableWithIndex` under `Control.Lens.WithIndex` * Added support for `unordered-containers`. ------- * GHC 7.6.1 development HEAD compatibility (but broke 7.6.1-rc1) ------- * Haddock cleanup 2.4 ----- * Added the indexed `Kleene` store to `Control.Lens.Internal` * Moved `Gettable`, `Accessor`, `Settable` and `Mutator` to `Control.Lens.Internal` * Added `cloneTraversal` to `Control.Lens.Traversal` * Renamed `clone` to `cloneLens` in `Control.Lens.Type` * Generalized the type of `zoom` to subsume `focus`. * Removed `Focus(..)` from `Control.Lens.Type`. * Factored out `Control.Lens.Isomorphic`. * Moved many private types to `Control.Lens.Internal` * Added `conFields` to `Language.Haskell.TH.Lens`. * Added `System.FilePath.Lens`. 2.3 --- * Added missing `{-# INLINE #-}` pragmas * Renamed `meanwhile` to `throughout` in `Control.Parallel.Strategies.Lens` * Added `Magnify` to `Control.Lens.Getter`. * Added `Zoom` to `Control.Lens.Type`. 2.2 --- * Added `<&=`, `<&~`, `<|=`, and `<|~` * Moved `<>~`, `<<>~`, `<>=`, and `<<>=` to `Data.Monoid.Lens` * Template Haskell now uses eager binding to avoid adding dependencies. 2.1 --- * Renamed `adjust` to `over` * Added `au`, `auf` and `under` * Added `Data.Monoid.Lens` * Increased lower dependency bound on `mtl` for cleaner installation.