1.1.1 [2021.02.17] ------------------ * Allow building with `lens-5.*`. * The build-type has been changed from `Custom` to `Simple`. To achieve this, the `doctests` test suite has been removed in favor of using [`cabal-docspec`](https://github.com/phadej/cabal-extras/tree/master/cabal-docspec) to run the doctests. 1.1 [2019.09.26] ---------------- * Generalize the type of `_JSON` from `Prism' t a` to `Prism t t a b`. If you wish to continue to use the less general type, use the newly added `_JSON'` prism. * Add pattern synonyms corresponding to the `Prism`s that `lens-aeson` provides. * Fix the test suite on 32-bit architectures. 1.0.2 ----- * Support `doctest-0.12` 1.0.1 ----- * Revamp `Setup.hs` to use `cabal-doctest`. This makes it build with `Cabal-2.0`, and makes the `doctest`s work with `cabal new-build` and sandboxes. ---- * Fix tests to work against vector-0.11 * Documentation fixes * No functional changes since ---- * Move lens upper bound to < 5 like the other packages in the family 1 ---- * Module migrated from lens package to Data.Aeson.Lens 0.1.2 ----- * Added `members` and `values` 0.1.1 ----- * Broadened dependencies 0.1 --- * Repository initialized