--- # Specify additional command line arguments # # - arguments: [--color, --cpp-simple, -XQuasiQuotes] # Control which extensions/flags/modules/functions can be used # # - extensions: # - default: false # all extension are banned by default # - name: [PatternGuards, ViewPatterns] # only these listed extensions can be used # - {name: CPP, within: CrossPlatform} # CPP can only be used in a given module # # - flags: # - {name: -w, within: []} # -w is allowed nowhere # # - modules: # - {name: Control.Arrow, within: []} # Certain modules are banned entirely # - functions: - {name: unsafePerformIO, within: []} # unsafePerformIO can appear nowhere - {name: error, within: []} # throw real errors - {name: undefined, within: []} - {name: fromJust, within: []} # this is hell to track down - {name: foldl, within: []} # foldl has bad properties # Add custom hints for this project # - error: {lhs: "hylo embed", rhs: "ana", name: "Use anamorphism"} - error: {lhs: "hylo f project", rhs: "cata f", name: "Use catamorphism"} - error: {lhs: "do { x <- y ; pure (f x) }", rhs: "f =<< f", name: "Avoid do-notation"} # - error: {lhs: "do { a ; b }", rhs: "a >> b", name: "Avoid do-notation"} - error: {lhs: "concat", rhs: "join", name: "Generalize concat"} - error: {lhs: "concatMap", rhs: "(=<<)", name: "Generalize concatMap"} - error: {lhs: "f >> pure ()", rhs: "void f", name: "Use void"} - error: {lhs: "over _1 f x", rhs: "first f x", name: "Use arrows"} - error: {lhs: "over _2 f x", rhs: "second f x", name: "Use arrows"} - error: {lhs: "bool x x p", rhs: "x", name: "Avoid bool"} - error: {lhs: "const f", rhs: "pure f", name: "Generalize const"} # Turn on hints that are off by default # # Generalise map to fmap, ++ to <> # - group: {name: generalise, enabled: true} # Ignore some builtin hints # - ignore: {name: Use let} # - ignore: {name: Use const, within: SpecialModule} # Only within certain modules # Define some custom infix operators # - fixity: infixr 3 ~^#^~