bin/make-bins.hs 21 auto search (global? cpp?) version number? forse shake? [dist] doc/dev/issues.txt 11 html report, come hlint [feature:advanced] 12 symlinks? [feature:intermediate] 13 check --output pretty, there are trailing white spaces [bug] [u:1] 14 sm: issue numbers is valuable [design] [request] 15 sm: have a way to link to discussion/history of issue [design] [request] 16 sm: 1. lentil autogenerates numbers where missing adding tags, 2. creates an associated numbered file in .issues/, displays associated notes written in those files is asked, 3. even update them when there is a source change. (4) these files could be webserved when they want something linkable. Vedi comments in doc/dev/issues.txt [design] [request] 22 chickpea, lentil's brother. Two commands, add number to numberless tag (#1212 or something), create a mini db with those issues, which automatically updated and you can even write stuff in there. O maybe you can even add lentil, chickpea and quinoa. Vedi more in doc/dev/issues.txt [design] 28 way to 'group' (section) output by tag [feature:advanced] 29 win (and mac?) builds [package] [u:2] [2017] 30 Henning: don't output nothing on lentil xxx.cabal (maybe add 19 skipped?) [request] [2017] 31 code coverage [test] [u:2] 32 add .lentilignore (or even .lentilconf) Michał Antkiewicz [feature:intermediate] [request] 34 in lentil? [debug] [u:2] lentil.cabal 17 o data-files [easy] [fix] [2017] src/Lentil/Args.hs 26 disambiguation optparse-applicative [feature:intermediate] 27 help as lentil PATH [ PATH... ] [ OPTIONS ] [feature:intermediate] src/Lentil/Export.hs 36 maybe use a dedicated library to format xml? [design] src/Lentil/File.hs 53 apparently toListM is not idiomatic [refactor] [duct] 64 use pipes-files when released [feature:intermediate] 76 combine funziona su windows? [test] src/Lentil/Parse/Run.hs 58 a function String -> [Issue] 80 personally i don't like when the leading character of the progress bar is different [feeback] [request] 96 sicuramente c'è un modo più elegante e breve. Ah! quando mettono le tuples section! [refactor] [duct] src/Lentil/Parse/Syntaxes.hs 25 qptain_nemo fake multiline comments in C (i.e. // and \ at the bottom of the line, continued into next line, are valid C comments but not recognised by lentil [u:1] [request] test/Lentil/FileSpec.hs 38 excluding files fails on MS Windows! Check why! [u:3] [bug]