-- |
-- Module      : Database.LevelDB.MonadResource
-- Copyright   : (c) 2012-2013 The leveldb-haskell Authors
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : kim.altintop@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable

module Database.LevelDB.MonadResource
    ( -- * Exported Types
    , BatchOp(..)
    , Comparator(..)
    , Compression(..)
    , Options(..)
    , ReadOptions(..)
    , Snapshot
    , WriteBatch
    , WriteOptions(..)
    , Range

    -- * Defaults
    , defaultOptions
    , defaultWriteOptions
    , defaultReadOptions

    -- * Basic Database Manipulation
    , withSnapshot
    , open
    , put
    , delete
    , write
    , get
    , createSnapshot
    , createSnapshot'

    -- * Filter Policy / Bloom Filter
    , FilterPolicy(..)
    , bloomFilter

    -- * Administrative Functions
    , Property(..), getProperty
    , destroy
    , repair
    , approximateSize
    , version

    -- * Iteration
    , Iterator
    , withIterator
    , iterOpen
    , iterOpen'
    , iterValid
    , iterSeek
    , iterFirst
    , iterLast
    , iterNext
    , iterPrev
    , iterKey
    , iterValue
    , iterGetError

    -- * Re-exports
    , MonadResource (..)
    , runResourceT
    , resourceForkIO

import           Control.Applicative          ((<$>))
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import           Data.ByteString              (ByteString)
import           Data.Int                     (Int64)

import           Database.LevelDB.Base        (BatchOp, BloomFilter, Comparator,
                                               Compression, DB, FilterPolicy,
                                               Iterator, Options, Property,
                                               Range, ReadOptions, Snapshot,
                                               WriteBatch, WriteOptions,
import qualified Database.LevelDB.Base        as Base

-- | Create a 'BloomFilter'
bloomFilter :: MonadResource m => Int -> m BloomFilter
bloomFilter i =
    snd <$> allocate (Base.createBloomFilter i)

-- | Open a database
-- The returned handle will automatically be released when the enclosing
-- 'runResourceT' terminates.
open :: MonadResource m => FilePath -> Options -> m DB
open path opts = snd <$> open' path opts

open' :: MonadResource m => FilePath -> Options -> m (ReleaseKey, DB)
open' path opts = allocate (Base.open path opts) Base.close
{-# INLINE open' #-}

-- | Run an action with a snapshot of the database.
-- The snapshot will be released when the action terminates or throws an
-- exception. Note that this function is provided for convenience and does not
-- prevent the 'Snapshot' handle to escape. It will, however, be invalid after
-- this function returns and should not be used anymore.
withSnapshot :: MonadResource m => DB -> (Snapshot -> m a) -> m a
withSnapshot db f = do
    (rk, snap) <- createSnapshot' db
    res <- f snap
    release rk
    return res

-- | Create a snapshot of the database.
-- The returned 'Snapshot' will be released automatically when the enclosing
-- 'runResourceT' terminates. It is recommended to use 'createSnapshot'' instead
-- and release the resource manually as soon as possible.
createSnapshot :: MonadResource m => DB -> m Snapshot
createSnapshot db = snd <$> createSnapshot' db

-- | Create a snapshot of the database which can (and should) be released early.
createSnapshot' :: MonadResource m => DB -> m (ReleaseKey, Snapshot)
createSnapshot' db = allocate (Base.createSnapshot db) (Base.releaseSnapshot db)

-- | Get a DB property
getProperty :: MonadResource m => DB -> Property -> m (Maybe ByteString)
getProperty = Base.getProperty

-- | Destroy the given leveldb database.
destroy :: MonadResource m => FilePath -> Options -> m ()
destroy = Base.destroy

-- | Repair the given leveldb database.
repair :: MonadResource m => FilePath -> Options -> m ()
repair = Base.repair

-- | Inspect the approximate sizes of the different levels
approximateSize :: MonadResource m => DB -> Range -> m Int64
approximateSize = Base.approximateSize

-- | Write a key/value pair
put :: MonadResource m => DB -> WriteOptions -> ByteString -> ByteString -> m ()
put = Base.put

-- | Read a value by key
get :: MonadResource m => DB -> ReadOptions -> ByteString -> m (Maybe ByteString)
get = Base.get

-- | Delete a key/value pair
delete :: MonadResource m => DB -> WriteOptions -> ByteString -> m ()
delete = Base.delete

-- | Perform a batch mutation
write :: MonadResource m => DB -> WriteOptions -> WriteBatch -> m ()
write = Base.write

-- | Run an action with an Iterator. The iterator will be closed after the
-- action returns or an error is thrown. Thus, the iterator will /not/ be valid
-- after this function terminates.
withIterator :: MonadResource m => DB -> ReadOptions -> (Iterator -> m a) -> m a
withIterator db opts f = do
    (rk, iter) <- iterOpen' db opts
    res <- f iter
    release rk
    return res

-- | Create an 'Iterator'.
-- The iterator will be released when the enclosing 'runResourceT' terminates.
-- You may consider to use 'iterOpen'' instead and manually release the iterator
-- as soon as it is no longer needed (alternatively, use 'withIterator').
-- Note that an 'Iterator' creates a snapshot of the database implicitly, so
-- updates written after the iterator was created are not visible. You may,
-- however, specify an older 'Snapshot' in the 'ReadOptions'.
iterOpen :: MonadResource m => DB -> ReadOptions -> m Iterator
iterOpen db opts = snd <$> iterOpen' db opts

-- | Create an 'Iterator' which can be released early.
iterOpen' :: MonadResource m => DB -> ReadOptions -> m (ReleaseKey, Iterator)
iterOpen' db opts = allocate (Base.createIter db opts) Base.releaseIter

-- | An iterator is either positioned at a key/value pair, or not valid. This
-- function returns /true/ iff the iterator is valid.
iterValid :: MonadResource m => Iterator -> m Bool
iterValid = Base.iterValid

-- | Position at the first key in the source that is at or past target. The
-- iterator is /valid/ after this call iff the source contains an entry that
-- comes at or past target.
iterSeek :: MonadResource m => Iterator -> ByteString -> m ()
iterSeek = Base.iterSeek

-- | Position at the first key in the source. The iterator is /valid/ after this
-- call iff the source is not empty.
iterFirst :: MonadResource m => Iterator -> m ()
iterFirst = Base.iterFirst

-- | Position at the last key in the source. The iterator is /valid/ after this
-- call iff the source is not empty.
iterLast :: MonadResource m => Iterator -> m ()
iterLast = Base.iterLast

-- | Moves to the next entry in the source. After this call, 'iterValid' is
-- /true/ iff the iterator was not positioned at the last entry in the source.
-- If the iterator is not valid, this function does nothing. Note that this is a
-- shortcoming of the C API: an 'iterPrev' might still be possible, but we can't
-- determine if we're at the last or first entry.
iterNext :: MonadResource m => Iterator -> m ()
iterNext = Base.iterNext

-- | Moves to the previous entry in the source. After this call, 'iterValid' is
-- /true/ iff the iterator was not positioned at the first entry in the source.
-- If the iterator is not valid, this function does nothing. Note that this is a
-- shortcoming of the C API: an 'iterNext' might still be possible, but we can't
-- determine if we're at the last or first entry.
iterPrev :: MonadResource m => Iterator -> m ()
iterPrev = Base.iterPrev

-- | Return the key for the current entry if the iterator is currently
-- positioned at an entry, ie. 'iterValid'.
iterKey :: MonadResource m => Iterator -> m (Maybe ByteString)
iterKey = Base.iterKey

-- | Return the value for the current entry if the iterator is currently
-- positioned at an entry, ie. 'iterValid'.
iterValue :: MonadResource m => Iterator -> m (Maybe ByteString)
iterValue = Base.iterValue

-- | Check for errors
-- Note that this captures somewhat severe errors such as a corrupted database.
iterGetError :: MonadResource m => Iterator -> m (Maybe ByteString)
iterGetError = Base.iterGetError

-- | Return the runtime version of the underlying LevelDB library as a (major,
-- minor) pair.
version :: MonadResource m => m (Int, Int)
version = Base.version