\begin{code} %if False % % Permission is granted to include this file (or parts of this file) % literally into other documents, regardless of the conditions or % license applying to these documents. % %endif %if not lhs2tex_lhs2tex_fmt_read %let lhs2tex_lhs2tex_fmt_read = True \end{code} %-------------------------------= -------------------------------------------- \section{Format definitions} %-------------------------------= -------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------= -------------------------------------------- \subsection{Verbatim style} %-------------------------------= -------------------------------------------- Also used for \verb@\verb@ and \verb@\begin{verbatim}@, so no conditionals at work here. % \begin{code} %subst verb a = "\text{\tt " a "}" %subst verbatim a = "\begin{tabbing}\tt'n" a "'n\end{tabbing}'n" %subst verbnl = "\\'n\tt " \end{code} %-------------------------------= -------------------------------------------- \subsection{Typewriter style} %-------------------------------= -------------------------------------------- \begin{code} %if style == tt %subst inline a = "\text{\texfamily " a "}" %subst thinspace = "\Sp " %subst code a = "\begin{tabbing}\texfamily'n" a "'n\end{tabbing}'n" %subst comment a = "{\rmfamily-{}- " a "}" %subst nested a = "{\rmfamily\enskip\{- " a " -\}\enskip}" %subst pragma a = "{\rmfamily\enskip\{-\#" a " \#-\}\enskip}" %subst spaces a = a %subst special a = a %subst space = "~" %subst newline = "\\'n\texfamily " %subst conid a = "{\itshape " a "}" %subst varid a = a %subst consym a = a %subst varsym a = a %subst numeral a = a %subst char a = "''" a "''" %subst string a = "\char34 " a "\char34 " %if underlineKeywords %subst keyword a = "\uline{" a "}" %else %subst keyword a = "{\bfseries " a "}" %endif %format \ = "\char''10" %format . = "\char''00" %if not spacePreserving %format alpha = "\char''02" %format beta = "\char''03" %format gamma = "\char''11" %format delta = "\char''12" %format pi = "\char''07" %format infty = "\char''16" %format intersect = "\char''22" %format union = "\char''23" %format forall = "\char''24" %format exists = "\char''25" %format not = "\char''05" %format && = "\char''04" %format || = "\char''37" %format <- = "\char''06" %format -> = "\char''31" %format == = "\char''36" %format /= = "\char''32" %format <= = "\char''34" %format >= = "\char''35" %endif \end{code} % Unterst"utzung f"ur Meta-Haskell. % \begin{code} %if meta %format M.a = "\ensuremath{a}" %format M.b = "\ensuremath{b}" \end{code} etc~(for all lower and upper case letters). %if style == code \begin{code} %format M.c = "\ensuremath{c}" %format M.d = "\ensuremath{d}" %format M.e = "\ensuremath{e}" %format M.f = "\ensuremath{f}" %format M.g = "\ensuremath{g}" %format M.h = "\ensuremath{h}" %format M.i = "\ensuremath{i}" %format M.j = "\ensuremath{j}" %format M.k = "\ensuremath{k}" %format M.l = "\ensuremath{l}" %format M.m = "\ensuremath{m}" %format M.n = "\ensuremath{n}" %format M.o = "\ensuremath{o}" %format M.p = "\ensuremath{p}" %format M.q = "\ensuremath{q}" %format M.r = "\ensuremath{r}" %format M.s = "\ensuremath{s}" %format M.t = "\ensuremath{t}" %format M.u = "\ensuremath{u}" %format M.v = "\ensuremath{v}" %format M.w = "\ensuremath{w}" %format M.x = "\ensuremath{x}" %format M.y = "\ensuremath{y}" %format M.z = "\ensuremath{z}" %format M.A = "\ensuremath{A}" %format M.B = "\ensuremath{B}" %format M.C = "\ensuremath{C}" %format M.D = "\ensuremath{D}" %format M.E = "\ensuremath{E}" %format M.F = "\ensuremath{F}" %format M.G = "\ensuremath{G}" %format M.H = "\ensuremath{H}" %format M.I = "\ensuremath{I}" %format M.J = "\ensuremath{J}" %format M.K = "\ensuremath{K}" %format M.L = "\ensuremath{L}" %format M.M = "\ensuremath{M}" %format M.N = "\ensuremath{N}" %format M.O = "\ensuremath{O}" %format M.P = "\ensuremath{P}" %format M.Q = "\ensuremath{Q}" %format M.R = "\ensuremath{R}" %format M.S = "\ensuremath{S}" %format M.T = "\ensuremath{T}" %format M.U = "\ensuremath{U}" %format M.V = "\ensuremath{V}" %format M.W = "\ensuremath{W}" %format M.X = "\ensuremath{X}" %format M.Y = "\ensuremath{Y}" %format M.Z = "\ensuremath{Z}" \end{code} %endif \begin{code} %format M.alpha = "\ensuremath{\alpha}" %format M.beta = "\ensuremath{\beta}" \end{code} etc~(for all lower and upper case greek letters). %if style == code \begin{code} %format M.gamma = "\ensuremath{\gamma}" %format M.delta = "\ensuremath{\delta}" %format M.epsilon = "\ensuremath{\epsilon}" %format M.zeta = "\ensuremath{\zeta}" %format M.eta = "\ensuremath{\eta}" %format M.theta = "\ensuremath{\theta}" %format M.iota = "\ensuremath{\iota}" %format M.kappa = "\ensuremath{\kappa}" %format M.lambda = "\ensuremath{\lambda}" %format M.mu = "\ensuremath{\mu}" %format M.nu = "\ensuremath{\nu}" %format M.xi = "\ensuremath{\xi}" %format M.pi = "\ensuremath{\pi}" %format M.rho = "\ensuremath{\rho}" %format M.sigma = "\ensuremath{\sigma}" %format M.tau = "\ensuremath{\tau}" %format M.upsilon = "\ensuremath{\upsilon}" %format M.phi = "\ensuremath{\phi}" %format M.chi = "\ensuremath{\chi}" %format M.psi = "\ensuremath{\psi}" %format M.omega = "\ensuremath{\omega}" %format M.Gamma = "\ensuremath{\Gamma}" %format M.Delta = "\ensuremath{\Delta}" %format M.Theta = "\ensuremath{\Theta}" %format M.Lambda = "\ensuremath{\Lambda}" %format M.Xi = "\ensuremath{\Xi}" %format M.Pi = "\ensuremath{\Pi}" %format M.Sigma = "\ensuremath{\Sigma}" %format M.Upsilon = "\ensuremath{\Upsilon}" %format M.Phi = "\ensuremath{\Phi}" %format M.Psi = "\ensuremath{\Psi}" %format M.Omega = "\ensuremath{\Omega}" \end{code} %endif \begin{code} %format M.forall = "\ensuremath{\forall}" %format M.exists = "\ensuremath{\exists}" %format M.not = "\ensuremath{\neg}" %format ==> = "\ensuremath{\Longrightarrow}" %format <== = "\ensuremath{\Longleftarrow}" %format /\ = "\ensuremath{\wedge}" %format \/ = "\ensuremath{\vee}" %format M.= = "\ensuremath{=}" %format M./= = "\ensuremath{\neq}" %format M.< = "\ensuremath{<}" %format M.<= = "\ensuremath{\leq}" %format M.>= = "\ensuremath{\geq}" %format M.> = "\ensuremath{>}" %endif \end{code} %-------------------------------= -------------------------------------------- \subsection{New code style} %-------------------------------= -------------------------------------------- \begin{code} %elif style == newcode %subst comment a = "-- " a %subst nested a = "{- " a " -}" %subst code a = a "'n" %subst newline = "'n" %subst dummy = %subst pragma a = "{-# " a " #-}" %subst numeral a = a %subst keyword a = a %subst spaces a = a %subst special a = a %subst space = " " %subst conid a = a %subst varid a = a %subst consym a = a %subst varsym a = a %subst char a = "''" a "''" %subst string a = "'d" a "'d" \end{code} %-------------------------------= -------------------------------------------- \subsection{Math and Poly style} %-------------------------------= -------------------------------------------- Some things modified due to introduction of @poly@ formatter by ks, 17.07.2003. Since both formatters share a lot of declarations, both declare |anyMath| to be true. The common parts are then declared in a conditional checking |anyMath|. \begin{code} %elif style == math %subst phantom a = "\phantom{" a "\mbox{}}" %subst comment a = "\mbox{\qquad-{}- " a "}" %subst nested a = "\mbox{\enskip\{- " a " -\}\enskip}" %if array %subst code a = "\[\begin{array}{@{}lcl}'n\hspace{\lwidth}&\hspace{\cwidth}&\\[-10pt]'n" a "'n\end{array}\]" %subst column3 l c r = "{}" l " & " c " & {" r "}" %subst column1 a = "\multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{" a "}" %else %subst code a = "\begin{tabbing}'n\qquad\=\hspace{\lwidth}\=\hspace{\cwidth}\=\+\kill'n" a "'n\end{tabbing}" %subst column3 l c r = "$" l "$ \> \makebox[\cwidth]{$" c "$} \> ${" r "}$" %subst column1 a = "${" a "}$" %endif %subst newline = "\\'n" %subst blankline = "\\[1mm]'n" %let anyMath = True %elif style == poly %subst comment a = "\mbox{\onelinecomment " a "}" %subst nested a = "\mbox{\commentbegin " a " \commentend}" %if array %subst code a = "\['n\begin{parray}\SaveRestoreHook'n" a "\ColumnHook'n\end{parray}'n\]\resethooks'n" %else %subst code a = "\begingroup\par\noindent\advance\leftskip\mathindent\('n\begin{pboxed}\SaveRestoreHook'n" a "\ColumnHook'n\end{pboxed}'n\)\par\noindent\endgroup\resethooks'n" %endif %subst column c a = "\column{" c "}{" a "}'n" %subst fromto b e t = "\>[" b "]{}" t "{}\<[" e "]'n" %subst left = "@{}l@{}" %subst centered = "@{}c@{}" %subst dummycol = "@{}l@{}" %subst newline = "\\'n" %subst blankline = "\\[\blanklineskip]'n" %subst indent n = "\hsindent{" n "}" %let anyMath = True %endif %if anyMath %let autoSpacing = True %subst dummy = "\cdot " %subst inline a = "\ensuremath{" a "}" %subst hskip a = "\hskip" a "em\relax" %subst pragma a = "\mbox{\enskip\{-\#" a " \#-\}\enskip}" %if latex209 %subst numeral a = "{\mathrm " a "}" %subst keyword a = "{\mathbf " a "}" %else %subst numeral a = "\mathrm{" a "}" %subst keyword a = "\mathbf{" a "}" %endif %subst spaces a = a %subst special a = a %subst space = "\;" %subst conid a = "\Conid{" a "}" %subst varid a = "\Varid{" a "}" %subst consym a = "\mathbin{" a "}" %subst varsym a = "\mathbin{" a "}" %subst char a = "\text{\tt ''" a "''}" %subst string a = "\text{\tt \char34 " a "\char34}" %format _ = "\anonymous " %format -> = "\to " %format <- = "\leftarrow " %format => = "\Rightarrow " %format \ = "\lambda " %format | = "\mid " %format { = "\{\mskip1.5mu " %format } = "\mskip1.5mu\}" %format [ = "[\mskip1.5mu " %format ] = "\mskip1.5mu]" %format = = "\mathrel{=}" %format .. = "\mathinner{\ldotp\ldotp}" %format ~ = "\mathord{\sim}" %format @ = "\mathord{@}" %format . = "\mathbin{\circ}" %format !! = "\mathbin{!!}" %format ^ = "\mathbin{\uparrow}" %format ^^ = "\mathbin{\uparrow\uparrow}" %format ** = "\mathbin{**}" %format / = "\mathbin{/}" %format `quot` = "\mathbin{\Varid{`quot`}}" %format `rem` = "\mathbin{\Varid{`rem`}}" %format `div` = "\mathbin{\Varid{`div`}}" %format `mod` = "\mathbin{\Varid{`mod`}}" %format :% = "\mathbin{:\%}" %format % = "\mathbin{\%}" %format : = "\mathbin{:}" %format ++ = "\plus " %format == = "\equiv " %% ODER: format == = "\mathrel{==}" %format /= = "\not\equiv " %% ODER: format /= = "\neq " %format <= = "\leq " %format >= = "\geq " %format `elem` = "\in " %format `notElem` = "\notin " %format && = "\mathrel{\wedge}" %format || = "\mathrel{\vee}" %format >> = "\sequ " %format >>= = "\bind " %format $ = "\mathbin{\$}" %format `seq` = "\mathbin{\Varid{`seq`}}" %format ! = "\mathbin{!}" %format // = "\mathbin{//}" %format undefined = "\bot " %format not = "\neg " \end{code} % Problem: |!| wird sowohl als Infix-Operator als auch prefix f"ur Striktheitsannotationen verwendet (|"\mathord{!}"|). Unterst"utzung f"ur Meta-Haskell. % \begin{code} %if meta %format M.a = "a" %format M.b = "b" \end{code} etc~(for all lower and upper case letters). %if style == code \begin{code} %format M.c = "c" %format M.d = "d" %format M.e = "e" %format M.f = "f" %format M.g = "g" %format M.h = "h" %format M.i = "i" %format M.j = "j" %format M.k = "k" %format M.l = "l" %format M.m = "m" %format M.n = "n" %format M.o = "o" %format M.p = "p" %format M.q = "q" %format M.r = "r" %format M.s = "s" %format M.t = "t" %format M.u = "u" %format M.v = "v" %format M.w = "w" %format M.x = "x" %format M.y = "y" %format M.z = "z" %format M.A = "A" %format M.B = "B" %format M.C = "C" %format M.D = "D" %format M.E = "E" %format M.F = "F" %format M.G = "G" %format M.H = "H" %format M.I = "I" %format M.J = "J" %format M.K = "K" %format M.L = "L" %format M.M = "M" %format M.N = "N" %format M.O = "O" %format M.P = "P" %format M.Q = "Q" %format M.R = "R" %format M.S = "S" %format M.T = "T" %format M.U = "U" %format M.V = "V" %format M.W = "W" %format M.X = "X" %format M.Y = "Y" %format M.Z = "Z" \end{code} %endif \begin{code} %format M.alpha = "\alpha " %format M.beta = "\beta " \end{code} etc~(for all lower and upper case greek letters). %if style == code \begin{code} %format M.gamma = "\gamma " %format M.delta = "\delta " %format M.epsilon = "\epsilon " %format M.zeta = "\zeta " %format M.eta = "\eta " %format M.theta = "\theta " %format M.iota = "\iota " %format M.kappa = "\kappa " %format M.lambda = "\lambda " %format M.mu = "\mu " %format M.nu = "\nu " %format M.xi = "\xi " %format M.pi = "\pi " %format M.rho = "\rho " %format M.sigma = "\sigma " %format M.tau = "\tau " %format M.upsilon = "\upsilon " %format M.phi = "\phi " %format M.chi = "\chi " %format M.psi = "\psi " %format M.omega = "\omega " %format M.Gamma = "\Gamma " %format M.Delta = "\Delta " %format M.Theta = "\Theta " %format M.Lambda = "\Lambda " %format M.Xi = "\Xi " %format M.Pi = "\Pi " %format M.Sigma = "\Sigma " %format M.Upsilon = "\Upsilon " %format M.Phi = "\Phi " %format M.Psi = "\Psi " %format M.Omega = "\Omega " \end{code} %endif \begin{code} %format M.forall = "\forall " %format M.exists = "\exists " %format M.not = "\neg " %format ==> = "\enskip\Longrightarrow\enskip " %format <== = "\enskip\Longleftarrow\enskip " %format /\ = "\enskip\mathrel{\wedge}\enskip " %format \/ = "\enskip\mathrel{\vee}\enskip " %format M.= = "=" %format M./= = "\neq " %format M.< = "<" %format M.<= = "\leq " %format M.>= = "\geq " %format M.> = ">" %endif %endif \end{code} %-------------------------------= -------------------------------------------- \section{\LaTeX commands} %-------------------------------= -------------------------------------------- New, 21.11.2005: @lhs2TeX.sty@ is now included from @lhs2TeX.fmt@. \begin{code} %include lhs2TeX.sty \end{code} \begin{code} %endif \end{code}