{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module CSPM.Evaluator.Expr (
    Evaluatable, eval,
) where

import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.List (nub)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Sequence ((<|))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Sq

import CSPM.DataStructures.Literals
import CSPM.DataStructures.Names
import CSPM.DataStructures.Syntax
import CSPM.Evaluator.BuiltInFunctions
import CSPM.Evaluator.DeclBind
import CSPM.Evaluator.Dot
import CSPM.Evaluator.Exceptions
import CSPM.Evaluator.Monad
import CSPM.Evaluator.PatBind
import CSPM.Evaluator.Values
import qualified CSPM.Evaluator.ValueSet as S
import Util.Annotated
import Util.Exception

-- In order to keep lazy evaluation working properly only use pattern
-- matching when you HAVE to know the value. (Hence why we delay pattern
-- matching in BooleanBinaryOp And in case the first value is false.)

class Evaluatable a where
    eval :: a -> EvaluationMonad Value

instance Evaluatable a => Evaluatable (Annotated b a) where
    eval (An loc _ a) = setCurrentExpressionLocation loc (eval a)

instance Evaluatable (Exp Name) where
    eval (App func args) = do
        vs <- mapM eval args
        VFunction _ f <- eval func
        f vs
    eval (BooleanBinaryOp op e1 e2) = do
        v1 <- eval e1
        v2 <- eval e2
        case op of
            And -> 
                    VBool b1 = v1
                    -- This is lazy, only pattern matches if b2 is required.
                    VBool b2 = v2
                in return $ VBool (b1 && b2)
            Or -> 
                    VBool b1 = v1
                    -- This is lazy, only pattern matches if b2 is required.
                    VBool b2 = v2
                in return $ VBool (b1 || b2)
            Equals -> return $ VBool (compareValues v1 v2 == Just EQ)
            NotEquals -> return $ VBool (compareValues v1 v2 /= Just EQ)
            LessThan -> return $ VBool (compareValues v1 v2 == Just LT)
            GreaterThan -> return $ VBool (compareValues v1 v2 == Just GT)
            LessThanEq -> return $ VBool (compareValues v1 v2 `elem` [Just LT, Just EQ])
            GreaterThanEq -> return $ VBool (compareValues v1 v2 `elem` [Just GT, Just EQ])
    eval (BooleanUnaryOp op e) = do
        VBool b <- eval e
        case op of
            Not -> return $ VBool (not b)
    eval (Concat e1 e2) = do
        VList vs1 <- eval e1
        v2 <- eval e2
        -- If we instead wrote VList v2 <- eval e2
        -- then this would force evaluation of e2 to a list immediately.
        -- However, if we do the following instead this means that
        -- the second argument is only evaluated if it absolutely has to 
        -- be (what if e2 was bottom and we were taking head(e1^e2)).
        -- (To see why haskell does this consider the desugared form with
        -- the do's removed. It would be:
        -- ... eval e1) >>= (\ (VList vs2) -> ...)
        -- and therefore the pattern match would force evaluation.)
        let VList vs2 = v2
        return $ VList (vs1++vs2)
    eval (DotApp e1 e2) = do
            v1 <- eval e1
            v2 <- eval e2
            combineDots v1 v2
    eval (If e1 e2 e3) = do
        VBool b <- eval e1
        if b then eval e2 else eval e3
    eval (Lambda ps e) = do
        st <- getState
        psid <- getParentScopeIdentifier
        let fid = FLambda (Lambda ps e) psid
        return $ VFunction fid $ \ vs -> return $ runEvaluator st $ do
            let (matches, binds) = bindAll ps vs
            if matches then do
                p <- getParentScopeIdentifier
                updateParentScopeIdentifier (annonymousScopeId vs psid) $ 
                    addScopeAndBind binds (eval e)
            else do
                loc <- getCurrentExpressionLocation
                throwError $ patternMatchesFailureMessage loc ps vs
    eval (Let decls e) = do
        nvs <- bindDecls decls
        addScopeAndBindM nvs (eval e)
    eval (Lit lit) = return $
        case lit of
            Int i -> VInt i
            Bool b -> VBool b
            Char c -> VChar c
            String s -> VList (map VChar s)
    eval (List es) = mapM eval es >>= return . VList
    eval (ListComp es stmts) = do
            xs <- evalStmts (\(VList xs) -> xs) stmts (mapM eval es)
            return $ VList xs
    eval (ListEnumFrom e) = do
        VInt lb <- eval e
        return $ VList (map VInt [lb..])
    eval (ListEnumFromTo e1 e2) = do
        VInt lb <- eval e1
        VInt ub <- eval e2
        return $ VList (map VInt [lb..ub])
    eval (ListEnumFromComp e1 stmts) = do
        ss <- evalStmts (\ (VList xs) -> xs) stmts $ do
                VInt lb <- eval e1
                return $ map VInt [lb..]
        return $ VList ss
    eval (ListEnumFromToComp e1 e2 stmts) = do
        ss <- evalStmts (\ (VList xs) -> xs) stmts $ do
                VInt lb <- eval e1
                VInt ub <- eval e2
                return $ map VInt [lb..ub]
        return $ VList ss
    eval (ListLength e) = do
        VList xs <- eval e 
        return $ VInt (length xs)
    eval (Map kvs) = do
        xs <- mapM (\ (k, v) -> do
            k <- eval k
            v <- eval v
            return (k, v)) kvs
        return $ VMap $ M.fromList xs
    eval (MathsBinaryOp op e1 e2) = do
        VInt i1 <- eval e1
        VInt i2 <- eval e2
        case op of
            Divide -> do
                scopeId <- getParentScopeIdentifier
                loc <- getCurrentExpressionLocation
                return $ VInt $
                        case i2 of
                            0 -> throwError $ divideByZeroMessage loc scopeId
                            _ -> i1 `div` i2
            Minus -> return $ VInt (i1 - i2)
            Mod -> return $ VInt (i1 `mod` i2)
            Plus -> return $ VInt (i1 + i2)
            Times -> return $ VInt (i1 * i2)
    eval (MathsUnaryOp op e) = do
        VInt i <- eval e
        case op of
            Negate -> return $ VInt (-i)
    eval (Paren e) = eval e
    eval (Set es) = mapM eval es >>= return . VSet . S.fromList
    eval (SetComp es stmts) = do
        xs <- evalStmts (\(VSet s) -> S.toList s) stmts (mapM eval es)
        return $ VSet (S.fromList xs)
    eval (SetEnum es) = do
        evs <- mapM eval es
        ss <- mapM productionsSet evs
        return $ VSet (S.unions ss)
    eval (SetEnumComp es stmts) = do
        ss <- evalStmts (\(VSet s) -> S.toList s) stmts 
                        (mapM (\e -> eval e >>= productionsSet) es)
        return $ VSet (S.unions ss)
    eval (SetEnumFrom e) = do
        VInt lb <- eval e
        return $ VSet (S.IntSetFrom lb)
    eval (SetEnumFromTo e1 e2) = do
        VInt lb <- eval e1
        VInt ub <- eval e2
        return $ VSet (S.fromList (map VInt [lb..ub]))
    eval (SetEnumFromComp e1 stmts) = do
        ss <- evalStmts (\ (VSet s) -> S.toList s) stmts $ do
                VInt lb <- eval e1
                return [S.IntSetFrom lb]
        return $ VSet $ S.unions ss
    eval (SetEnumFromToComp e1 e2 stmts) = do
        ss <- evalStmts (\ (VSet s) -> S.toList s) stmts $ do
                VInt lb <- eval e1
                VInt ub <- eval e2
                return [S.fromList (map VInt [lb..ub])]
        return $ VSet $ S.unions ss
    eval (Tuple es) = mapM eval es >>= return . tupleFromList
    eval (Var n) | isNameDataConstructor n = do
        (dc, _, _) <- dataTypeInfo n
        return dc
    eval (Var n) = lookupVar n

    -- This is the most complicated process because it is actually a shorthand
    -- for external choice and internal choice.
    eval (Prefix e1 fs e2) =
            evalInputField :: Value -> [Field Name] -> TCPat -> S.ValueSet -> 
                (Value -> [Field Name] -> EvaluationMonad UProc) ->
                EvaluationMonad (Sq.Seq UProc)
            evalInputField evBase fs p s evalRest = do
                mps <- mapM (\v -> do
                    let (matches, binds) = bind p v
                    if matches then do
                        ev' <- combineDots evBase v
                        pid <- getParentScopeIdentifier
                        p <- updateParentScopeIdentifier (annonymousScopeId [v] pid) $
                                addScopeAndBind binds $ evalRest ev' fs
                        return $ Just p
                    else return Nothing) (S.toList s)
                return $ Sq.fromList $ catMaybes mps
            -- | Evalutates an input field, deducing the correct set of values
            -- to input over.
            evalInputField2 :: Value -> [Field Name] -> Pat Name -> 
                (Value -> [Field Name] -> EvaluationMonad UProc) ->
                (Sq.Seq UProc -> UProc) -> EvaluationMonad UProc
            evalInputField2 evBase fs p evalRest procConstructor = 
                    -- | The function to use to generate the options. If this
                    -- is the last field AND the last pattern in the current
                    -- field it uses 'extensions' to extend to a fully formed 
                    -- event, otherwise we use 'oneFieldExtensions' to extend 
                    -- by precisely one field.
                    extensionsOperator :: 
                        [Pat Name] -> Value -> EvaluationMonad [Value]
                    extensionsOperator ps | fs /= [] = oneFieldExtensions
                    extensionsOperator [p] = extensions 
                    extensionsOperator (p1:p2:ps) = oneFieldExtensions
                    -- | Converts a pattern to its constituent fields.
                    patToFields :: Pat Name -> [Pat Name]
                    patToFields (PCompDot ps _) = map unAnnotate ps
                    patToFields (PDoublePattern p1 p2) = patToFields (unAnnotate p1)
                    patToFields p = [p]

                    -- | Given a value and a list of patterns (from 
                    -- 'patToFields') computes the appropriate set of events and
                    -- then evaluates it.
                    evExtensions :: Value -> [Pat Name] -> [(Name, Value)] -> 
                        EvaluationMonad (Sq.Seq UProc)
                    evExtensions evBase [] bs = do
                        pid <- getParentScopeIdentifier
                        p <- updateParentScopeIdentifier (annonymousScopeId (map snd bs) pid) $
                                addScopeAndBind bs $ evalRest evBase fs
                        return $ Sq.singleton p
                    evExtensions evBase (PVar n:ps) bs | isNameDataConstructor n = do
                        (dc, _, _) <- dataTypeInfo n
                        evBase' <- combineDots evBase dc
                        evExtensions evBase' ps bs
                    evExtensions evBase (p:ps) bs = do
                        vs <- extensionsOperator (p:ps) evBase
                        mps <- mapM (\v -> do
                                let (matches, bs') = bind p v
                                if matches then do
                                    evBase' <- combineDots evBase v
                                    proc <- evExtensions evBase' ps (bs++bs')
                                    return $ Just proc
                                else return Nothing) vs
                        return $ F.msum $ catMaybes mps
                in do
                    ps <- evExtensions evBase (patToFields p) []
                    return $ procConstructor ps

            evalNonDetFields :: Value -> [Field Name] -> EvaluationMonad UProc
            evalNonDetFields evBase (NonDetInput p (Just e):fs) = do
                VSet s <- eval e
                ps <- evalInputField evBase fs p s evalNonDetFields
                if Sq.null ps then
                    throwError' $ replicatedInternalChoiceOverEmptySetMessage (unAnnotate e)
                else return $ POp PInternalChoice ps
            evalNonDetFields evBase (NonDetInput p Nothing:fs) = do
                POp _ ps <- evalInputField2 evBase fs (unAnnotate p) evalNonDetFields (POp PInternalChoice)
                if Sq.null ps then
                    throwError' $ replicatedInternalChoiceOverEmptySetMessage' (unAnnotate p)
                else return $ POp PInternalChoice ps
            evalNonDetFields evBase fs = evalFields evBase fs

            evalFields :: Value -> [Field Name] -> EvaluationMonad UProc
            evalFields ev [] = do
                p <- evalProc e2
                return $ PUnaryOp (PPrefix (valueEventToEvent ev)) p
            evalFields evBase (Output e:fs) = do
                v <- eval e
                ev' <- combineDots evBase v
                evalFields ev' fs
            evalFields evBase (Input p (Just e):fs) = do
                VSet s <- eval e
                ps <- evalInputField evBase fs p s evalFields
                return $ POp PExternalChoice ps
            evalFields evBase (Input p Nothing:fs) =
                evalInputField2 evBase fs (unAnnotate p) evalFields (POp PExternalChoice)
            evalFields evBase (NonDetInput _ _:fs) = 
                panic "Evaluation of $ after ! or ? is not supported."

            -- Takes a proc and combines nested [] and |~|
            --simplify :: UProc -> UProc
            --simplify (POp (PExternalChoice [p])) = simplify p
            --simplify (POp (PInternalChoice [p])) = simplify p
            --simplify (POp (PExternalChoice (ps@((PExternalChoice _):_))) =
            --    let extract (PExternalChoice ps) = ps in
            --    simplify (PExternalChoice (concatMap extract ps))
            --simplify (PExternalChoice ps) = PExternalChoice (map simplify ps)
            --simplify (PInternalChoice (ps@((PInternalChoice _):_))) =
            --    let extract (PInternalChoice ps) = ps in
            --    simplify (PInternalChoice (concatMap extract ps))
            --simplify (PInternalChoice ps) = PInternalChoice (map simplify ps)
            --simplify p = p
        in do
            ev@(VDot (VChannel n:vfs)) <- eval e1
            p <- evalNonDetFields ev (map unAnnotate fs)
            return $ VProc p --(simplify p)

    eval (TimedPrefix n e) = do
        -- Evaluate the prefix process
        p <- evalProc e
        Just (eventFunc, tockName) <- gets timedSection
        parentScope <- getParentScopeIdentifier
        let addTocker (POp PExternalChoice ps) =
                POp PExternalChoice (fmap addTocker ps)
            addTocker (PUnaryOp (PPrefix ev) p) =
                PUnaryOp (PPrefix ev) (makeTocker tockName (eventFunc ev) p)
            p' = addTocker p
            tocker = PUnaryOp (PPrefix (tock tockName)) procCall
            mainProc = POp PExternalChoice (tocker <| p' <| Sq.empty)
            procCall = PProcCall (procName $ scopeId n [] parentScope) mainProc
        return $ VProc procCall

    eval (AlphaParallel e1 e2 e3 e4) = do
        p1 <- evalProc e1
        p2 <- evalProc e4
        VSet a1 <- timedCSPSyncSet $ eval e2
        VSet a2 <- timedCSPSyncSet $ eval e3
        return $ VProc $ POp (PAlphaParallel 
                (S.valueSetToEventSet a1 <| S.valueSetToEventSet a2 <| Sq.empty))
                (p1 <| p2 <| Sq.empty)
    eval (Exception e1 e2 e3) = do
        p1 <- evalProc e1
        VSet a <- eval e2
        p2 <- evalProc e3
        return $ VProc $ PBinaryOp (PException (S.valueSetToEventSet a)) p1 p2
    eval (ExternalChoice e1 e2) = do
        p1 <- evalProc e1
        p2 <- evalProc e2
        let ps = (p1 <| p2 <| Sq.empty)
            (return $ VProc $ POp PExternalChoice ps)
            (\ tn _ -> return $ VProc $
                POp (PSynchronisingExternalChoice (tockSet tn)) ps)
    eval (GenParallel e1 e2 e3) = do
        ps <- evalProcs [e1, e3]
        VSet a <- timedCSPSyncSet $ eval e2
        return $ VProc $ POp (PGenParallel (S.valueSetToEventSet a)) ps
    eval (GuardedExp guard proc) = do
        VBool b <- eval guard
        if b then eval proc
        else maybeTimedCSP
                (lookupVar (builtInName "STOP"))
                (\ _ _ -> do
                    VFunction _ tstop <- lookupVar (builtInName "TSTOP")
                    tstop [])
    eval (Hiding e1 e2) = do
        p <- evalProc e1
        VSet s <- eval e2
        if S.empty s then return $ VProc p
        else return $ VProc $ PUnaryOp (PHide (S.valueSetToEventSet s)) p
    eval (InternalChoice e1 e2) = do
        ps <- evalProcs [e1, e2]
        return $ VProc $ POp PInternalChoice ps
    eval (Interrupt e1 e2) = do
        p1 <- evalProc e1
        p2 <- evalProc e2
            (return $ VProc $ PBinaryOp PInterrupt p1 p2)
            (\ tn _ -> return $ VProc $
                PBinaryOp (PSynchronisingInterrupt (tockSet tn)) p1 p2)
    eval (Interleave e1 e2) = do
        ps <- evalProcs [e1, e2]
            (return $ VProc $ POp PInterleave ps)
            (\ tn _ -> return $ VProc $ POp (PGenParallel (tockSet tn)) ps)
    eval (LinkParallel e1 ties stmts e2) = do
        p1 <- evalProc e1
        p2 <- evalProc e2
        ts <- evalTies stmts ties
        return $ VProc $
            PBinaryOp (PLinkParallel (removeDuplicateTies ts)) p1 p2
    eval (Rename e1 ties stmts) = do
        p1 <- evalProc e1
        ts <- evalTies stmts ties
        return $ VProc $ if Sq.null ts then p1 else
            PUnaryOp (PRename (removeDuplicateTies ts)) p1
    eval (SequentialComp e1 e2) = do
        p1 <- evalProc e1
        p2 <- evalProc e2
        return $ VProc $ PBinaryOp PSequentialComp p1 p2
    eval (SlidingChoice e1 e2) = do
        p1 <- evalProc e1
        p2 <- evalProc e2
        return $ VProc $ PBinaryOp PSlidingChoice p1 p2
    eval (SynchronisingExternalChoice e1 e2 e3) = do
        ps <- evalProcs [e1, e3]
        VSet a <- timedCSPSyncSet $ eval e2
        return $ VProc $ POp
            (PSynchronisingExternalChoice (S.valueSetToEventSet a)) ps
    eval (SynchronisingInterrupt e1 e2 e3) = do
        p1 <- evalProc e1
        VSet a <- timedCSPSyncSet $ eval e2
        p2 <- evalProc e3
        return $ VProc $
            PBinaryOp (PSynchronisingInterrupt (S.valueSetToEventSet a)) p1 p2
    eval (ReplicatedAlphaParallel stmts e1 e2) = do
        aps <- evalStmts' (\(VSet s) -> S.toSeq s) stmts $ do
            VSet s <- timedCSPSyncSet $ eval e1
            p <- evalProc e2
            return (S.valueSetToEventSet s, p)
        let (as, ps) = unzipSq aps
        maybeTSTOP ps $ return $ VProc $ POp (PAlphaParallel as) ps
    eval (ReplicatedExternalChoice stmts e) = do
        ps <- evalStmts' (\(VSet s) -> S.toSeq s) stmts (evalProc e)
            (return $ VProc $ POp PExternalChoice ps)
            (\ tn _ -> maybeTSTOP ps $ return $ VProc $
                POp (PSynchronisingExternalChoice (tockSet tn)) ps)
    eval (ReplicatedInterleave stmts e) = do
        ps <- evalStmts' (\(VSet s) -> S.toSeq s) stmts (evalProc e)
            (return $ VProc $ POp PInterleave ps)
            (\ tn _ -> maybeTSTOP ps $
                return $ VProc $ POp (PGenParallel (tockSet tn)) ps)
    eval (e'@(ReplicatedInternalChoice stmts e)) = do
        ps <- evalStmts' (\(VSet s) -> S.toSeq s) stmts (evalProc e)
        if Sq.null ps then
            throwError' $ replicatedInternalChoiceOverEmptySetMessage e'
        else return $ VProc $ POp PInternalChoice ps
    eval (e'@(ReplicatedLinkParallel ties tiesStmts stmts e)) = do
        tsps <- evalStmts' (\(VList vs) -> Sq.fromList vs) stmts $ do
            ts <- evalTies tiesStmts ties
            p <- evalProc e
            return (ts, p)
        if Sq.null tsps then
            throwError' $ replicatedLinkParallelOverEmptySeqMessage e'
        else do
            (tsps' Sq.:> (_, lastProc)) = Sq.viewr tsps
            mkLinkPar (ts, p1) p2 =
                PBinaryOp (PLinkParallel (removeDuplicateTies ts)) p1 p2
        return $ VProc $ F.foldr mkLinkPar lastProc tsps'
    eval (ReplicatedParallel e1 stmts e2) = do
        VSet s <- timedCSPSyncSet $ eval e1
        ps <- evalStmts' (\(VSet s) -> S.toSeq s) stmts (evalProc e2)
        maybeTSTOP ps $ 
            return $ VProc $ POp (PGenParallel (S.valueSetToEventSet s)) ps
    eval (ReplicatedSequentialComp stmts e) = do
        ps <- evalStmts' (\(VList vs) -> Sq.fromList vs) stmts (evalProc e)
        if Sq.null ps then
                (lookupVar (builtInName "SKIP"))
                (\ _ _ -> do
                    VFunction _ tskip <- lookupVar (builtInName "TSKIP")
                    tskip [])
        else return $ VProc $ F.foldr1 (PBinaryOp PSequentialComp) ps
    eval (ReplicatedSynchronisingExternalChoice e1 stmts e2) = do
        VSet a <- timedCSPSyncSet $ eval e1
        ps <- evalStmts' (\(VSet s) -> S.toSeq s) stmts (evalProc e2)
        maybeTSTOP ps $ return $ VProc $ POp
            (PSynchronisingExternalChoice (S.valueSetToEventSet a)) ps
    eval e = panic ("No clause to eval "++show e)

evalProcs :: Evaluatable a => [a] -> EvaluationMonad (Sq.Seq UProc)
evalProcs as = mapM evalProc as >>= return . Sq.fromList

evalProc :: Evaluatable a => a -> EvaluationMonad UProc
evalProc a = eval a >>= \v -> case v of
    VProc x -> return x
    _       -> panic "Type checker error"

removeDuplicateTies :: Sq.Seq (Event, Event) -> Sq.Seq (Event, Event)
removeDuplicateTies = Sq.fromList . nub . F.toList . Sq.unstableSort

evalTies :: [TCStmt] -> [(TCExp, TCExp)] -> EvaluationMonad (Sq.Seq (Event, Event))
evalTies stmts ties = do
    tss <- evalStmts (\(VSet s) -> S.toList s) stmts (mapM evalTie ties)
    return $ Sq.fromList (concat tss)
        extendTie :: (Value, Value) -> Value -> EvaluationMonad (Event, Event)
        extendTie (evOld, evNew) ex = do
            ev1 <- combineDots evOld ex
            ev2 <- combineDots evNew ex
            return (valueEventToEvent ev1, valueEventToEvent ev2)
        evalTie (eOld, eNew) = do
            evOld <- eval eOld
            evNew <- eval eNew
            -- Obviously evOld and evNew could be channels, or prefixes
            -- of events so we compute the extensions.
            -- TODO: this assumes extensions evOld <= extensions evNew
            exsOld <- extensions evOld
            mapM (\ex -> extendTie (evOld, evNew) ex) exsOld

-- | Evaluates the statements, evaluating `prog` for each possible 
-- assingment to the generators that satisfies the qualifiers.
evalStmts :: (Value -> [Value]) -> [TCStmt] -> EvaluationMonad [a] -> 
            EvaluationMonad [a]
evalStmts extract anStmts prog =
        -- | Progressively generates new values lazily
        evStmts [] = prog
        evStmts (Qualifier e:stmts) = do
            VBool b <- eval e
            if b then evStmts stmts else return []
        evStmts (Generator p e:stmts) = do
            v <- eval e
            vss <- mapM (\v -> do
                let (matches, binds) = bind p v
                if matches then do
                    pid <- getParentScopeIdentifier
                    updateParentScopeIdentifier (annonymousScopeId [v] pid) $
                        addScopeAndBind binds (evStmts stmts)
                else return []) (extract v)
            return $ concat vss
        evStmts (map unAnnotate anStmts)

-- | Evaluates the statements, evaluating `prog` for each possible 
-- assingment to the generators that satisfies the qualifiers.
evalStmts' :: (Value -> Sq.Seq Value) -> [TCStmt] -> EvaluationMonad a -> 
            EvaluationMonad (Sq.Seq a)
evalStmts' extract anStmts prog =
        evStmts [] = prog >>= return . Sq.singleton
        evStmts (Qualifier e:stmts) = do
            VBool b <- eval e
            if b then evStmts stmts else return Sq.empty
        evStmts (Generator p e:stmts) = do
            v <- eval e
            F.foldlM (\ s v -> do
                let (matches, binds) = bind p v
                if matches then do
                    pid <- getParentScopeIdentifier
                    s' <- updateParentScopeIdentifier (annonymousScopeId [v] pid) $
                                addScopeAndBind binds (evStmts stmts)
                    return $ s Sq.>< s'
                else return s) Sq.empty (extract v)
    in evStmts (map unAnnotate anStmts)

unzipSq :: Sq.Seq (a,b) -> (Sq.Seq a, Sq.Seq b)
unzipSq sqs = F.foldr 
    (\ (a,b) (as, bs) -> (a <| as, b <| bs) ) (Sq.empty, Sq.empty) sqs

timedCSPSyncSet :: EvaluationMonad Value -> EvaluationMonad Value
timedCSPSyncSet prog = do
    VSet a <- prog
        (return $ VSet a)
        (\ tn _ -> return $ VSet (S.union (S.fromList [tockValue tn]) a))

tSTOP :: EvaluationMonad Value
tSTOP = do
    VFunction _ tstop <- lookupVar (builtInName "TSTOP")
    tstop []

maybeTSTOP :: Sq.Seq a -> EvaluationMonad Value -> EvaluationMonad Value
maybeTSTOP sq p1 =
    maybeTimedCSP p1 (\ _ _ -> if Sq.null sq then tSTOP else p1)

tock :: Name -> Event
tock tn = UserEvent (tockValue tn)

tockValue :: Name -> Value
tockValue tn = VDot [VChannel tn]

tockSet :: Name -> EventSet
tockSet tn = Sq.singleton (tock tn)

makeTocker :: Name -> Int -> UProc -> UProc
makeTocker tn 0 p = p
makeTocker tn tocks p =
    PUnaryOp (PPrefix (tock tn)) (makeTocker tn (tocks-1) p)