    libmpd for Haskell, an MPD client library.
    Copyright (C) 2005-2007  Ben Sinclair <bsinclai@turing.une.edu.au>

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

-- | Module    : Network.MPD.Prim
-- Copyright   : (c) Ben Sinclair 2005-2007
-- License     : LGPL
-- Maintainer  : bsinclai@turing.une.edu.au
-- Stability   : alpha
-- Portability : Haskell 98
-- Core functionality.

module Network.MPD.Prim (
    -- * Data types
    MPD, MPDError(..), ACKType(..), Response,

    -- * Running an action

    -- * Errors
    throwMPD, catchMPD,

    -- * Interacting
    getResponse, close, reconnect, kill,
    ) where

import Control.Monad (liftM, unless)
import Control.Exception (finally)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Prelude hiding (repeat)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe
import Network
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error (isEOFError)

-- Data types.

-- The field names should not be exported.
-- The accessors 'connPortNum' and 'connHandle' are not used, though
-- the fields are used (see 'reconnect').
-- | A connection to an MPD server.
data Connection = Conn { connHostName :: String
                       , connPortNum  :: Integer
                       , connHandle   :: IORef (Maybe Handle)
                       , connGetPass  :: IO (Maybe String)

-- | The MPDError type is used to signal errors, both from the MPD and
-- otherwise.
data MPDError = NoMPD              -- ^ MPD not responding
              | TimedOut           -- ^ The connection timed out
              | Custom String      -- ^ Used for misc. errors
              | ACK ACKType String -- ^ ACK type and a message from the
                                   --   server.

instance Show MPDError where
    show NoMPD      = "Could not connect to MPD"
    show TimedOut   = "MPD connection timed out"
    show (Custom s) = s
    show (ACK _ s)  = s

-- | Represents various MPD errors (aka. ACKs).
data ACKType = InvalidArgument  -- ^ Invalid argument passed (ACK 2)
             | InvalidPassword  -- ^ Invalid password supplied (ACK 3)
             | Auth             -- ^ Authentication required (ACK 4)
             | UnknownCommand   -- ^ Unknown command (ACK 5)
             | FileNotFound     -- ^ File or directory not found ACK 50)
             | PlaylistMax      -- ^ Playlist at maximum size (ACK 51)
             | System           -- ^ A system error (ACK 52)
             | PlaylistLoad     -- ^ Playlist loading failed (ACK 53)
             | Busy             -- ^ Update already running (ACK 54)
             | NotPlaying       -- ^ An operation requiring playback
                                --   got interrupted (ACK 55)
             | FileExists       -- ^ File already exists (ACK 56)
             | UnknownACK       -- ^ An unknown ACK (aka. bug)

-- | A response is either an ACK or some result.
type Response a = Either MPDError a

-- Export the type name but not the constructor or the field.
-- This is basically a state and an error monad combined. It's just
-- nice if we can have a few custom functions that fiddle with the
-- internals.
newtype MPD a = MPD { runMPD :: Connection -> IO (Response a) }

instance Functor MPD where
    fmap f m = MPD $ \conn -> either Left (Right . f) `liftM` runMPD m conn

instance Monad MPD where
    return a = MPD $ \_ -> return (Right a)
    m >>= f  = MPD $ \conn -> runMPD m conn >>=
                              either (return . Left) (flip runMPD conn . f)
    fail err = MPD $ \_ -> return . Left $ Custom err

instance MonadIO MPD where
    liftIO m = MPD $ \_ -> liftM Right m

-- | Throw an exception.
throwMPD :: MPDError -> MPD ()
throwMPD e = MPD $ \_ -> return (Left e)

-- | Catch an exception from an action.
catchMPD :: MPD a -> (MPDError -> MPD a) -> MPD a
catchMPD m h = MPD $ \conn ->
    runMPD m conn >>= either (flip runMPD conn . h) (return . Right)

-- Basic connection functions

-- | Run an MPD action against a server.
withMPDEx :: String            -- ^ Host name.
          -> Integer           -- ^ Port number.
          -> IO (Maybe String) -- ^ An action that supplies passwords.
          -> MPD a             -- ^ The action to run.
          -> IO (Response a)
withMPDEx host port getpw m = do
    hRef <- newIORef Nothing
    connect host port hRef
    readIORef hRef >>= maybe (return $ Left NoMPD)
        (\_ -> finally (runMPD m $ Conn host port hRef getpw) (closeIO hRef))

-- Connect to an MPD server.
connect :: String -> Integer -- host and port
        -> IORef (Maybe Handle) -> IO ()
connect host port hRef =
    withSocketsDo $ do
        closeIO hRef
        handle <- safeConnectTo host port
        writeIORef hRef handle
        maybe (return ()) (\h -> checkConn h >>= flip unless (closeIO hRef))

safeConnectTo :: String -> Integer -> IO (Maybe Handle)
safeConnectTo host port =
    catch (liftM Just $ connectTo host (PortNumber $ fromInteger port))
          (const $ return Nothing)

-- Check that an MPD daemon is at the other end of a connection.
checkConn :: Handle -> IO Bool
checkConn h = isPrefixOf "OK MPD" `liftM` hGetLine h

-- Close a connection.
closeIO :: IORef (Maybe Handle) -> IO ()
closeIO hRef = do
    readIORef hRef >>= maybe (return ())
                             (\h -> hPutStrLn h "close" >> hClose h)
    writeIORef hRef Nothing

-- | Refresh a connection.
reconnect :: MPD ()
reconnect = MPD $ \(Conn host port hRef _) -> do
    connect host port hRef
    liftM (maybe (Left NoMPD) (const $ Right ())) (readIORef hRef)

-- | Kill the server. Obviously, the connection is then invalid.
kill :: MPD ()
kill = getResponse "kill" `catchMPD` cleanup >> return ()
    where cleanup TimedOut = MPD $ \conn -> do
              readIORef (connHandle conn) >>= maybe (return ()) hClose
              writeIORef (connHandle conn) Nothing
              return (Right [])
          cleanup x = throwMPD x >> return []

-- | Close an MPD connection.
close :: MPD ()
close = MPD $ \conn -> closeIO (connHandle conn) >> return (Right ())

-- | Send a command to the MPD and return the result.
getResponse :: String -> MPD [String]
getResponse cmd = MPD $ \conn -> respRead (sendCmd conn) reader (givePW conn)
    where sendCmd conn =
              readIORef (connHandle conn) >>=
              maybe (return $ Left NoMPD)
                    (\h -> hPutStrLn h cmd >> hFlush h >> return (Right h))
          reader h = getLineTO h >>= return . (either Left parseResponse)
          givePW conn cont (ACK Auth _) = tryPassword conn cont
          givePW _ _ ack = return (Left ack)

-- Get a line of text, handling a timed-out connection.
getLineTO :: Handle -> IO (Response String)
getLineTO h = catch (liftM Right $ hGetLine h)
                    (\err -> if isEOFError err then return $ Left TimedOut
                                               else ioError err)

-- Send a password to MPD and run an action on success.
tryPassword :: Connection -> IO (Response a) -> IO (Response a)
tryPassword conn cont =
    readIORef (connHandle conn) >>= maybe (return $ Left NoMPD) get
        get h = connGetPass conn >>=
                maybe (return . Left $ ACK Auth "Password required") (send h)
        send h pw = do hPutStrLn h ("password " ++ pw) >> hFlush h
                       result <- hGetLine h
                       case result of "OK" -> cont
                                      _    -> tryPassword conn cont

-- XXX suggestions for names welcome.
-- Run a setup action before a recurrent reader. If the reader returns
-- Nothing it has finished reading. If an error is returned a handler
-- is called with an action that, when invoked, will run the setup
-- action again and continue.
respRead :: IO (Either e a)                               -- setup
         -> (a -> IO (Either e (Maybe b)))                -- reader
         -> (IO (Either e [b]) -> e -> IO (Either e [b])) -- handler
         -> IO (Either e [b])
respRead sup rdr onErr = start []
    where start acc = sup >>= either (return . Left) (\x -> readAll x acc)
          readAll x acc =
              rdr x >>= either (onErr (start acc))
                               (maybe result (\y -> readAll x (y:acc)))
              where result = return $ Right (reverse acc)

-- Consume response and return a Response.
parseResponse :: String -> Response (Maybe String)
parseResponse s | isPrefixOf "ACK" s = Left  $ parseAck s
                | isPrefixOf "OK" s  = Right Nothing
                | otherwise          = Right $ Just s

parseAck :: String -> MPDError
parseAck s = ACK ack msg
        ack = case code of
                "2"  -> InvalidArgument
                "3"  -> InvalidPassword
                "4"  -> Auth
                "5"  -> UnknownCommand
                "50" -> FileNotFound
                "51" -> PlaylistMax
                "52" -> System
                "53" -> PlaylistLoad
                "54" -> Busy
                "55" -> NotPlaying
                "56" -> FileExists
                _    -> UnknownACK
        (code, _, msg) = splitAck s

-- Break an ACK into (error code, current command, message).
-- ACKs are of the form:
-- ACK [error@command_listNum] {current_command} message_text\n
splitAck :: String -> (String, String, String)
splitAck s = (code, cmd, msg)
    where (code, notCode) = between (== '[') (== '@') s
          (cmd, notCmd)   = between (== '{') (== '}') notCode
          msg             = drop 1 . snd $ break (== ' ') notCmd

          -- take whatever is between 'f' and 'g'.
          between f g xs  = let (_, y) = break f xs
                            in break g (drop 1 y)