{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
-- | Simply-typed Curry-style (nominal) lambda-calculus
-- with integers and zero-comparison
-- Type inference, of the type and of the environment, aka
-- conditional typechecking
-- This code does not in general infer polymorphic bindings as this is akin 
-- to higher-order unification.
-- The benefit of the approach: we can handle _open_ terms.
-- Some of them we type check, and some of them we reject. The rejection means
-- the term cannot be typed in _any_ type environment.
-- One often hears a complaint against typing: one can evaluate
-- terms we can't even type check. This code shows that we can type check
-- terms we can't even evaluate.
-- We cannot evaluate open terms at all, but we can type check them, 
-- inferring both the type as well as the _requirement_
-- on the environments in which the term must be used.
-- <http://okmij.org/ftp/Computation/Computation.html#teval>

module Language.TEval.TInfTEnv where

import qualified Data.IntMap as M

data Typ = TInt | !Typ :> !Typ | TV TVarName deriving (Show, Eq)
infixr 9 :>
type TVarName = Int

data Term = V VarName
          | L VarName Term
          | A Term Term
          | I Int
          | Term :+ Term                -- addition
          | IFZ Term Term Term          -- if zero
          | Fix Term                    -- fix f, where f :: (a->b)->(a->b)
            deriving (Show, Eq)

infixl 9 `A`
type VarName = String

-- | Type Environment: associating types with `free' term variables
type TEnv = [(VarName, Typ)]

env0 :: TEnv
env0 = []

lkup :: TEnv -> VarName -> Typ
lkup env x = maybe err id $ lookup x env 
 where err = error $ "Unbound variable " ++ x

ext :: TEnv -> (VarName,Typ) -> TEnv
ext env xt = xt : env

unext :: TEnv -> VarName -> TEnv
unext env v = case break (\(x,_) -> x == v) env of
                   (h,(_:t)) -> h ++ t
                   _         -> error $ "No variable " ++ v

env_map :: (Typ->Typ) -> TEnv -> TEnv
env_map f = map (\(x,t) -> (x,f t))

-- | Merge two environment, using the given function to resolve the conflicts,
-- if any
env_fold_merge :: TEnv -> TEnv -> 
                  (Typ -> Typ -> seed -> Either err seed) ->
                  seed -> Either err (TEnv,seed)
env_fold_merge env1 env2 f seed = foldr folder (Right (env1,seed)) env2
 folder _ s@(Left _) = s
 folder (x,t2) (Right (env1,seed)) | Just t1 <- lookup x env1 =
    case f t1 t2 seed of
      Right seed -> Right (env1,seed)
      Left  err  -> Left err
 folder xt2 (Right (env1,seed)) = Right (ext env1 xt2,seed)

-- | Type Variable Environment: associating types with `free' type variables
data TVE = TVE Int (M.IntMap Typ) deriving Show

-- | Allocate a fresh type variable (see the first component of TVE)
newtv :: TVE -> (Typ,TVE)
newtv (TVE n s) = (TV n,TVE (succ n) s)

tve0 :: TVE
tve0 = TVE 0 M.empty

tvlkup :: TVE -> TVarName -> Maybe Typ
tvlkup (TVE _ s) v = M.lookup v s

tvext :: TVE -> (TVarName,Typ) -> TVE
tvext (TVE c s) (tv,t) = TVE c $ M.insert tv t s

-- | Type variables are logic variables: hypothetical reasoning
tvsub :: TVE -> Typ -> Typ
tvsub tve (t1 :> t2) = tvsub tve t1 :> tvsub tve t2
tvsub tve (TV v) | Just t <- tvlkup tve v = tvsub tve t
tvsub tve t = t

-- | `shallow' substitution; check if tv is bound to anything `substantial'
tvchase :: TVE -> Typ -> Typ
tvchase tve (TV v) | Just t <- tvlkup tve v = tvchase tve t
tvchase _ t = t

-- | The unification. If unification failed, return the reason
unify :: Typ -> Typ -> TVE -> Either String TVE
unify t1 t2 tve = unify' (tvchase tve t1) (tvchase tve t2) tve

-- | If either t1 or t2 are type variables, they are definitely unbound
unify' :: Typ -> Typ -> TVE -> Either String TVE
unify' TInt TInt = Right
unify' (t1a :> t1r) (t2a :> t2r) = either Left (unify t1r t2r) . unify t1a t2a
unify' (TV v1) t2 = unifyv v1 t2
unify' t1 (TV v2) = unifyv v2 t1
unify' t1 t2 = const (Left $ unwords ["constant mismatch:",show t1,"and",
                                      show t2])

-- | Unify a free variable v1 with t2
unifyv :: TVarName -> Typ -> TVE -> Either String TVE
unifyv v1 (TV v2) tve =
    if v1 == v2 then Right tve
       else Right (tvext tve (v1,TV v2)) -- record new constraint
unifyv v1 t2 tve = if occurs v1 t2 tve
                      then Left $ unwords ["occurs check:",show (TV v1),
                                           "in",show $ tvsub tve t2]
                      else Right (tvext tve (v1,t2))

-- | The occurs check: if v appears free in t
occurs :: TVarName -> Typ -> TVE -> Bool
occurs v TInt _ = False
occurs v (t1 :> t2) tve = occurs v t1 tve || occurs v t2 tve
occurs v (TV v2) tve =
    case tvlkup tve v2 of
         Nothing -> v == v2
         Just t  -> occurs v t tve

merge_env :: TEnv -> TEnv -> (TVE -> (TEnv,TVE))
merge_env env1 env2 tve = 
 either error id $ env_fold_merge env1 env2 unify tve

-- | Type reconstruction: abstract evaluation
teval' :: Term -> (TVE -> (Typ,TEnv,TVE))
teval' (V x)   = \tve0 -> 
    let (tv,tve1) = newtv tve0
        env1      = ext env0 (x,tv)
    in (tv,env1,tve1)
teval' (L x e) = \tve0 ->
    let (tv,tve1) = newtv tve0
        env1      = ext env0 (x,tv)
        (te,env2,tve2) = teval' e tve1
        (env3,tve3)    = merge_env env2 env1 tve2
        env4           = unext env3 x
    in (tv :> te,env4,tve3)
teval' (A e1 e2) = \tve0 ->
    let (t1,env1,tve1) = teval' e1 tve0
        (t2,env2,tve2) = teval' e2 tve1
        (env3,tve3)    = merge_env env1 env2 tve2
        (t1r,tve4)     = newtv tve3
    in case unify t1 (t2 :> t1r) tve4 of
       Right tve -> (t1r,env3,tve)
       Left err  -> error $ err

teval' (I n) = \tve0 -> (TInt,env0,tve0)
teval' (e1 :+ e2) = \tve0 ->
    let (t1,env1,tve1) = teval' e1 tve0
        (t2,env2,tve2) = teval' e2 tve1
        (env3,tve3)    = merge_env env1 env2 tve2
    in case either Left (unify t2 TInt) . unify t1 TInt $ tve3 of
       Right tve -> (TInt,env3,tve)
       Left err  -> error $ "Trying to add non-integers: " ++ err
teval' (IFZ e1 e2 e3) = \tve0 ->
    let (t1,env1,tve1) = teval' e1 tve0
        (t2,env2,tve2) = teval' e2 tve1
        (t3,env3,tve3) = teval' e3 tve2
        (env4,tve4)    = merge_env env1 env2 tve3
        (env5,tve5)    = merge_env env4 env3 tve4
    in case unify t1 TInt tve5 of
       Right tve -> 
           case unify t2 t3 tve of
                Right tve -> (t2,env5,tve)       
                Left err  -> error $ unwords ["Branches of IFZ have different",
                                              "types. Unification failed:",err]
       Left err -> error $ "Trying to compare a non-integer to 0: " ++ err

teval' (Fix e) = \tve0 ->
    let (t,env,tve1)  = teval' e tve0
        (ta,tve2) = newtv tve1
        (tb,tve3) = newtv tve2
    in case unify t ((ta :> tb) :> (ta :> tb)) tve3 of
       Right tve -> (ta :> tb,env,tve)
       Left err  -> error $ "Inappropriate type in Fix: "++err

-- | Resolve all type variables, as far as possible
teval :: Term -> (Typ,TEnv)
teval e = let (t,env,tve) = teval' e tve0 
          in (tvsub tve t, env_map (tvsub tve) env)

-- Tests
(vx,vy) = (V "x",V "y")

test0 = teval' ((L "x" (vx :+ (I 2))) `A` (I 1)) tve0
-- (TV 2,[],TVE 3 (fromList [(0,TInt),(1,TInt),(2,TInt)]))

term1 = L "x" (IFZ vx (I 1) (vx :+ (I 2)))
test10 = teval' term1 tve0
-- (TV 0 :> TInt,[],TVE 3 (fromList [(0,TInt),(1,TInt),(2,TInt)]))

-- need a better presentation of the final result: cf. teval' and teval

test1 = teval term1 -- TInt :> TInt

termid = L "x" vx
testid = teval termid -- (TV 0 :> TV 0,[])

term2a = L "x" (L "y" (vx `A` vy))
test2a = teval term2a
-- ((TV 1 :> TV 4) :> (TV 1 :> TV 4),[])

-- Used to be hidden problem. The main benefit of types: static approximation
-- of program behavior
-- The terms with unbound variables no longer fail the type check.
-- We infer both the type and the environment
term3 = L "x" (IFZ vx (I 1) vy)
test3 = teval term3
-- (TInt :> TInt,[("y",TInt)]) 

-- That term is ill-typed in any environment...
term4 = L "x" (IFZ vx (I 1) (vx `A` (I 1)))
test4 = teval term4
-- compare the error message with that of test4a and test4b in TEvalNC.hs

term6  = (L "x" (I 1)) `A` vy
test61 = teval term6
-- (TInt,[("y",TV 1)])
test62 = teval $ (I 1) :+ vx
-- (TInt,[("x",TInt)])

-- But some terms still fail type-checking: no environment could
-- be found to make the term typeable
test63 = teval $ IFZ (vx `A` (I 1)) vx (I 2)
-- *** Exception: Branches of IFZ have different types. 
-- Unification failed: constant mismatch: TInt :> TV 1 and TInt

-- Here two branches of the conditional make inconsistent assumptions
-- about the environment
test64 = teval $ IFZ (I 1) (vx `A` (I 1)) (vx :+ (I 2))
-- *** Exception: constant mismatch: TInt :> TV 1 and TInt

tmul1 = L "x" (L "y"
          (IFZ vx (I 0)
            ((tmul1 `A` (vx :+ (I (-1))) `A` vy) :+ vy)))

testm1 = teval tmul1 -- is typechecking really decidable?

-- Can termY be typechecked?
delta = L "y" (vy `A` vy)
testd = teval delta 

tmul = Fix (L "self" (L "x" (L "y"
          (IFZ vx (I 0)
            (((V "self") `A` (vx :+ (I (-1))) `A` vy) :+ vy)))))

testm21' = teval' tmul tve0
-- (TV 5 :> TV 6,TVE 7 (fromList 
--     [(0,TInt :> TV 3),(1,TInt),(2,TInt),(3,TV 2 :> TV 4),
--      (4,TInt),(5,TInt),(6,TV 2 :> TV 4)]))

testm21 = teval tmul                       -- TInt :> (TInt :> TInt)
testm22 = teval (tmul `A` (I 2))           -- TInt :> TInt
testm23 = teval (tmul `A` (I 2) `A` (I 3)) -- TInt
testm24 = teval (tmul `A` (I (-1)) `A` (I (-1))) -- TInt

-- using the metalanguage definition of termid: `top-level let'
term2id = L "f" (L "y" 
               ((I 2) :+
                ((termid `A` (V "f")) `A` ((termid `A` vy) :+ (I 1)))))
test2id = teval term2id -- (TInt :> TInt) :> (TInt :> TInt)

-- using the metalanguage let
termlet = let c2  = L "f" (L "x" (V "f" `A` (V "f" `A` vx)))
              inc = L "x" (vx :+ (I 1))
              compose = L "f" (L "g" (L "x" (V "f" `A` (V "g" `A` vx))))
          in c2 `A` (compose `A` inc `A` inc) `A` (I 10) :+
             ((c2 `A` (compose `A` inc) `A` termid) `A` (I 100))
testlet = teval termlet -- (TInt,[])