{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, KindSignatures, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}

{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}

-- |
-- <http://okmij.org/ftp/Haskell/regions.html#light-weight>
-- Lightweight monadic regions
-- [The Abstract of the paper]
-- We present Haskell libraries that statically ensure the safe use of resources such as file
-- handles. We statically prevent accessing an already closed handle or forgetting to close it. The
-- libraries can be trivially extended to other resources such as database connections and graphic
-- contexts.
-- Because file handles and similar resources are scarce, we want to not just assure their safe use
-- but further deallocate them soon after they are no longer needed. Relying on Fluet and
-- Morrisett's calculus of nested regions, we contribute a novel, improved, and extended
-- implementation of the calculus in Haskell, with file handles as resources.
-- Our library supports region polymorphism and implicit region subtyping, along with higher-order
-- functions, mutable state, recursion, and run-time exceptions. A program may allocate arbitrarily
-- many resources and dispose of them in any order, not necessarily LIFO. Region annotations are
-- part of an expression's inferred type. Our new Haskell encoding of monadic regions as monad
-- transformers needs no witness terms. It assures timely deallocation even when resources have
-- markedly different lifetimes and the identity of the longest-living resource is determined only
-- dynamically.
-- For contrast, we also implement a Haskell library for manual resource management, where
-- deallocation is explicit and safety is assured by a form of linear types. We implement the linear
-- typing in Haskell with the help of phantom types and a parameterized monad to statically track
-- the type-state of resources.
-- Joint work with Chung-chieh Shan.
-- Handle-based IO with the assured open/close protocol, see README
-- This file contains the Security kernel. See SafeHandlesTest.hs for tests.
-- This is the final solution: lightweight monadic regions with
-- only type-level enforcement of region discipline

module System.SafeHandles 
    (IORT,                      -- constructors not exported

     IOMode(..),                -- re-exported from System.IO



     sNewIORef,                 -- IORef in SIO
     ) where

import System.IO
import Control.OldException
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.IORef
import Data.List (find)
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import GHC.IOBase (ioe_handle)

-- | The IO monad with safe handles and regions (SIO) is implemented as 
-- the monad transformer IORT (recursively) applied to IO.
-- Each region maintains the state listing all open 
-- handles assigned to the region.
-- Since we already have IO, it is easy to implement the state as a 
-- mutable list (IORef of the list) and make this reference
-- a pervasive environment. 
-- We could have used implicit parameters or implicit configurations to
-- pass that IORef around. Here, we use ReaderT.

-- Since we do IO with our handles, we may be tempted to make
-- the IORT transformer an instance of MonadIO. However, that would 
-- give the user the ability to do any IO and so defeat the safety
-- guarantees. The purpose of IORT is to restrict permissible IO
-- operations to an assured set. Since we do need something like MonadIO,
-- we define our own private version here, RMonadIO. It is not exported.
-- Unlike MonadIO, our RMonadIO also supports catching and 
-- handling of exceptions.
-- A region is identified by a label, a type eigenvariable (see 's'
-- in ST s).
newtype IORT s m v = IORT{ unIORT:: ReaderT (IORef [HandleR]) m v } 
    deriving (Monad)

type SIO s = IORT s IO

-- | A simple abstract data type to track the duplication of handles
-- using reference counting
data HandleR = HandleR Handle (IORef Integer)

close_hr :: HandleR -> IO ()
close_hr (HandleR h refcount) = do
    hPutStrLn stderr $ "Closing " ++ show h
    rc <- readIORef refcount
    assert (rc > 0) (return ())
    writeIORef refcount (pred rc)
    if rc > 1
       then hPutStrLn stderr "   Aliased handle wasn't closed"
       else hClose h

new_hr :: Handle -> IO HandleR
new_hr h = newIORef 1 >>= return . HandleR h

eq_hr :: Handle -> HandleR -> Bool
eq_hr h1 (HandleR h2 _) = h1 == h2

-- | Lift from one IORT to an IORT in a children region...
-- IORT should be opaque to the user: hence this is not the instance 
-- of MonadTrans
liftSIO :: Monad m => IORT s m a -> IORT s1 (IORT s m) a
liftSIO = IORT . lift

-- | Raise from one IORT to another: this class lets the user access
-- handles of an ancestor region
-- MonadRaise m1 m2 holds when either 
--  * m2 is the same as m1, or
--  * m2 is the sequence of one or more IORT applied to m1.
-- In other words, MonadRaise m1 m2 holds if m1 is an improper
-- `suffix' of m2.
class (Monad m1, Monad m2) => MonadRaise m1 m2

-- | The following is the general definition. It required the following extensions
-- > {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls, FunctionalDependencies #-}
-- > {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}
-- to implement the disjunction present in the definition of MonadRaise.
-- In particular, OverlappingInstances are needed for TEQ.

 -- more complicated implementation
instance (TEQ m1 m2 eq, MonadRaise' m1 m2 eq) => MonadRaise m1 m2

class (Monad m1, Monad m2) => MonadRaise' m1 m2 eq
instance (Monad m1, Monad m2) => MonadRaise' m1 m2 HTrue
instance MonadRaise m1 m2 => MonadRaise' m1 (IORT s m2) HFalse

data HTrue
data HFalse

class TEQ (a :: * -> *) (b :: * -> *) eq | a b -> eq
instance TEQ a a HTrue
instance TypeCast eq HFalse => TEQ a b eq


-- {-
-- A simpler implementation
instance Monad m => MonadRaise m m
instance (Monad m2, TypeCast2 m2 (IORT s m2'), MonadRaise m1 m2') 
    => MonadRaise m1 m2
-- -}

-- In GHC 6.6 and earlier, we could only write the following specialized
-- definition. It handles only the fixed number of levels.
instance Monad m => MonadRaise m m
instance Monad m => MonadRaise m (IORT s1 m)
instance Monad m => MonadRaise m (IORT s2 (IORT s1 m))
instance Monad m => MonadRaise m (IORT s3 (IORT s2 (IORT s1 m)))

-- | RMonadIO is an internal class, a version of MonadIO
class Monad m => RMonadIO m where
    brace :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> (a -> m c) -> m c
    snag  :: m a -> (Exception -> m a) -> m a
    lIO   :: IO a -> m a

instance RMonadIO IO where
    brace = bracket'
    snag  = catch'
    lIO   = id

-- | The following makes sure that a low-level handle (System.IO.Handle)
-- cannot escape in an IO exception. Whenever an IO exception is caught,
-- we remove the handle from the exception before passing it to the
-- exception handler.
catch':: IO a -> (Exception -> IO a) -> IO a
catch' m f = catch m (f . sanitizeExc)

bracket' :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> (a -> IO c) -> IO c
bracket' before after m = 
    bracket before after m `catch` (throwIO . sanitizeExc)

sanitizeExc :: Exception -> Exception
sanitizeExc e = 
    maybe e (\e -> IOException e{ioe_handle = Nothing}) $ ioErrors e

instance RMonadIO m => RMonadIO (ReaderT r m) where
    brace before after during = ReaderT (\r ->
        let rr m = runReaderT m r
        in brace (rr before) (rr.after) (rr.during))
    snag m f = ReaderT(\r -> 
                 runReaderT m r `snag` \e -> runReaderT (f e) r)
    lIO = lift . lIO

instance RMonadIO m => RMonadIO (IORT s m) where
    brace before after during = IORT
        (brace (unIORT before) (unIORT.after) (unIORT.during))
    snag m f = IORT ( unIORT m `snag` (unIORT . f) )
    lIO = IORT . lIO

-- | There is no explicit close operation. A handle is automatically
-- closed when its region is finished (normally or abnormally).
newRgn :: RMonadIO m => (forall s. IORT s m v) -> m v
newRgn m = brace (lIO (newIORef [])) after (runReaderT (unIORT m))
    where after handles = lIO (readIORef handles >>= mapM_ close)
          close h = catch (close_hr h) (\e -> return ())

runSIO :: (forall s. SIO s v) -> IO v
runSIO = newRgn

-- | Our (safe) handle is labeled with the monad where it was created
newtype SHandle (m :: * -> *) = SHandle Handle  -- data ctor not exported

-- | Create a new handle and assign it to the current region 
-- One can use liftIORT (newSHandle ...) to assign the handle to any parent
-- region.
newSHandle :: RMonadIO m => FilePath -> IOMode -> IORT s m (SHandle (IORT s m))
newSHandle fname fmode = IORT r'
 where r' = do
            h <- lIO $ openFile fname fmode -- may raise exc
            handles <- ask
            hr <- lIO $ new_hr h
            lIO $ modifyIORef handles (hr:)
            return (SHandle h)

-- | Safe-handle-based IO...
-- The handle is assigned to the current region or its ancestor.
-- So, we have to verify that the label of the handle is the prefix
-- (perhaps improper) of the label of the monad (label of the region).

shGetLine :: (MonadRaise m1 m2, RMonadIO m2) => SHandle m1 -> m2 String
shGetLine (SHandle h) = lIO (hGetLine h)

shPutStrLn :: (MonadRaise m1 m2, RMonadIO m2) => SHandle m1 -> String -> m2 ()
shPutStrLn (SHandle h) = lIO . hPutStrLn h

shIsEOF :: (MonadRaise m1 m2, RMonadIO m2) => SHandle m1 -> m2 Bool
shIsEOF (SHandle h) = lIO (hIsEOF h)

-- | Duplicate a handle, returning a handle that can be used in the parent
-- region (and can be returned from the current region as the result).
-- This operation prolongs the life of a handle based on a
-- _dynamic_ condition. If we know the lifetime of a handle statically,
-- we can execute liftSIO (newSHandle ...) to place the handle in the
-- corresponding region. If we don't know the lifetime of a handle
-- statically, we place it in the inner region, and then extend its lifetime
-- by reassigning to the parent region based on the dynamic conditions.
shDup :: RMonadIO m => 
         SHandle (IORT s1 (IORT s m)) -> IORT s1 (IORT s m) (SHandle (IORT s m))
shDup (SHandle h) = IORT (do
   handles <- ask >>= lIO . readIORef
   let Just hr@(HandleR _ refcount) = find (eq_hr h) handles
   lIO $ modifyIORef refcount succ
   lift $ IORT (do              -- in the parent monad
                  handles <- ask
                  lIO $ modifyIORef handles (hr:))
   return (SHandle h))

-- | It seems however that IOErrors don't invalidate the Handles.
-- For example, if EOF is reported, we may try to reposition the `file'
-- and read again. That's why in Posix, EOF and file errors can be cleared.

shThrow :: RMonadIO m => Exception -> m a
shThrow = lIO . throwIO

shCatch :: RMonadIO m => m a -> (Exception -> m a) -> m a
shCatch = snag

-- | Useful for debugging
shReport :: RMonadIO m => String -> m ()
shReport = lIO . hPutStrLn stderr

-- | make IORef available with SIO, so we may write tests that attempt
-- to leak handles and computations with handles via assignment

sNewIORef :: RMonadIO m => a -> m (IORef a)
sNewIORef = lIO . newIORef

sReadIORef :: RMonadIO m => IORef a -> m a
sReadIORef = lIO . readIORef

sWriteIORef :: RMonadIO m => IORef a -> a -> m ()
sWriteIORef r v = lIO $ writeIORef r v

-- | Standard HList stuff...
class TypeCast   a b   | a -> b, b->a   where typeCast   :: a -> b
class TypeCast'  t a b | t a -> b, t b -> a where typeCast'  :: t->a->b
class TypeCast'' t a b | t a -> b, t b -> a where typeCast'' :: t->a->b
instance TypeCast'  () a b => TypeCast a b where typeCast x = typeCast' () x
instance TypeCast'' t a b => TypeCast' t a b where typeCast' = typeCast''
instance TypeCast'' () a a where typeCast'' _ x  = x

class TypeCast2   (a :: * -> *) (b :: * -> *)   | a -> b, b->a
class TypeCast2'  t (a :: * -> *) (b :: * -> *) | t a -> b, t b -> a
class TypeCast2'' t (a :: * -> *) (b :: * -> *) | t a -> b, t b -> a
instance TypeCast2'  () a b => TypeCast2 a b
instance TypeCast2'' t a b => TypeCast2' t a b
instance TypeCast2'' () a a