#include module Systemd.Journal ( -- * Writing to the journal sendMessage , sendMessageWith , sendJournalFields , JournalFields -- ** Standard systemd journal fields , message , messageId , priority , Syslog.Priority(..) , codeFile , codeLine , codeFunc , errno , syslogFacility , syslogIdentifier , syslogPid -- ** Custom journal fields , JournalField , mkJournalField , journalField -- * Reading the journal , openJournal , Start(..) , Direction(..) , JournalEntry, JournalEntryCursor , journalEntryFields, journalEntryCursor, journalEntryRealtime , JournalFlag (..) , Filter (..) ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad (when, void) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Bits ((.|.)) import Data.Char (ord, toUpper) import Data.Data (Data) import Data.Foldable (for_) import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import Data.Int import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mappend, mempty) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup) import Data.String (IsString (..)) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Word import Foreign (Ptr, alloca, free, peek, throwIfNeg) import Foreign.C (CString, peekCString) import System.Posix.Types (CPid(..)) import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data () import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations as Uniplate import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text import qualified Data.UUID as UUID import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V import qualified Pipes as Pipes import qualified Pipes.Safe as Pipes import qualified System.Posix.Syslog as Syslog import qualified System.Posix.Types.Iovec as Iovec -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreign import ccall "sd_journal_sendv" sdJournalSendV :: Ptr Iovec.CIovec -> Int -> IO Int -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype JournalField = JournalField Text.Text deriving (Eq, Data, Hashable, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Monoid, Semigroup) instance IsString JournalField where fromString = JournalField . Text.pack . map toUpper -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Construct a 'JournalField' by converting to uppercase, as required by the -- journal. mkJournalField :: Text.Text -> JournalField mkJournalField = JournalField . Text.toUpper -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Extract the name of a 'JournalField'. journalField :: JournalField -> Text.Text journalField (JournalField f) = f -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A structured object of all the fields in an entry in the journal. You -- generally don't construct this yourself, but you use the monoid instance and -- smart constructors below. -- -- For example, -- -- > sendJournalFields (message "Oh god, it burns!" <> priority Emergency) type JournalFields = HashMap.HashMap JournalField BS.ByteString -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The human readable message string for this entry. This is supposed to be -- the primary text shown to the user. It is usually not translated (but might be -- in some cases), and is not supposed to be parsed for meta data. message :: Text.Text -> JournalFields message = HashMap.singleton (JournalField "MESSAGE") . Text.encodeUtf8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A 128bit message identifier ID for recognizing certain message types, if -- this is desirable. Developers can generate a new ID for this purpose with -- @journalctl --new-id@. messageId :: UUID.UUID -> JournalFields messageId = HashMap.singleton (JournalField "MESSAGE_ID") . Text.encodeUtf8 . Text.pack . UUID.toString -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A priority value compatible with syslog's priority concept. priority :: Syslog.Priority -> JournalFields priority = HashMap.singleton (JournalField "PRIORITY") . Text.encodeUtf8 . Text.pack . show . fromEnum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The source code file generating this message. codeFile :: FilePath -> JournalFields codeFile = HashMap.singleton (JournalField "CODE_FILE") . Text.encodeUtf8 . Text.pack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The source code line number generating this message. codeLine :: Int -> JournalFields codeLine = HashMap.singleton (JournalField "CODE_LINE") . Text.encodeUtf8 . Text.pack . show -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The source code function name generating this message. codeFunc :: Text.Text -> JournalFields codeFunc = HashMap.singleton (JournalField "CODE_FUNC") . Text.encodeUtf8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The low-level Unix error number causing this entry, if any. Contains the -- numeric value of @errno(3)@. errno :: Int -> JournalFields errno = HashMap.singleton (JournalField "ERRNO") . Text.encodeUtf8 . Text.pack . show -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Syslog compatibility field. syslogFacility :: Syslog.Facility -> JournalFields syslogFacility = HashMap.singleton (JournalField "SYSLOG_FACILITY") . Text.encodeUtf8 . Text.pack . show . fromEnum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Syslog compatibility field. syslogIdentifier :: Text.Text -> JournalFields syslogIdentifier = HashMap.singleton (JournalField "SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER") . Text.encodeUtf8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Syslog compatibility field. syslogPid :: CPid -> JournalFields syslogPid (CPid pid) = HashMap.singleton (JournalField "SYSLOG_PID") (Text.encodeUtf8 $ Text.pack $ show pid) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Send a message to the systemd journal. -- -- > sendMessage t == sendJournalFields (message t) sendMessage :: Text.Text -> IO () sendMessage = sendJournalFields . message -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Send a message and supply extra fields. -- -- Note: The @MESSAGE@ field will be replaced with the first parameter to this -- function. If you don't want this, use 'sendJournalFields' sendMessageWith :: Text.Text -> JournalFields -> IO () sendMessageWith text meta = sendJournalFields $ mappend meta $ message text -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Send an exact set of fields to the systemd journal. sendJournalFields :: JournalFields -> IO () sendJournalFields meta = void $ throwIfNeg (("sd_journal_send returned :" ++) . show) $ go id 0 (HashMap.toList meta) where go f n [] = V.unsafeWith (V.fromList (f [])) $ \iovecs -> sdJournalSendV iovecs n go f n ((k, v) : xs) = Iovec.unsafeUseAsCIovec (encodeKv k v) $ \messageIovec -> go (f . (++ [messageIovec])) (n + 1) xs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- encodeKv :: JournalField -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString encodeKv (JournalField k) v = Text.encodeUtf8 k `mappend` BS.singleton (fromIntegral $ ord '=') `mappend` v -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreign import ccall "sd_journal_open" sdJournalOpen :: Ptr (Ptr JournalEntry) -> #{type int} -> IO Int foreign import ccall "sd_journal_enumerate_data" sdJournalEnumerateData :: Ptr JournalEntry -> Ptr CString -> Ptr #{type size_t} -> IO #{type int} foreign import ccall "sd_journal_next" sdJournalNext :: Ptr JournalEntry -> IO Int foreign import ccall "sd_journal_previous" sdJournalPrevious :: Ptr JournalEntry -> IO Int foreign import ccall "sd_journal_add_match" sdJournalAddMatch :: Ptr JournalEntry -> Ptr a -> #{type size_t} -> IO Int foreign import ccall "sd_journal_add_conjunction" sdJournalAddConjunction :: Ptr JournalEntry -> IO Int foreign import ccall "sd_journal_add_disjunction" sdJournalAddDisjunction :: Ptr JournalEntry -> IO Int foreign import ccall "sd_journal_close" sdJournalClose :: Ptr JournalEntry -> IO () foreign import ccall "sd_journal_get_cursor" sdJournalGetCursor :: Ptr JournalEntry -> Ptr CString -> IO () foreign import ccall "sd_journal_seek_cursor" sdJournalSeekCursor :: Ptr JournalEntry -> CString -> IO #{type int} foreign import ccall "sd_journal_seek_tail" sdJournalSeekTail :: Ptr JournalEntry -> IO #{type int} foreign import ccall "sd_journal_previous_skip" sdJournalPreviousSkip :: Ptr JournalEntry -> #{type uint64_t} -> IO #{type int} foreign import ccall "sd_journal_wait" sdJournalWait :: Ptr JournalEntry -> #{type uint64_t} -> IO #{type int} foreign import ccall "sd_journal_set_data_threshold" sdJournalSetDataThreshold :: Ptr JournalEntry -> #{type size_t} -> IO #{type int} foreign import ccall "strerror" c'strerror :: #{type int} -> IO CString foreign import ccall "sd_journal_get_realtime_usec" sdJournalGetRealtimeUsec :: Ptr JournalEntry -> Ptr #{type uint64_t} -> IO #{type int} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Flags to specify which journal entries to read. data JournalFlag = LocalOnly -- ^ Only journal files generated on the local machine will be opened. | RuntimeOnly -- ^ Only volatile journal files will be opened, excluding those which are -- stored on persistent storage. | SystemOnly -- ^ Only journal files of system services and the kernel (in opposition to -- user session processes) will be opened. deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type JournalEntryCursor = BS.ByteString -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | An entry that has been read from the systemd journal. data JournalEntry = JournalEntry { journalEntryFields :: JournalFields -- ^ A map of each 'JournalField' to its value. , journalEntryCursor :: JournalEntryCursor -- ^ A 'JournalCursor' can be used as marker into the journal stream. This can -- be used to re-open the journal at a specific point in the future, and -- 'JournalCursor's can be serialized to disk. , journalEntryRealtime :: Word64 -- ^ The time (in microseconds since the epoch) when this journal entry was -- received by the systemd journal. } deriving (Eq, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A logical expression to filter journal entries when reading the journal. data Filter = Match JournalField BS.ByteString -- ^ A binary exact match on a given 'JournalField'. | And Filter Filter -- ^ Logical conjunction of two filters. Will only show journal entries that -- satisfy both conditions. | Or Filter Filter -- ^ Logical disjunction of two filters. Will show journal entries that -- satisfy either condition. deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | In which direction to read the journal. data Direction = Forwards -- ^ Read towards the end. | Backwards -- ^ Read towards the beginning. deriving (Eq) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Where to begin reading the journal from. data Start = FromStart -- ^ Begin reading from the start of the journal. | FromEnd Direction -- ^ Begin reading from the end of the journal. | FromCursor JournalEntryCursor Direction -- ^ From a 'JournalEntryCursor'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Opens the journal for reading, optionally filtering the journal entries. -- Filters are defined as arbitrary binary expression trees, which are then -- rewritten to be in conjunctive normal form before filtering with systemd -- to comply with systemd's rule system. openJournal :: Pipes.MonadSafe m => [JournalFlag] -- ^ A list of flags taken under logical disjunction (or) to specify which -- journal files to open. -> Start -- ^ Where to begin reading journal entries from. -> Maybe Filter -- ^ An optional filter to apply the journal. Only entries satisfying the -- filter will be emitted. -> Maybe Integer -- ^ The data field size threshold, or Nothing for no field size limit -> Pipes.Producer' JournalEntry m () openJournal flags start journalFilter threshold = Pipes.bracket (liftIO openJournalPtr) (liftIO . sdJournalClose) go where openJournalPtr = do journalPtr <- alloca $ \journalPtrPtr -> do _ <- throwIfNeg (("sdl_journal_open returned: " ++) . show) $ sdJournalOpen journalPtrPtr encodedJournalFlags peek journalPtrPtr for_ journalFilter $ applyFilter journalPtr case start of FromStart -> return () FromEnd d -> void $ do throwIfNeg (("sd_journal_seek_tail: " ++) . show) $ sdJournalSeekTail journalPtr when (d == Forwards) $ do throwIfNeg (("sd_journal_previous_skip" ++) . show) $ sdJournalPreviousSkip journalPtr 1 return () FromCursor cursor _ -> void $ BS.useAsCString cursor (sdJournalSeekCursor journalPtr) _ <- throwIfNeg (("sd_journal_set_data_threshold returned: " ++) . show) . sdJournalSetDataThreshold journalPtr $ case threshold of Nothing -> fromIntegral (0 :: Integer) Just n -> fromIntegral n return journalPtr encodedJournalFlags = foldl' (.|.) 0 (map encodeJournalFlag flags) applyFilter journalPtr = let cnf (Or a (And b c)) = And (Or a b) (Or a c) cnf (Or (And a b) c) = And (Or a c) (Or b c) cnf x = x addRule (And l r) = addRule l >> sdJournalAddConjunction journalPtr >> addRule r addRule (Or l r) = addRule l >> sdJournalAddDisjunction journalPtr >> addRule r addRule (Match k v) = BS.useAsCStringLen (encodeKv k v) $ \(ptr, len) -> sdJournalAddMatch journalPtr ptr (fromIntegral len) in addRule . Uniplate.transform cnf sdJournalDirection :: Direction sdJournalDirection = case start of FromStart -> Forwards FromEnd d -> d FromCursor _ d -> d sdJournalMove :: Ptr JournalEntry -> IO Int sdJournalMove = if sdJournalDirection == Forwards then sdJournalNext else sdJournalPrevious go journalPtr = do let readField = alloca $ \dataPtrPtr -> alloca $ \lengthPtr -> do ret <- sdJournalEnumerateData journalPtr dataPtrPtr lengthPtr if ret == 0 then return Nothing else if ret < 0 then c'strerror (negate ret) >>= peekCString >>= error . ("sd_journal_enumerate_data: " ++) else do dataPtr <- peek dataPtrPtr dataLength <- peek lengthPtr Just <$> BS.packCStringLen (dataPtr, fromIntegral $ dataLength) readFields acc = do field <- readField case field of Just f -> let (fieldName, fieldValue) = BS.break (== (fromIntegral $ ord '=')) f in readFields (HashMap.insert (JournalField $ Text.decodeUtf8 fieldName) (BS.tail fieldValue) acc) Nothing -> return acc progressedBy <- liftIO (sdJournalMove journalPtr) case compare progressedBy 0 of GT -> do entry <- liftIO $ JournalEntry <$> readFields mempty <*> (alloca $ \cursorStrPtr -> do sdJournalGetCursor journalPtr cursorStrPtr cursorCString <- peek cursorStrPtr BS.packCString cursorCString <* free cursorCString) <*> (alloca $ \realtimePtr -> do sdJournalGetRealtimeUsec journalPtr realtimePtr peek realtimePtr) Pipes.yield entry go journalPtr EQ -> when (sdJournalDirection == Forwards) $ do liftIO $ sdJournalWait journalPtr maxBound go journalPtr LT -> error $ "sd_journal_next: " ++ show progressedBy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- encodeJournalFlag :: JournalFlag -> #{type int} encodeJournalFlag LocalOnly = #{const SD_JOURNAL_LOCAL_ONLY} encodeJournalFlag RuntimeOnly = #{const SD_JOURNAL_RUNTIME_ONLY} encodeJournalFlag SystemOnly = #{const SD_JOURNAL_SYSTEM_ONLY}